Blore Br_Sept_09_Newsletter_email.pmd - Bangalore Branch of SIRC

Blore Br_Sept_09_Newsletter_email.pmd - Bangalore Branch of SIRC

Blore Br_Sept_09_Newsletter_email.pmd - Bangalore Branch of SIRC

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Think Differently Act PerfectlyProblems - Are They Really So ?C.A. H.V.Srinivasa(Retd. Bank Executive, Author <strong>of</strong> Banking, Management & spiritual books, Philosopher)Problems are there. It depends upon how we perceive. Butthere is no problem without a solution. Every genuineproblem has solution. If not perfect solution, there can befeasible alternatives. There is no ready made solution, as thereis no ready made problem. One has to cross the bridge whenit comes. It does not mean that one should not anticipateproblem. Before pitching upon any solution, one must beclear as to what the problem really is. When both problemand the solution are known, yet there can be a problem as towho has to lead or who has to bell the cat. Problems have tobe localized and the solutions have to be globalized. Quite<strong>of</strong>ten, we find the situations otherwise.We are drowned in variety <strong>of</strong> problems say, dental, mental,sentimental, departmental, compartmental and so on. Peoplehave no patience to find ‘what is the fundamental problem’.We do not water the branches. Water the roots, the branchesare automatic. When we have to eliminate, we have to cutthe roots instead <strong>of</strong> cutting only the branches. We have toquestion ourselves whether we treat the ‘cause’ <strong>of</strong> the ‘effect’.A head ache may be cured for the moment by a ready mademedicine, but it manifests again and again. The cause forheadache may be something else like diabetes, eye problem,indigestion etc. One has to go into the root cause if a problemis to be eliminated permanently.When you are small, the problem is big. When the problemis big, you are small. ‘Be bigger than the problem’. Peoplehave desires. It is not wrong. But desire normally is to getsomething or to grab something, whether one deserves reallywhat he desires. But Ambition is always greater than desire.Ambition is to become something. Ambition is normallyassociated with Vision and Hard work. One must earn theposition. One must carve a niche for oneself by hard workand dedication. When the Post is big, you are small. Whenyou are big, post is small. ‘Be bigger then the Post’ as otherwise,you are crushed by its heavy weight, and you tumble. Handlingany work or position or situations should be like child’s play.You can handle or avert any crisis. You are like a heavy-weightchampion. For that you are to be relaxed. You are to bebalanced. More and more <strong>of</strong> weight lifting enhances the musclepower. But we are interested in enhancing the Mental poweror Moral power. It is then to lift more and more <strong>of</strong> challengingproblems and situations with ease.In any given situation, just mere listing <strong>of</strong> problems wouldhelp by itself. Let there be hundreds <strong>of</strong> problems. By the timewe come to the last problem, many earlier problems so listedwould automatically get evaporated. It is because either theproblems are imaginary or psychological than being physicalor real. More than listing the problems, listing priorities wouldhelp as to which are more important, which are less important,and which are unimportant, if a time bound risk eliminatingand pr<strong>of</strong>it making plan has to be achieved.Postponing problems does not really solve them. A smallproblem today, if unattended may turn out to be a giantproblem tomorrow. One has to face the devil then and thereif it comes to that. It is even better to lose less today thanlosing more tomorrow. Confrontation <strong>of</strong> problem is knownto be the best way <strong>of</strong> solving the problems. Dog chases aslong as you run. The moment you dare to stop, it retraces itssteps.’ I can face the tiger (provided the tiger does not faceme) is not an attitude <strong>of</strong> a man <strong>of</strong> courage. Glorifying theproblem does not help.. Togetherness can help tackling anyproblem The Spirit <strong>of</strong> sailing together or sinking together caneffectively avert even dangerous situations.Problem sensitivity is important for any leader. One musthave the power <strong>of</strong> smelling the rot. The three monkey approachlike (1) Hear no problem (2) See no problem and (3) Speak noproblem is not good at all. We have to see, hear and talk about.In certain given situations, three types <strong>of</strong> attitudes help us.(1) Somebody asks ‘how are you’. There is no use crying outwith all our problems. Nobody wants our problems. Justsay ‘ No problem. No problem.. Fine’.(2) Some incorrigible and inevitable devil goes on braggingirrelevant. Just say ‘Is it so?.. I see..’. Here we are neitherapproving nor disputing. It is just an eloquent silence.(3) Somebody has already committed or spoilt unintentionallylike spoilt milk. There is no use brooding over it again andagain. Just say ‘okay.. it is alright’. It is like saying ‘forgetand forgive’. Instead <strong>of</strong> jumping out enquiring ‘who isresponsible’ it is to think <strong>of</strong> how things have happenedand how to set it right first.The centre <strong>of</strong> happiness is within us. But we normallyshift it outside and make it dependent upon people, things,and events. For example, if a colleague in the same organizationgets promotion or elevation, we are jealous, but if a friend inan organization other than ours gets the same elevation, wecongratulate him without being affected. If a relative builds ahouse, we feel jealous, but if somebody not related or notconnected to us builds a beautifully palace, we rejoice it. I donot have any problem <strong>of</strong> not having any car or possessing asmall car. But the moment the neighbor gets a big andluxurious car, the neighbor’s envy crystallizes and the problemIt is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed – Theodore Roosevelt17<strong>Sept</strong>ember20<strong>09</strong>

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