Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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Modified M.I.N.I. Screen (MMS)<br />

Available from: Medical Outcomes Systems, Inc.<br />

http://medical-outcomes.com<br />

http://medical outcomes.com<br />

�� A 22 item screening instrument that covers 3 major categories of<br />

psychiatric disorders: mood, anxiety, and psychotic.<br />

�� The MMS is part of the M.I.N.I. (Mini International<br />

Neuropsychiatric Interview) family of instruments which haves<br />

been translated into 43 languages and are used by mental health<br />

professionals and health organizations in more than 100<br />

countries.<br />

�� There are a number of other versions of the instrument available, available,<br />

including the a full structured diagnostic interview that covers 20<br />

disorders, the MINI Plus and the eMINI Software Suite.<br />


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