1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
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At Mains, Ballantrae, on the 3d inst, Mr David M'Kenna, in the 99th year of his age.At Rusko House, Gatehouse, on the 29th August, James M'Chlery, Esq., of Barbadoes, in the 39th year ofhis age.At Newton-Stewart, on the 28th ultimo, Agnes Kilpatrick, daughter of Mr James Kilpatrick, joiner.At his house, Melville Street, Edinburgh, on the 21st ultimo, John Colquhoun, Esq., advocate, late Sheriff ofDumbartonshire.At Bagbie, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 27th ult., Isabella, eldest daughter or Mr M'Quhir, farmer there.Suddenly, at Allen Bank, parish of Buittle, on the 30th ult., on his way home from Castle-Douglas market,<strong>Robert</strong>, aged 21 years, third son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Cannon, Congeith, Kirkgunzeon.At Stirling, on the 30th ultimo, the Rev. David Stewart, senior minister of the First United Presbyteriancongregation there in the 80th year of his age, and the 48th of his ministry. Mr Stewart was a native of theparish of Kirkpatrick-Fleming, in Dumfriesshire.At Toledo State of Ohio, at the house of his brother, Mr John M'Culloch. Friends will please accept of thisintimation.14 th September <strong>1854</strong> (Week 37)BIRTHSAt Exton Park, Rutlandshire, on the 2d instant, the Lady Louisa Agnew, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr John M'Dowall, mason, of a daughter.At Manchester, upon the 7th inst., the wife of W. H. Lamb, Esq., of a son.On the 7th instant, at New Brighton, Cheshire, the wife of Captain Frederick Rainsford, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Portpatrick, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. James Smellie, Stranraer Mr Hugh Howie, Glasgow, to Jessie,second daughter of the late Mr David M'Clew, merchant, Portpatrick.At Creetown, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Muir, Kirkmabreck, Mr James Hutton, miller, to Jessie,second daughter of Mr John Blain, grocer.At St. Pauls, Liverpool, on the 5th inst., Mr James Peebles, blacksmith, late of Lochans, to Miss AgnesForsyth, late of Dunskey.At Argrennan House, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. D.S. Williamson of Tongland, James Comrie, Esq., ofGategill, to Elizabeth Mary, eldest surviving daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Ker, Esq., of Argrennan.At <strong>Robert</strong>son Street, Glasgow, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. A.G. Forbes, the Rev. John Thomson, ofAberdeen, to Catherine, only daughter of the late Matthew Campbell, Esq., shipbuilder, Dumbarton.DEATHSHere, at South Strand Street, on the 11th inst., after a severe illness, Mr George Miller, veterinary surgeon,aged 24 years. He was a young man of kind and amiable disposition, of great promise in his profession,and was universally esteemed. He had an attack of cholera about ten days before his death, when feversupervened, and after much suffering he expired on Monday afternoon. Also on the 10th inst., aged oneyear, William Graham, his youngest son.Here, at South Strand Street, on the 11th inst., after a severe illness, Mr George Miller, veterinary surgeon,aged 24 years. He was a young man of kind and amiable disposition, of great promise in his profession,and was universally esteemed. He had an attack of cholera about ten days before his death, when feversupervened, and after much suffering he expired on Monday afternoon. Also on the 10th inst., aged oneyear, William Graham, his youngest son.At Strone, by Kilmun, on the 4th inst., James, infant son of Mr David M'Crae.At Wigtown Row, Newton-Stewart, on the 6th inst., Margaret Michael, aged 17 years.At Wigtown Row, Newton-Stewart, on the 8th inst., Mary Muir, aged 84 years.At Rothesay, on the 5th instant, Samuel Denholm Young, Esq., late of Guillyhill, Dumfriesshire.At Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, on the 7th inst, aged 21, Alexander Melville, youngest son of the late JohnBabington, Esq., of the Madras Civil Service.At Peckham Rye, on the 2d inst., Mrs John Spence, of 50 Great King Street, Edinburgh.At Dumfries, on the 31st ult., of apoplexy David Duncan, M.D., of Glasgow, formerly of Montrose.At Wigtown, on the 8th inst., John M'William, burgh officer, aged 72 years.