1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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Here, at North Strand Street, on the 27 th inst., by the Rev. William Smellie, Mr James Kennedy, shoemaker,to Miss Elizabeth Gibson.Here, at Agnew Crescent, on the 27 th inst., by the Rev. James Stewart, of Sheuchan, Mr Thomas M’Quiggan,to Miss Agnes Reach.Here, at Agnew Crescent, on the 28 th inst., by the Rev. James Stewart, Mr John Campbell, tailor, to MissMary Jane Crombie.At Foulford, Leswalt, on the 28 th inst., by the Rev. James Stewart, Mr Wm. Gray, to Miss Mary Galbraith.At Mains of Park, on Monday, the 28 th inst., by the Rev. Mr McDowall of Old Luce, Niven Ralston, Esq.,factor for Earl Ferrers, Chartley Castle, Staffordshire, to Jessie, daughter of James Gibson, Esq., banker,Glenluce.At Dunragit, on the 29 th curt., by the Rev. Mr M’Dowall, Mr Alex. McGuffie, butler to Sir James D. Hay, Bart.,to Agnes Templeton.At Glenluce, on the 28 th inst., by the Rev. James Pullar, Mr Thomas M’Clymont, late farmer in Bankfield, toMiss Jane M’Clumpha.At Glenluce, on the 20 th inst., by the Rev. Mr M’Dowall, Alexander Green to Elizabeth Ditenny.At Kirkcowan, on the 23d curt., by the Rev. Dr Charles, Mr Robt. M’Leod, to Miss Welsh.DEATHSAt 445, Argyle Street, Glasgow, on the 27 th instant, Alexander Brown, engineer, son of Mr Alex. Brown, ofthe Wigtownshire Free Press, much and deservedly regretted by his relatives and acquaintances.At Craigenveoch, on the 28 th inst., after a lingering illness, Mrs Shearer, aged 84 years.At Newton Stewart, on the 24 th inst., after a lingering illness Mr Thomas Gillespie, plumber, aged 42 years.At Kirroughtree, on the 19 th inst., Andrew, son of Mr Wm. Irving, coachman, Kirroughtree, aged 13 years.At Kirkcowan, on Monday, the 27 th curt., Elizabeth M’Combe, at the advanced age of 97 years. She wasblind for the last twenty years, but was restored to sight a short time previous to her death.7 th December <strong>1854</strong> (Week 49)BIRTHSHere, at Agnew Crescent, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr Andrew Campbell, tailor, of a daughter.At Castle Douglas, on the 24th ult the wife of Jas. Laidlaw, Esq., surgeon, of a daughter.At the Commercial Inn, Gatehouse of Fleet, on the 17th ult., Mrs Dalziell of a son.At Gatehouse-of-Fleet, on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr John M'Michael, flesher, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at Harbour Street, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr Charles, Mr Thos. Johnston, shoemaker, to Isabelladaughter of Mr George McAlpine.At Skeath, Penninghame, on the 30th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr Richardson, David M'Culloch, Esq.,Barlauchlan, to Helen M'Whinnie, daughter of Mr M'Whinnie, late of the Commercial Inn, Wigtown.At Penninghame House Gardens, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Mr Richardson, Mr James Erskine,gunmaker, Newton-Stewart, to Grace, eldest daughter of Mr Sinclair, gardener, Penninghame House.At Gatehouse on the 28th ult., by the Rev. H.M. Jack of Girthon, Mr Peter M'Bryde, tailor, to Miss HelenHawkins.On November 16th, in St. Mark's Church, Armagh, by the Rev. B. Wade, R.G. Wallace, Esquire, ManagerBelfast Bank, Balymena, to Lizzie, third daughter of J.Y. Noble, Esq., Beresford Row, Mall, Armagh.DEATHSHere, at London Road, on the 2d inst., Mrs William McDowall, aged 71 years.Here, at Castle Street, on the 4th instant, Mr James Steven, shoemaker, aged 56 years; also on the 25th ult.,Agnes Shaw, his wife, aged 54 years.At Fisher Street, here, in the 84th year of her age, Dorothy Morrison.At Wigtown, on the 3d inst., very suddenly, Mr Alexander M'Kie, writer, aged 83 years.At Barbour on the 2d inst., Mr Andrew M'Kie, farmer, in the prime of life.

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