Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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Issues in Evidence-Based Evidence Based Practices<br />

Transferability<br />

Even once established across a range of client groups and settings, settings,<br />

the<br />

transferability of treatment techniques and models is not assured. assured.<br />

Determining factors include:<br />

�� a treatment strategy must match the needs and functioning of the clients— clients as with<br />

any treatment intervention, the course of treatment proposed must must<br />

be jointly<br />

embraced (or at least tolerated) by both the client and the clinician; clinician;<br />

�� the successful application of an evidence-based evidence based practice requires both skills<br />

building and organizational readiness— readiness support structures and institutional<br />

commitment, as well as staff skills, need to be considered before before<br />

deciding to<br />

implement an evidence-based evidence based practice;<br />

�� the cost and personnel required for a given treatment must not exceed exceed<br />

the capacity<br />

of the treatment setting; similarly, new initiatives must conform conform<br />

to policy constraints<br />

that influence program functioning— functioning e.g., financial rewards or vouchers may be an<br />

effective strategy for encouraging program compliance, but may also also<br />

be a practice<br />

that is unacceptable to program governing bodies;<br />

Adapted from COCE Overview Paper Consensus- and Evidence-Based Practices<br />


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