Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC
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Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS)<br />
Purpose: Designed to measure negative attitudes about the future; originally originally<br />
developed to predict who would<br />
commit suicide and who would not.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> utility: The Beck Hopelessness Scale is a 20-item 20 item assessment device designed to assess the extent of<br />
positive and negative beliefs about the future during the past week. week.<br />
It measures three aspects of<br />
hopelessness: feelings about the future, loss of motivation, and and<br />
expectations. There have been several<br />
studies that have supported the predictive validity of the BHS for for<br />
suicide attempts and completed suicide.<br />
Groups with whom this instrument has been used: Has been used with adolescents from age 13, but age 17<br />
and older is recommended.<br />
Norms? Yes.<br />
Format: Self-report Self report instrument, 20 true-false true false statements, written or oral.<br />
Administration time: 5-10 10 minutes.<br />
Scoring time: Score is calculated by summing the pessimistic responses for each each<br />
of the 20 items; 3 minutes.<br />
Computer scoring? No.<br />
Administrator training and qualifications: May be administered by a range of mental health workers but the the<br />
interpretation needs to be supervised by an appropriately trained trained<br />
clinical psychologist or psychiatrist.<br />
Fee for use: Complete kit $73.00 (includes manual, 25 record forms, and scoring scoring<br />
key).<br />
Available from: Harcourt Assessment, Inc.<br />
19500 Bulverde Road<br />
San Antonio, Texas 78259<br />
1-800 800-211 211-8378 8378<br /><br />