1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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Here, at Queen Street, on the 11th instant, aged 22 years, Agnes M'Cracken Ritchie, wife of Mr JamesM'Kay, joiner - much regretted.Here, at Hillhead, on the 30th ultimo, Mr Thomas M'Crackan, shoemaker, aged 77 years.At North Strand Street, here, on the 4th inst., James, aged 3 years and 1 month, eldest son of Mr JohnMoore.At Larbrax, parish of Leswalt, on the 9th instant, Ann M'Camon, relict of Mr David Kerr, Larbrax, aged 68years.At Wigtown Row, Newton-Stewart, on the 5th inst., Mrs Stewart, advanced in years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 6th inst., Agnes Broadfoot, eldest daughter of Mr James S. Gray, draper, aged 5years.At Corriedoo, parish of Balmaclellan, on the 4th inst., Mr George Anderson, late in Ewingstown, in the76th year of his age.James Montgomery, the poet, breathed his last on Sunday week, at his residence, the Mount, Sheffield,aged 82.18 th May <strong>1854</strong> (Week 20)BIRTHSAt Balgreggan, on the 7th instant, Mrs Maitland, of a son.At Larbrax, on the 10th inst., Mrs Martin, of a son.At Belgrave Square, London, on the 3d instant, the Hon. Mrs Keith Stewart.MARRIAGESNo MarriagesDEATHSAt Hanover Street, here, on the 9th instant, Mary Haly, aged 43 years.At Fisher Street, here, on the 11th instant, Mary Brown, wife of Mr Wm. M'Meikan, farmer, Merslaugh.At Stoneykirk Free Church Manse, on the 16th inst., after about a day's illness, Matilda Evans, aged 16years.At Aird, parish of Inch, on the 17th inst., very suddenly, where she had gone on a visit, Jane Smith, wife ofMr Thomas Wallace, farmer, Balyett.At Sunninghill, Berkshire, on the 6th instant, Jane, widow of the late Francis Gregor, Esq., ofTrewarthenwick, formerly M.P. for the County of Cornwall, and daughter of the late Wm. Urquhart, Esq.,of Craigston.On the 16th March last, at Mhow, India, Lieut. C. F. Hunter Blair, 22d Madras Native Infantry, son of Sir D.Hunter Blair, Bart.At Ringford, parish of Tongland, Kirkcudbrightshire, on the 9th inst., Mr John Kelly, at the advanced age of83 years, and for upwards of 50 years parochial schoolmaster of that parish.25 th May <strong>1854</strong> (Week 21)BIRTHSAt Whitefield, parish of Old Luce, on the 23d inst., Mrs M'Culloch, of a daughter.At Drumtorlie, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr Jas. Gibson, tailor of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Deemouth, Aberdeen, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. William Burnett, Free Church, Chryston, Glasgow,the Rev. William Fergusson, Free Church, Ellon, to Margaret, daughter of the late John Lumsden, Esq.At St. Peter's, Pimlico, on the 11th inst., Sir Massey Lopez, Bart. of Maristow, Devon, to Bertha, onlydaughter of Sir B.Y. Buller, Bart., M.P.

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