Biodiversity Guide - The Intertwine

Biodiversity Guide - The Intertwine

Biodiversity Guide - The Intertwine


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appendix G Metro Butterfly ChecklistG. Butterflies of the RegionPrimary Habitats Noted*UplandConifer-Bottomland/DeciduousRiparianForest Oak Prairie Forest Wetlands Shrublands Status In Metro AreaSkippers: Family HesperiidaeSilver-spotted Skipper X Has probably declined(Epargyreus clarus)Persius Duskywing (Erynnis persius) X X Generally uncommonPropertius Duskywing (Erynnis X Decline with loss ofpropertius)oaksDreamy Duskywing (Erynnis icelus) X X Generally uncommonTwo-banded Checkered Skipper X X Declining, but still(Pyrgus ruralis)commonCommon Checkered Skipper X Decline with loss of(Pyrgus communis)prairiesArctic Skipper (Carterocephalus X X Uncommon and haspalaemon)probably declinedJuba Skipper (Hesperia juba) X Uncommon in theWillamette ValleySachem (Atalopedes campestris) X ? Recent increase; usessuburban lawnsSonora Skipper (Polites sonora) X Decline with loss ofprairies; very rareWoodland Skipper (Ochlodes X X X X X Common andsylvanoides)widespreadDun Skipper (Euphyes vestris) X X X Associated with moistmicrohabitatsRoadside Skipper (Ambliscirtes vialis) X X X X ? Uncommon andinfrequently observedSwallowtails: Family PapilionidaeClodius Parnassian (Parnassius clodius) X X Declining; lost fromurban areasAnise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon) X X X X X Widespread; tolerantof disturbance.Western Tiger Swallowtail X X X X X Widespread; tolerant(Papilio rutulus)of disturbance.Pale Tiger Swallowtail X X X X Not common in(Papilio eurymedon)lowlands and cities225

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