1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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At Kirkcudbright, on the 14th inst, Sergeant Major <strong>Robert</strong> Milligan of the Galloway Militia, aged 76.DEATH OF "BLYTHE JAMIE M'NAB" - Mr James M'Nab, printer, aged 60 years, expired on Sunday morningweek at his residence, Morris Place. He was extensively known from his long connection with thenewspaper press of Glasgow, and universally esteemed.29 th June <strong>1854</strong> (Week 26)BIRTHSHere, at Ivy Place Manse, on the 27th instant, Mrs Hogarth, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 20th instant, the wife of Mr George Carson, grocer, of a daughter.At High Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 21st inst., Mrs Preston, of a son.At Gatehouse-of-Fleet, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr John Hannah, baker, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Balakmurry, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. John Stevenson, Gilbert, second son of Mr Gilbert Milroy,Drumskeoch, to Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr Gilbert Rowan, farmer there.At Glenluce Row, Newton-Stewart, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Mr AlexanderM'Keand, Wigtown, to Miss Helen Thorburn.At Garlieston, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Mr Sloan, Sorbie, Mr Richard Rusk, merchant, Old Luce, to MissHannah, youngest daughter of Mr Alex. Dick.At the Manse, Whithorn, on the 21st current, James Johnston, Esq., of Sands, to Margaret Johnstone Young,youngest daughter of the Rev. C. Nicholson.At Girvan, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr Corson, Mr Peter Henderson, of the George Hotel, to Ann,fourth daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Armstrong, Stoneykirk.At Manse of New Deer, on the 13th curt., the Rev. James Wilson, minister of Savoch, to Isabella, thirddaughter of the Rev. James Welsh.At Edinburgh, on the 23d current, by the Rev. Dr Crawford, Anthony Murray Touch, Union Bank ofScotland, to Margaret, only daughter of the late Alexander Guild, Esq., S.S.C.DEATHSHere, at Bridge Street, on the 25th inst., in the 45th year of his age, of small-pox, Mr James Thomson,chandler, much regretted.At Maize, parish of Leswalt, on the 28th inst., Mr William Lees, aged 66 years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 25th instant, Mrs Snodgrass, aged 37 years. Deceased was a native ofPlymouth - friends are requested to receive this intimation.At 4 Atholl Crescent, on the 17th curt., George Swinton, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, last surviving son of thelate Hon. J. Swinton of Swinton, one of the Senators of the College of Justice.6 th July <strong>1854</strong> (Week 27)BIRTHSHere, at St John Street, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr William Higgins, clogger, of a son.At Bladnoch, on the 25th ultimo, Mrs Aitken, of a daughter.At Kells Manse on the 24th ult., Mrs Maitland,of a son.At Castle-Douglas, on the 17th ult., the wife of Mr Wm Rankine, Douglas Arms, of a daughter.At Castle-Douglas, on the 14th ult., the wife of Mr Smith, jeweller, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Portpatrick, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. Mr Balmer, Mr Robt. Greig, teacher of the parochial schoolthere, to Miss Jemima Todd, daughter of the late Alex. Nicholson, Esq., land-surveyor,Gallatown, parish of Dysart, Fifeshire.At Craigenholly, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. John M'Dowall, Mr Craig, joiner, to Jane, second daughter of

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