Burning Tree Elementary School PTA Meeting ... - burningtreepta

Burning Tree Elementary School PTA Meeting ... - burningtreepta

Burning Tree Elementary School PTA Meeting ... - burningtreepta


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<strong>Burning</strong> <strong>Tree</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>PTA</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>September 4, 2012President Kristen Farren called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm, following the <strong>PTA</strong>Volunteer Fair. The 2012-2013 Board was introduced. Minutes from the previousmeeting were submitted.President’s ReportWelcome to everyone and to 2012-2013 school year.Thank you to many who worked during the summer to help prepare. Thank you toYvonne and Lee for coordinating the shade structure, as well as to Vicki Herson. Thankyou to Sharon, Risa Bender and Cathy Shupak for the After <strong>School</strong> Activities (ASAs), aswell as our data input people. Thank you to Karen Straus and Barb for the Directory.Thank you to Amy Eisner and Annaliese Infeld for getting the Room Parents going; toKristen Truitt and Kristine DeBry for coordinating the playdates this summer; DawnGontkovic for the Staff Appreciation lunch; Jara Shapiro and Rebecca for the Back to<strong>School</strong> Picnic planning; Eileen Vermilye for submitting the ICB requests; Anne and Barbfor working on Treasurer issues to date; and to Lisa Lacourse for the beautifullyrenovated Staff Lounge.Spirit Day will be held the first Friday of every month. Encourage your children to wearpurple or green, the BT colors.The <strong>PTA</strong> Directory will be coming out soon. Please confirm your information so that youare listed correctly.Our website is www.burningtreewikispaces.com. Bookmark it, and check in periodicallyfor upcoming events.Kiss and Ride safety rules are critical. In the mornings, please wait your turn, when atthe front of the line have your children get out of the car as quickly as possible (youshould not get out of the car as this slows down the process - staff is there at the curb tohelp), and proceed down Beech <strong>Tree</strong>. In the afternoons, do not block drive ways or crosswalks, follow the route from your summer packet, and follow any instructions by thecrossing guard.Seven reminders for the year: 1) Join the <strong>PTA</strong>!; 2) Come to the Back to <strong>School</strong> PicnicFriday. A great way to meet your children's teachers and friends; 3) Committee Chair andRoom Parent meetings tomorrow at 915 and 1015; 4) New Birthday policy - keep treatssmall and healthy; consider donating a book from our Media Center wish list which youcan read to your child's class in lieu of treats; 5) Take advantage of our wonderful Beforeand After school Activities; 6) Make a Fill Our Pond donation!; 7) Come to our <strong>PTA</strong><strong>Meeting</strong>s: typically the first Tuesday of the month. Our next meeting is October 2. Our

November meeting will be held on Weds, Nov 7 due to Election Day. Our speaker willbe Marion Kraff, a child obesity and eating disorder specialist, who will discuss HealthyChoices.Principal's ReportDr. Lewis introduced and welcomed Ms. Maureen Ryan, the new Assistant Principal.Enrollment is presently 503 students. 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades are the largest. Close toneeding additional teachers. The first week of school has been wonderful.4th grade teachers face a new challenge in preparing their students for the incorporationof 2.0 curriculum next year.K-3rd grade have new report cards, in concert with the 2.0 curriculum. Explanationshave gone out to parents, and two evening meetings will be offered in October to explainthe new standards-based reporting.An electronic monthly newsletter will be published this year, to include both reports fromteachers and news about current and upcoming events.President Elect ReportPlease consider volunteering at recess. Many more parents are needed to make this a safetime for our students. <strong>PTA</strong> Board is talking with Coach Aaron, a local occupationaltherapist who runs some of our Before and After <strong>School</strong> activities, about offering somestructured play options. More information coming.Staff Report - Ms Shapiro thanked everyone for helping with classroom preparation, forthe beautiful changes to the Staff Lounge, and for the Staff Appreciation luncheon lastweek.Treasurer’s ReportThe 2012-­ 2013 budget was submitted and approved. Changes to the Wish List werediscussed, to account for the Staff Lounge and Coach Aaron. Also, this summer's auditwas a success. It was submitted and approved.VP ReportsA. Membership - 177 members at present.B. At Large Reps - SAC: Please attend the upcoming coffee at David Esquith's house.Cluster: Please consider hearings as often as possible to show support for both school andWhitman cluster schools issues. International: Planning for International Night isstarting!C. MCC<strong>PTA</strong> - We still need one volunteer for this spot, to share duties for half of theyear.

D. Fundraising - We need to raise $42, 000 more than anticipated this year to cover thecosts of additional Promethean Boards, so that 4th and 5th grade classrooms will beprepared for the final roll out of Curriculum 2.0 next school year. Many wonderfulevents planned for the year. Other fundraising recommendations gratefully accepted.E. <strong>School</strong> Based - Walk to <strong>School</strong> Day is just around the corner. Last year we had 293participants - let's top that this year.F. Volunteers - Please consider helping at recess.G. Community Building - Please come to the Back to <strong>School</strong> Picnic.New Business -Upcoming/September Events5th Committee Chair and Room Parent Training , 9:15 am, Staff Lounge7th Picnic, 5:30-7pm, rear playground13th New Parent Coffee, Kristen Farren's house, 7501 Westfield Drive18th Back to <strong>School</strong> Night K-2/Dine Out, Ledo Pizza on River Road19th Back to <strong>School</strong> Night 3-5/Dine Out, Ledo Pizza on River Road20th New International Parent Coffee, 9:30am, Staff Lounge24th Parents of Students with Accommodations meeting, David Esquith's house, 7701MaryknollThe meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.Respectfully submitted,Eileen VermilyeRecording Secretary

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