1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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At 17 Storie Street, Paisley, on the 21st inst., by the father of the bride, Mr Thomas Willock, Bank ofScotland, Ayr, to Henrietta M'Dougall, second daughter of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Cairns.At Forglen House, county of Banff, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. James Christie of Trinity Chapel, Turriff,Alexander Henry Abercrombie Hamilton, Esq., to Sophia Anne Adelaide, fifth surviving daughter of Sir<strong>Robert</strong> Abercromby, Bart., of Birkenbog and Forglen, Banffshire.DEATHSHere, at George Street, on the 23d inst., Mr John M'Master, baker, aged 30 years.On Thursday, the 21st inst., at Glenlee Park, Mr George Maxwell, jun., youngest surviving son of GeorgeMaxwell, Esq., of Glenlee.The London papers of yesterday record the death of Lord Denman, under a fit of apoplexy, at his seat inNorthamptonshire.At Newton-Stewart, on the 22 instant, the infant child of Mr Alex. Neilson, grocer.At Machermore, near Newton-Stewart, on the 20th inst., after a tedious illness, Grace Dunsmore, wife ofMr John M'Kinnell.At Castle Douglas, on the 15th inst., aged 78, Mary Barbour, relict of the late Alexander M'William, flesher.At Castle Douglas, on the 18th inst., aged 85, Jane Herries, relict of the late William Harper.On the 19th inst., John Faed, son of the Rev. John Haining, Free Church Manse, Glenkens, aged 5 years.5 th October <strong>1854</strong> (Week 40)BIRTHSAt Lochend, on the 26th ultimo, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr of a daughter.At Glenluce, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr William M'Dowall, mason, of a son.At Knock, lately, the wife of Mr George M'Clelland, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr John Heron, boot and shoemaker, of a son.At St. Unstell, Cornwall, on the 15th September last, the wife of Mr Peter Thomson, of a daughter.At the Free Church Manse, Ballantrae, on the 20th ult., the wife of the Rev. James Porteous, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 25th ult., the wife of Mr Samuel Wade, shoemaker, of a son.At Geelong, Victoria, on the 12th May last, the wife of John Guthrie, Esq., collector of customs of a son.MARRIAGESAt Old Penninghame, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Mr John Patterson, ploughman,Barlauchland, to Miss Margaret M'Adam, Mains of Penninghame.At St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Glasgow, on the 26th ult., by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Glasgow andGalloway, assisted by the Rev. R. Oldham, <strong>Robert</strong> Cutlar Fergusson, Esq., of Craigdarroch and Orrand, sonof the late Right Hon. <strong>Robert</strong> Cutlar Fergusson, M.P., to Ella Francis Catherine, only daughter of SirArchibald Alison, Bart., Possil House, Lanarkshire.DEATHSAt Lochend, on the 26th ult., the infant daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr.At Craigknowe, on the 30th ult., Janet M'Kergo, wife of Mr George Gregg, after a lingering illness bornewith much christian patience.At Lintmill, Glenluce, on Friday the 2th ult., Mr John Wales, aged 91.At Glenluce, on the 2d inst., the infant child of Mr Goudie, cooper.12 th October <strong>1854</strong> (Week 41)BIRTHSAt Newcastle, New South Wales, on the 10th July, the wife of Hastings M'Douall, Esq., of a son.At Clauchenmore, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 3d instant, Mrs Peter M'Culloch, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 4th instant, the wife of Alexander Findlay, grocer, of a daughter.

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