At Creetown, on the 1st inst., Mrs Oliphant, aged 72 years. Deceased was for a long time carrier betweenCreetown and Newton-Stewart and was well known to the community.At Newton-Stewart, on the 4th inst., Mary, eldest daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Crawford, grocer, aged 22 years.At Salchrie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 23d ult., Mr James M'Meckan, farmer there, aged 82, - muchrespected.At 24, Kinnon Street, Glasgow, on the 4th inst., Mrs Margaret M'Credie, late of Ballantrae.At Wigan on the 30th ultimo, aged 22 years, Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr James Hyslop, draper. Shewas confined to bed for seven months and bore her sickness patiently and with a prayerful submission tothe will of her Heavenly Father.At Kepplestone, near Aberdeen, on the 1st instant, Thomas Burnett, Esq., advocate, for many years pursebearerto the High Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.Killed at the Battle of Inkerman on the 5th ultimo, Brigadier General Thomas Leigh Goldie, second son ofthe late General Alexander John Goldie of the Nunnery, Isle of Man, grandson of the late LieutenantGeneral Thomas Goldie of Goldie Leigh in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and nephew of the presentLieutenant-General George Leigh Goldie.On the 30th ult., at Langholm, in the most sudden manner, John Nicol, Esq., writer.14 th December <strong>1854</strong> (Week 50)BIRTHSAt Swain's Hotel, Edinburgh, on the 12th inst, Mrs Hunter Blair, of Dunskey, of a son.At Springkell, on the 4th inst., Lady Heron Maxwell, of a daughter.At Lochans Mill, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr Archibald Ritchie, of a daughter.At Kevans, parish of Sorbie, on the 9th curt., Mrs Andrew Ralston, of a son.At 17 Young Street, Glasgow, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at Agnew Crescent, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Mathews, Mr Edward Caldwell, Auchneel, toMiss Elizabeth Broadfoot.At Lochans, near Stranraer, on the 7th inst, by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Mr Hinds, tea dealer, to Agnes, eldestdaughter of Mr John Henry, merchant.At Garthland, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr Hogarth, Mr William John Graham, toMiss Margaret Donnan.At Kirkmagill Mill parish of Stoneykirk, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr Campbell, Mr Andrew M'Caa, toMiss Jane Blain.At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th inst, by the Rev. Mr Johnstone, Mr John Cuthbertson, to Miss SusanMcKeand.DEATHSAt Church Street, here, on the 11th inst., after a brief illness, aged 14 years, William Henry, second son ofMr James M'Coid, bookseller - much regretted.At London Road, here, on the 8th inst., Christina, daughter of Mr Wm. Dyer.At Carty Tile Works, on the 7th inst., Marian Gilchrist, wife of Mr James Stewart, manager of the tile works,aged 32 years.At Mertonhall, on the 6th inst., Sarah M'Keand, aged 18 years.At Whithorn, on the 30th ult., Mr John Dinwiddie, aged 75 years.On the 6th inst., (suddenly) at Neptune Parks near Kirkcudbright, Margaret Bell, relict of the late CaptainWilliam Davidson.On the 1st inst., at 21 Sandon Street, Liverpool, George Marshall, eldest son of the late W. Marshall, Esq.,Parkhouse, near Kirkcudbright.Killed at the battle of Inkerman, on the 5th November last, <strong>Robert</strong> Barbour 1st Battalion Scots FusilierGuards, third son of the late William Barbour, flesher, Kirkcudbright aged 21 years. He was a verypromising young man.At Edinburgh, on the 19th inst., Lord Rutherford, one of the Judges of the Court of Session.
21 st December <strong>1854</strong> (Week 51)BIRTHSHere, at Harbour Street, on the 15 th instant, the wife of Mr Morland, gas manager, of a son.At Kirkland, parish of Leswalt, on the 7 th instant, the wife of Mr Douglas, of a son.At 94 Bellgrove, Glasgow, on the 16 th instant, Mrs A. Morrison, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 20 th instant, the wife of Mr James Dickson, blacksmith, of a son.At 14, Higher Temple Street, Manchester, on the 17 th instant, the wife of Thomas Andrew, Esq., of adaughter.At Balgaly, on the 14 th inst., the wife of Mr Baxter, coachman, Bargaly, of a son.At the Manse of Barr, on the 11 th inst., Mrs Gibson, formerly in Terregles Manse, of a son.MARRIAGESAt 28 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, on the 14 th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Candlish, the Rev. George Charles,F.C. Stranraer, to Susan, only daughter of the late Leveson Douglas Stewart, Esq., R.N.At Kirkville, Aberdeenshire, on the 12 th instant, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M. Ireland, of the Free Church, Skene, toChristian Susan, eldest daughter of Captain Thomas Shepherd of Kirkville.At North Bell street, St. Andrews, on the 14 th instant, the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., Bridge of Allan, toIsabella, eldest daughter of the late John Bain, Esq., agent for the Bank of Scotland, St. Andrews.At Kirkcolm, on the 19 th inst., by the Rev. Andrew McDowall, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M’Dowall, gardener, Corsewall, toMiss Elizabeth Wason.At Glensannox House, Arran, on the 6 th instant, by the Rev. C. F. Campbell of Kirkbride, John A. Fullarton,Esq., Glasgow, to Jessie Thomson, second daughter of J. B. Miller, Esq., Windyhill, Ayrshire.At Newton-Stewart, by the Rev. Mr Reid, Mr Richard M’Neillie, coachman, Rephad, to Miss Jessie Barclay.DEATHSAt Castle Street, here, on the 15 th instant, Margaret M’<strong>Robert</strong>, wife of Mr John M’Caull, boot andshoemaker – much regretted.Here, at Glenwell Street, on the 16 th instant, after a lingering illness, aged 34 years, Mary M’Dowall, wife ofMr Hugh Robbs, joiner – much regretted.On Sunday night, 19 th November last, at his residence in Cumingsburg, Demerary, Dr. Hugh Rodie, a nativeof Scotland aged 73 years.At Wigtown, on the 19 th instant, John Black, Esq,. banker.At Port William, on the 14 th instant, Mary Torrance.At Newton-Stewart, on the 18 th inst., William Gray, of the Customs, Kirkcudbright, aged 30 years, eldestson of Mr Thomas Gray.At Killeal of Killiemore, on the 16 th instant, Mr John M’Clelland, aged 87 years.At Langlands Place on the 6 th inst., Jane M’Kinnell, spouse of Walter Duncan, druggist, Dumfries.Very suddenly, at Ringford, in the parish of Tongland, on the 8 th curt., of apoplexy, Mary, wife of Mr DavidBarclay, joiner there aged 43 years.At Glenturk, parish of Wigtown, on the 15 th inst., William, eldest son of Mr M’Lelland, farmer there.28 th December <strong>1854</strong> (Week 52)BIRTHSAt Greddock Mill, on the 21 st instant, the wife of Mr James Houston, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 20 th instant, the wife of Mr Thomas M’Morran, of a son.At the R.P. Manse, Castle-Douglas, on the 25 th inst., the wife of the Rev. W. Symington, of a son - still born.MARRIAGESAt Inch Village, on the 26 th instant, by the Rev. James Fergusson, Mr John Skimming, to Agnes, thirddaughter of Mr John Brown.
- Page 1 and 2: 1854The Galloway Advertiser andWigt
- Page 3 and 4: At Downing Street, London, on the 7
- Page 5 and 6: At Stakeford House, Dumfries, on th
- Page 7 and 8: Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 2
- Page 9 and 10: At Inch Parks, on the 23d instant,
- Page 11 and 12: At Stranraer, on the 17th inst., by
- Page 13 and 14: Here, at Queen Street, on the 11th
- Page 15 and 16: At Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ulti
- Page 17 and 18: At Kirkcudbright, on the 14th inst,
- Page 19 and 20: At Tonguecroft, parish of Borgue, o
- Page 21 and 22: At Challoch, parish of Penninghame,
- Page 23 and 24: 31 st August 1854 (Week 35)BIRTHSAt
- Page 25 and 26: At Baldoon, Jane Campbell, wife of
- Page 27 and 28: At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th insta
- Page 29 and 30: Esq., of Castlesemple and Mousewald
- Page 31: Here, at North Strand Street, on th