Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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The Mental Health Screening Form-III Form III<br />

(MHSF-III)<br />

(MHSF III)<br />

�� The Mental Health Screening Form-III Form III (MHSF-III) (MHSF III) has only 18 simple questions and is<br />

designed to screen for present or past symptoms of most of the main main<br />

mental disorders<br />

(Carroll and McGinley 2001).<br />

�� It is available to the public at no charge from the Project Return Return<br />

Foundation, Inc.<br />

�� The MHSF-III MHSF III was developed within a substance abuse treatment setting and it has<br />

face validity—that validity that is, if a knowledgeable diagnostician reads each item, it seems seems<br />

clear<br />

that a “yes yes” answer to that item would warrant further evaluation of the client client<br />

for the<br />

mental disorder for which the item represents typical symptomatology.<br />

symptomatology.<br />

�� The MHSF-III MHSF III is only a screening device as it asks only one question for each disorder<br />

for which it attempts to screen. If a client answers “no no” because of a misunderstanding<br />

of the question or a momentary lapse in memory or test-taking test taking attitude, the screen<br />

would produce a “false false-negative, negative,” where the client might have the mental disorder but<br />

the screen falsely indicates that the person probably does not have have<br />

the disorder.<br />

�� In a recent article the MHSF-III MHSF III is referred to as a “rough rough screening device” device (Carroll<br />

and McGinley 2001, p. 35), and the authors make suggestions about about<br />

its use,<br />

comments about its limitations, and review favorable validity and and<br />

reliability data.<br />

�� There is no operational manual for the MHSF-III. MHSF III. However, the article has useful<br />

information similar to material usually found in a manual.<br />


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