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Aneks 9 – Pembuatan Radiofarmaka66. Produksi produk radioaktif yang berbedadalam ruang yang sama <strong>dan</strong> padawaktu yang sama hendaklah dihindariuntuk meminimalkan risiko kontaminasisilang atau campur-baur.67. Validasi proses, pengawasan-selamaprosesserta pemantauan parameterproses <strong>dan</strong> lingkungan menjadi sangatpenting dalam kasus yang memerlukanpengambilan keputusan untukmeluluskan atau menolak bets produksebelum semua pengujian mutu selesai.68. Prosedur tetap (Protap) harus tersediauntuk semua kegiatan. Protap untukpembuatan produk hendaklah dikajisecara berkala <strong>dan</strong> dibuat terkini.Semua data tahapan kritis yangdimasukkan operator ke catatan betshendaklah diperiksa secara terpisaholeh operator lain atau supervisor.69. Spesifikasi bahan awal hendaklahmencantumkan rincian keterangantentang pemasok, orisinal bahan <strong>dan</strong>apabila berlaku, metode pembuatan <strong>dan</strong>pengendalian mutu yang digunakanuntuk memastikan ketepatanpenggunaan dari bahan tersebut.Produk jadi diluluskan hanya apabilahasil uji bahan awal memenuhi syarat.70. Berbagai jenis peralatan digunakanuntuk pembuatan radiofarmaka. Secaraumum, peralatan kromatografihendaklah digunakan khusus untukpreparasi <strong>dan</strong> pemurnian satu ataubeberapa produk yang bertandaradionuklida sama sehinggakontaminasi silang radioaktif dapatdihindarkan. Masa pakai (life span)kolom hendaklah ditetapkan. Perhatianbesar perlu diberikan untukpembersihan, sterilisasi <strong>dan</strong>pengoperasian alat pengering beku(freeze-drying) yang digunakan untukmenyiapkan kit.71. Hendaklah disusun suatu daftarperalatan kritis seperti timbangan, ovendepirogenisasi, kalibrator dosis, filtersterilisasi <strong>dan</strong> lain lain, di manaAnnex 9 – Manufacture ofRadiopharmaceuticals66. Production of different radioactiveproducts in the same work stations andat the same time should be avoided inorder to minimise the risk of crosscontaminationor mix-up.67. Process validation, in-process controlsand monitoring of process parametersand environment assume particularimportance in cases where it isnecessary to take the decision torelease or reject a batch or a productbefore all tests are completed.68. Standard operating procedures (SOPs)must be available for all operatingprocedures and should be regularlyreviewed and kept up to date for allmanufacturing operations. All data forcritical process on batch records shouldbe initiated by the operator andindependently checked by anotheroperator or supervisor.69. Specifications for starting materialsshould include details of their source,origin and (where applicable) method ofmanufacture and of the controls used toensure their suitability for use. Releaseof a finished product should beconditional on satisfactory results beingobtained in the tests on startingmaterials.70. A wide variety of equipment is used inthe preparation of radiopharmaceuticals.Equipment for chromatography should,in general, be dedicated to thepreparation and purification of one orseveral products labelled with the sameradionuclide to avoid radioactive crosscontamination.The life span of columnsshould be defined. Great care should betaken in cleaning, sterilizing andoperating freeze-drying equipment usedfor the preparation of kits.71. A list of critical equipment should bedrawn up, including any equipment suchas a balance, depyrogenating oven,dose calibrator, sterilizing filter, etc.,Edisi 2009 - 63 - 2009 Edition

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