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22 OF OF OF 22 22 - Jeffersonian

22 OF OF OF 22 22 - Jeffersonian

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Whispers ®.302 .338 .375 .416Whispers ®are developments of SSK Industries,which operate at sub-sonic and medium velocitymodes. <strong>22</strong> through 50 caliber. Custombarrels for Contenders, Encores, bolt guns,semi-autos and the cans to keep them quietare available. Over 400 calibers. Custom andproduction AR barrels, uppers and completeguns. Convert your guns or ours.SSK Industries590 Woodvue LaneWintersville, OH 43953Tel: 740-264-0176www.sskindustries.comUntitled-1 1TAFFIN TESTSContinued from page 36favorite .45 ACP handload consistingof the RCBS #45-201 SWC over 7.0grains of Unique proved to be accurate,with a group of 13/8" for five shots at20 yards with a muzzle velocity of 972fps. However the same bullet over 5.0grains of Bullseye clocked at 895 feetper second and delivered an amazinggroup of 5/8" for six shots. This gunmay not go back!The Hawk is Iver Johnson’s Commander-sized1911 and, except forthe sights and shorter frame and slide,it has all of the same features as theEagle. The sights are again excellent.They are combat style mounted indovetails and provide a large black,easy to see sight picture. The rear sightis “melted.” The test version came inthe matte finish which makes it a naturalfor packing in a Leather Arsenalinside the waistband holster.Of the three test guns, the Hawkhad the worst trigger pull at 8 pounds,which is way too heavy. Even so I managedto get some excellent groups withit. The best factory loads for the Hawkproved to be Black Hills 230 JHP +Pat 926 fps and the CCI Blazer 230 FMJat 888 fps. Both grouped into 11/2". Mytwo handloads with the RCBS #45-201also did well with groups at 13/4" or less.The Hawk retails for $594 in the testversion matte finish, and $625 with ahigh polish blue finish.Classic StyleThat brings us to the third test gun, the1911-A1. This is a basic matte-finishedGI-style .45 ACP with extended gripsafety and standard hammer and trigger.The sights are fixed, with a black squarenotch rear sight mated up with a slantedpost front sight, both of which combineto give an excellent sight picture. Theslide to frame finish is excellent with nodiscernible play whatsoever. The triggerpull at 63/4 pounds is the best of the three,however this is still too heavy. The sightswere right on the money for my eyes andhold, with the best factory groups running13/8" for five shots at 20 yards. Thiswas accomplished with both the BlackHills 230 FMJ at 880 fps and the Cor-Bon 200 JHP+P at 1,016 fps.The Iver Johnson 1911-A1 seems tobe an exceptional bargain at an MSRPof $532. The GI Commander version isdubbed the Trojan, and retails for $500.It appears Iver Johnson has done anexcellent job in coming up with a variedassortment of .45 ACPs at very affordableprices. They also offer .<strong>22</strong> conversionunits for both the fullandCommander-sized .45s.*12/15/09 3:51:03 PMFor more info: www.americanhandgunner.com/productindex.htmlWWW.AMERICANHANDGUNNER.COM 85

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