Luke 12 - Indepthbible.org

Luke 12 - Indepthbible.org

Luke 12 - Indepthbible.org

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Son of the Person, it will be f<strong>org</strong>iven to him. But then for the one speaking sacrilegiously of the2548(...continued)Manuscript e, the Sinaitic Syriac and a few manuscripts of the Bohairic Coptic. The omission mayhave been caused by the eye of the copyist(s) skipping from the ending of verse 8, tou/ qeou/, tothe ending of verse 9, tou/ qeou, and thereby omitting the material in between.Nolland comments that “Not hypocrisy [game-playing] but a clear acknowledgment beforeothers of one's allegiance to the Son of Man is called for. He who owns is owned: the Son ofMan will do in heaven in relation to you what you are prepared to do on earth in relation to Him."(2, p. 681)2549<strong>Luke</strong> <strong>12</strong>:10 has parallels in Mark 3:28-30 and Matthew <strong>12</strong>:31-32.Mark 3:28-30, VAmh.n le,gw u`mi/n o[ti pa,nta avfeqh,setai toi/j uiòi/j tw/n avnqrw,pwn ta.a`marth,mata kai. ai` blasfhmi,ai o[sa eva.n blasfhmh,swsin\ 3.29 o]j dV a'n blasfhmh,sh| eivj to.pneu/ma to. a[gion( ouvk e;cei a;fesin eivj to.n aivw/na( avlla. e;noco,j evstin aivwni,ou a`marth,matojÅ3.30 o[ti e;legon\ pneu/ma avka,qarton e;ceiÅ3.28 Truly I say to you people that, Everything will be f<strong>org</strong>iven to the children of the people--themissings-of-the-mark and the sacrilegious statements, whatever they may say sacrilegiously.3.29 But then, whoever may speak sacrilegiously against the Spirit, the Set-apart One,does not have f<strong>org</strong>iveness into the long-lasting time, but rather, is liable for a long-Iasting missingof the mark ('sin'). 3.30 Because they were saying, He has an unclean spirit.Matthew <strong>12</strong>:31-32 Dia. tou/to le,gw u`mi/n( pa/sa a`marti,a kai. blasfhmi,a avfeqh,setaitoi/j avnqrw,poij( h` de. tou/ pneu,matoj blasfhmi,a ouvk avfeqh,setaiÅ <strong>12</strong>.32 kai. o]j eva.n ei;ph|lo,gon kata. tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ avnqrw,pou( avfeqh,setai auvtw/|\ o]j dV a'n ei;ph| kata. tou/ pneu,matojtou/ a`gi,ou( ouvk avfeqh,setai auvtw/ | ou;te evn tou,tw| tw/| aivw/ni ou;te evn tw/ | me,llontiÅ<strong>12</strong>.31 For this reason I say to you people, every missing-of-the mark and sacrilegiousstatement will be f<strong>org</strong>iven to the people; but then a sacrilegious statement (concerning) the Spiritwill not be f<strong>org</strong>iven. <strong>12</strong>.32 And whoever may speak a word against the Son of the Person, it willbe f<strong>org</strong>iven to him. But then whoever shall speak against the Spirit, the Set-apart One, it will notbe f<strong>org</strong>iven to him, neither in this age, nor in the coming (age).Mark's statement contains 43 words; Matthew's contains 51 words; <strong>Luke</strong>'s contains only21 words. Here again, both <strong>Luke</strong> and Matthew are following their main source-document, Mark.In both Mark and Matthew, the saying comes in the context of the charge made by the separatists("pharisees") that His casting out demons is done by the power of Beelzebul, i.e., by demonicpower. <strong>Luke</strong> separates the saying from that context (which is found earlier in <strong>Luke</strong> at 11:14-23),and makes it simply one of a number of sayings of Jesus gathered together in this place, followingHis sharp criticisms of the separatists and their lawyers. We think that <strong>Luke</strong> has done an excellentjob of summarizing the saying of Jesus as found in Mark, using half the words, but giving thegist of the saying.<strong>12</strong>31

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