1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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At Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ultimo, W.S.K. Davis, eldest son of Mr Edward Davis.At Castle-Stewart, near Whithorn, on the 12th ult., Mr William M'Cormick, farmer there, aged 75 years.At Ernespie, near Castle Douglas, on the 13th ult., Henry Maclellan, aged 77; for 54 years manager of thatfarm for Mrs Douglas of the Douglas Arms.At Darngarroch, parish of Balmaghie, on the 21st ult., Mrs Livingstone, aged fourscore years.At 12 great Queen Street, Westminster, on the 27th ult., Maria Jane, only child of <strong>Robert</strong> Weems, Esq., ofKirkennan, Kirkcudbrightshhire, aged three years and nine months.Between Cuddapan and Nellore, on the 5th ult., John Innes, ensign, 40th Madras Native Infantry, executiveofficer in the department of public works, eldest son of C. Innes, Esq., advocate.At Kohat, Punjaub, on the 1st ult., of typhus fever, deeply regretted by all at the station, John EdwinCathcart M.D., assistant surgeon, 4th Punjaub Cavalry, aged twenty-five, youngest son of Elias Cathcart,Esq., of Auchendrane, Ayrshire.8 th June <strong>1854</strong> (Week 23)BIRTHSAt Robinson Crusoe Gully, Bendigo, Australia, on the 17 th March last, the wife of Mr Thomas Johnson lateof Stranraer of a son.At Fitzroy Street, Collingwood, Melbourne, Australia, on the 17 th February last, the wife of Mr George Dill,Esq., of a daughter.At Glenluce, on the 6 th inst., the wife of Mr William M’Clean, gamekeeper, of a son; - on the 7 th inst., thewife of Mr John Lynch, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Soulseat, Inch, on the 1 st inst., by the Rev. James Fergusson, Mr James M’Crackan, Low Boreland, to MissMargaret Barclay.At Kirkcowen, on the 8 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Smith, Mr Alex M’Miking, carrier, Glenluce, to Miss M’Gaul.DEATHSAt Lyttelton, New Zealand, on the 17 th February last, David M’Caa Laurie, Esq., youngest son of the latePatrick Laurie, Esq., of Urral, Wigtownshire.At Hanover Street, Stranraer, on the 7 th inst., Sarah Kennedy, aged 29 years.At Portpatrick, on the 5 th instant, aged 82 years. Agnes M’Cutcheon, wife of Mr William Hannay, late millerin Dinvin.At Balmaclellan, on the 1 st inst., Mrs Carruthers of Craig.At Corsbie, Newton-Stewart, on the 3d inst., Peter M’Guffie, infant son of Mr James Milligan.At Newton-Stewart, on the 5 th instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Duncan, shoemaker, aged 72 years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 5 th instant, Mr James M’Cafferty, aged 70 years.At Wigtown on the 2d instant, Andrew, infant son of Mr James Tait, painter.At 31 Melville Street, Edinburgh, on the 30 th ultimo, Ann, wife of Edward Francis Maitland Esq., advocate.15 th June <strong>1854</strong> (Week 24)BIRTHSAt Newton-Stewart, on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr John M'Keand, manufacturer, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 9th inst., Mrs Hickart, of a son.At Compstone, on the 8th inst., Mrs Stuart Maitland, of Dundrennan, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Dunragit, Wigtownshire, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. M. Maxwell, of Haddon on the Wale, WilliamSutherland M'Douall, of Ousden Rectory, Suffolk, to Grace Maria, third daughter of Sir James DalrympleHay of Dunragit, and Park Place, Bart.

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