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Aneks 9 – Pembuatan Radiofarmaka161. Jika terjadi tumpahan radioaktifserius hendaklah dilakukan evakuasidari area sebelum prosespembersihan <strong>dan</strong> segera dilaporkankepada petugas proteksi radiasi.162. Radionuklida, kit radiofarmaka <strong>dan</strong>diluen hendaklah diperiksa identitas,tanggal atau waktu daluwarsa <strong>dan</strong>pemeriannya.163. Label identifikasi dengan nomor betsbertanggal hendaklah ditempel padavial pereaksi <strong>dan</strong> perisai wadahsebelum penambahan bahanradioaktif.164. Lembar catatan radiofarmakahendaklah disimpan untuk tiap betsbahan. Catatan hendaklahmencantumkan nomor bets,produsen, tanggal penerimaan,tanggal/waktu daluwarsa, prosedurpreparasi, pemastian mutu, <strong>dan</strong> hasilkalibrasi. Masing-masing dosis daribets ini hendaklah dicatat bersamawaktu, radioaktivitas, dosis persatuan volume <strong>dan</strong> nama atau nomorfile pasien.165. Perisai yang sesuai hendaklah dipilih.Komponen, label <strong>dan</strong> peralatanhendaklah diperiksa ulang.166. Tiap preparasi hendaklah dilakukanmenurut prosedur tertulis yangdisetujui <strong>dan</strong>, aman serta handal. Bilamemungkinkan, prosedur hendaklahdirancang sedemikian rupa sehinggasemua komponen yang dibutuhkanditempatkan dalam vial steril, <strong>dan</strong>prosedur manipulatif hanya untuktransfer secara aseptis antar vialmenggunakan alat suntik. Prosedurmanipulasi yang dilakukan padawadah terbuka hendaklahdihindarkan.167. Jumlah tusukan jarum suntik padatutup vial hendaklah diminimalkanuntuk mencegah serpihan tutupmasuk ke dalam vial <strong>dan</strong> pelepasanpartikel.Annex 9 – Manufacture ofRadiopharmaceuticals161. Serious spills should require evacuationof the area before any cleanup isundertaken and should be first reportedto the radiation safety officer.162. Radionuclides, kits and diluents shouldbe checked for identity, expiry time/dateand appearance.163. Identifying labels with a dated batchnumber should be affixed to reagentvials and shielding containers prior tothe addition of radioactive material.164. A radiopharmaceutical record sheetshould be maintained for each batch ofmaterial. The record should includebatch-numbers, manufacturer, datereceived, expiration time/date,preparation procedure, qualityassurance, and calibration results. Eachdose from this batch should be recordedwith the time, activity, dose/volume andpatient's name/file number.165. Appropriate shielding should beselected. Components, labels andequipment should then be rechecked.166. Each preparation should be performedin accor<strong>dan</strong>ce with an approved writtenprocedure that should be safe andreliable. Where possible, methodsshould be devised in which all thecomponents required are contained inpresterilised vials with the onlymanipulative procedure being aseptictransfer between vials using syringes.Methods requiring manipulation in opencontainers should be avoided.167. The number of cap punctures should bekept to a minimum to prevent coring andshedding of particles.Edisi 2009 - 82 - 2009 Edition

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