Biodiversity Guide - The Intertwine

Biodiversity Guide - The Intertwine

Biodiversity Guide - The Intertwine


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egional conservation strategybiodiversity guideAppendix I Watershedsseasonal floods on the delta, to which cottonwoodgallery forests and associated vegetation wereadapted.organized a concerted effort to target priorityareas for restoring large, contiguous areas ofriparian and upland vegetation. A basin-wideearly detection and rapid response program isunder way, and participating organizations andvolunteers continue plantings on both public andprivate lands.Through 2010, the USDA Forest Service hadremoved almost half the miles of forest road inthe watershed.n Sandy River Water Trailhttp://www.ci.sandy.or.us/index.asp?Type=B_LIST&SEC={A61B8AFD-E527-4B75-AB89-C3DF2CA15D57}n Western Rivers Conservancy —www.westernrivers.org Josh KlingOther groups working in the Sandy include:U.S. Forest Service Columbia Gorge NationalCurrent Conservation Effortsn Sandy Basin Vegetation Restoration Coalition Scenic AreaIn 1999, a coalition of governmental and nongovernmentalorganizations formed the SandyPlan (SBVRC). <strong>The</strong> Nature Conservancy, Portland,OR97031 (541) 308-1700902 Wasco Street, Suite 200, Hood River, ORRiver Basin Partners to restore ESA-listed salmonand steelhead through a collaborative, sciencebasedOrganizations and Partners — Sandy River Basin SOLV (Steve Kennett)approach. <strong>The</strong> partnership includes moreGeneral inquiries about the Sandy River Basin 5193 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite B, Hillsboro,Partners can be directed to Chair Janet Senior Oregon 97124than a dozen organizations representing non-governmentalorganizations, including conservation Watershed Plans, Assessments, and Reports —at Portland Water Bureau: 503-823-4287. Other www.solv.org; 503-844-9571 ext. 318SRBP contacts are:and fishing groups, and government agencies. Sandy River BasinEcotrust Whole Watershed Restoration Initiative<strong>The</strong> Sandy River Basin Partners have developed <strong>The</strong> Sandy River Basin Partners Characterizationn Clackamas County —(Kate Carone)numerous studies and reports that document Report, Anchor Habitat Assessment, Short-termwww.co.clackamas.or.us Steve Hanschka721 NW Ninth Ave., Ste. 200 Portland, OR 97209existing conditions, address limiting factors for and Long-Term Aquatic Habitat Restorationwww.ecotrust.org/wwri; 503.467.0814nspecies, and provide a framework for restoring Strategies, and other reports are available on lineColumbia Land Trust — www.columbialandtrust.orgDan RoixFriends of Mt. Hoodhabitat for ESA-listed fish species in the Sandy at:http://www.friendsofmounthood.org/fmh.htmBasin.http://www.sandyriverpartners.org/background.n Freshwater Trust — www.thefreshwatertrust. Friends of Beaver Creek<strong>The</strong> Sandy River Basin Partner’s Anchor htmlorg/ Mark McCollisterFriendsofBeaverCreek@gmail.comHabitat Assessment and Long-Term Restoration <strong>The</strong> following plans prioritize actions in the lowerhttp://sites.google.com/site/friendsofbeavercreek/Strategy specifically identified the Sandy River Sandy River:n Metro — www.oregonmetro.gov Brian VaughnFriends of Sandy River Deltamainstem corridor as a key area for habitat restoration.<strong>The</strong> area is of very high ecological value (ODFW). 2010. Lower Columbia River Conser-Service — www.fs.fed.us/r6/mthood Lisa Norrisn Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlifen Mt. Hood National Forest, USDA Forest http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SRD_MUD/given the full life history needs of the fish species vation and Recovery Plan for Oregon Populationsand serves as an important rearing and migratorycorridor for juvenile and adult salmon and or.us/fish/CRP/lower_columbia_plan.aspwww.co.multnomah.or.us Roy Iwaiof Salmon and Steelhead http://www.dfw.state.n Multnomah County —4b. Washougal RiverLori Hennings, Metro and Jeff Azerrad,steelhead.n Bull Run Water Supply Habitat Conservationn National Marine Fisheries Service —Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife<strong>The</strong> Oregon Department of Wildlife’s LowerPlan http://www.portlandonline.com/water/www.nmfs.noaa.gov Ben MeyerColumbia River Conservation and Recovery Plan<strong>The</strong> Washougal River subbasin drains 160 squareindex.cfm?c=46157for Oregon Populations of Salmon and Steelheadmiles within the region. <strong>The</strong> majority of then Nature Conservancy — nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/oregonDan Bellidentifies the Sandy as key to recovery of the n Oregon Department of Environmental Qualitywatershed lies within Skamania County; theLower Columbia River salmon and steelhead Sandy River TMDL AnalysisWashougal River enters Clark County and drainsESUs. <strong>The</strong> recovery plan cites impaired physical http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/tmdls/sandy.htmn Northwest Steelheaders —to the Columbia River near the city of Camas.habitat quality and habitat access for the Sandywww.sandysteelheaders.org Mike Myrick<strong>The</strong> headwaters are in Gifford Pinchot Nationaln BLM Sandy River Basin Integrated ManagementPlanpopulations of coho, spring and fall Chinook, andForest. <strong>The</strong> upper mainstem Washougal flowsn Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife —winter steelhead, with key threats being relatedthrough a narrow, deep canyon until it reacheshttp://www.blm.gov/or/districts/salem/plans/www.dfw.state.or.us Todd Alsburyto stream cleaning, straightening and channelization,diking, wetland filling, and lack of largen Portland Water Bureau —the Columbia, where the river valley begins toSalmon Falls, about 15 miles upstream fromfiles/SRBIMP_Chapters34.pdfwood. Recommended actions include restoring n Salmon and Steelhead Runs and Relatedwww.portlandonline.com/water Steve Kucas widen. <strong>The</strong> lower 2 miles of the Washougal Riveroff-channel habitat and access to such habitat, Events on the Sandy River Basin: A Historicalare within the Columbia River floodplain. <strong>The</strong>n Sandy River Basin Watershed Council —particularly side channels, wetlands, and floodplains.http://www.portlandgeneral.com/commu-3,200 feet. Smaller watersheds within the subba-Perspectivehighest point in the watershed is approximatelywww.sandyriver.org Steve Wise<strong>The</strong> Sandy Basin Vegetation Restoration nity_environment/initiatives/protecting_fish/n USDI Bureau of Land Management —sin include Lacamas Creek and the lower, middle,Coalition, led by the Nature Conservancy, hassandy_river/river_history.aspxwww.blm.gov/nhp Bruce Zoellickand west forks of the Washougal River. Othertributaries include the Little Washougal River andShanghai, Cougar, Vogel, Hagen and260 Canyon creeks.261

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