Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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Trauma History Questionnaire (THQ)<br />

Purpose: To gather a history of exposure to potentially traumatic events. events.<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> utility: The THQ lists 23 traumatic events in three categories: crime-related, crime related, general<br />

disasters and trauma, and unwanted physical and sexual experiences. experiences.<br />

Respondents indicate<br />

lifetime occurrence, frequency, age at first occurrence, and relationship relationship<br />

to perpetrator.<br />

Groups with whom this instrument has been used: Adults.<br />

Norms: Forthcoming<br />

Format: Self-report, Self report, 24 items.<br />

Administration time: 5-15 15 minutes.<br />

Scoring time: Forthcoming<br />

Computer scoring? Forthcoming<br />

Administrator training and qualifications: Forthcoming<br />

Fee for use: Forthcoming<br />

Available from: Bonnie L. Green, Ph.D.<br />

Department of Psychiatry<br />

Georgetown University<br />

611 Kober Cogan Hall<br />

Washington, DC 20007<br />

202-687 202 687-6529 6529<br />

Email: greenb@guner.georgetown.edu<br />


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