1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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At Tonguecroft, parish of Borgue, on the 28th ultimo, Mrs Isabella Brown, aged 72 years, widow of the lateMr William Connel, blacksmith and farmer there.At 14 Heriot Place, Edinburgh, on the 8th instant Mr James Breckenridge, printer, late of Ayr.20 th July <strong>1854</strong> (Week 29)BIRTHSAt Gatehouse, on the 13th instant, the wife of Mr J. Douglas, saddler and harness maker, of a daughter.At Dublin Castle, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs Hamilton of Pinmore, of a daughter.At 46 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh, on the 10th instant, the wife of Patrick Fraser, Esq., advocate, ofa daughter.At Belgrave Square, London, on the 11 th instant, Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart, of a son.At Dargavel House, on the 12th instant, Mrs Hall Maxwell, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Dunesslin, Dumfriesshire, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. John Hope, Mr Samuel Gordon, merchant,Stranraer, to Margaret M'Adam, eldest daughter of James Armstrong, Esq., of Craig-Adam.At 34 Union Street, Greenock, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Henry Henry Anderston of Partick, JamesElliot Heriot, Esq., merchant, Glasgow, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Maitland Young, Esq., AyrAt Dunfermline, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. Dr Johnstone, Limekilns, the Rev. David Russell, toJeannie Ramsay, eldest daughter of Charles Drysdale, Esq. of Woodmiln, Dunfermline.At St. James's Church, Paddington, on the 13th inst., by the Hon and Rev. Henry AlfredNapier, uncle to the bride, Lieut.-Colonel Ferdinand Whittenham, C.B., 26 th Cameronians, to Charlotte Ann,third daughter of the late Nevile Reid, Esq., of Runnymede, Old Windsor, and granddaughter of Francis,seventh Lord Napier.DEATHSHere, at George Street, on the 20th instant, John, eldest son of Mr William Galbraith, aged 25 years. He wasa young man of very great promise, having stood conspicuous in several examinations atthe University of Glasgow; and his death is much regretted by all who had the pleasure of hisacquaintance.At Sun Street, here, on the 14th instant, Mr William Clenachan.At Park of Drumquhassle, Stirlingshire, on the 13th instant, the infant daughter of David Stewart, Esq.,At Greenock, on the 14th instant, after a long illness, Mr Samuel Paterson, spirit dealer - much regretted.At Kirkennan, on the 14th instant, Mrs Wm. Weems, in the 82nd year of her age.At Kirkbean Manse, on the 15th instant, the Rev. Thomas Grierson, A.M.At Victoria Park, Ayr, on the 13th instant, David Limond, Esq., of Dalblair - late Provost of Ayr.At Glasgow, suddenly on the 9th instant, Mr William Ralston, bookseller, Campbeltown.27 th July <strong>1854</strong> (Week 30)BIRTHSHere, at High Street, on the 19th inst., Mrs Rue, of a son.At Fineview, Glenluce, on the 26th inst., Mrs Edward Saunders, of a daughter.At Ernespie, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, on the 17th inst, the lady of James Mackie, Esq., yr. of Bargaly, ofa daughter.At the Manse of Avondale, on the 20th instant, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Reid Rae, of a daughter.At Trafalgar, on the 19th inst., the Countess Nelson, of a son and heir.MARRIAGESAt Barbuchany, near Newton-Stewart, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. Wm Reid, Mr Thomas M'Lelland,farmer, to Miss M'Harg.

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