1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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DEATHSAt Ivy House, Stranraer, on the 25th May (this day), Anne Campbell M'Nair, second daughter of the lateLieutenant-General John M'Nair, C.B.At Boreland, parish of Inch, on the 19th instant, Mrs M'Crackan, advanced in years.At Glasgow, on the 10th inst, James, aged 25 years, son of Mr George Neil, farmer, Barnsallie, Old Luce.At Glenluce, on the 24th instant, Mrs M'Guire.At Wigtown Row, Newton Stewart, on the 7th inst., Wm. Kennedy, after a lingering illness, aged 46 years.At Glenluce Row, Newton Stewart, on the 21st inst., Mary, infant daughter of Michael Closs aged 10months.At Chapelton, parish of Kirkmabrick, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr Charles M'Garran, gamekeeper.At Hamilton, on the 18th inst., Randal C. Simpson, youngest son of S. Simpson, Esq., of King's Grange.At Blackhill, Kirkcudbright, on the 16th inst., Margaret M'Ketterick, wife of Mr Adam Wightman.At Summerhill, Urr, on the 7th inst., Marion Walker, relict of Dr. Smith.At Cardoness, parish of Anwoth, on the 11th instant, after a brief illness, Thomas Hamilton, pensioner ofthe 3d Dragoon Guards, who came there about 21 years ago, and was bugleman in the Yeomanry of theStewartry.1 st June <strong>1854</strong> (Week 22)BIRTHSAt Nantes, on the 24th of May, the wife of <strong>Robert</strong> Kikrpatrick Howat, yr. of Mabie, Kirkcudbrightshire, of ason and heir.At Bath Place, Ayr, on the 26th ult., Mrs Stewart Eddington, of a son.At Rothsay, on the 20th ult., the wife of the Rev. S. O. Dodds, Free Church, Maybole, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Corsbie House, Newton-Stewart, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr Reid, Kirkinner, Mr Peter M'Gowan,head gamekeeper, Barnbarroch, to Miss Jane Vincent.At Pau, in France, on the 15th ultimo, by the Rev. David Hogarth, rector of Portland, the Rev. RaymondLathwayt, London, to Christina, daughter of the late Mr James Ballantyne, printer, Edinburgh.At 10 Baker's Place, Edinburgh, on the 19th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Andrew Thomson, Mr James Duff, grocer,St. Andrew's, to Catherine Shaw, only daughter of the late Mr Donald Graham, Edinburgh.DEATHSHere, at the Crown Inn, Fisher Street, on the 30th ultimo, after a few days illness, aged 58 years, Mr<strong>Robert</strong> Bates, steward of the steamer Scotia. On the voyage from Ayr to Stranraer on Saturday last,deceased fell down the cabin stair in a fit of apoplexy, from which he never rallies. He filled for manyyears the same situation with the Glasgow and Stranraer Steam Shipping Co. and was most civil andobliging to all with whom he had any connection.At Knocktimn, parish of Kirkcolm, on Tuesday, the 30th ult., Mr William Kennedy, farmer there, aged 49years. A man of quiet unobtrusive manner, he during many years of delicate health gave himself toreading, and to the work of preparation for death. Seldom have we known a man, moving in the samesphere, possessed of a more enlightened understanding, or of a heart, influenced by higher principles. Anadmirer of the writings of Dr. Chalmers, he was intimately acquainted with his Treaties and Evidenced ofChristianity. Anxious for the spiritual independence of the church, he in 1843 cast in his lot with thosewho in his native parish left the Establishment; and now that he has been removed by death, his familymust have sustained a severe bereavement, and the Free Church one of its most devoted members andsupporters. - Communicated by a Clergyman.At 81 London Street, Glasgow, on the 15th ult., Mr Thomas Mills, brassfounder, aged 33 years - deeplyregretted.At Port-Glasgow, on the 26th ult., James, third son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Espie - deeply and deservedly regretted.At the Knock and Maize, parish of Leswalt, on the 23d ult., Martha Somerville, aged 20 years.At Portpatrick, on the 26th ultimo, Mr John Boyd, innkeeper and grocer aged 27 years - much regretted.

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