At Barrhill, of chincough, on the 30 th ult., Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr Wm. Affleck, aged 4 years.12 th January <strong>1854</strong> (Week 2)BIRTHSAt George Street, here, on the 9th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Beattie, merchant, of a daughter.At Hanover Street, here, on the 31st ult., Mr Gallocher, mason, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at Agnew Crescent, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. John M'Dowall, minister of Old Luce, Mr <strong>Robert</strong>Morland, manager of the gas works, here, to Sarah, second daughter of the late Captain Thomas Osborne.At Tobermory, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. P. MacLean of the Free Church , Mr William Sproat, writer,to Jane, second daughter of Mr George Black, merchant.At Irvine, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. James Drummond, Mr William T. Stuart, H.E.I.C.S. to Marion, eldestdaughter of the late Mr James Ritchie, Irvine.At Burnfoot, parish of Kells, on the 2d inst. by the Rev. George Murray of Balmaclellan, James Carruthers,Esq., of Craig, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late James Cannon, Esq., Shield.At Hamilton, Canada West, on the 7th December, by the Rev. G.P. Young, Mr John Turner, to ElizabethMoncrieff, only daughter of the late Rev. John Osborne.On the 6th November last, by special license at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. James Milne,Mr Thomas Macadam, second son of the Mr Thomas Macadam, merchant, Newton Stewart, Galloway,Scotland, to Mary Ann, third daughter of T. P. Kidd, Esq., of Stewart Town, Trelawny, Jamaica.DEATHSAt George Street, here, on the morning of the 11th inst., Mr Archibald M'Meiken, merchant, aged 61 years.At Ardwell Mill, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 8th inst., after a few days illness, Anthony Galloway, aged 18years.At Whirlpool, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 8 th inst., Francis, son of Mr Francis Cassidy, farmer.At Baltersan, near Newton-Stewart, on 8 th inst., after a brief illness, Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr.Hewetson, farmer, Baltersan, - much regretted.At Clahannan, on the 6th instant, the infant son of Mr John Martin.On the 1st current, Mary Russell Walker, niece of Mrs Grierson, Kirkbean Manse, and youngest daughterof Richard Graham Walker, Esq. London.At Scotsbrig, near Ecclefechan, on Christmas Day, Mrs Margaret Aitken Carlyle, aged 84 years.At Kirkcudbright on the 2d instant, Mrs Melville, the widow of Captain Dun of the Galloway Militia. Thedeceased was the last survivor of a large family, which settled in Kirkcudbright in 1791.At Church Hill, Morningside, on the 2d instant, Helen Chalmers, widow of the Rev. John M’Clellan, ministerof Kelton Kirkcudbrightshire.At New Bridge Street, Truro, on the 6th inst., James, the infant son of Mr John M'Fadzean, draper and teadealer, aged two years and nine months.At Leskennerk Terrace, Penzance, on the 6 th inst., Mr Samuel M'Donald, draper and tea dealer, aged 36years. His friends at Ardwell and Kirkmaiden will please receive this intimation.19 th January <strong>1854</strong> (Week 3)BIRTHSHere, at M'Culloch Place, London Road, on the 5th instant, Mrs John Mackie, of a daughter.At Garleffen, Ballantrae, on the 14th instant, Mrs Daniel Owen, of a son.At Kilsaintninian, on the 12th instant, Mrs John M'Millon, of a daughter.At Colmonell, on the 15th instant, the wife of Mr John M'illiam, inspector of the poor, of a son.At 7, Ainslie Place, Edinburgh, on the 9th instant, the lady of Sir David Dundas of Beechwood, Bart., of adaughter.At Adelaide Place, Glasgow, on the 10th instant, the lady of Alex. Hastie, Esq., M.P., of a daughter.
At Downing Street, London, on the 7th instant, the lady of W.E. Gladstone, Esq., Chancellor of theExchequer of a son.At 35 Moray Place, Edinburgh, on the 13th instant, the Countess of Kintore, of a son.At the Free Church Manse, Castle-Douglas, on the 10th instant, Mrs Brown, of a daughter.At Fenwick Manse, on the 2d instant, the wife of the Rev. David Dickie, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Dunskey, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. A. Urquhart, Mr James M'William, Larbrax, to Miss JoanneBone, Dunskey.At Girvan, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Willliam Corson, Mr John Paterson, wright, to Grace, youngestdaughter of Mr Thomas <strong>Robert</strong>son, Girvan.At St. Mary's Church, Renfield Street, Glasgow, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. John Boyle, LL.B.,incumbent of Portobello, the Rev. John Thomson Boyle, (Chaplain to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop ofGlasgow and Galloway) to Sophia, youngest daughter of the late John James Esq., of Glasgow.At St. James's Church, Dover, on the 13th instant, Andrew Gillon Esq., of Wallhouse, West Lothian, N.B., toAnna Maria, only daughter of the late Captain Henry Paget Gill and of Lady Maxell, of Calderwood Castle,Lanarkshire.DEATHSAt Little Galdenoch, Leswalt, on the 13th instant, Mr James M'Crea, farmer aged 86 years.Here, on the 15th instant, aged 21 years, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr John M'Crae, farmer, Clachanhill,parish of Kirkcolm.At Minniwick, parish of Minnigaff, on the 8th instant, after a lingering illness, Mr Edward Hyslop, aged 69years.At Howford, in the parish of Tongland, on the 2d inst., Mr James Hughan, aged 87 years. Mr Hughan waslandlord of the Rev. Lion Inn, in the village of Ringford, for 35 years. He was of a most obliging disposition,and was esteemed and respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.At Cally, on the 11th instant, Mary Pitts, aged 72, for many years the attached servant to the Hon.Montgomerie Stewart.At Gatehouse of Fleet, on the 12th instant, Mr John Hyslop, grocer and general dealer there.At the Manse, parish of Fenwick, on the 7th instant, Sarah Anne M'Naught, wife of the Rev. David Dickie -deeply regretted.At Dundee, on the 15th instant, Sheriff L'Amy.26 th January <strong>1854</strong> (Week 4)BIRTHSAt Glengyre, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 21st instant Mrs Auld, of a son.At Glenluce, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Main, police officer, of a daughter.At Glenluce, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr Hugh Morrison, of a son.At Kirkcudbright, on the 22d instant, Mrs David Craig, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Mye, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr Campbell, Mr James Blain, miller,Kirkmagill, to Margaret, daughter of the late Mr Cruickshanks, farmer, Mye.At St. Martin's Church, on the 17th ult., by the Rev. Busford Harris, Mr Peter Aitken, draper, Birmingham,to Miss Elizabeth M'Ateen, of Tamworth.At Barholm House Gardens, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. John Muir, Kirkmabreck, B.D. John Irving, of theRoyal Artillery, to Miss Jane, daughter of Mr John Paul, gardener there.At the British Consulate in Cologne, on the 17th inst., and afterwards, on the same day, at Bonn, JohnErskine Douglas Stewart, second son of Rear Admiral Houston Stewart, C.B. to Julia, eldest daughter of theRev. H. Turton, incumbent of Betley, Staffordshire.
- Page 1: 1854The Galloway Advertiser andWigt
- Page 5 and 6: At Stakeford House, Dumfries, on th
- Page 7 and 8: Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 2
- Page 9 and 10: At Inch Parks, on the 23d instant,
- Page 11 and 12: At Stranraer, on the 17th inst., by
- Page 13 and 14: Here, at Queen Street, on the 11th
- Page 15 and 16: At Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ulti
- Page 17 and 18: At Kirkcudbright, on the 14th inst,
- Page 19 and 20: At Tonguecroft, parish of Borgue, o
- Page 21 and 22: At Challoch, parish of Penninghame,
- Page 23 and 24: 31 st August 1854 (Week 35)BIRTHSAt
- Page 25 and 26: At Baldoon, Jane Campbell, wife of
- Page 27 and 28: At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th insta
- Page 29 and 30: Esq., of Castlesemple and Mousewald
- Page 31 and 32: Here, at North Strand Street, on th
- Page 33 and 34: 21 st December 1854 (Week 51)BIRTHS