Open Day Programme - The University of Waikato

Open Day Programme - The University of Waikato

Open Day Programme - The University of Waikato

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<strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Programme</strong>Friday 17 May 2013See page 1for competitionentry details.

WhakatauExperience <strong>Waikato</strong>’s <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong><strong>Waikato</strong> TaniwharauHe piko he taniwhaHe piko he taniwhaE rau rangatira mā, ākonga māTēnā koutou katoaE wehi ana ki Te AtuaE whakahōnore ana i te Kīngi MāoriPaimarire ki a tātou katoaRarau mai e te iti, e te rahi, rarau mai ngā iwi o te motuRarau mai ki Te Whare Wānanga o <strong>Waikato</strong>Wahaina mai a Tūmanako, a Wawata, a MoemoeāWhakatārewa tū ki te rangiPiki mai kake mai!ContentsWelcome to <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>! <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong> is your opportunity to get a taste<strong>of</strong> what life is like on campus.<strong>The</strong>re are 3 main parts:» Faculty stands where you can talk directly with staff and students» Guided Tours to see where you can study and live» Presentations where you can find out more about why you should choose <strong>Waikato</strong>.Photographers will be roaming throughout the day – check out the photos onlineat www.waikato.ac.nz/go/openday and on our Facebook page.Where to StartStart with the informal welcome on the Village Green at 9.00am (and repeated again at 9.15am).A welcome will also be included in the 9.00am Accommodation session. <strong>The</strong>n it’s all about you.Talk to people, see the sights, experience activities and explore laboratories. Soak it all up!See pages 4-5 for where all the stands will be located on the day.Use this programme to help you plan your day; we hope you have a fantastic time on campus.Experience <strong>Waikato</strong>’s <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong> 1Top Tips for Making the Most <strong>of</strong> <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong> 2Essential Information 3Find Us 4Faculty <strong>of</strong> Arts & Social Sciences 6Faculty <strong>of</strong> Computing & Mathematical Sciences 7Faculty <strong>of</strong> Education 8Te Piringa - Faculty <strong>of</strong> Law 9School <strong>of</strong> Māori & Pacific Development 9Campus Map 10Faculty <strong>of</strong> Science & Engineering 12<strong>Waikato</strong> Management School 13<strong>The</strong> Student Experience 14Teachers’ Sessions 19Parents’ Sessions 19My <strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong> 20Plan Your <strong>Day</strong> 21Enter to Win…Enter to win a 2Degrees prize pack or one <strong>of</strong> 50 spot prizes.Scan the QR Code or visit the website below.This can be done anytime before <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong>,or by 12.30pm on the day.One entry per person.Spot prizes must be claimed on the day.www.waikato.ac.nz/go/opendayOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 1

Top Tips for Making the Most <strong>of</strong> <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong>Don’t Miss <strong>The</strong>se1Plan your dayWho do you want to talk to?What mini-lectures or talks doyou want to attend? What do you wantto see? Think ahead and use the back pageto draw up your plan <strong>of</strong> attack.3Find your wayYou will find a map in the centre<strong>of</strong> this programme. <strong>The</strong> roomlocations tell you the block, floor androom the activity is held in. For example:SG.01 S = S Block, G = Ground Floor,01 = Room Number 1.2Don’t be shy!Student Ambassadorswill be around in red<strong>Waikato</strong> t-shirts so feel free toask if you get a bit lost. Staff andstudents on stands are happy toanswer questions – that’s whatthey’re there for! If you get stuck,head to the trailer on the VillageGreen for help or information.WELCOME9.00am and 9.15amVillage GreenA welcome will also be included in the 9.00amAccommodation talk.ACCOMMODATION TALKS9.00am<strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts,<strong>The</strong> Playhouse10.00amStudent Village Dining HallACCOMMODATION TOURS9.00am – 1.30pmEvery 15 minutesMarquee at Gate 2ASCHOLARSHIPS11.00am and 11.30amLady Goodfellow BuildingFor more information – visit the Faculty stands!Essential InformationSTUDENT EXCHANGE10.00am and 12noon<strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts,Upstairs LoungeSTUDYING AS ANINTERNATIONAL STUDENT9.30am and 12.30pm<strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts,Upstairs LoungeTRANSITION FROM SECONDARYSCHOOL TO UNIVERSITY9.30amLady Goodfellow BuildingMAKING SENSE OF IT ALL – DEGREES,MAJORS AND PRE-REQUISITES1.00pmLady Goodfellow Building4Take a tourCampus tours leavefrom the traileron the Village Green every15 minutes. Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence(accommodation) tours leave fromthe marquee at Gate 2A every15 minutes. Tours are available forother facilities on campus – justpop to the Faculty stand and ask.Want to see the gym (Rec Centre)?See page 17 for tour times.5Faculty standsEvery Faculty has a stand set upfor the day. See pages 4-5 to seewhere they are all located. This is the perfectchance to get information first hand fromlecturers and students about the subjectsyou’re thinking about studying. StudentServices, Student Support, InternationalSupport, <strong>Waikato</strong>Pathways College,Sports and Clubs areall on the Village Green.Lost?Ask anyone in a red <strong>Waikato</strong> t-shirt or visit the trailer on the Village Green.Parking?Reserved for <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong> visitors at Gate 2B <strong>of</strong>f Knighton Road.Need money?ASB, ANZ and Westpac ATMs are located in the shops area.Hungry?Please have cash with you to make getting food easier and faster.» Momento – Village Green and» <strong>The</strong> Station – Hillcrest Road<strong>Waikato</strong> Management School» Bongo Sushi – Village Green» Oranga Food Court – Village Green» Pita Pit – Ground Floor, Student Centre2THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 3

Find UsStandLocationStandLocationStandLocationStandLocationAccommodationAccountingAgribusinessGate 2AMSB FoyerMSB FoyerEngineeringEnglishEnvironmental PlanningS Block, First FloorStudent CentreStudent CentreManagementCommunicationMāori and PacificDevelopmentMSB Foyer<strong>The</strong> GallagherAcademy <strong>of</strong>Performing ArtsSocial PolicySocial SciencesSocial WorkStudent CentreStudent CentreStudent CentreAnimal BehaviourAnthropologyArtsBiochemistryBiological SciencesBiotechnologyBusinessChemistryCommunication StudiesComputerGraphic DesignComputer ScienceCreative PracticesCreative TechnologiesDesign MediaEarth andOcean SciencesEconomicsEducation StudiesElectronic CommerceElectronicsS Block, First FloorStudent CentreStudent CentreS Block, First FloorS Block, First FloorS Block, First FloorMSB FoyerS Block, First FloorMSB FoyerS Block,Ground FloorComputer LabsS Block,Ground FloorStudent CentreStudent CentreStudent CentreS Block, First FloorMSB FoyerStudent CentreMSB FoyerS Block, First FloorEnvironmental ScienceEthicsFinanceGeographyGymHistoryHospitality ManagementHuman DevelopmentHuman ResourceManagementIndustrial Relationsand HRMInternational Languagesand CultureInternationalManagementInternationalStudent SupportLabour StudiesLarge Scale Laboratory(Engineering)LawLinguisticsManagementS Block, First FloorStudent CentreMSB FoyerStudent CentreRec CentreStudent CentreMSB FoyerStudent CentreMSB FoyerStudent CentreStudent CentreMSB FoyerVillage GreenStudent CentreLarge Scale Lab(LSL)Te Piringa -Faculty <strong>of</strong> LawStudent CentreMSB FoyerMāori Media andCommunicationMāori Student SupportMarketingMaterialsand ProcessingMathematicsMedia and CreativeTechnologiesMusicPacific Student SupportPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePopulation StudiesPsychologyPublic PolicyPublic RelationsRec Centre InfoScience and Science(Technology)Screen andMedia Studies<strong>The</strong> GallagherAcademy <strong>of</strong>Performing ArtsTainui CourtMSB FoyerS Block, First FloorS Block,Ground FloorStudent CentreStudent CentreVillage GreenStudent CentreS Block, First FloorStudent CentreStudent CentreStudent CentreStudent CentreMSB FoyerVillage GreenS Block, First FloorStudent CentreSociologySport andLeisure StudiesSports and ClubsStatisticsStrategic ManagementStudent ServicesSupply ChainManagementTeacher Education<strong>The</strong>atre StudiesTourism ManagementTourism Studies/Tourism Development<strong>Waikato</strong>Pathways College<strong>Waikato</strong>Students’ UnionWomen’s andGender StudiesWriting StudiesStudent CentreOutside L Block(by Pita Pit)Village GreenS Block,Ground FloorMSB FoyerVillage GreenMSB FoyerOutside L Block(by Pita Pit)Student CentreMSB FoyerStudent CentreVillage GreenVillage GreenStudent CentreStudent CentreMore Information/HelpHead to the Village Green4THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 5

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Arts & Social SciencesFaculty <strong>of</strong> Arts & Social SciencesLECTURES BY FACULTYStand Location: Student Centre Foyer, Level 2If you want to work with people – their civilisations, languages, societies and cultures, art andcommunities, learn about policy, planning and research, or embrace your creative side with music,theatre and screen and media – then the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Arts & Social Sciences (FASS) is for you.PerformanceMusic Performance 1.00pm – 2.00pm, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts, Concert ChamberTalksHOW TO PLAN YOUR FASS DEGREE1.00pm, SG.01STUDYING ENVIRONMENTALPLANNING AT WAIKATO12.30pm, LG.04STUDYING MEDIA AND CREATIVETECHNOLOGIES AT WAIKATO12noon, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, <strong>The</strong> PlayhouseSTUDYING SOCIETIES AND CULTURESAT WAIKATO9.30am, MSB1.05POLITICAL SCIENCEWe live in a political world9.30am, KG.11Plato, Gandhi and the truth1.00pm, MSB1.01POPULATION STUDIESEthnicity counts10.30am, MSB1.03PSYCHOLOGYTruth is weirder than fiction:Forensic clinical psychology9.30am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Concert ChamberTaming <strong>of</strong> the shrink12noon, PWCSCREEN AND MEDIA STUDIESKing Kong redux10.30am, MSB1.02SPANISHSpanish – a global language12noon, AG.11THEATRE STUDIESBaby with the bathwater … theatre workin progress12.30pm, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Te Whare Tapere ItiTOURISM STUDIESMagic, Tourism and Disney11.00am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, <strong>The</strong> PlayhouseLECTURES BY FACULTYMini LecturesANTHROPOLOGYAnthropology tells you everything youever wanted to know1.00pm, LG.02CHINESEGoing beyond “Ni hao!” – the importance<strong>of</strong> Chinese in the 21st century10.00am, AG.11ENGLISHTen things about Mr William Shakespeare9.30am, AG.30ETHICSWho should we kill?12.30pm, MSB1.01FRENCHParis at the time <strong>of</strong> Les Misérables11.00am, AG.11GEOGRAPHYWhy geography matters10.00am, MSB1.02GERMANDon’t dream it, speak it! Introduction to Germanlanguage and culture12.30pm, AG.11HISTORYFrom dusty shelf to lived experiences:Big new ideas in history9.30am, KG.07JAPANESEJapan’s place in the ‘Asian Century’10.30am, AG.11LINGUISTICSSpot the difference: Diversity andhomogeneity in language11.30am, AG.11MUSICComposition in the 21st century – finding a voice12noon, S1.03PHILOSOPHYIs time-travel possible?12noon, LG.04Faculty <strong>of</strong> Computing & Mathematical SciencesStand Location: S Block, Ground FloorFascinating, mind expanding, invigorating, demanding. All <strong>of</strong> these apply to a qualificationin Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics or Computer Graphic Design.TourGuided tours <strong>of</strong> the computer labs available regularly from the Faculty stand.FoodSausage sizzle, 11.00am, outside S Block.TalksSTUDYING COMPUTER GRAPHICDESIGN AT WAIKATO9.30am, LG.05 and 12.30pm, S1.03Mini LecturesMATHEMATICSSharing secrets with Mathematics12noon, KG.11STUDYING COMPUTER SCIENCEAT WAIKATOWhat’s your number? (Does the real you compute?)10.00am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, <strong>The</strong> PlayhouseSTATISTICSPractical statistical modelling withmultiple regression12.30pm, KG.076THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 7

Faculty <strong>of</strong> EducationTe Piringa - Faculty <strong>of</strong> LawLECTURES BY FACULTYStand Location: Behind L Block (near Pita Pit)Teacher Education and Sport and Leisure StudiesRealise your potential and become a teacher, or a leader in the sport and leisure studies industry –work in an environment where you can make a difference.We are recognised in New Zealand and overseas for our high quality programmes and staff.For school leavers, we <strong>of</strong>fer three-year and four-year teaching degrees, and a three-year degreein sport and leisure studies.Stand Location: Outside Te Piringa - Faculty <strong>of</strong> LawAt the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>, we teach the law in its social, political and economic context andstudents are encouraged to look deeper to find out why laws are made, who made them, how theywork and how to change them. <strong>Waikato</strong>’s very practical approach focuses on developing our students’analytical, research and communication skills – skills that are keenly sought by employers.Te Piringa - Faculty <strong>of</strong> Law has expertise in many areas. Come and see us to find out more.FoodLECTURES BY FACULTYCareers in teaching and in the sport and leisure studies industry are challenging. <strong>The</strong> pay andconditions are competitive and the rewards are enormous.TalksSTUDYING TEACHER EDUCATIONAT WAIKATONot just chalkboards and classrooms (includingtips and advice on applying for teaching)10.00am, LG.05 and 12noon, LG.01STUDYING SPORT AND LEISUREAT WAIKATOActivate your passion9.30am, LG.04 and 12.30pm, LG.01Sausage sizzle, 9.00am, at the stand.TalksSTUDYING LAW AT WAIKATO10.30am, LG.05School <strong>of</strong> Māori & Pacific DevelopmentMini Lecture/PerformanceStand Location: <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts, Te Whare Tapere ItiDANCETēnei te reo o Te Pua Wānanga kit e Ao e karanga atu nei ki a koutou.Contemporary dance in Aotearoa/New Zealand12noon, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Dance StudioNau mai, haere mai!Mini LecturesTREATY OF WAITANGI STUDIESTE REO MĀORI<strong>The</strong> Treaty <strong>of</strong> Waitangi – Is it time for a change?9.30am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Te Whare Tapere ItiSexing up Te Reo Māori11.00am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Te Whare Tapere ItiMĀORI MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONWhat is Māori Media?10.00am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Te Whare Tapere ItiTIKANGA MĀORIStars in their eyes11.30am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Te Whare Tapere ItiMĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENTDoes being Māori, being Pacific, beingother, matter?10.30am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, Te Whare Tapere Iti8THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 9

Campus MapCAMPUS MAPIn an emergency, call 838 4444 or go to thetrailer on the Village Green.Finding your way round CampusMain PathFollow the signs and if you get lost ask someone in ared t-shirt for directions.CAMPUS MAPRoom Reference Example: SG.01S = Block, G = Ground Floor, 01 = RoomGuided campus tours leave from the Village Greenevery 15 minutes from 9.30am to 1.00pm.Information AreasInformation AreasMain Eating OutletsParkingStudent AccommodationFaculty/School Areas» Arts & Social Sciences (FASS) in the Student Centre» Computing & Mathematical Sciences in S Block» Education in L Block» Law at Te Piringa - Faculty <strong>of</strong> Law Building» Māori & Pacific Development (SMPD) in the Academy» Science & Engineering in S Block» <strong>Waikato</strong> Management School in MSB Block» <strong>Waikato</strong> Pathways College on the Village GreenToilet Facilities – Located in most buildingsDisabled Toilet Facilities» Student Services Building behind theLady Goodfellow Building» G Block on all levels» Blocks I, J, K on Ground Floor» Student Centre Level 3» Block MSB on all levels10THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 201311

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Science & Engineering<strong>Waikato</strong> Management SchoolLECTURES BY FACULTYStand Location: S Block, Level 1 FoyerTalk to staff about your study options, learn how our degrees combine study and practical experienceand discover the amazing career opportunities available in the Science and Engineering industries.Join us for interactive chemistry demonstrations, exciting electronics/physics displays, BEV the electriccar, live monster eels, rocks from space and much more.Experience Antarctica and win!Visit the Antarctica stand in S Block Level 1 foyer and find out what it’s like to be an Antarctic scientist.Dress up in real Antarctic gear and have your photo taken with the penguins. Following <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong>,tag yourself in your photo on the Science and Engineering Facebook page and be in to win some coolAntarctic prizes. For more information visit www.facebook.com/<strong>Waikato</strong>ScienceEngineeringStand Location: MSB FoyerWant a pr<strong>of</strong>ession that’s dynamic and lucrative? Your career path begins at the Triple CrownAccredited <strong>Waikato</strong> Management School.Our graduates practise accounting in New York, lead international marketing teams, run tourcompanies and travel the globe managing football tournaments. <strong>The</strong>re’s no stopping <strong>Waikato</strong>Management School graduates.FoodHot pancakes on the BBQ from 9.30am and sausage sizzle from 11.30amTalksLECTURES BY FACULTYTourGuided tours <strong>of</strong> the laboratories will departregularly from S Block level one. Tours will alsodepart from the lecture theatre after each <strong>of</strong> theScience and Engineering mini-lectures and talks.STUDYING BUSINESS ANALYSIS AT WAIKATO11.30am, LG.05STUDYING COMMUNICATION STUDIESAT WAIKATO10.00am, LG.01STUDYING ELECTRONIC COMMERCEAT WAIKATO12.30pm, ELTSTUDYING MANAGEMENT AT WAIKATO10.30am, LG.01TalksSTUDYING ENGINEERING AT WAIKATO12.30pm and 1.00pm, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong>Performing Arts, <strong>The</strong> PlayhouseMini LecturesACCOUNTINGNegative gearing: Some facts and fallacies11.00am, LG.05MARKETINGWhy Marketing?1.00pm, PWCSTUDYING SCIENCE AT WAIKATO9.30am and 11.30am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong>Performing Arts, <strong>The</strong> PlayhouseMini LecturesBIOLOGICAL SCIENCESToilets and fungi and corkscrews – oh my!11.00am, SG.01CHEMISTRYChemistry across the science disciplines:How chemists can go anywhere9.30am, MSB1.01SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING WORKPLACEMENTS AT WAIKATO10.00am and 12noon, MSB1.03EARTH AND OCEAN SCIENCESSediments from source to sea: Why are ourestuaries filling up?1.00pm, S1.05ELECTRONICSWhat do electronics people actually do?11.30am, SG.01ECONOMICSShow me the money: Economics in action12.30pm, PWCFINANCEIs a girlfriend a good investment?12noon, ELTMANAGEMENT COMMUNICATIONPrepare for your dream job: Become a leaderin PR, advertising, journalism, organisationcommunication and much more9.30am, LG.01MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSBrilliant decisions or munted ones:It’s your choice1.00pm, MSB1.05STRATEGY AND HUMANRESOURCE MANAGEMENT<strong>The</strong> future <strong>of</strong> business:Strategy in a global world12noon, MSB1.01TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENTTravel delights: Tourism in action10.30am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> PerformingArts, <strong>The</strong> Playhouse12THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 13

International StudentsPasifika at <strong>Waikato</strong>STUDENT EXPERIENCEStand Location: Village GreenAt the <strong>University</strong> we have 2,000 international students from over 70 countries. By enrolling at <strong>Waikato</strong> youcan be assured <strong>of</strong> an excellent and supportive learning environment to help you realise your career goals.Find out about the support for international students, orientation, events, accommodationassistance, travel info, groups and clubs.TalksSTUDYING AS AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT9.30am and 12.30pm, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts, Upstairs LoungeMāori at <strong>Waikato</strong>Stand Location: Tainui Court opposite the Student Centre 12.30pm – 1.30pmKo te Whare Wānanga o <strong>Waikato</strong> e tū mai nei, ko te tangata te tohu, Tihei mauri ora.Tēnei te karanga atu ki a koutou ngā tauira Māori e hiahia ana kia urua ki tō tātou whare wānanga.Nau mai haere mai ki te whakawhanaunga ā ki te kaitahi me ngā kaimahi, ngā tauira Māori hoki kiwaenganui i te 12.30pm – 1.30pm ki Tainui Court.Stand Location: Village GreenKia orana, Malo e lelei, Tal<strong>of</strong>a, Fakaal<strong>of</strong>a lahi atu, BulaVinaka, Namaste, Talohi Ni, Halo ola keta, Mauri.Come meet our Pasifika Team at the Village Green.Jody Jackson-Becerra and Fui Te’evale look forward toassisting you and answering any questions you mayhave about <strong>Waikato</strong> such as:» Course advice and information» Applications for courses, accommodationand scholarships» Extensive student support services» Student Learning Support (SLS)» Clubs you can join on campus and more...It’s important that you have an enjoyable time ina supportive environment where you can learn andparticipate in cultural activities and be part <strong>of</strong> our<strong>Waikato</strong> Pasifika family.We look forward to having you on campus.STUDENT EXPERIENCEWhatever degree you study here at <strong>Waikato</strong> we want you to be successful. Our Māori Student Supportprogramme – Te Puna Tautoko – is a network <strong>of</strong> staff and students across the <strong>University</strong> whose aimis to ensure that you get the most out <strong>of</strong> your time here. We will be running a ‘kanohi ki te kanohi’meet and greet session with Māori students and staff and there will be entertainment and light snacks.So come along and meet the whānau at <strong>Waikato</strong>.UniSTARt StudentsAs a STAR student you are already a student at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>. Come along and join usfor morning tea and to chat with other STAR students and course convenors.Mauri Ora10.30am, Student Centre, First Floor, next to Bennetts14THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 15

AccommodationStudent ExchangeSTUDENT EXPERIENCE<strong>Waikato</strong>’s Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence – your home away from home. Come and hear a presentation from staffand students all about what Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence life is like, and how you apply.Talks9.00am, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong>Performing Arts, <strong>The</strong> Playhouse10.00am, Student Village Dining HallScholarshipsToursHALLS OF RESIDENCE TOURSLeave from the marquee at Gate 2Aevery 15 minutes, 9.00am – 1.30pmWant to explore new cultures, see new ways <strong>of</strong> learning, add to your employability skills?Spend a semester <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Waikato</strong> degree as an international exchange student and choose fromover 40 universities in Europe, Asia, the Americas and the Pacific.Talks10.00am and 12noon, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts, Upstairs LoungeStudent PanelQ&A with current students. Find out what it is really like to be a <strong>Waikato</strong> student.STUDENT EXPERIENCEScholarships and awards are a great way <strong>of</strong> helping ease financial costs. Come along to a sessionto find out what’s available at <strong>Waikato</strong> and how to apply. <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a hugerange <strong>of</strong> scholarships including School Leaver Scholarships based on Level 3 results.Talks1.00pm, <strong>The</strong> Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts, Te Whare Tapere ItiFor more scholarships information visit www.waikato.ac.nz/scholarshipsTalksSport and Recreation at <strong>Waikato</strong>11.00am and 11.30am, Lady Goodfellow BuildingStand Location: Village GreenSir Edmund Hillary Scholarship <strong>Programme</strong>For students who excel academically and in sports orthe creative and performing arts, this unique <strong>Waikato</strong>scholarship programme enables the achievement<strong>of</strong> all round excellence. Hillary Scholars receive a fullfees scholarship plus personal academic support,skills coaching, leadership and personal developmenttraining, gym membership and more.For information on sporting scholarships and highperformance sport contact the High PerformanceStudent Manager on highperformance@waikato.ac.nzTalks10.00am and 10.30am, Lady Goodfellow Building<strong>The</strong> Rec Centre on campus is your playground to keep active and to have fun. Choices includeweights and cardio equipment, endless pools, squash and basketball courts and a wide range<strong>of</strong> classes including Zumba and kickboxing.For all information about the Rec Centre and Sports and Clubs on campus check out the ULeisure stand.To GET INTO SPORT check out www.waikato.ac.nz/go/sportTalksSPORTS AND CLUBS – ENHANCING THEUNI EXPERIENCE11.00am and 11.30am, Rec CentreToursGUIDED TOURS OF THE REC CENTRELeave from the Rec Centre Reception at 9.30am,10.30am and 12.30pm16THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 17

Ugly Shakespeare PerformancesTeachers’ SessionsSTUDENT EXPERIENCE<strong>The</strong> Ugly Shakespeare Company will perform twice on <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong>.11.45am and 1.00pm, New Place <strong>The</strong>atre (between A Block and Te Piringa - Faculty <strong>of</strong> Law)Village Green StandsInformationDrop by the Information and Tours Trailer if you have general enquiries or for any emergency.Student ServicesMorning TeasFACULTY OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCESMorning tea with the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Arts & SocialSciences for teachers and careers advisers.9.30am, Student Centre, Room 2.09WAIKATO MANAGEMENT SCHOOLAll about the <strong>Waikato</strong> Management School andmorning tea for teachers and careers advisers.10.15am, MSB4.02STAR STUDENTS AND TEACHERSMorning tea and drop in session for anySTAR students or teachers.10.30am, Student Centre, First Floor,next to BennettsCheck out the FREE services to support you when you are a student – Student Health, DisabilitySupport Services, Student Learning, Finance etc.<strong>Waikato</strong> Students’ UnionCheck out your Students’ Union for information on events, games, social activities, clubs to join,hardship assistance and advocacy services.<strong>Waikato</strong> Pathways CollegeCheck out the <strong>Waikato</strong> Pathways College for information about the Certificate <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> Preparationand the Certificate <strong>of</strong> Attainment in Foundation Studies.Information SessionsTEACHERS’ INFORMATION SESSIONTeachers’ information session and pathways into<strong>University</strong> for students who have not achieved UE.Clare Cramond and <strong>Waikato</strong> Pathways College12noon – 12.45pm, Lady Goodfellow BuildingINFORMATION SESSION ON FURTHERSTUDY OPPORTUNITIES FOR TEACHERSWhile on campus the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Education is<strong>of</strong>fering you an opportunity to check out thenew 180 masters degree – and to ask aboutwhat the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Education can <strong>of</strong>fer youif you would like to undertake further study.You can also ask about study awards or takeinformation back to your school.You are welcome to a drop in session between10.00am and 12noon in BG.24 on the groundfloor <strong>of</strong> B Block which is marked on the map.Teachers’ LunchIndividual lunches have been organised and can be collected from <strong>The</strong> Station, Hillcrest Road,between 12.30pm and 1.30pm.Parents’ Information SessionA range <strong>of</strong> speakers to cover information about transitioning from school to university, accommodationon campus, the application process, costs involved in tertiary study, scholarships and questionand answer time.9.45am – 10.45am, Bryant Hall, <strong>The</strong> Buttery18THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 2013 19

My <strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong>Plan Your <strong>Day</strong>9.00am9.30am10.00am10.30amUse this fold out and the planner on the previous page to plan your day.Find Your WayYou will find a map in the centre <strong>of</strong> this programme.<strong>The</strong> room locations tell you the block, floor and room the activity is held in.For example:SG.01S = S Block, G = Ground Floor, 01 = Room Number 1MSB1.03MSB = MSB (Management School Building) Block, 1 = First Floor, 03 = Room Number 311.00am11.30am12noon12.30pm1.00pmRemember to:» Check out the Faculty Stands» See the Uni Rec Centre» Check out the Halls <strong>of</strong> Residence» Talk to a Student Ambassador» Visit the Village Green<strong>Open</strong> <strong>Day</strong> PhotosDon’t forget to check out photos from theday at www.waikato.ac.nz/go/opendayand to tag yourself onour Facebook page:www.facebook.com/<strong>Waikato</strong><strong>University</strong>20THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATOOPEN DAY PROGRAMME 201321

TitleLocation 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 11.45am 12noon 12.30pm 1.00pmVillage Green WelcomeAcademy* –Accommodation<strong>The</strong> PlayhouseAcademy* – TeWhare Tapere ItiAcademy* –Concert ChamberAcademy* –Dance StudioAcademy* –Upstairs LoungeScienceTreaty <strong>of</strong>Waitangi StudiesPsychologyInternationalStudentsComputerScienceMāori Media andCommunicationStudentExchangeTourism andHospitality MngtMāori and PacificDevelopmentTourism StudiesScienceMedia andCreative TechEngineeringEngineeringTe Reo Māori Tikanga Māori <strong>The</strong>atre Studies Student PanelDanceStudentExchangeInternationalStudentsAG.11 Chinese Japanese French Linguistics Spanish GermanAG.30ELTEnglishFinanceElectronicCommerceKG.07 History StatisticsKG.11 Political Science MathematicsLady GoodfellowBuildingLG.01LG.02LG.04LG.05Transition touniversityManagementCommunicationSport andLeisure StudiesComputerGraphic DesignHillaryScholarship Prog.CommunicationStudiesTeacherEducationHillaryScholarship Prog.ManagementLawScholarshipsAccountingScholarshipsBusinessAnalysisTeacherEducationPhilosophySport andLeisure StudiesEnvironmentalPlanningMusicPerformanceMaking Sense <strong>of</strong>degrees etc.AnthropologyMSB1.01 Chemistry Strategy & HRM Ethics Political ScienceMSB1.02MSB1.03MSB1.05New Place<strong>The</strong>atreSocieties andCulturesGeographySci & EngWork PlacementsScreen andMedia StudiesPopulationStudiesUgly ShakespearePerformanceSci and EngWork PlacementsManagementSystemsUgly ShakespearePerformanceColour Key<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>General InformationFaculty <strong>of</strong> Arts & Social SciencesFaculty <strong>of</strong> Computing &Mathematical SciencesFaculty <strong>of</strong> EducationFaculty <strong>of</strong> Science & EngineeringSchool <strong>of</strong> Māori &Pacific DevelopmentTe Piringa - Faculty <strong>of</strong> Law<strong>Waikato</strong> Management SchoolPWC Psychology Economics MarketingRec Centre Sports & Clubs Sports & ClubsS1.03 MusicS1.05SG.01Student CentreStudent Village†Tainui CourtAccommodationUniSTARtStudentsBiologicalSciencesElectronicsComputerGraphic DesignEarth andOcean SciencesPlan yourFASS degreeMāori at <strong>Waikato</strong> to 1.30pmKEY: Academy* = Gallagher Academy <strong>of</strong> Performing Arts; Student Village† = Student Village Dining Hall

THERE’S NO STOPPING YOUE KORE E TAEA TE AUKATI I A KOE<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong> Toll Free: 0800 WAIKATOPrivate Bag 3105 0800 924 528Hamilton 3240 Email: info@waikato.ac.nzNew ZealandWebsite: www.waikato.ac.nz©<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>, April 2013.

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