1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th instant, the wife of Mr Walter M'Ewen, of a daughter.At Newton-Stewart, on the 10th instant, the wife of William M'Guffog, spirit merchant, of a daughter.At Drumlamford House, on the 7th instant, the wife of Mr Henry Mitchel, gamekeeper, of a son.At Balakmurry, on the 9th instant, the wife of Mr Gilbert Milroy, of a daughter.At the Grammar School, Girvan, on the 7th instant, Mrs Forrester, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Croach, parish of Inch, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. James Smellie, Stranraer, Mr Ivie M'Ilwraith, toMrs Murray, of Croach.At Ayr, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Thomas Dykes, John Murdoch, Esq., C.E., Ayr, to Harriet Helen,eldest daughter of Captain Miller, Adjutant, Royal Ayr Militia Rifles.DEATHSAt Hanover Street, here, on the morning of the 7th instant, after a short illness, from small-pox, AnnieSproule, wife of Mr James Snodgrass, painter - much lamented.Here, at Sun Street, on the 12th instant, Jean Campbell, aged 56 years, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Williamson,tailor.Suddenly at Creetown, on the 7th instant, the infant son of Mr John Tait, baker.At Creetown, on the 10th instant, the infant daughter of Mr William Carson.At Wigtown, on the 3d instant, Mary infant daughter of Mr John Fraser, builder.At London, Canada West, on the 6th September last, Margaret Bell, wife of Mr Peter M'Crea, late ofNewton-Stewart - deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.Suddenly, at 51 North Hanover Street Glasgow, on the 6th instant, David <strong>Robert</strong>son, Esq., bookseller toher Majesty. - Friends will please accept of this intimation.DEATH OF WM. MURRAY, ESQ, OF HENDERLAND.Mr Murray died at Strachur Park, on the banks of Lochfine, on Tuesday week, in the 81st year of his age.19 th October <strong>1854</strong> (Week 42)BIRTHSAt the Free Church Manse of Portpatrick, on the 16th inst., Mrs Urquhart, of a son.At Kirkhill, on the 14th inst., Mrs John Farquhar Gray, of a daughter.At Port Logan, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Carlie, coast-guard, of a son.At NewtonStewart, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr James Kennedy, sewing agent, of a son.On the 11th inst., at 17 Basing Place, London, the wife of Mr George Fullarton, late of Castle-Douglas, of ason.At Castle-Douglas, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr J. C. Milligan, saddler there, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Portpatrick, on the 17th inst, by the Rev. S. Balmer, Mr James Thompson, mason, to Miss MargaretM'Culloch there.At Thornhill, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. John Murray of Morton, John Fraser, Croalchapel of Closeburn, toEllen Douglas, youngest daughter of Mr Daniel Mathieson, Thornhill.At Kirkcudbright, on the 13th inst, by the Rev. Mr Underwood, Mr John Clark, mason, to Miss EuphemiaBelford, eldest daughter of Mr J. Belford, sawyer, there.DEATHSAt Bankhead, parish of Inch, on the 16th inst., aged 80 years, Ann M'Credie, relict of Mr William Peebles,farmer there.At his residence, High Street, Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land, on the 10th July Captain Stephen Addison,after a long and severe illness - universally respected and regretted. Deceased was a native of Kirkcolm.At Wigtown Row, Newton-Stewart, on the 12th inst., Widow Kevan, aged 60 years.At Killiemore, parish of Penninghame, on the 14inst., Wm. Reid, advanced in years.

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