1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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At Merton Hall, parish of Penninghame, on the 13th inst, by the Rev. Mr Richardson, Mr William Michaelto Miss Jane M'Caskrie.Castle-Douglas, on the 1st inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Wallet, carrier, to Jessie, eldest daughter of Mrs Thomson,innkeeper.DEATHSHere, at London Road, on the 13th curt., the Rev. John Cowan M'Douall, licentiate of the ReformedPresbyterian Church.At Castle Street, here, on the 8th inst., Thomas Sinclair, aged 8 years, son of Mr John Ritchie, cabinetmaker- much regretted.At Stoneykirk Road, here, on the 9th inst., Janet M'Master, wife of Mr John M'Cracken, junior, aged 22years - deeply regretted.At Dinvin, parish of Portpatrick, on the 9th instant, Mr John Hunter, farmer there, aged 75 years.At Knocktim, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 14th inst., in the 69th year of his age, John Brown, for some timefarm servant there. The deceased was a man of the most unaffected piety, of the strictest integrity,possessed a most independent spirit, and endowed with mental qualifications altogether above the circlein which it was latterly his fortune to move.At New Luce village, on the 11th curt., Agnes M'Culloch, wife of Mr Waugh, carrier, aged 51 years.At Dunragit Porter Lodge, on the 10th current, Miss Bennoch, formerly shopkeeper in Stranraer.At New Luce Manse, on the 11th current, Miss Drynan, neice to the Rev. William M'Kergo.At Merkland, by Corsock, on the 4th current, Mr William Milligan, aged 75 years.At Tandergarth Manse, on the 7th inst., the Rev. Thomas Little, M.A.22 nd June <strong>1854</strong> (Week 25)BIRTHSAt Greenlodge, Girvan, on the 15th instant, the wife of the Rev. Hatley Waddell, of a son.At Dabaar House, near Campbeltown, Arygllshire, on the 15th instant, Mrs James Bryce, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Inch, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. Peter Fergusson of the Free Church, Mr Anthony M'Guffie, Old Luce,to Miss Agnes Crawford.At Craigenholly, Old Luce, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr John M'Namie, to Miss AgnesM'Queen.At Garliestown, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. Mr Fleming, Whithorn, Mr Richard Rusk, merchant, OldLuce, to Miss Hannah Dick.At Shalloch Mill, Girvan, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. John Stillie, Girvan, Mr William Blair, baker, Dalry,to Jane, second daughter of Mr David Thomson, miller there.DEATHSAt Balmangan, Kirkcudbright, on the 3d inst., Charlotte, youngest daughter of the late Martin RawlingsOsborne, of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire.At Glenluce, on the 18th instant, Miss Walker.At Broompark, Old Luce, on the 19th inst., Jean Davidson, wife of William Thompson, labourer.At Alticry, parish of Mochrum, on the 19th instant, William Stewart, Esq.At Blairshinnoch, Mochrum, on the 10th instant, Mr James M'Keand, at the advanced aged of 84 years. Thedeceased was more than half a century a tenant farmer in the parish of Kirkcowan, where he was muchesteemed for his kind and affable demeanour, his shrewd business habits; and his religious knowledgeand zeal rendered him always a welcome visitor at the bedside of the afflicted. 'Truly a good man is goneto his rest.'At Wigtown, on the 17th instant, John Murray, Esq., late of Kilwhirn Cottage.At Cairnhouse, parish of Wigtown, on the 13th instant, Mr James Sinclair farmer there.At Wigtown, on the 13th inst., Mrs Marion M'Queen, aged 82 years.At Cotland, parish of Wigtown, on the 14th inst., Mr George Morrison, dairyman, aged 40 years.

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