1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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21 st December <strong>1854</strong> (Week 51)BIRTHSHere, at Harbour Street, on the 15 th instant, the wife of Mr Morland, gas manager, of a son.At Kirkland, parish of Leswalt, on the 7 th instant, the wife of Mr Douglas, of a son.At 94 Bellgrove, Glasgow, on the 16 th instant, Mrs A. Morrison, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 20 th instant, the wife of Mr James Dickson, blacksmith, of a son.At 14, Higher Temple Street, Manchester, on the 17 th instant, the wife of Thomas Andrew, Esq., of adaughter.At Balgaly, on the 14 th inst., the wife of Mr Baxter, coachman, Bargaly, of a son.At the Manse of Barr, on the 11 th inst., Mrs Gibson, formerly in Terregles Manse, of a son.MARRIAGESAt 28 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, on the 14 th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Candlish, the Rev. George Charles,F.C. Stranraer, to Susan, only daughter of the late Leveson Douglas Stewart, Esq., R.N.At Kirkville, Aberdeenshire, on the 12 th instant, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M. Ireland, of the Free Church, Skene, toChristian Susan, eldest daughter of Captain Thomas Shepherd of Kirkville.At North Bell street, St. Andrews, on the 14 th instant, the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., Bridge of Allan, toIsabella, eldest daughter of the late John Bain, Esq., agent for the Bank of Scotland, St. Andrews.At Kirkcolm, on the 19 th inst., by the Rev. Andrew McDowall, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M’Dowall, gardener, Corsewall, toMiss Elizabeth Wason.At Glensannox House, Arran, on the 6 th instant, by the Rev. C. F. Campbell of Kirkbride, John A. Fullarton,Esq., Glasgow, to Jessie Thomson, second daughter of J. B. Miller, Esq., Windyhill, Ayrshire.At Newton-Stewart, by the Rev. Mr Reid, Mr Richard M’Neillie, coachman, Rephad, to Miss Jessie Barclay.DEATHSAt Castle Street, here, on the 15 th instant, Margaret M’<strong>Robert</strong>, wife of Mr John M’Caull, boot andshoemaker – much regretted.Here, at Glenwell Street, on the 16 th instant, after a lingering illness, aged 34 years, Mary M’Dowall, wife ofMr Hugh Robbs, joiner – much regretted.On Sunday night, 19 th November last, at his residence in Cumingsburg, Demerary, Dr. Hugh Rodie, a nativeof Scotland aged 73 years.At Wigtown, on the 19 th instant, John Black, Esq,. banker.At Port William, on the 14 th instant, Mary Torrance.At Newton-Stewart, on the 18 th inst., William Gray, of the Customs, Kirkcudbright, aged 30 years, eldestson of Mr Thomas Gray.At Killeal of Killiemore, on the 16 th instant, Mr John M’Clelland, aged 87 years.At Langlands Place on the 6 th inst., Jane M’Kinnell, spouse of Walter Duncan, druggist, Dumfries.Very suddenly, at Ringford, in the parish of Tongland, on the 8 th curt., of apoplexy, Mary, wife of Mr DavidBarclay, joiner there aged 43 years.At Glenturk, parish of Wigtown, on the 15 th inst., William, eldest son of Mr M’Lelland, farmer there.28 th December <strong>1854</strong> (Week 52)BIRTHSAt Greddock Mill, on the 21 st instant, the wife of Mr James Houston, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 20 th instant, the wife of Mr Thomas M’Morran, of a son.At the R.P. Manse, Castle-Douglas, on the 25 th inst., the wife of the Rev. W. Symington, of a son - still born.MARRIAGESAt Inch Village, on the 26 th instant, by the Rev. James Fergusson, Mr John Skimming, to Agnes, thirddaughter of Mr John Brown.

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