Christie Feighan - Arbonne

Christie Feighan - Arbonne

Christie Feighan - Arbonne

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ENVP <strong>Christie</strong> <strong>Feighan</strong>With<strong>Arbonne</strong>MoveMountainsWe CanWhen she began her journey, <strong>Christie</strong><strong>Feighan</strong> of Garland, Texas, never imaginedthe dreams her <strong>Arbonne</strong> businesswould help to fulfill. Now, she can’t imagine life anyother way!Tatiana, <strong>Christie</strong>’s real-life Cinderella.It’s hard to describe the abundant blessings I have received. But I knowby far it is the blessing of bringing my daughter home from Russia thatis the best. What does this have to do with <strong>Arbonne</strong>? So many things Ilearned along the way, and the income I have received over the last 13years, have much to do with this dream coming true.A few years into my <strong>Arbonne</strong> career, I completed my mission statementfor my life: “I am a Godly and outgoing woman surrendering mylife to teach, encourage and demonstrate hope to hurting and abusedwomen and children.” As I went along in my <strong>Arbonne</strong> career, I wouldmeet women to help, encourage and mentor. I was amazed every time.It was like they were just dropped at my doorstep. I believe when youput out there what you are here to do and you proclaim your purpose, itwill come to you. But when I wrote this mission statement, I had no ideaone of the children would someday be my daughter. It’s amazing howour path is laid out for us, although we can only see the light at our feet.“Sometimes ‘hard’ is what makes it great!”The <strong>Feighan</strong> family with their new Mercedes-Benz.My husband and I are so thankful every day for this awesome little girlwe are privileged to be parents to. She teaches us daily about the loveof God. I’m not sure I would have had the vision to start the awesometask of traveling to Russia twice, doing literally mounds of paperwork,and making the huge amount of money it took to bring her home, if Ihad not been in the position of <strong>Arbonne</strong> National Vice President. Before<strong>Arbonne</strong>, I was a hairstylist, makeup artist and facialist, and my husbandwas a musician. If we didn’t work, we didn’t get paid. That income didnot allow us the extra we would need to afford a Russian adoption.That’s why I’m so thankful <strong>Arbonne</strong> found me when I wasn’t looking for it.Thirteen years ago, I moved back to Texas from Nashville and startedworking at a salon as their new facialist. They had the <strong>Arbonne</strong> products<strong>Christie</strong> with NVP Jodie Johnson and ENVP Jill Jones.

Above: <strong>Christie</strong>, Michael and Tatiana at their favorite place: the ocean!Left: <strong>Christie</strong> and her mom, NVP Georgia Harris, with her first Mercedes-Benz.stocked in the facial room. I had no clients and no money, since I movedfrom another state, so I was happy to try anything free. After the firstapplication, not only did my clients see a difference in their skin, but Ialso saw a huge difference I had never seen before in my years of owningsalons. The products were flying out of my hands without my even tryingto sell them. Thank you to Jill and Linda for introducing me to <strong>Arbonne</strong>.I was selling skin care, nutrition, hair care and more to my clients, so Iwas working fewer hours while making more money. Then I was told,“When you sell enough, you can participate in the Mercedes-Benz CashBonus Program.” I had stocked thousands of products in my salonsbefore <strong>Arbonne</strong> and never earned so much as a key chain, no matterhow much I sold!“Let <strong>Arbonne</strong> empower youto dream again.”After three and a half years, I earned the Mercedes-Benz Cash Bonus.But I still said that I was never going to do a “party” in someone’s livingroom. I’m so glad that changed. I woke up one day and realized I couldteach and train others to do what I was doing. Sometimes it’s hard tomake that shift in your mind. Years down the road, there was a hugereason I needed to add this to our lives, and it wasn’t about the car ortrips, even though those are still two of my favorite things. When I started<strong>Arbonne</strong>, bringing my daughter home was not even a dream — I justwanted a discount on some great products. I know it sounds silly tothink a business could give you your dreams back, or as some say, aWhy for doing it, but <strong>Arbonne</strong> did this for me.for good. Patience is never a consolation prize. Patience means beingconsistently constant. And in consistency lies the power. We often needthat in our <strong>Arbonne</strong> business and in our lives. And sometimes “hard” iswhat makes it great!I have no idea what is important to you or what your dreams are, but Ido know that <strong>Arbonne</strong> has changed my life and the lives of my family.My mom is also an NVP, and we get to spend our days together. Myhusband and I have been able to go on trips with my mom and dadthat we would never have taken otherwise. These are the memoriesthat last a lifetime.Whether it is financial peace, better health or time freedom, these are justsome of the things I found along the way, along with a group of womenI couldn’t live without. Some are on my team and some sow seeds intomy life, with nothing to gain. Thank you, ENVP Meloni Barkley — youare one of those crossline sisters to me.My team prayed my daughter home. I’m so thankful to have every oneof the Consultants and VPs who have come into my business alongthe way. I know God gave them to me. Some come because they needgood products, some need health, some just need a new, positive setof friends, and some need a generous income. I’m glad we can offer itall with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. I’m also very thankful for all the Consultants who orderproduct. Everyone matters.Some of the dearest things to my heart are the friendships I have made.I heard a pastor once ask, “Who is that first person you call when there istragedy in your life? That is your true friend.” For me, that person is ENVP➤I love sharing about my beautiful, funny, happy, joyous little princess. Inow know that the process of achieving National Vice President with<strong>Arbonne</strong> prepared me for that important, life-changing dream of bringingmy daughter home. I can’t imagine our life without Tatiana! Startingmy <strong>Arbonne</strong> business not only gave me the income to do it, but alsothe experience to do the really hard things in life. I remember being inqualification for NVP and thinking, “This is the hardest thing I have everdone.” But a few years later, that paled in comparison to the Russianpaperwork we would do and re-do many times. Isn’t that true for all ofus? When we think we’re doing the hardest thing we have ever doneand we can’t get through it, later we look back and know it was onlypreparing us. It may be years down the road, but all things work together<strong>Christie</strong> and Tatiana with their Mercedes-Benz SLK on <strong>Christie</strong>’s first Mother’s Day.

SUCCESS STRATEGY“Never, ever give up on yourdreams, and believe in whatyou can’t see. That is faith!”Jill Jones. We run every situation by each other; she’s someone who isalways on my side, and I have no doubt we will be friends until the end.Thank you, ENVP Tina Prow Angus. Thank you for believing in me fromthe very beginning. You told me I could do this, and I believed you. Youare such a giver and a true survivor. You are beautiful.NVP Jodie Johnson, I’m so glad I sat next to your mom getting a pedicure.Who would have believed we went to the same Vacation BibleSchool growing up and didn’t know it? Our paths crossed 30 yearslater! I love you and your precious family. What an example of doingthis business you are!I am blessed to have wonderful parents. Thanks, Dad, for being therock that holds us all together. I love you. Mom, you were my firstsign-up, and five years later, my first promoted VP. I would be nothingwithout you. You truly exemplify the saying, “There is nothing I cannotdo.” You’re an amazing leader and trainer. I’m so happy to give you thegift of <strong>Arbonne</strong> and let it change you and give you freedom. You’vealways been my best friend.To my prince, Michael: I prayed for you for years, and I got everything Iwished for. You are the poster child for an <strong>Arbonne</strong> husband. The rolesyou played made me soar. You cleaned the house for every meeting,and there have been many over the years. You never complain about<strong>Arbonne</strong> or that I spend too much time on it. It has always been a teameffort at the <strong>Feighan</strong> house, and it has rewarded us so.Tatiana and Mercedes.And now my daughter, Tatiana! You are already an “<strong>Arbonne</strong> girl.” I lovetaking you along; you do great makeup! You encourage me and loveme — all the things I want to do for you. You’re already my best friend.I love going shopping with you and watching Christmas movies everynight during the holidays. You are a dream come true!Many people think, “That’s great for you, but it will never happen to me.”Why is it that when we are little, we dream big, and when we are big,we dream little? Let <strong>Arbonne</strong> empower you to dream again. When theydelivered my first Mercedes-Benz in 2002, my mom sat in my car andtold me that when I told her, “Mom, I’m going to earn a white Mercedeswith <strong>Arbonne</strong>,” she thought to herself, “That is a nice dream, but it willnever happen.” (She didn’t tell me that because she is a good mom.) Yousee, I was too shy to do anything like this. Thank God I did it anyway. Itwas the steppingstone to so many blessings in my life.I believe success is living life the way you choose. My family and faithare my top priorities. You may think this is about skin care and makeup,but for me, it’s so much more. With <strong>Arbonne</strong>, we can move mountains.Never, ever give up on your dreams — that is the only way they die.Believe in what you cannot see — that is faith!<strong>Christie</strong> with her husband, Michael, and <strong>Arbonne</strong> Founder Petter Mørck.The <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of National Vice President. Theaverage number of active <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants who achieved this rank and average compensationis described further in the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS) available at arbonne.com> The Company > Corporate Information > 2011 Independent Consultant Compensation Summary.The testimonial in this EOA is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent income projections. Theresults discussed in this EOA by the featured <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant are not typical and shouldnot be relied upon by prospective or current <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants as an indication of whatthey should expect to earn. Actual results for each <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant will vary dependingupon individual effort, time, skills and resources.january 2013

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