1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

1854 - Robert Wells' Web Pages

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Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 27th ult, Mr Samuel Waugh, watch and spectacle maker, aged 57 years.He only commenced business here last week. His death was very sudden.At Mid Torrs, Old Luce, on the 23d ult., John Thorburn aged 27 years - a young man highly esteemed forhis amiable disposition and his Christian conduct; and his sudden death is deeply lamented by all whoknew him.At Glenluce, on the 24th ult., suddenly, David Wilkins, sheriff officer, aged 80 years.At Galdenoch, Newluce, on the 28th ult., Jean Milligan, aged 68 years, housekeeper to Mr Wallace. Herdeath was very sudden.At Sandhead, on the 24th ult., Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr Hugh M'Master.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 28th ult., Charles Stewart, late merchant in Manchester.At Irish Street, Dumfries, on the 24th ult., Mrs M'Guffog, relict of Mr John M'Guffog, guard, Portpatrickmail.9 th March <strong>1854</strong> (Week 10)BIRTHSOn the 4th instant, at No 1, Donegal Square, Esq, Belfast, Mrs Daniel, of a son.At Colmonell, on the 3d inst., Mrs Thomas McConnachie, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr James M'Naught, painter, of a daughter.At Knocknain, parish of Leswalt, on the 5th inst., Mrs Stevenson, of a daughter.At Kirkowen, on the 27th ultimo, the wife of Mr William M'Dowall, seedsman, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Dunskey, parish of Portpatrick, on the 7th inst., David Stewart, tailor, Stranraer, to Hellen, youngestdaughter of Mr Peter Hawthorn, Dunskey.At 8, Meadow Place, Edinburgh, on the 1st current, by the Rev. Dr Tweedie, the Rev. William White,missionary of the Church of Scotland to Calcutta, to Marion, second daughter of the late Mr MurrayGladstone Thomson, merchant, Edinburgh.DEATHSAt Lewis Street, Stranraer, on the 8th inst., William M'Cracken, Esq., writer. Dutiful, gentle, amiable, in allthe relations of life, and honourable and upright in all its transactions, few young men have obtained solarge an amount of public confidence and esteem, and few there are whose death has been so generallyregretted. Having lived the life of the righteous, his end was pre-eminently peaceful.Here, at King Street, on the 4th inst., Mr William Agnew, formerly carpenter, at the advanced age of 95years.Here, at King Street, on the 7th inst., Lucinda M'William, wife of Mr Samuel Kerr, grocer, aged 24 years.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 7th inst., Mary M'Haffie, aged 84 years, relict of Mr Andrew Gibson, latefarmer in Salchrie.At 147 West Regent Street, Glasgow, on the 2d inst., Mr Hugh Kennedy, formerly of Portpatrick.Kirkinner, on the 22d ultimo, in the 100th year of her age, Agnes M'Clymont, relict of Mr John M'Millan.At Palnure, near Newton-Stewart, on the 28th ult., Ann M'Guffog, relict of William M'Millan, aged 96 years.At Newton Stewart, on the 4th inst, Mr William Thomson, of the Grapes Inn.16 th March <strong>1854</strong> (Week 11)BIRTHSAt George Street, Stranraer, on the 10th instant the wife of Mr M'Master, baker, of a son.At Portree, Portpatrick, on the 10th instant, Mrs Arthur H. Gordon, of a son.At the Manse, Mochrum, on the 2d inst., the wife of the Rev. Alexander Young, A.M., of a daughter.At Cotton Mill, Newton-Stewart, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr John Fulton, weaver, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr James Gray, draper, of a daughter.

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