Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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Issues in EBP Transferability (continued)<br />

(continued)<br />

�� the tendency is to assume more robust treatment effects than can be produced;<br />

unrealistically optimistic promises must be guarded against, even even<br />

when the treatment<br />

technique or model has clear evidentiary support— support in general, psychosocial<br />

interventions have weak to moderate effects (which may be one reason reason<br />

why repeated<br />

episodes of care appear beneficial), and a specific individual’s individual s response to treatment<br />

is not assured. A magic bullet has not been found for the treatment treatment<br />

of substance<br />

abuse or co-occurring co occurring disorders, although addiction treatment outcomes are no no<br />

less<br />

positive than those for diabetes, asthma, and hypertension (McLellan, (McLellan,<br />

Lewis, O’Brien O Brien<br />

& Kleber, 2000);<br />

�� evidence-based evidence based practice evaluations must assess the intervention’s intervention s usefulness in<br />

“real real world” world community programs, and additional study may be necessary to<br />

determine the effectiveness of research-based research based interventions in community-based<br />

community based<br />

program settings— settings efficacy established in federally funded research does not<br />

necessarily equate with effectiveness in real world settings, at least partly because<br />

studies typically use highly qualified treatment staff under close close<br />

supervision to<br />

preserve the fidelity of the intervention, conditions that are not not<br />

common to clinical<br />

settings.<br />

Adapted from COCE Overview Paper Consensus- and Evidence-Based Practices<br />


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