1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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At Drumnail, Kirkgunzeon, on the 14 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Crocket. Mr John Copland draper, Wigan, toElizabeth, fourth daughter of Mr M’George, Drumnail.On the 3d current, Lieut-Colonel Dudley Wilmot Carleton, of the Coldstsream Guards, the eldest son of theHon Richard Carleton, to the Hon Charlotte Hobhouse, eldest surviving daughter of Lord Brougham.DEATHSAt the Manse, New Luce, on the 15 th inst., the Rev. William M’Kergo, minister of New Luce, aged 82 years.Friends will please accept of this intimation.At Corsewall Mills, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 13 th inst., Mr Wm. Hannay, late of Dinvin Mill, Portpatrick,aged 84 years – much regretted.At 177 Main Street, Anderston, Glasgow, on the 16 th inst, John B. Mavor, son of Mr J. Mavor, Free ChurchTeacher, Stranraer.At Portpatrick, on the 12 th inst., Ann Milmine, aged 66 years.At Kirkcowan, on the 11 th curt, Alexander Hawthorn, mason, aged 73 years.At Kirkcowan, on the 14 th curt, Thomas, infant son of Hugh Hutchison, Esq., draper.At Peacockbank, near Stewarton, Ayrshire, on Monday the 14 th inst., Margaret Watson, relict of the late MrJames Love, aged 65.At Fleet Street, Gatehouse, awfully sudden, whilst in the act of making household bread, Jane M’Murray,wife of John Stirling, jobber there.At Shield, Kells, on the 5 th inst., Anne Alison, daughter of Mr O. Brown, aged 1 years and 10 months.24 th August <strong>1854</strong> (Week 34)BIRTHSAt Lewis Street, here, on the 18th inst., Mrs James Stewart, of a daughter.At Beoch, Mrs Gibson, of a daughter.At Stranraer, on the 13th instant, Mrs H. Breckenridge, of twin sons.At Kirrouchtree, on the 5th instant, Mrs Edward Heron Maxwell, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Dunskey, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. S. Balmer, Mr James Boyd, farmer, Dinvin, to Agnes, seconddaughter of Mr Alex Hills, cowfeeder, Dunskey. The ages of the bridegroom and the bride are respectively75 and 24.At Newton-Stewart, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. Mr Richardson, Mr James Sinclair, weaver, to MissMargaret Craig.At Ardrossan, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. D. M'Call, Richard Hewat Esq., Castle-Douglas, to SarahDixon, relict of William Train, Grants Braes, Haddington.At 19 Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh, on the 9th instant by the Very Rev. Principal Lee, <strong>Robert</strong> Lee, Esq.,advocate, to Catherine Alleyne, second daughter of the late Geo. Augustus Borthwick, Esq., M.D.At St. George's Hanover Square, London, on the 10th instant, Aeneas Macbean, Esq., of Rome, to EleanorAnn, only daughter of Col. A. H. Gordon, late of the 5th Dragoon Gaurds.At Wigtown, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. P. Young, John Fraser, Esq., Portwilliam, to Mary, onlydaughter of the late James M'Guffie, Esq., Wigtown.DEATHSOn the 17th instant, at his residence, Upper Brunswick Place, Brighton, Archibald Grahame, Esquire, ofGreat George Street, Westminster.At Frankville, State of New York, on the 21st July, Mr George B. Neilson, farmer, Killymingan, Stewartry ofKirkcudbright.At Sandgate Street, Ayr, on the 20th inst., Mr John Morton, coach-builder.At Barns Street, Ayr, on the 21st inst., Miss Fullarton, only daughter of the late George Fullarton, Esq., ofBartonholm, and sister of the late S. Fullarton, Esq., of Fullarton.

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