1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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31 st August <strong>1854</strong> (Week 35)BIRTHSAt Dinvin House, parish of Portpatrick, on the 29th instant, the wife of John M'Clew, Esq., of a son.At Larbrax, parish of Leswalt, on the 29th inst., the wife of Mr Charles Kerr, of a daughter.Here, at Agnew Crescent, on the 26th instant, the wife of Mr William Young, jun., of a son.At Carnweil, Parish of Stoneykirk, on the 17th inst., Mrs Todd, of a still-born child.At the Murray Arms Inn, Gatehouse-of-Fleet, on the 19th instant, Mrs Foster, of a son.Eagle Terrace, Liverpool, on the 22d instant, Mrs James M'Monnies, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Portpatrick, on the 28th instant, by the Rev. A. Urquhart, of the Free Church, Mr Alexander Jackson, toMarion, eldest dughter of Mr John Rankine, tailor.At Heacham Church, on the 24th instant, by the Rev. E. F. Neville Rolfe, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Couper Black, M.A.vicar of St. Mary's with St. Benedict's, Huntingdon, to Mary Anne Frances, second daughter of the late Rev.S. C. E. Neville Rolfe, of Heacham Hall, Norfolk.At Armannoch, Parton, Kirkcudbrightshire, on the 22d instant, Mr James Graham, Meikle Culloch, to Mary,eldest daughter of John Haining, Esq., of Armannoch.At the Third Presbyterian church, Londonderry, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr Denham, WilliamForsyth, Esq., merchant (a native of Dumfriesshire), to Angle Thompson Barnes, only daughter of the lateDavid Barnes, Esq., of Bush Mills, County Londonderry.DEATHSHere, on the 28th instant, suddenly, Mr William M'Leod, jun., of Glasgow.Here, at Glen Street, on the 27th instant, after a short illness, Mr Andrew Gibson, late farmer in Crailoch.Here, at Rose Street, on the 26th instant, after a short illness, Mr James Thomson, aged 43 years.At Drumore, on the 28th instant, Susan, daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Anderson, Esq., farmer, in the 18th year of herage.At Polcaroch, Ballantrae, on the 28th inst., Mr James M'Jannet, aged 48 years. The deceased, after aresidence of 24 years in Canada, returned lately to his native place in quest of health, and found a grave.At Newton-Stewart, on the 28th inst., Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr James Kilpatrick, joiner, aged 28 years.At Begbie, Kirkmabreck, on the 27th inst., Isabella, eldest daughter of Mr M'Quhirr, farmer, Begbie.At Castle Douglas, on the 25th instant, Mr Thomas Cowan, aged 79.The Rev. James Donaldson, minister of Canonbie, died at Edinburgh, on the 20th instant, in the 74th yearof his age, and the 40th of his ministry.7 th September <strong>1854</strong> (Week 36)BIRTHSAt Castle-Douglas, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr Wm. Coupland, haridresser, of a son.At Kirkcudbright, on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr Adam Muir, Ironmonger, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Inch, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Peter Fergusson, Mr John Hughan, blackmith, Sorbie, to Miss MaryM'Whirter, Cults.At Kirkcowan, on Tuesday, the 29th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Charles, Mr Charles Hannigan, to Rebecca Court.DEATHSAt Stoneykirk Road, here, on the 4th inst., after a short illness, Mr Thomas Rankin, junior, much regrettedbay a large circle of friends.At Bridge Street, here, on the 1st inst., after a short illness Mrs John Biggam, innkeeper.

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