Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
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Illness Management and Recovery<br />
�� Illness management and recovery are aimed at helping consumers<br />
acquire the information and skills needed to collaborate effectively effectively<br />
with professionals and significant others in their treatment, to<br />
minimize-the minimize the effects of the mental illness on their lives, and to be<br />
able to pursue personally meaningful goals.<br />
�� Variety of methods are aimed at helping consumers deal more<br />
effectively with their disorder, including psycho-education psycho education about<br />
mental illness and its- its treatment, teaching strategies that promote<br />
effective use of medication, developing relapse prevention skills, skills,<br />
and improving methods for coping with symptoms.<br />
�� Additional techniques that can be subsumed under the broad<br />
category of illness management and recovery include social skills skills<br />
training to address social dysfunction and cognitive therapy for<br />
psychosis.<br />
Adapted from Mueser, K., Torrey, W.C., Lynde, D., Singer, P. & Drake, R.E. (2003) and from the<br />
Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders, TIP 42<br />