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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Pollen</strong> <strong>Press</strong>INSIDETHISISSUE:G63 vs Oil 2Green Initiatives: 2Automatic PowerControllerWellness News: 3SodiumNew HPLC 4Natural Market- 4Place 2009Employee 4CornerFUTUREISSUES:New Spectrometer<strong>Graminex</strong> ThailandGreen Initiatives:Recycling ProgramUPCOMINGEVENTS:Corn City Festival2009August 22nd-23rdDeshler, OhioHealthy IngredientsJapan 2009October 14th-16thTokyo, JapanBooth # TBASupplySide West 2009November 11th-13thLas Vegas, NevadaBooth # 24107Manufacturing OfficeManufacturing 2-300 Road Facility CDeshler, 2-300 Road Ohio 43516 CDeshler, (419) Ohio 278-1023 43516V O L U M E I 1 , I S S U E 2<strong>Graminex</strong> RussiaNick Wagner, Alla Gomolko, Cynthia May, FrederickMay and Colleen May in the Red SquareIn March this year employees of <strong>Graminex</strong> LLC andfamily members traveled to Russia to meet with thepartners of <strong>Graminex</strong> Russia. <strong>Graminex</strong> Russia hasbeen a partner with <strong>Graminex</strong> LLC for more than 8years. Valerie Kirillov and Alla Gomolko are theadministrators of <strong>Graminex</strong> Russia. <strong>Graminex</strong> Russia<strong>Pollen</strong> Harvest 20092009 was a record rye pollen harvest. <strong>The</strong> weatherstayed warm and dry. Harvest started on May 23rdand lasted until the 29th. Five fields of rye were collectedduring that time consisting of over 700 acres.This year Heather May, Chief Operating Officer,successfully planted our crops on less acreage andstill achieved the larger harvest <strong>Graminex</strong> needed.<strong>The</strong> amount of rye harvested this year in volume was<strong>Graminex</strong>’s largest harvest to date.Harvesting equipment was operated without anyproblems thanks to our maintenance staff and thepurchasing of a new field truck. With better equipment<strong>Graminex</strong> was able to harvest more pollen in ashorter period of time. <strong>Graminex</strong> would like tothank all of its employees for their hard work duringharvest.Corporate OfficeCorporate 95 Midland Rd OfficeSaginaw, 95 Midland MI 48638 RdSaginaw, (989) Michigan 797-5502 48638J U L Y 2 0 0 9is the exclusive distributor for <strong>Graminex</strong> productsin Russia. In our meetings we discussed new productlaunches, distribution and sales. It was very informativefor both parties to be able to meet inperson.Once business was concluded, Alla Gomolko madespecial arrangements for us to see Moscow and St.Petersburg. In Moscow we toured the Red Squareand the Kremlin. Attending the Russian circus andthe ballet was a memorable experience. We traveledto St. Petersburg by train through the countryside.In St. Petersburg we were treated to a tour ofthe Hermitage and Catherine the Great’s SummerPalace.We would like to thank <strong>Graminex</strong> Russia for makingour trip memorable and for arranging all of theactivities. <strong>Graminex</strong> LLC is looking forward to avisit from <strong>Graminex</strong> Russia in November. <strong>Graminex</strong>LLC looks forward to a long and successful businessrelationship with <strong>Graminex</strong> Russia.Crane operator emptying incoming fieldtrucks into the drying bins.
VOLUME I1, ISSUE 2G63 Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract is a mixtureof the lipid soluble and water soluble portionsof the pollen extract. This formulationis used to produce <strong>Pollen</strong>Aid® capsules andtablets. Phytosterols and amino acids presentin our pollen act as indicators of effectiveness.Recently, <strong>Graminex</strong> sent multiplebatches of G63 Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract foranalysis on phytosterol contents. Test resultsindicated higher levels of sterols inG63 when compared to olive oil using advancedtesting methods.Various oils have been shown to containmoderate levels of naturally occurring phytosterols.1 Olive oil in particular has beenknown for its phytosterols. On averageolive oil contains 0.2% phytosterols. 2 In theanalysis of G63 Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract, itwas found that on average 2.9% of the lipidswere phytosterols. Of these various phytosterolsa few specific ones were higherthan others.Campesterol was the largest portion ofphytosterols found. On average itamounted to 30.5%. A similar compound d-7-campesterol was on average 28.0%.<strong>The</strong>se two compounds are present in oliveoil, but at very low levels. This was also thecase with many other phytosterols includingbrassicasterol, 24-metilencholesterol,campestanol, stigmasterol, d-5,23-stigmastadienol, sitostanol, d-5,24-stigmastadienol and d-7-avenasterol. 3Although olive oil contains more b-sitosterol, G63 still contained on average15.7%. With a wider variety of higher levelsof phytosterols <strong>Graminex</strong> Flower <strong>Pollen</strong>Extract is a more well rounded productfor natural phytosterol content than oliveoil. When looking at nutritional content,G63 is also better due to its very low saturatedfat content with an average of 0.95%.With oils and other natural ingredients highin phytosterols saturated fat content maybe much higher. With olive oil saturatedfats may range from 10.0-18.0%. Ideally forhealth foods and supplements there shouldbe little to no saturated fat.For supplements or functional foods, G63Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract is easily added toformulations to naturally increase phytosterolslevels.Page 2Phytosterols in G63 Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> ExtractGreen Initiatives: Power ControllerIn its efforts to become more efficient andconsume less energy, <strong>Graminex</strong> has recentlyinstalled an Automatic Power Controllerfrom StacoVAR. This controller has advancedcomputerized technology, speciallyengineered to optimize energy savings. Withthe rising costs of electricity, this is a veryimportant additional measure to containcosts.<strong>The</strong> power controller is designed to ensurethat each motor consumes just enough electricalenergy to meet the requirementsplaced on it. In sustaining the appropriateinput levels of energy to a motor, motorperformance is enhanced and overall wearand tear on the motor is reduced. In additionthe controller also stops excess energybeing spent but not used. With increasedmotor reliability, <strong>Graminex</strong> is counting onless downtime due to motor and electricalfailure, especially during peak usage at harvest.When motors malfunction during harvest,<strong>Graminex</strong> risks losing valuable product.In the event of uneven power from the utilitycompany and power surges, the powercontroller adds safety mechanisms to protectthe electrical equipment in the facility.In the bigger picture, <strong>Graminex</strong> is lookingforward to lower motor maintenance costs,reduced operating costs with less downtime,more efficient use of electrical power,reduced equipment failure and stoppingexcessive power usage in the facility.After ten years of running the manufacturingfacility in Deshler, Ohio, <strong>Graminex</strong> is alwaystrying to develop new and innovative waysof being a green manufacturer and an environmentallyresponsible company.<strong>Graminex</strong> hopes to continue finding moreways to streamline our operation and makeit more efficient and environmentallyfriendly.1. Piironen V, Toivo J, Puupponen-Pimia R, Lampi AM.Plant sterols in vegetables, fruits, and berries. J Sci FoodAgric. 2003;83:330-3372. Approval<strong>Graminex</strong> LLC is pleased to announce that<strong>Graminex</strong> Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract hasbeen recently approved for health claims inthe United Kingdom. Health claims formaintenance of normal urinary functionand prostate health were both given approval.<strong>Graminex</strong> <strong>Pollen</strong>Aid® will be exclusivelydistributed by PharmaSav Ltd. under theNutraFX label throughout the UK. CynthiaMay is confident that a partnership withPharmaSav will help to facilitate<strong>Graminex</strong>’s goal in supplying the internationalmarkets with Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extractsof pharmaceutical quality.Yvette Hastings, CEO of NutraFX Ltd. is“extremely pleased that the evidence submittedfor the efficacy of <strong>Graminex</strong> <strong>Pollen</strong>Aidhas been accepted by the UK authorities.“StacoVAR Automatic Power Controllerat the manufacturing facility
VOLUME I1, ISSUE 2Wellness News: SodiumDo you know how much sodium you consumein one day or where it comes from?Some may come from table salt, but thevast majority comes from other sources.With more and more health issues beinglinked to sodium, it is important to knowexactly how much you are consuming on adaily basis.Sodium is a nutrient our body needs thatcan be found in salt and other foods. It isessential for life and good health and cannotbe manufactured by the body. It is a vitalcomponent in all fluids in the body, includingsweat and blood. Its presence helps tomaintain the proper balance of fluids in thebody and the acid-base balance of bodilyfluids. Sodium is often used to enhance theflavor of foods, but it is also used for preservation,improving texture and ensuringthe safety of some foods. Although it is anecessary nutrient, most of the world’spopulation consumes more than the body’sminimum required daily amounts. 1Iodine enriched sodium is historically importantdue to its role in reducing healthproblems such as hypothyroidism. Lack ofiodine in the body interferes with the productionof important hormones and causesgoiters. It also may cause mental retardationin babies or small children. In most ofthe developed world this is no longer anissue due to the addition of iodine to tablesalt. So while reducing the amount of sodiumin your diet, be careful to maintain theappropriate amount of iodine.Research has been shown to link high sodiumand salt intake with high blood pressureor hypertension. This condition is amajor risk factor for heart disease, stroke,and kidney disease. With higher blood pressuresmore force is placed on blood vesselwalls and the flow of blood is restricted toorgans. <strong>The</strong> extra pressure can weakenblood vessels over time and make them lessflexible, causing hardening.In addition to problems with blood vessels,increased sodium levels also leads to increasedlevels of calcium in the urine orhypercalcuria. This is a common risk factorfor the formation of kidney stones. Excesssodium in the blood is filtered out throughthe kidneys, making them work muchharder. Restricting the intake of sodium ispart of the dietary management of acuteand chronic kidney diseases.According to the Mayo Clinic the mainsource of sodium is found in processed andprepared foods. 2 Around 77% of the averageadult’s sodium intake comes from processedand prepared foods. <strong>The</strong> amount ofsodium considered for good health in adultsis 1,500 mg per day, with the absolutemaximum being 2,300 mg per day with noadverse health effects. 3 <strong>The</strong> average adultconsumes over 3,400 mg per day. 4 That isover twice what is necessary for yourhealth.So how do you find the sodium in foods?Read the labels. <strong>The</strong> label will tell you howmany milligrams of sodium are present inthe product, as well as what the sodiumcontaining ingredient is. Look for labelslisting the following ingredients: monosodiumglutamate (MSG), baking soda, bakingpowder, disodium phosphate, sodium alginate,sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite. Byconsuming fewer food products containingthese ingredients you will be able to loweryour sodium intake to a healthier level.Despite having a salt shaker on the table,only 5% of the sodium consumed is addedafter cooking.Trying to maintain a reduced sodium dietdoes not have to be hard. You can cut outsodium in the following ways: Eating more fresh foods, such as fruitsand vegetables instead of processedfoods Cutting back on cured meats, such asham, bacon, salami and bolognaPage 3 Watching the amount of pop and clubsoda you drink Buying low sodium products Removing salt from recipes wheneverpossible, especially in casseroles andstews Limiting the use of sodium containingcondiments Using herbs and spices to enhancefood flavors instead of salt Rinsing canned foods, such as vegetablesor legumes before cooking Reducing the intake of fast foods andeating out in restaurants Asking for salad dressings and saucesto be on the side so you can controlthe amount on your meal Reading the nutrition labels on foodsyou purchase at the storeKeeping sodium at a healthy level in yourbody is very important to maintain normalbodily functions. Although excess sodiumhas been linked as a risk factor for manydiseases and health issues, total eliminationcan also cause health problems. By followingthe guidelines above we hope that youwill be able to maintain your sodium intakeat a healthy level for a better life.Chart showing percent consumption inthe average adult diet. 51. Health Canada. Nutritional News.4. Mattes, RD, Donnelly, D. Relative contributions ofdietary sodium sources. Journal of the American Collegeof Nutrition. 1991 Aug;10(4):383-393.
VOLUME I1, ISSUE 2Lab Equipment: HPLCHPLC unit and its operating system.Employee CornerKimberly BonnerPurchasing Agent<strong>Graminex</strong> has recently purchased a newHPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)unit from Agilent Technologies. Itwill be used for testing amino acid contentin our Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extracts. By bringingadditional testing capacity in house we areable to get faster turn around times of testresults.This particular model is capable of analysisthat is 20 times faster than conventionalHPLC. Also, being a newer technology, ithas near-zero sample carry over for highersample quality.<strong>Graminex</strong> has begun using this HPLC foramino acid testing. Testing methods andNatural MarketPlace 2009Natural MarketPlace was in Las Vegas, Nevada.<strong>The</strong> show lasted two days, July 10thand 11th. <strong>The</strong> tradeshow was very successfulfor <strong>Graminex</strong>. It enabled us to talk tomany of our customers who use <strong>Graminex</strong>Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extracts in their products.It also gave us the opportunity to educatethe market place on the varied uses ofFlower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract and its differentformulations. Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extracts areused in men’s products for prostate support.More recently <strong>Graminex</strong> has broadened theapplication of Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract intowomen’s health products, antioxidant supplements,cosmetics, beverages and food.It is very useful to consult with customers attradeshows to disseminate new informationavailable on <strong>Graminex</strong> Flower <strong>Pollen</strong> Extract,including new marketing data as wellas new clinical trials and studies that wereconducted. Tradeshows also give <strong>Graminex</strong>the chance to assess market changes and topursue potential customers.This quarter’s spotlight employee is KimberlyBonner. She has been working for<strong>Graminex</strong> since 2006. Kim has been ourpurchasing agent at the Deshler, Ohiofacility for the past two years. She has hadmany other previous jobs with the company,but her strong negotiation skillshave made her an excellent purchasingagent. As purchasing agent she conductsall the buying for the company and makesdecisions regarding costs and quality of allthe supplies that are needed for<strong>Graminex</strong> to operate.This includes making sure that the appropriatepurchases are made on time andPage 4procedures have already been put in placespecifically to test <strong>Graminex</strong> Flower <strong>Pollen</strong>Extracts. <strong>The</strong> new HPLC will also beused for testing pesticides, nitrogen, aflatoxins,and vitamins. <strong>Graminex</strong> will continueto develop testing methods for theHPLC and add them to our in house capabilities.Justin Ritter, Laboratory Manager andRegulatory Affairs, is “excited that<strong>Graminex</strong> now has additional HPLC testingcapabilities in house, as turn around timeswill be reduced from 2 weeks to 15 minutes.It will also be an invaluable asset forfuture R&D projects.”anticipating delays from certain suppliersto avoid set backs. She consults with variouscompanies to make sure that<strong>Graminex</strong> gets the lowest pricing on whatis necessary. Once supplies arrive Kimalso inspects them to make sure that theymeet the qualities specified. In addition toall of this, order forms and purchase ordersare filled out or approved by her.<strong>Graminex</strong> is very happy to have Kim asand employee. Thanks to all of her hardwork <strong>Graminex</strong> has saved a lot of timeand money. Everyone at <strong>Graminex</strong> looksforward to working with Kim in the future.Suggestions or submissions for future articles can be emailed to the Editor Colleen May at