Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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MHSF-III MHSF III (continued)<br />

(continued)<br />

Purpose: The Mental Health Screening Form-III Form III was initially designed as a rough screening device for<br />

clients seeking admission to substance abuse treatment programs.<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> utility: The Mental Health Screening Form-III Form III is a brief inventory that can be successfully used<br />

by chemical dependency clinicians to screen for mental health problems problems<br />

commonly found among<br />

clients in substance abuse treatment programs. It is designed to to<br />

be a qualitative aid for non-mental non mental<br />

health staff to discover any past and/or present forms of psychopathology psychopathology<br />

of their clients.<br />

Groups with whom this instrument has been used: Adults<br />

Format: The instrument is comprised of 18 yes or no questions. It can be administered one on one by<br />

provider to client or be given directly to the client for self-administration. self administration. In either mode of<br />

administration, all “yes yes” answers should be reviewed and probed by the staff member in order order<br />

to<br />

determine how to use the information. The authors recommend that that<br />

for certain questions which<br />

receive a “yes yes” response, the client be referred to a mental health professional.<br />

professional.<br />

Administration time: 15 minutes<br />

Scoring time: 2 minutes<br />

Computer scoring? No<br />

Administrator training and qualifications: Minimal training required, non-clinician<br />

non clinician<br />

Fee for use: The Mental Health Screening Form-III Form III may be used, free of charge without permission.<br />

Available from: Jerome F. X. Carroll, PhD<br />

4318 Atlantic Avenue<br />

Brooklyn, NY 11224<br />

E-mail: mail: jfac4318@aol.com<br />


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