Felt Delo Lindo - Ligne Roset
Felt Delo Lindo - Ligne Roset
Felt Delo Lindo - Ligne Roset
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Chairs<strong>Felt</strong> <strong>Delo</strong> <strong>Lindo</strong>147
Dining chairsAlster Emmanuel DietrichSaint-James Jean Nouvel148Folk Benjamin Graindorge
Dining chairs<strong>Felt</strong> <strong>Delo</strong> <strong>Lindo</strong><strong>Felt</strong> will please all those who dream of a differentkind of chair, one of astonishing beauty &remarkable comfort. Completely clad in colouredwool felt, its overall effect is one ofstriking harmony & balance. Covers are heldin place by completely invisible zips which areconcealed by edge-to-edge seams. Choice ofsix colours: rouille, tomate, nacre, moutarde,rose, glacier.Serpentine Éléonore NaletApologies, this model is not available in theUK & Ireland.ChairH 84.5 W 44.5D 55; seat 48.5Triomphe Usin-eThe success of Triomphe’s appearance oweseverything to the perfect mastery of the techniques& materials employed to produce it.Structure & legs in satin varnished solid Americanwalnut. One-piece seat/back shell in mattblack melamine on moulded, curved multi-ply.Simplissimo Jean NouvelSimplissimo is aimed at devotees of uncompromisingmodernity, at all those who value therefined construction of an architect-designedpiece. Base in matt lacquered tubular steel withprotective gliders; the upholstery of the seat/back hugs the curves of the metal structure, deliberatelyallowing gathers in the four corners,which contribute to the overall aesthetic ofthe piece.ChairH 88 W 49.3D 56.5; seat 45.5ChairH 82.5 W 50D 55.5; seat 48Guggen André KikoskiSaint-James Jean NouvelOriginal, comfortable & functional, this re-issueof a chair originally designed for the restaurantof the Saint-James Hotel Bouliac combinessimple, elegantly-curving & very light lines, withthe sensual fullness of the seat, back or armcushions. Frame in varnished Epoxy aluminiumlacquered drawn steel. Exclusively available inSirocco or Uniform fabric; removable covers.Carver chairH 80 W 81D 66; seat 52ChairH 80 W 52D 66; seat 52FootstoolW 52 D 52;seat 52Folk Benjamin GraindorgeHans Emmanuel DietrichPair of chairs with structures in square-sectionbrilliant-chromed steel tubing, cut on the diagonal.Seat/back in multi-ply, covered in syndermehide – choice of white, brown, black, beige, grey,red, yellow, natural, bright red, grey-beige orguava.ChairH 88 W 50D 55; seat 46Louise Helene TiedemannA beautiful piece of woodwork: the frame's solidwood uprights interweave to give this chair anentirely unique personality. Structure in blackash + ash slats, or with slats covered in pigmentedundressed hide – wide choice of colours.Sold in pairs.Chair with structure in satin black-stained solidash; seat & back in multi-ply finished in blackstainedash veneer. Sold either singly or in pairs.ChairH 83 W 42D 54.3; seat 45.5ChairH 78.5 W 44.5D 51.5Indoor & Outdoor151
Dining chairsLuca Soft Jean-Philippe NuelLuca Soft Jean-Philippe NuelRésille Philippe NigroRésille Philippe NigroAlthough originally designed for a hotel, thisrange of seating will fit perfectly into any interior,whether contemporary or more classic, in aliving room or around a table. Shown left: cantileveredbridge with base in reinforced 20/20section tubular matt black metal.Although originally designed for a hotel, thisrange of seating will fit perfectly into any interior,whether contemporary or more classic, in aliving room or around a table. Shown left: higharmchair.Available in both an ‘indoor’ & an ‘indoor/outdoor’ version, Résille is constructed frompassivated, outdoor-quality brilliant-finish 304tubular stainless steel & 304 stainless steelwire. Removable seat cushion (available in both‘indoor’ & ‘indoor/outdoor’ versions) is held inplace by clips.Available in both an ‘indoor’ & an ‘indoor/outdoor’ version, Résille is constructed frompassivated, outdoor-quality brilliant-finish 304tubular stainless steel & 304 stainless steelwire. Removable seat cushion (available in both‘indoor’ & ‘indoor/outdoor’ versions) is held inplace by clips.Cantilevered bridgeH 73 W 60D 55; seat 47High armchairH 73 W 60D 55; seat 47Bridge chairH 82 W 53D 54; seat 49ChairH 81.5 W 50D 55; seat 48Luca Soft Jean-Philippe NuelMobidec Pierre CharpinGrillage François AzambourgCalin Pascal MourgueAlthough originally designed for a hotel, thisrange of seating will fit perfectly into any interior,whether contemporary or more classic, in aliving room or around a table. Shown left: carverchair, available with wooden or metal feet.Mobidec’s design borrows heavily from theequestrian world: resembling a slightly truncatedpommel horse, the bulk of the seat rests ona metal base , the design of which is reminiscentof stirrups. Cover is removable & incorporatesan integral webbed strap for ease of handling.Chair made from a sheet of metal which isgrooved in staggered rows & then stretched beforemetal wire is soldered to the exterior, pieceby piece. The sheet thus obtained is folded atvarious points to create the seat. Available inEpoxy white or black lacquer. Suitable for bothindoor & outdoor use. Sold in pairs.A dining chair offering all the comfort of anarmchair. Structure in steel finished in Epoxyaluminium lacquer.Carver chairH 73 D 60D 55; seat 47FootstoolW 37 D 38;seat 45ChairH 86.5 W 51D 60; seat 46.5ChairH 86 W 51D 58; seat 48Guggen André KikoskiSo N. Nasrallah & C. HornerTV Pierre PaulinPli Pascal MourgueOriginally designed for the new restaurant atthe Guggenheim Museum, Guggen sits onfour anthracite-stained solid beech legs. Thethree-band mattressed effect on the back suggestsa warm welcome. Covers may be removedby an upholsterer.A contemporary chair offering exceptionalcomfort combined with strikingly pure & simplelines: note its relatively thick seat platform,high backrest & unusual, cross-shaped base.Covers are held in place by gripper strips, & maybe removed. Please refer to your <strong>Ligne</strong> <strong>Roset</strong>stockist for a list of suitable fabrics.A reproduction of an original Pierre Paulindesign from the 1950’s. The visual fluidity &sculptural freedom of line are as potent today asthey were in 1954. Base in satin-finish blacklacquer or brilliant chrome; Pullmaflex suspensionon seat; fabric covers are held in place bygripper strips, & are removable.Apologies, this model is not available in theUK & Ireland.Chair withwood legsH 82 W 49D 60; seat 46Chair withhigh backrestH 112 W 55D 60; seat 47Chair with lowbackrestH 86 W 52D 58; seat 47ChairH 83 W 48D 57; seat 48Guggen André KikoskiGuggen André KikoskiPetra C. Dondoli & M. PocciPetra C. Dondoli & M. PocciOriginally designed for the new restaurant atthe Guggenheim Museum, Guggen sits on arotating cross-shaped flat steel base as shown,or else a cross-shaped wire base (shown right).The three-band mattressed effect on the back issuggestive of a warm welcome. Covers may beremoved by an upholsterer.Originally designed for the new restaurant atthe Guggenheim Museum, Guggen sits on across-shaped wire base as shown, or else on arotating cross-shaped flat steel base (shownleft). The three-band mattressed effect on theback is suggestive of a warm welcome. Coversmay be removed by an upholsterer.A particularly robust chair in compact rigidpolyurethane coloured by mould lacquering(choice of white, black, red, blue or beige).Suitable for use indoors or outdoors. Thesechairs are exceptionally light & up to 6 may bestacked together.A particularly robust chair in compact rigidpolyurethane coloured by mould lacquering(choice of white, black, red, blue or beige).Suitable for use indoors or outdoors. Thesechairs are exceptionally light & up to 6 may bestacked together.Chair on rotatingcross-shaped baseH 82 W 49D 60; seat 46Chair on‘sleigh‘ baseH 82 W 49D 60; seat 46ChairH 83 W 42D 51.5; seat 46ChairH 83 W 42D 51.5; seat 46Indoor & Outdoor153
Dining chairsMarcello Nathan YongMarcella Nathan YongAlster Emmanuel DietrichVilla Rose F. AzambourgA Sixties-inspired chair in varnished solid walnut,lacquered on the seat & front of back only.Choice of lacquer finishes for the seat & frontof back: white, light blue or black.To complement the Marcello chair, a versionwith back & legs in solid walnut, with seat quilted& covered in a choice of fabrics. Sold singly, orin pairs.To complement the Alster table, a carver chaircombining innovative design, comfort & animpeccable finish. Pivoting base with memorysystem: available as shown, or on castors, or onchromed ’sleigh’ feet.A comfortable & elegant wooden chair, in blackstainedsolid oak for the feet & beech- veneeredmulti-ply for the seat & back. The perfect complementto the desk of the same name.ChairH 86 W 45D 48.5; seat 47ChairH 86 W 45D 48.5; seat 47ChairH 82 W 61D 59; seat 47Chair on’sleigh’ feetH 82 W 64D 59; seat 47Chair on castorsH 83/92 W 70D 70; seat 48.5/57.5ChairH 82 W 38D 48; seat 46Rocher Hertel & KlarhoeferRocher Hertel & KlarhoeferSala Pascal MourgueSala Pascal MourgueA resolutely urban graphic piece. The surface ofthe shell, a black, white or argile envelope whichdoes duty as seat, back & arms, seems to havebeen cut like a diamond; it sits on four steel feetwhich are either brilliant-chromed or lacqueredto match the shell. Now also available with blackor white upholstered shell.An elegant carver chair (right) on delicatebrilliant-chromed ’sleigh’ feet with matching brilliant-chromedarmrests. The seat shell, with itsflexible back section, guarantees comfort. Alsoavailable as a dining chair, i.e. without arms (left).Dining chair is also available with square-sectiontubular steel legs, or on a rotating circularbase, or as a desk chair with 5-branch baseon castors.ChairH 84.5 W 52D 57; seat 46ChairH 84.5 W 52D 57; seat 46ChairH 83 W 49D 55; seat 48ChairH 83 W 49D 55; seat 48Rotating chairH 83 W 49D 55; seat 48Carver chairH 83 W 58D 47; seat 48Chair on castorsH 83/90 W 49D 55; seat 43/52Facett R. & E. BouroullecFacett R. & E. BouroullecAluchair Jacques FerrierDressy <strong>Delo</strong> <strong>Lindo</strong>To complement the range of upholstery ofthe same name, a stunning dining chair withtwin-needle detailing. Stitching may be toningor contrasting (choice of ecru, anthracite, grey,red, blue). Also available as a carver chair (seeopposite).To complement the range of upholstery ofthe same name, a stunning carver chair withtwin-needle detailing. Stitching may be toningor contrasting (choice of ecru, anthracite, grey,red, blue). Also available as a dining chair (seeopposite).Designed for the French Pavilion at the ShanghaiWorld Expo 2010, indoor/outdoor chair withaluminium & stainless steel base & perfo ratedinjected plastic shell. Available with shell in mastic& base finished in mastic, argile or elephantlacquer; or with shell in argile & base in mastic,argile or elephant lacquer. Optional matchingwool seat pad.A highly original chair of never-before-seendesign. Base in chromed steel wire; generousquilted seat/back.ChairH 81 W 46D 57; seat 49Carver chairH 81 W 67/62D 60/57; seat 49ChairH 82 W 47D 58.5; seat 46ChairH 86 W 42D 48; seat 45Elsa François BauchetElsa François BauchetPapillon Pascal MourgueFil Pascal MourgueA highly innovative chair, available either withor without armrests. Base in doubled brilliantchromedwire Ø 11 mm; also available on ’sleigh’feet Seat shell in thermoformed ABS, upholsteredwith foam, onto which the cover is glued.Please refer to your <strong>Ligne</strong> <strong>Roset</strong> stockist for thelist of fabrics suitable for use on this model.A highly innovative chair, available either withor without armrests. Base in doubled brilliantchromedwire Ø 11 mm; also available on ’sleigh’feet Seat shell in thermoformed ABS, upholsteredwith foam, onto which the cover is glued.Please refer to your <strong>Ligne</strong> <strong>Roset</strong> stockist for thelist of fabrics suitable for use on this model.Carver chair with shell in 7 mm thick thermoformedABS, clad in foam; base in brilliantchromedsteel wire. Removable quilted cover.Seat/back in synderme (choice of colours) ornatural cowhide. Feet in brilliant-chromed steel.ChairH 84.5 W 46.5D 55.5; seat 48Chair on’sleigh’ baseH 84.5 W 46.5D 55.5; seat 48ChairH 84.5 W 52D 55.5; seat 48Chair on’sleigh’ baseH 84.5 W 52D 55.5; seat 48Carver chairH 81.5 W 57D 55; seat 50ChairH 78 W 45D 54; seat 45Indoor & Outdoor155
Dining chairsLa Pliée M.-A. Stiker-MetralLa Pliée M.-A. Stiker-MetralPaola C. Dondoli & M. PocciPaola C. Dondoli & M. PocciTo complement the La Pliée chairs (see opposite),a striking bar stool made from laser-cutsheet steel finished in black or white lacquer.Pair of chairs in laser-cut sheet steel finished inblack, white or red lacquer; optional seat cushionin a choice of 10 colours of synderme. Alsoavailable, singly, as a bar stool (see opposite).Seat/back in black, red or white variable densitytechno polymer. Brilliant-chromed steelfeet. Up to eight chairs may be stacked together.Also available as a carver chair (NB inblack only, non-stackable).Seat/back in black, red or white variable densitytechno polymer. Natural beech feet.Bar stoolH 103 W 38D 38; seat 77ChairH 75 W 38D 43; seat 45ChairH 81.5 W 45D 52.5; seat 46Carver chairH 80 W 56.6D 52; seat 46ChairH 81.5 W 45D 52.5; seat 46Cordou Thibault DesombreCurule Pierre PaulinPam C. Dondoli & M. PocciPetrus C. Dondoli & M. PocciPair of chairs in synderme with toning stitchingand Cordoba stitching motif on back and seat.Available from stock in black, white, brown,beige, grey or red; other colours available byspecial order. Shown here in high-backed version;also available with low back.A reproduction of one of the designer’s ‘prestigepieces’ from the 1980s. Seat & armrests inbeech; backrest in soft pigmented cowhide.Folds in the middle of the seat section. Choiceof solid beech with grey-beige backrest, orblack-tinted beech with black backrest; bothoptions finished in matt clear lacquer.Bar stool, adjustable via a gas piston, with seat ina wide range of finishes. Choose from veneeredmulti-ply finished in walnut or dark brown or ebony-stainedoak; chromed ABS; synderme (choiceof colours); black or white PMMA; or translucentgrenadine, green, crystal or orange-colouredPMMA. Frame in matt-chromed metal. Alsoavailable as a desk chair, in synderme only.Piston-operated bar stool with a rigid polyurethaneshell which is moulded then lacquered.Structure finished in a matching shade of satinfinishlacquer. Choice of white, beige or black.High-backedchairH 96 W 45D 45; seat 47Low-backedchairH 83 W 45D 45; seat 47Folding chairH 67 W 56D 35.5; seat 43Office ChairH 95 W 55D 55; seat 53.5Bar stool-wood/ Bar stool/synderme seat PMMA seatH 60–86/61–87 H 65–89.5 W 40W 40.5 /43 D 43/44; D 43; seat 54–78.5seat 51–77 /52–78Bar stoolH 64/89 W 41.5D 43; seat 54–79French Line Didier GomezLancaster 2 Jean-Philippe NuelGiro Philippe NigroTriskelion Shigeichiro TakeuchiA timelessly elegant upholstered carver chair.Legs in dark brown or ebony-stained solid oak.Removable covers. Also available as a chair(i.e. without arms) with high or low back.A chair with a classic spirit, with ebony-stainedsolid beech feet. Seat cushion is availableeither with or without embroidered breakpointstitching.Apologies, this model is not available in theUK & Ireland.An alliance of contrary elements, this threeleggedstool merges a Scandinavian-inspiredminimalist approach with an organic treatmentin terms of the sensual covering of the uniquecircular sections which constitute the seat &feet. Exclusively available in four colours ofDivina fabric.Carver chairH 84 W 58D 57; seat 49Low-backed chairH 84 W 57D 54; seat 48High-backed chairH 100 W 47D 57; seat 48ChairH 81 W 49D 55; seat 51FootstoolW 50 D 44;seat 41Finn Thibault DesombreTaniaGoodie Maria JeglinskaMirlino Giancarlo MinoDining chair with characteristic flowing lines,giving the illusion that the seat has beensculpted out of solid wood. Finished in ebonystainedoak veneer or ash grey or black-stainedash veneer.A classic upholstered dining chair with feet inebony-stained solid oak. Covers are removable(NB except leather).A little taste of poetry & softness, a dreamlikeshape which brings both originality & personality.Four different modules are each upholsteredbefore being interlocked to obtain this completelyunique effect. Exclusively available inUniform fabric. Sold singly, or in pairs.This stool, made from formed wood finishedin a choice of American walnut veneer or blackstainedoak veneer is a technical masterpieceowing to its three-dimensional curves.ChairH 88 W 38D 51; seat 46ChairH 97 W 46D 55; seat 47FootstoolØ 33.5; seat 39.5StoolH 53 W 50.5D 41; seat 50157