Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
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Issues in Evidence-Based Evidence Based Practices<br />
Context Context<br />
When the circumstances surrounding the application of the practice practice<br />
change to<br />
the extent that the practice must be modified, the original evidence evidence<br />
or<br />
consensus base may well prove to be insufficient. Specifically, the<br />
generalization of findings across settings and populations can be be<br />
problematic<br />
when:<br />
�� the supporting evidence has been accumulated in the treatment of one disorder,<br />
but the application in question is for treatment of clients with combined or multiple<br />
disorders;<br />
�� the supporting evidence has been established in one field (either (either<br />
the mental<br />
health field or the substance abuse field), but the application of the treatment<br />
technique is in the other;<br />
�� the supporting evidence has been demonstrated for a co-occurring co occurring disorders<br />
population with particular characteristics (e.g., homeless) and in a particular<br />
setting (e.g., shelters), but the application in question is among among<br />
a co-occurring<br />
co occurring<br />
disorders group of clients with differing characteristics (women and children)<br />
and/or in another setting (prisons);<br />
�� the supporting evidence has been found to be effective among a subgroup subgroup<br />
of<br />
clients with co-occurring co occurring disorders who have specific demographic characteristics,<br />
characteristics,<br />
but the application is to be generalized to another subgroup who have different<br />
background characteristics (e.g., age, culture, language).<br />
Adapted from COCE Overview Paper Consensus- and Evidence-Based Practice<br />