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SPEAKOUTvery similar to that. Kept me alive, Ithink. Nothing else worked.The series of “letters” from the past(Sixgunner, John Taffin, Jan/Feb 2010)reached a zenith for me that will behard to pass after John Taffin’s treatmentof Elmer Keith and the developmentof the .44 Magnum. I’ve oftenthought myself about how I’d like towrite a letter to someone from “backthen.” Do it some more!Jan GerstnerDelafield, WISighting-InI recently purchased a newhandgun. What is the proper way tosight in the gun? Is there an article orbrochure available. If the rear sightneeds to be changed, what is the properway to do this?Tom StradeVia e-mailTom, I’ve asked Duke to do an articleabout it down the road. But to get yougoing, here are some basics. If you’reusing a handgun with adjustable sights,move the rear sight in the direction youwant your bullet holes to move. Hittingleft on the target? Move the rear sightto the right. Each sight is different sosimply experiment moving it “some” tosee how it changes the point of impact.Hitting low? Move the rear sight up.There are many rear sight options availableand some are easily changed by anovice. I’d say go to www.brownells.com to look at a wide variety of sightsthat may fit your guns. If your gun hasfixed sights things get a bit more complicated.Duke will cover that in hisarticle. RHNo Expirations HereI was going to let my subscriptionexpire because I didn’t think I could/should afford it any longer, but I hungonto the “Preferred Discount Renewal”offer — just in case. Well, “just incase” happened when I received mylatest issue today and realized howmuch I enjoy, and find value in it. I’mmailing in my renewal today. Yourmagazine is, in my opinion, the bestone out there dealing with nearly allaspects of owning and using handguns.I’m a retired soldier who also managedto cram in nearly two decades as astate trooper in the northwest, but havenow relegated all that to younger menand women. However, in mindset I’mstill a sheep dog and an Oath-Keeper.12/9/09 10:58:15 AMI find your writers to be top notch andespecially like Massad Ayoob, ClintSmith and John Connor. Oh, and Your10 WWW.AMERICANHANDGUNNER.COM • MARCH/APRIL 2010

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