Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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Screening Protocol and Processes<br />

�� Screening processes always should define a protocol for<br />

determining which clients screen positive and for ensuring<br />

that those clients receive a thorough assessment.<br />

�� Screening process establishes precisely how any screening<br />

tools or questions are to be scored and indicated what<br />

constitutes scoring positive for a particular possible problem<br />

(often called “establishing establishing cut-off cut off scores”). scores ).<br />

�� The screening protocol details exactly what takes place after<br />

a client scores in the positive range and provides the<br />

necessary standard forms to be used to document both the<br />

results of all later assessments and that each staff member<br />

has carried out his or her responsibilities in the process.<br />


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