Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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�� 4 page, 22 item version for screening for mental<br />

health symptoms only (Mood, Anxiety, and<br />

Psychotic Disorders). Administration time: 5-10 5 10<br />

minutes.<br />

�� Adapted for use in substance abuse settings.<br />

MMS (continued)<br />

(continued)<br />

�� Contains a screen (1 question) for risk of self-injury. self injury.<br />

�� Can be administered by interviewer with minimal<br />

training or be self-administered.<br />

self administered.<br />

�� Instrument is divided into 3 sections; a summary<br />

score is used to determine the likelihood of mental<br />

illness. Scoring time

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