PONSSE News 1/2011 ENG In English

PONSSE News 1/2011 ENG In English

PONSSE News 1/2011 ENG In English

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Hardware, sofTware and servicedO yOu WaNT uS TOWraP iT uP fOr yOu?Ponsse Performance Packages – designed To enHance macHineProducTivenessPerformance Packages are pre-selected spareparts kits designed to meet the needs of forestmachine contractors, and they allow upgradinga machine back to its original condition.Performance Packages include a variety of optionsfor the purposes of upgrading harvesterheads, cranes and base machines. <strong>PONSSE</strong>Performance Packages are designed to enhancethe performance of machines and toupgrade older machines to the level of currentforest machine technology.A forest machine's operating life dependson a variety of factors: regular service, economicaluse, the retention of technical efficiencyand the availability of spare parts. Tosecure the last two of these – technical efficiencyand the availability of spare parts –Ponsse now offers an entirely new productfamily.Through <strong>PONSSE</strong> Performance Packages,Ponsse supplies the market with a widerangingselection of spare-parts kits. Thepackages are designed for more thoroughoverhauls and modernisations of forest machines.With Performance Packages, evenolder machines can be upgraded to meet thedemands of modern harvesting, whether thesubject of the upgrade is the machine's informationsystem, harvester head, forwarder'sscale or crane.The range of Performance Packages includesa variety of means for improving theproductivity of a machine. Some of the packageshave been designed so that technologywhich is outdated or soon to be removed fromuse is replaced with modern counterparts.This ensures machines' future operation(for example, Opti5 upgrades). Other packagesare designed to replace parts exposed towear and tear and to expedite servicing operations(these include measuring wheel packagesand sleeve kits). Certain packages (suchas scale packages) can also provide older machineswith wholly new features.Our selection, composed of nearly onehundred different Performance Packages, isdescribed in more detail in the <strong>PONSSE</strong> Servicecatalogue. The development of PerformancePackages is overseen by the IisalmibasedOlli Koljonen, head of product groupdesign."The original starting point for the developmentof Performance Packages was feedbackreceived from customers. Hence futuredevelopment will also include cooperationwith our customers," says Olli Koljonen."We are more than happy to receive feedbackon the functionality of PerformancePackages and new ideas."18Ponsse <strong>News</strong> 1 • <strong>2011</strong>

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