the apostle paul's missionary travel companions - The Christian ...

the apostle paul's missionary travel companions - The Christian ...

the apostle paul's missionary travel companions - The Christian ...


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Some may be surprised that such an epistle should form part of <strong>the</strong> inspired word. But it is 'profitable': for fifteenhundred years slaves were extensively owned by <strong>Christian</strong>s. Many may never have thought of seeking <strong>the</strong>irconversion, or may have been prejudiced against it. A Boer in South Africa, though a <strong>Christian</strong> himself, once told apreacher that he was sure he might as well preach to <strong>the</strong> dogs as to his African servants. God saw <strong>the</strong> need of suchan epistle. <strong>The</strong> slave had become 'a bro<strong>the</strong>r beloved.'PRISCILLA “old fashioned, ancient”She was <strong>the</strong> wife of Aquila. She and her husband are called by Paul "my fellow-workers in Christ Jesus." Paul met<strong>the</strong>m at Corinth, and <strong>the</strong>y <strong>travel</strong>ed with him to Ephesus, where <strong>the</strong>y were enabled to expound unto Apollos <strong>the</strong>way of God more perfectly. Priscilla is three times mentioned before her husband when God would emphasize <strong>the</strong>role of a godly woman. Acts 18:18, 26; Rom. 16: 3; 2 Tim. 4: 19.SECUNDUS “second”He was a believer of <strong>The</strong>ssalonica, and for a time a companion of Paul. Acts 20: 4.SILAS “three, or <strong>the</strong> third”He was a 'chief man' among <strong>the</strong> brethren and a prophet. He was sent to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas, after <strong>the</strong>council of <strong>the</strong> church at Jerusalem concerning Gentiles keeping <strong>the</strong> law. He accompanied Paul in his second<strong>missionary</strong> journey, and was imprisoned with him at Philippi. Acts 15: 22-40; Acts 16: 19-25, 29; Acts 17: 4-15;Acts 18: 5. <strong>The</strong> name is an abbreviation of SILVANUS. He is mentioned along with Timothy in <strong>the</strong> epistles of Paul 2Cor 1:19; 1 Th 1:1; 2 Th 1:1.SOPATER “saving fa<strong>the</strong>r”A believer of Berea who accompanied Paul from Greece into Asia. Acts 20: 4. <strong>The</strong> Editors of <strong>the</strong> Greek Testamentadd '[son] of Pyrrhus.' <strong>The</strong> name Sosipater appears nowhere else in <strong>the</strong> New Testament. Luke even calls himSopater, which is <strong>the</strong> nickname for Sosipater, while Paul calls him by his full name.TERTIUS “<strong>the</strong> third”He was <strong>the</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> who wrote <strong>the</strong> Epistle to <strong>the</strong> Romans at Paul's dictation, and who sent his own salutation to<strong>the</strong> saints. Rom. 16: 22.TIMOTHY “honouring God”In Timothy Paul saw one who appreciated <strong>the</strong> sacredness of <strong>the</strong> work of a minister; who was not appalled at <strong>the</strong>prospect of suffering and persecution; and who was willing to be taught. Timothy's fa<strong>the</strong>r was a Greek and hismo<strong>the</strong>r a Jewess. From a child he had known <strong>the</strong> Scriptures. <strong>The</strong> piety that he saw in his mixed home life wassound and sensible but likely provided a need for decision. <strong>The</strong> faith of his mo<strong>the</strong>r and his grandmo<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong>sacred oracles was to him a constant reminder of <strong>the</strong> blessing in doing God's will. <strong>The</strong> word of God was <strong>the</strong> rule bywhich <strong>the</strong>se two godly women had guided Timothy. <strong>The</strong> spiritual power of <strong>the</strong> lessons that he had received from<strong>the</strong>m kept him pure in speech and unsullied by <strong>the</strong> evil influences with which he was surrounded. Thus his homeinstructors had co-operated with God in preparing him to bear burdens.10

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