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Aneks 9 – Pembuatan RadiofarmakaAnnex 9 – Manufacture ofRadiopharmaceuticalsdibuktikan.123. Rekonstitusi hendaklah dilakukanpada kondisi rekonstitusi ekstrim <strong>dan</strong>pengukuran hendaklah dilakukanpada waktu rekonstitusi <strong>dan</strong> padaatau setelah produk yangdirekonstitusi tersebut daluwarsa.124. Data stabilitas tambahan hendaklahtersedia, yang mencakup masasimpan yang dinyatakan dari produknonaktif ketika direkonstitusi denganaktivitas 99m Tc tertinggi <strong>dan</strong> terendahuntuk digunakan pada preparasiradiofarmaka bertanda99m Tcmenggunakan volume rekonstitusimaksimum <strong>dan</strong> minimum.125. Data hendaklah tersedia untukkonsentrasi radioaktif tertinggi yangakan digunakan untuk rekonstitusi.126. Bila bentuk akhir bungkusan diubah,maka data stabilitas hendaklahdiperbaharui.Uji Sterilitas127. Semua radiofarmaka untukpenggunaan parenteral harus steril.Meskipun tidak selalu memungkinkanuntuk menunggu hasil uji sterilitassebelum diluluskan untukpenggunaan karena sifat alamiahradioaktif, uji sterilitas hendaklahmenjadi bagian dari pengawasanmutu produksi. Proses produksihendaklah divalidasi secara teratur.128. Uji sterilitas hendaklah dilakukansesuai prosedur yang ditetapkandalam Farmakope <strong>Indonesia</strong> ataufarmakope internasional yang diakuioleh otorita pengawasan.Uji endotoksin bakteri129. Endotoksin bakteri menyebabkanefek pirogenik. Pengujian pirogen invivosecara teratur pada kelinci(durasi uji: 24±5 jam) untukmemastikan apirogenisitas produkmungkin tidak dapat dilakukan123. Reconstitution should be performedusing the extremes of the reconstitutionconditions and measurements should bemade both at the time of reconstitutionand at or after the time at which thereconstituted product expires.124. Additional stability data should beavailable covering the claimed shelf lifeof the inactive product whenreconstituted with both the highest andlowest activities of 99mTc to be used forpreparation of the 99mTc labelledradiopharmaceuticals in the minimumand maximum reconstitution volumes.125. The data should be available for thehighest radioactive concentration to beused for reconstitution.126. If the final packaging form is to bechanged, stability data should beregenerated.Sterility Test127. All radiopharmaceuticals for parenteraladministration should be sterile.Although it is not always possible toawait the result of the sterility of theproduct before release for use becauseof the radioactive nature of product, thetest should constitute a control of thequality of production. The productionprocess should be validated usingappropriate test runs at regular intervals.128. Sterility test should be performed basedon procedures describes in the nationalpharmacopeia or pharmacopeiaapproved by the national authority.Bacterial endotoxin test129. Bacterial endotoxins cause a pyrogeniceffect. Regular in-vivo pyrogen testing inrabbits (duration of test: 24 ± 5 h), whichensures the apyrogenicity of theproduct, is not possible prior to release /use of the product. In vitro test forEdisi 2009 - 75 - 2009 Edition

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