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ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS ............................117<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>es........................................................................................4<br />
Computer ........................................................................................13<br />
Diplomas ..........................................................................................2<br />
Labour Studies ..................................................................................6<br />
Media ..............................................................................................11<br />
Office Administr<strong>at</strong>ion ....................................................................11<br />
Workshops ........................................................................................2<br />
CORPORATE & COMMUNITY TRAINING ..................................112<br />
Business - Computer ......................................................................13<br />
Corpor<strong>at</strong>e & Community Training - Computer ............................114<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion - Computer................................................34, 50<br />
Engineering Technology - Computer..............................................66<br />
Brantford Campus ........................................................................125<br />
Stoney Creek Campus ..................................................................125<br />
New Courses ................................................................................131<br />
Aesthetics/Cosmetics......................................................................16<br />
Dressmaking/Fashion......................................................................18<br />
Floral/Horticulture ..........................................................................23<br />
Music ..............................................................................................25<br />
Photography....................................................................................27<br />
Upholstery/Interior Decor<strong>at</strong>ing ......................................................22<br />
Visual Arts ......................................................................................28<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>ed Professional Programs..................................................33<br />
Building & Construction Sciences..................................................46<br />
Business ....................................................................................34, 47<br />
Computer ..................................................................................34, 50<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>ive & Visual Arts....................................................................51<br />
Engineering Technology ..........................................................36, 51<br />
Health Sciences ........................................................................36, 52<br />
History ............................................................................................56<br />
Human Services ..............................................................................56<br />
Languages & Communic<strong>at</strong>ions ................................................41, 57<br />
Library/Records Management ....................................................... 42<br />
M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics/Physical Sciences ................................................44, 58<br /> ..........................................................................46<br />
Social Sciences................................................................................59<br />
Special Needs..................................................................................59<br />
Writing............................................................................................58<br />
Apprenticeship/Skills Development................................................62<br />
Building and Construction Sciences ..............................................63<br />
Computer ........................................................................................66<br />
Electrotechnology............................................................................65<br />
Fire Services....................................................................................70<br />
Industrial Management, Mechanical & M<strong>at</strong>erials Engineering......70<br />
Legisl<strong>at</strong>ive Compliance Courses/Testing........................................74<br />
M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics/St<strong>at</strong>istics ....................................................................75<br />
Physical Sciences............................................................................78<br />
Prepar<strong>at</strong>ory Sciences ......................................................................79<br />
Acting............................................................................................110<br />
Astronomy ....................................................................................111<br />
Dance ............................................................................................110<br />
Developing New Interests ............................................................111<br />
Home ............................................................................................111<br />
Life & Career Skills......................................................................111<br />
Sunday Lectures............................................................................111<br />
Cardiopulmonary Resuscit<strong>at</strong>ion/Standard First Aid ......................80<br />
For the General Public ....................................................................79<br />
Gerontology ....................................................................................91<br />
Medical Labor<strong>at</strong>ory Technology ....................................................80<br />
Nursing Courses/Workshops ..........................................................81<br />
Nursing & Practical Nursing Certific<strong>at</strong>es........................................82<br />
Non-Nursing Certific<strong>at</strong>es & Diplomas............................................86<br />
Personal Support Worker................................................................88<br />
Bartending Certific<strong>at</strong>e ....................................................................92<br />
Hospitality & Food Courses............................................................93<br />
Tourism & Travel Diploma ............................................................95<br />
Travel Educ<strong>at</strong>ion ............................................................................94<br />
Bereavement & Career/Counselling................................................96<br />
Child & Youth Worker Diploma ....................................................95<br />
Early Childhood Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Diploma..............................................96<br />
ECE Resource Teacher....................................................................98<br />
Not-for-Profit Sector Studies..........................................................99<br />
Police Found<strong>at</strong>ions Diploma ........................................................101<br />
Recre<strong>at</strong>ion & Leisure Services/Special Events ............................100<br />
Security & Priv<strong>at</strong>e Investig<strong>at</strong>ion ..................................................100<br />
Social Service Worker Diploma......................................................96<br />
Special Needs................................................................................102<br />
Workplace Leadership ..................................................................104<br />
Academic Upgrading ....................................................................115<br />
English ..........................................................................................104<br />
English as a Second Language......................................................105<br />
French Language Certific<strong>at</strong>e ........................................................107<br />
General Arts and Science..............................................................108<br />
Languages - Other ........................................................................106<br />
Prepar<strong>at</strong>ory Courses......................................................................105<br />
Writing for Public<strong>at</strong>ion..................................................................108<br />
LEISURE EDUCATION ................................................................109<br />
SOCIAL SCIENCES ......................................................................110<br />
General Educ<strong>at</strong>ion ........................................................................110<br />
COLLEGE INFORMATION............................................................121<br />
Campus Codes ..............................................................................125<br />
<strong>College</strong> Services............................................................................121<br />
Financial Inform<strong>at</strong>ion....................................................................122<br />
Index..............................................................................................131<br />
Maps..............................................................................................130<br />
Parking..........................................................................................123<br />
Registr<strong>at</strong>ion Form..........................................................................127<br />
Touchtone Registr<strong>at</strong>ion ................................................................126<br />
Registr<strong>at</strong>ion Inform<strong>at</strong>ion and Form on page 126<br />
Visit the <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> website <strong>at</strong><br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 1
B U S I N E S S<br />
P E R F O R M A N C E<br />
The Business Development Bank of Canada,<br />
in conjunction with <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong>, offers a<br />
series of workshops.<br />
To obtain the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must complete<br />
<strong>any</strong> six of the following workshops within a<br />
maximum of two years. You are not required<br />
to register for all workshops <strong>at</strong> one time.<br />
Upon completion of six workshops, you must<br />
apply for the Certific<strong>at</strong>e by submitting a<br />
cheque for $5.00 (payable to the Business<br />
Development Bank of Canada) to: <strong>Mohawk</strong><br />
<strong>College</strong>, CE Business, P.O. Box 2034,<br />
Hamilton, ON, L8N 3T2.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the Program<br />
Manager, Susan Gordon, <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2192<br />
(press 1) or 519-759-7200 ext. 2192.<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
Not all courses offered every semester.<br />
B U S N B D 0 1 3 Developing Effective Interpersonal Skills<br />
B U S N B D 0 1 0 Effective Management<br />
B U S N B U 1 9 7 Effective Networking<br />
B U S N B U 0 9 1 How to Prepare a Business Plan<br />
B U S N B U 0 4 5 Improving your Level of Customer Service<br />
Q U A L B D 0 0 7 ISO 9000: Understanding the Basics<br />
B U S N B U 0 9 8 Negoti<strong>at</strong>ing Skills<br />
B U S N B D 0 1 4 Problem Solving for Managers<br />
B U S N B U 0 9 7 Professional Selling Skills<br />
H R E S B D 0 1 8 Recruiting & Selection of Personnel<br />
B U S N B D 0 1 5 Sales Success<br />
NOTE: No refunds will be given for<br />
withdrawals requested less than 2 days prior<br />
to the start d<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
Effective Management BUSNBD010<br />
Strong communic<strong>at</strong>ion and coaching skills<br />
are required by managers and leaders to<br />
motiv<strong>at</strong>e and guide their team towards a<br />
common goal. As a manager or team leader,<br />
you must communic<strong>at</strong>e effectively in order to<br />
reach the desired end-result. You will learn<br />
how to effectively communic<strong>at</strong>e with team<br />
members and management, express yourself,<br />
and cre<strong>at</strong>e action.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12836 FF WE Jan18 7:00-10:00 1 80.00<br />
Problem Solving for Managers<br />
BUSNBD014<br />
Learn how to effectively identify problems,<br />
define the root cause of a problem(s), how to<br />
effectively deal with the issue, and ensure the<br />
effectiveness of the solution. ThIS workshop,<br />
ideal for supervisors and managers, will also<br />
provide suggestions on how to effectively<br />
deal with people throughout the problem<br />
solving process.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12837 FF MO Mar27 6:00-9:00 1 80.00<br />
Professional Selling Skills BUSNBU097<br />
Today you need to sell better than ever<br />
before! Stiff competition, discrimin<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
consumers, tough market conditions and ever<br />
increasing quotas make a sales career very<br />
challenging. Learn proven professional sales<br />
techniques which can give you an edge and<br />
help you increase your success r<strong>at</strong>io.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12838 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 1 80.00<br />
Recruiting & Selection of Personnel<br />
HRESBD018<br />
Learn the 10 basic steps for successful<br />
recruitment and selection of personnel.<br />
Topics will include: plan orient<strong>at</strong>ion, offer<br />
employment, check references, assess<br />
candid<strong>at</strong>es, interview candid<strong>at</strong>es, plan<br />
interviews, screen applicants, seek applicants,<br />
identify qualific<strong>at</strong>ions and define jobs.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12839 FF WE Jan25 7:00-10:00 1 80.00<br />
Presented in co-oper<strong>at</strong>ion with the Golden<br />
Horseshoe chapter of the Canadian<br />
Condominium Institute.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact Don Graves by<br />
email<br />
Everything You Need to Know About<br />
Condominium Living...Before You Buy<br />
REAL10000<br />
Takes you behind the scene of today’s condo<br />
living in the Gre<strong>at</strong>er Hamilton area. Bring<br />
your questions and discover the answers from<br />
local experts on such topics as: types of<br />
residential condominiums and wh<strong>at</strong> they<br />
mean, legal issues, condo fees, rules, reserve<br />
funds, condo boards and more.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13178 FF TU Feb7 7:00-10:00 1 49.95<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact Burgeonvest<br />
Securities <strong>at</strong> 905-336-9544 or by<br />
email<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
NOTE: No refunds will be given for<br />
withdrawals requested less than 2 days prior<br />
to the start d<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
On Time Retirement INVS10000<br />
This course is designed for those in, or nearing<br />
retirement who wish to learn the 10 most<br />
common mistakes retirees make, and how to<br />
avoid them. Common myths surrounding<br />
retirement income needs, tax<strong>at</strong>ion, investment<br />
performance, st<strong>at</strong>e protection and care giving<br />
are examined for validity and pertinence of<br />
one’s own personal situ<strong>at</strong>ion. Fee includes<br />
spouse or guest, workbook, d<strong>at</strong>a form and “On<br />
Time Retirement” book.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12833 FF WE Jan18 7:00-10:00 3 249.00<br />
12834 FF MO Feb6 7:00-10:00 3 249.00<br />
12835 FF TU Mar21 7:00-10:00 3 249.00<br />
2 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
The Faculty of <strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion offers<br />
FIVE Business Diploma programs. All<br />
Business Diplomas offered through<br />
<strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion are equivalent to the<br />
day-school two or three year programs. To<br />
estim<strong>at</strong>e the required length of time for<br />
completion in night school, divide the total<br />
credits required by the number of courses you<br />
plan to take each year (students average 5<br />
courses per year). One credit represents 39<br />
hours of instruction including examin<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
Please visit<br />
w w w . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a / d e p t / b u s i n e s s / b u s m a n<br />
to view the program of studies and<br />
determine which courses are required<br />
within each diploma to fulfill the<br />
gradu<strong>at</strong>ion requirements.<br />
To gain conditional acceptance into the<br />
course for which you are registering, you<br />
must present a copy of the receipt or a<br />
transcript of your grade for the prerequisite<br />
course to indic<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> you have completed<br />
the course prerequisites. Students will not be<br />
permitted to register in a course without the<br />
prerequisite(s) or equivalent.<br />
NOTE: Day school students taking courses <strong>at</strong><br />
night and <strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion students are<br />
regul<strong>at</strong>ed by day-school policy and should<br />
consult with the day-school Chair on conflicts<br />
pertaining to prerequisites, entry to class, etc.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Mike Bozzo, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-1212 ext. 3333 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 3333 or<br />
email<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Students may apply for credit in individual<br />
courses based on learning acquired through<br />
work and other life experiences. For assessment<br />
procedures and fees, contact the Prior Learning<br />
Assessment (PLA) Office <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2395 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2395. Assessments should<br />
commence in the term prior to the start of<br />
classes. This inform<strong>at</strong>ion also applies to Career<br />
Development (CREDCB100) which is not<br />
offered through night school.<br />
Equivalent to the 3 year Day School Program<br />
Experience an innov<strong>at</strong>ive program th<strong>at</strong> combines<br />
a two year specializ<strong>at</strong>ion with a third year of<br />
studies in management practices. Develop a<br />
comprehensive understanding of business and<br />
specialize in Accounting, Marketing, General or<br />
Enterprise Business. Learn current business<br />
computer applic<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> enhance your<br />
marketability in an ever-changing business<br />
environment. This program provides the skills<br />
necessary for management positions in<br />
organiz<strong>at</strong>ions such as banks, trust companies,<br />
government departments or agencies,<br />
intern<strong>at</strong>ional corpor<strong>at</strong>ions, manufacturing and<br />
service industries, small business, professional<br />
service agencies and large retailers.<br />
The diploma will be awarded to candid<strong>at</strong>es<br />
who successfully complete a total of 35 credits.
BUSINESS -<br />
Equivalent to the 2 year day school program.<br />
Prepare for careers in accounting while<br />
specializing in financial accounting, cost and<br />
management accounting, tax<strong>at</strong>ion, business<br />
finance, and applied accounting systems.<br />
Experience a balance of accounting theory<br />
and practical applic<strong>at</strong>ions with integr<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
computer technologies. Progress towards a<br />
professional accounting design<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
Some courses in the program are recognized<br />
by the Certified General Accountants<br />
Associ<strong>at</strong>ion of Ontario (CGA) when an<br />
appropri<strong>at</strong>e grade level is achieved.<br />
This diploma will be awarded to candid<strong>at</strong>es<br />
who successfully complete a total of 22 credits.<br />
BUSINESS -<br />
Equivalent to the 2 year day school program.<br />
Designed to provide students with both<br />
theoretical training and practical applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
in marketing. Gain an understanding of both<br />
the buying and selling process, consumer<br />
behaviour, distribution channels, managing<br />
the promotion mix, developing marketing<br />
str<strong>at</strong>egies and marketing plans.<br />
This diploma will be awarded to candid<strong>at</strong>es<br />
who successfully complete a total of 24 credits.<br />
Equivalent to the 2 year day school program<br />
This program will meet the needs of those<br />
individuals who wish to pursue employment<br />
in the field of contemporary business<br />
enterprises. Master essential business concepts<br />
and study how they apply to electronic<br />
business implement<strong>at</strong>ion in companies of all<br />
sizes. Gain insights into how the Internet and<br />
other inform<strong>at</strong>ion and communic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
technologies are essential to Canada’s future<br />
economic growth and prosperity and learn<br />
how to design and develop business-focused<br />
websites. Acquire a functional understanding<br />
of computer and Internet technologies and<br />
their applic<strong>at</strong>ion in today’s business<br />
environment. Explore e-business<br />
infrastructure and integr<strong>at</strong>ion including supply<br />
chain management, sales force autom<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
customer service & support applic<strong>at</strong>ions,<br />
human resource management, e-commerce,<br />
and autom<strong>at</strong>ed central business processes from<br />
both a managerial and oper<strong>at</strong>ional perspective.<br />
This diploma will be awarded to candid<strong>at</strong>es<br />
who successfully complete a total of 26 credits.<br />
Accounting 1 ACCTCB101<br />
Examine the role of accounting as an<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion system for planning and controlling<br />
business oper<strong>at</strong>ion. NOTE: For CGA credit,<br />
students require both ACCTCB101 and<br />
ACCTAC201 with a minimum grade of 70%.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12302 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
12303 FF WE Jan11 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
12304 FF TH Jan12 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Accounting 2 ACCTAC201<br />
Continue the study of accounting initi<strong>at</strong>ed in<br />
Accounting 1 (ACCTCB101) which is a<br />
PREREQUISITE. A grade of 75% or better is<br />
required in ACCTCB101 in order to enroll in<br />
ACCTAC201.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12305 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
12306 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Applied Accounting Systems<br />
ACCTAC410<br />
Apply knowledge of GAAP & computer<br />
skills to cre<strong>at</strong>e & maintain accounting<br />
functions, prepare financial st<strong>at</strong>ements for an<br />
incorpor<strong>at</strong>ed business using AccPac for<br />
Windows. Critique the system of internal<br />
control maintained within AccPac & apply<br />
effective business writing skills to<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>e recommend<strong>at</strong>ions for additional<br />
controls to management. PREREQUISITE:<br />
ACCTCB101 (minimum grade 75%). 9-pin<br />
serial or USB mouse required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12307 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 13 223.39<br />
Business Finance ACCTCB340<br />
Focus on the principles of the finance<br />
function in a profit-seeking firm.<br />
PREREQUISITES: Accounting 2<br />
(ACCTAC201 OR ACCTAC211) AND<br />
MATHMA201. NOTE: <strong>Continuing</strong><br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion students in the Integr<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
Accounting Certific<strong>at</strong>e only require BZ018<br />
and BZ019 as prerequisites.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12308 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Business Law BUSNCB436<br />
Use a combin<strong>at</strong>ion of text and case studies to<br />
cover the basic common and st<strong>at</strong>ute law<br />
pertinent to business. Become acquainted<br />
with the basic legal concepts supportive to<br />
commercial institutions and transactions.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12309 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Business Software Applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
INFOCB105<br />
Students will be introduced to the<br />
fundamentals of Windows & File<br />
Management. You will obtain a fundamental<br />
working knowledge of Windows XP,<br />
Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel and<br />
Access. The “hand’s-on” approach will have<br />
the student cre<strong>at</strong>ing professional documents<br />
and completing assignments.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12310 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Contemporary Accounting Issues<br />
ACCTAC303<br />
Examine intermedi<strong>at</strong>e accounting with the<br />
focus on the Asset side of the balance sheet.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Accounting 2<br />
(ACCTAC201) with a minimum grade of 70%<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12311 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Need upgrading in<br />
M<strong>at</strong>h & English?<br />
Call 905-575-2029<br />
B U S I N E S S<br />
Cost & Managerial Accounting 1<br />
ACCTAC336<br />
Emphasis is placed on the flow of costs<br />
through a business and the systems used to<br />
accumul<strong>at</strong>e these costs. This course, combined<br />
with ACCTAC436 with an average grade of<br />
70%, entitles a student the opportunity to<br />
obtain full exemption from the CGA course,<br />
Cost Accounting 311. PREREQUISITES:<br />
Accounting I (ACCTCB101) & Accounting 2<br />
( A C C T A C 2 0 1 )<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12312 FF WE Jan11 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Cost & Managerial Accounting 2<br />
ACCTAC436<br />
This course continues the study begun in<br />
ACCTAC336. It can be used as a credit<br />
toward an exemption in the CGA program, if<br />
an average grade of 70% is achieved. See<br />
PROGRAM section for details. Prerequisite:<br />
Cost Accounting 1 (ACCTAC336)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12313 FF WE Jan11 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Entrepreneurship and Business<br />
Planning BUSNBA532<br />
This course will enhance your understanding<br />
of small business oper<strong>at</strong>ions through hands on<br />
experience. Students will develop and oper<strong>at</strong>e<br />
an actual small business. Prerequisite: CB340<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12314 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Financial Accounting 3 ACCTAC306<br />
Be able to analyze business transactions &<br />
problems in order to effect the necessary<br />
adjustments & solutions in this intermedi<strong>at</strong>e<br />
accounting course with focuses on the asset side<br />
of the balance sheet. The resulting solutions will<br />
then enable the student to prepare properly<br />
classified st<strong>at</strong>ements. PREREQUISITE:<br />
Accounting 2 (ACCTAC201) with a minimum<br />
Grade 70% (B-).<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12315 FF MO Jan9 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Financial Accounting 4 ACCT10003<br />
Learn to analyze business transactions and<br />
problems in order to effect the necessary<br />
adjustments and solutions. Prepare classified<br />
st<strong>at</strong>ements in conformity with G.A.A.P. and<br />
be able to pass the intermedi<strong>at</strong>e level C.G.A.<br />
Accounting courses. PREREQUISITE:<br />
ACCTAC306 Financial Accounting 3.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12316 FF MO Jan9 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Human Resource Management<br />
HRESGB273<br />
Gain an understanding of the pivotal role of<br />
various human resource functions across an<br />
organiz<strong>at</strong>ion. Emphasis is placed on assisting<br />
you to develop supervisory skills rel<strong>at</strong>ing to<br />
Human Resource activities, specifically job<br />
analysis, recruiting and selection,<br />
performance appraisal, training, etc.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12317 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Peer tutoring available<br />
Call 905-575-2176 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext.2176<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 3
B U S I N E S S<br />
Introduction to Business BUSNCB131<br />
Students are presented with an introductory<br />
survey of business functions covering<br />
principles, problems, and practices rel<strong>at</strong>ed to<br />
our economic framework. This knowledge<br />
should enable students to appreci<strong>at</strong>e<br />
specialized study in its proper perspective.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12318 FF WE Jan11 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Macroeconomics ECONEB222<br />
Introduction to macroeconomics examines<br />
the impact of aggreg<strong>at</strong>e supply and demand<br />
on the determin<strong>at</strong>ion of employment, prices,<br />
and n<strong>at</strong>ional income. Prerequisite:<br />
ECONEB122, Microeconomics<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12319 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Marketing 1 MRKTCB158<br />
Gain an appreci<strong>at</strong>ion of marketing and<br />
marketing terminology through broad studies<br />
of various components of the marketing mix.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12320 FF MO Jan9 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Microeconomics ECONEB122<br />
An introduction of microeconomics dealing<br />
with the laws of supply and demand, the costs<br />
of production and profit determin<strong>at</strong>ion under<br />
various market conditions.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12322 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
12323 FF TH Jan12 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Organiz<strong>at</strong>ional Behaviour 2<br />
BUSNBA571<br />
Examine conceptual frameworks and<br />
behavioural skills to function effectively as a<br />
member of a team or department within an<br />
organiz<strong>at</strong>ion. By building on individual and<br />
interpersonal skills developed in Level 1, the<br />
student will add skills in solving small group<br />
problems, in leadership, power and influence<br />
conflict resolution, group dynamics and intergroup<br />
functioning. PREREQUISITE:<br />
BUSNOB371<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12324 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Promotion Management MRKTBA563<br />
Promotion is the means by which marketers<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>e to a selected target market.<br />
Effective promotion requires an<br />
understanding of the consumers and the<br />
available media to reach th<strong>at</strong> consumer. This<br />
course provides the student with the<br />
opportunity to develop a promotion campaign<br />
with emphasis on advertising and sales<br />
promotion via an experiential learning<br />
package. PREREQUISITE: MRKTMK456<br />
and MRKTBA575<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12491 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Purchasing MRKTMK455<br />
Students will examine the purchasing<br />
function and rel<strong>at</strong>ed techniques.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12492 FF SA Jan14 9:00-12:00 13 203.39<br />
Tax<strong>at</strong>ion ACCTAC409<br />
Learn to prepare personal income tax returns for<br />
self-employed individuals in proprietorships<br />
and partnerships as well as individuals<br />
employed by Corpor<strong>at</strong>ions. The course should<br />
enable the student to recognize a simple version<br />
of corpor<strong>at</strong>e tax return for priv<strong>at</strong>e and public<br />
corpor<strong>at</strong>ions. PREREQUISITE: ACCTAC201<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12493 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
The Canadian Economy ECONBA524<br />
This course is designed to help the student<br />
understand the structure and functioning of<br />
the Canadian economic system, its problems<br />
and the policies used to solve them. The areas<br />
covered are revised in response to changes in<br />
the economic environment. (Equivalent to<br />
BA522) Prerequisite: Economics<br />
(ECONEB122 and ECONEB222)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12494 FF TH Jan12 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Equivalent to the 2 year day school program.<br />
Become an expert in all aspects of the<br />
Insurance industry, with subjects offered by<br />
the Insurance Institute of Canada. Empower<br />
yourself to complete The Chartered Insurance<br />
Professional Credits.<br />
The diploma will be awarded to candid<strong>at</strong>es<br />
who successfully complete a total of 23 credits.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion on the CIP design<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
please see the Insurance Institute of Canada<br />
Listings in the Associ<strong>at</strong>ed Professional<br />
Programs section of this c<strong>at</strong>alogue.<br />
NOTE: In addition to course fees, CIP candid<strong>at</strong>es<br />
must become members of the Insurance Institute<br />
of Ontario to access the n<strong>at</strong>ional exams for CIP<br />
courses. There is an examin<strong>at</strong>ion fee of $133 per<br />
course payable directly to the I.I.C. (The fee for<br />
C11 (INSRIA180) is $169). For additional<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion/prerequisites, please contact the<br />
Insurance Institute <strong>at</strong> 416-362-8685 or visit<br />
w w w . i i c - i a c . o r g .<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Gary Sawchuk, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2239 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2239 or<br />
email<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Automobile Insurance INSRBU383<br />
Insurance Institute of Canada course number C14.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12868 FF MO Jan16 6:00-9:00 10 156.45<br />
Insurance on Property 2 INSRBU481<br />
Insurance Institute of Canada course number C33.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12640 FF TU Jan17 6:00-9:00 10 156.45<br />
Principles of Insurance INSRBU180<br />
Insurance Institute of Canada course number<br />
C11. NOTE: This is a mand<strong>at</strong>ory course and<br />
must be taken first, although other courses<br />
may be taken <strong>at</strong> the same time.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12869 FF MO Jan16 6:00-9:30 11 200.78<br />
4 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
These programs are offered in a self-paced<br />
form<strong>at</strong>, providing opportunity for you to<br />
pause, review and analyze course m<strong>at</strong>erial if<br />
necessary, or work through quickly. You<br />
must purchase textbooks and correl<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
workbooks, available through the <strong>College</strong><br />
bookstores. It is possible to complete more<br />
than one level per semester in this<br />
independent study form<strong>at</strong>.<br />
Upon completion of all 3 levels, students are<br />
eligible for an Applied Accounting<br />
Bookkeeping Acknowledgement.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, C<strong>at</strong>hie Duncan, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2192 (press 2) or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2192 or<br />
email c<strong>at</strong><br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
These courses are also offered in a<br />
DISTANCE EDUCATION form<strong>at</strong>.<br />
Applied Accounting-Bookkeeping 1<br />
ACCTBZ018<br />
Students are introduced to bookkeeping<br />
including debit/credit transactions,<br />
journalizing and posting, trial balance/six<br />
column worksheet, simple income st<strong>at</strong>ements<br />
and balance sheets, closing ledger and<br />
reconcili<strong>at</strong>ion of bank st<strong>at</strong>ements. This<br />
course is offered in a self-study form<strong>at</strong>. Each<br />
student will work through the m<strong>at</strong>erial <strong>at</strong><br />
their own pace.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12801 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
12804 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
12807 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
Applied Accounting-Bookkeeping 2<br />
ACCTBZ019<br />
Students should further develop skills<br />
including trial balance on eight-column<br />
worksheets with adjustments, financial<br />
st<strong>at</strong>ements, special journals, and accounts<br />
receivable and payable, using controlling<br />
accounts. This course is offered in a selfstudy<br />
form<strong>at</strong>. Each student will work through<br />
the m<strong>at</strong>erial <strong>at</strong> their own pace.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Applied Accounting -<br />
Bookkeeping 1 (ACCTBZ018).<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12802 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
12805 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
12808 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
Gift Certific<strong>at</strong>es<br />
a v a i l a b l e !<br />
<strong>Inquire</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>any</strong> <strong>Continuing</strong><br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Registr<strong>at</strong>ion Off i c e
Applied Accounting-Bookkeeping 3<br />
ACCTBZ020<br />
Develop advanced bookkeeping skills,<br />
including petty cash and voucher systems,<br />
bad debts, fixed assets and depreci<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
payroll, notes and drafts and accrued revenue<br />
and expenses. This course is offered in a selfstudy<br />
form<strong>at</strong>. Each student will work through<br />
the m<strong>at</strong>erial <strong>at</strong> their own pace.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Applied Accounting -<br />
Bookkeeping 2 (ACCTBZ019). .<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12803 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
12806 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
12809 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
is an intern<strong>at</strong>ionally recognized professional<br />
design<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> is administered by the<br />
Financial Standards Council of Canada<br />
(FPSCC). <strong>Mohawk</strong> has developed an in-house,<br />
four-course, Financial Planning Certific<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong><br />
allows a student to qualify for the accredit<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
exams of the FPSCC. Upon successful<br />
completion of the course m<strong>at</strong>erial students<br />
may write the CFP Accredit<strong>at</strong>ion exams which<br />
are scheduled in June and November each<br />
year. Two years practical experience is also<br />
required for CFP Design<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Dennis Cheredar, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2256 (press 4) or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2256 or email<br /><br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
Courses must be taken in the order listed.<br />
FINCFP011 Financial Environment<br />
F I N C F P 0 1 2 Life and De<strong>at</strong>h issues of Financial Planning<br />
FINCFP013 Investment Planning<br />
FINCFP014 Retirement Issues and Case studies<br />
Financial Environment FINCFP011<br />
Key aspects covered include time value of<br />
money, setting financial goals, budgeting,<br />
personal income tax, insurance, debt & credit<br />
management, ownership & investments.<br />
Examine the Canadian Income Tax System in<br />
regards to personal tax issues and concepts, tax<br />
str<strong>at</strong>egies, and special issues in regards to the<br />
area of personal financial planning. Textbooks<br />
to be purchased in <strong>Mohawk</strong> Bookstore.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12507 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 14 375.21<br />
Life and De<strong>at</strong>h Issues of Financial<br />
Planning FINCFP012<br />
Examine the est<strong>at</strong>e planning process and<br />
str<strong>at</strong>egies involved in developing an est<strong>at</strong>e<br />
plan. Topics include risk of property &<br />
liability losses, types of insurance, wills,<br />
powers of <strong>at</strong>torney, family law, trusts and<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ed tax & legal consider<strong>at</strong>ions. Textbooks<br />
to be purchased in <strong>Mohawk</strong> Bookstore.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12509 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 14 375.21<br />
Retirement Planning and Case Studies<br />
FINCFP014<br />
Key retirement planning issues are discussed.<br />
Topics include ensuring adequ<strong>at</strong>e retirement<br />
income, priv<strong>at</strong>e and employer-sponsored<br />
pension plans, tax issues and accessing<br />
retirement savings. You will also complete<br />
case studies integr<strong>at</strong>ing concepts covered in<br />
the other FP certific<strong>at</strong>e courses. Textbooks to<br />
be purchased <strong>at</strong> <strong>Mohawk</strong> Bookstore.<br />
PREREQUISITES: FP011, FP012, FP013<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12512 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 14 375.21<br />
Are you serious about meeting the challenges of<br />
working in human resources? Are you<br />
interested in making a str<strong>at</strong>egic contribution in<br />
your organiz<strong>at</strong>ion? Then you need this program.<br />
Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge<br />
and the skills required to become a successful<br />
practitioner of Human Resources Management<br />
in the areas of recruitment, training,<br />
performance management, compens<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
health and safety and labour rel<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
All courses are approved by the Human<br />
Resources Professionals Associ<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
Ontario. Gradu<strong>at</strong>es of the program (with an<br />
overall academic average of 70% with no<br />
individual grade lower than 65%) fulfill the<br />
academic requirements of HRPAO and are<br />
eligible to write the N<strong>at</strong>ional Knowledge<br />
Exam (NKE) and receive the CHRP (Certified<br />
Human Resources Professional) design<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
For detailed inform<strong>at</strong>ion visit HRPAO <strong>at</strong><br /> or call 1-800-387-1311.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Jane Guzar, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2111 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2111 or<br />
email<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
ACCTPIR23 Finance and Accounting<br />
BUSNPIR16 Staff Training and Development<br />
BUSNPIR22 Organiz<strong>at</strong>ional Behaviour and<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
HRESPIR11 Compens<strong>at</strong>ion and Benefits<br />
HRESPIR17 Human Resources Planning & Staffing<br />
HRESPIR20 Recruitment and Selection<br />
LABRPIR08 Introduction to Industrial Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
M G M T B P C 0 1Human Resource Management Studies<br />
SAFEPIR21 Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health & Safety<br />
NOTE: see course listings under the<br />
industrial rel<strong>at</strong>ions certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
MGMTBPC01<br />
see the Management Studies Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Think you qualify for credit<br />
based on learning outside<br />
the classroom?<br />
See Prior Learn i n g<br />
Assessment section on<br />
Page 123<br />
B U S I N E S S<br />
This program, intended for practitioners and<br />
those with a general interest in Industrial<br />
Rel<strong>at</strong>ions, provides a solid found<strong>at</strong>ional study<br />
in Canadian theory and practice. You will<br />
develop practical skills through a combin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
of in-class discussion, extensive simul<strong>at</strong>ions,<br />
group exercises, films and case studies.<br />
For detailed course of program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, C<strong>at</strong>hie Duncan, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2192 (press 2) or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2192 or<br />
email c<strong>at</strong><br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
LABRPIR08 Introduction to Industrial Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
BUSNPIR13 Grievances, Arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion & Contract<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
BUSNPIR19 Employment Law<br />
LABRPIR14 Collective Bargaining<br />
Optional Courses - Choose two:<br />
BUSNPIR10 Labour Economics<br />
BUSNPIR22 Organiz<strong>at</strong>ional Behaviour and<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
HRESPIR11 Compens<strong>at</strong>ion and Benefits<br />
LABRPIR09 Public Sector Labour Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
SAFEPIR21 Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health & Safety<br />
Collective Bargaining LABRPIR14<br />
To provide students with an in-depth<br />
understanding of the structure and process of<br />
collective bargaining in Canada.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Industrial<br />
Rel<strong>at</strong>ions (LABRPIR08).<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12560 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Compens<strong>at</strong>ion and Benefits<br />
HRESPIR11<br />
Learn up-to-d<strong>at</strong>e trends and practices, as well<br />
as ethical issues affecting compens<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
practices. Emphasis to the importance of total<br />
comprehension and its relevance for<br />
achieving substainable competition advantage<br />
will be discussed.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12569 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 14 219.03<br />
12568 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 14 219.03<br />
Employment Law BUSNPIR19<br />
Provides an introduction to the regul<strong>at</strong>ory<br />
framework governing the employment<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ionship in Ontario. Develop a working<br />
knowledge of the main fe<strong>at</strong>ures of legisl<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
pertaining to labour rel<strong>at</strong>ions, employment<br />
standards, employment equity, workers’<br />
compens<strong>at</strong>ion and human rights. Other<br />
relevant st<strong>at</strong>utes and regul<strong>at</strong>ions are<br />
discussed. The impact of these regul<strong>at</strong>ions on<br />
human resource management is considered<br />
in-depth. PREREQUISITE: Introduction to<br />
Industrial Rel<strong>at</strong>ions (LABRPIR08).<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12561 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 15 234.68<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 5
B U S I N E S S<br />
Finance and Accounting ACCTPIR23<br />
M<strong>any</strong> human resource management decisions<br />
represent important inputs to an organiz<strong>at</strong>ion’s<br />
plans and oper<strong>at</strong>ional results. In order to be<br />
able to make well rounded decisions, it is<br />
critical for human resource managers to<br />
understand measurement bases and reporting<br />
methodologies used in accounting and to<br />
appreci<strong>at</strong>e the accounting dimension in the<br />
management of personnel functions.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12570 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 15 234.68<br />
Human Resources Planning and<br />
Staffing HRESPIR17<br />
Learn the principles and techniques of<br />
effective human resource planning. Particular<br />
<strong>at</strong>tention is devoted to the assessment of<br />
organiz<strong>at</strong>ional needs, the utiliz<strong>at</strong>ion of HRIS<br />
and the design of action plans by which<br />
staffing goals will be met.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12571 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 14 219.03<br />
Introduction to Industrial Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
LABRPIR08<br />
Industrial rel<strong>at</strong>ions in Canada is a rich and<br />
enlightening study. In this introductory<br />
course, you will gain a good grasp of<br />
industrial rel<strong>at</strong>ions terminology and concepts,<br />
the historical development of the Canadian<br />
industrial rel<strong>at</strong>ions system, contemporary<br />
trade unionism and collective bargaining.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12562 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 15 234.68<br />
12563 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 15 234.68<br />
Organiz<strong>at</strong>ional Behaviour and<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ion BUSNPIR22<br />
Functioning effectively as a member of a<br />
team or department within an organiz<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
demands understanding of the conceptual<br />
framework and some key behavioural skills.<br />
Develop a range of individual and<br />
interpersonal skills, with emphasis on group<br />
problem solving; leadership, power and<br />
influence, conflict resolution, group dynamics<br />
and intergroup functioning.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12572 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 14 219.03<br />
Recruitment and Selection HRESPIR20<br />
Recruitment and Selection, if conducted<br />
properly, can make a tremendous contribution<br />
to the overall effectiveness of an<br />
organiz<strong>at</strong>ion. Examine the different means of<br />
recruiting applicants, the various screening<br />
techniques available and how to ensure th<strong>at</strong><br />
the accumul<strong>at</strong>ed inform<strong>at</strong>ion concerning the<br />
candid<strong>at</strong>e is critically assessed in making the<br />
selection decision.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12573 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 13 203.39<br />
Staff Training and Development<br />
BUSNPIR16<br />
Staff training and development occupies a<br />
pivotal position in the effective management of<br />
human resources. Students are introduced to<br />
the concepts, principles and techniques<br />
involved in the training of adult learners. Needs<br />
analysis as well as the design and delivery of<br />
training programs are examined in detail.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12574 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Computer software has significantly changed<br />
accounting practice. This program is designed<br />
to broaden the skills of office employees<br />
needing a basic understanding of computerized<br />
accounting. Several courses are offered in the<br />
distance educ<strong>at</strong>ion form<strong>at</strong>, providing the<br />
opportunity to combine traditional classroom<br />
learning with self-paced study.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, C<strong>at</strong>hie Duncan, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2192 (press 2) or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2192 or<br />
email c<strong>at</strong><br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
If new students entering the program do not<br />
have an adequ<strong>at</strong>e level of computer literacy<br />
they are strongly urged to complete<br />
INFOBW001, Workshop for Windows,<br />
before beginning <strong>any</strong> hands-on course. For<br />
hands-on AccPac Accounting courses, it is<br />
recommended th<strong>at</strong> the student be familiar<br />
with basic accounting concepts.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
ACCTBZ018 Applied Accounting Bookkeeping 1<br />
ACCTBZ019 Applied Accounting Bookkeeping 2<br />
ACCTBZ020 Applied Accounting-Bookkeeping 3<br />
INFOBW190 AccPac for Windows-General Ledger<br />
INFOBW290 AccPac for Windows-Accounts<br />
Receivable<br />
INFOBW390 AccPac for Windows-Accounts Payable<br />
Optional Courses - Choose four:<br />
I N F O B W 4 9 0 AccPac for Windows-Order Entry-Level 1<br />
I N F O B W 4 9 2 AccPac for Windows-Order Entry-Level 2<br />
INFOBW590 AccPac-Payroll<br />
INFOBW150 Simply Accounting for Windows-Level 1<br />
INFOBW250 Simply Accounting for Windows-Level 2<br />
INFOBW161 MS Excel-Basic<br />
INFOBW261 MS Excel-Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e<br />
NOTE: See courses listings under the<br />
Applied Accounting Bookkeeping<br />
Acknowledgement, the Business Applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
for Windows Certific<strong>at</strong>e and in the Distance<br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Section of this c<strong>at</strong>alogue.<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong>, in partnership with the<br />
Hamilton & District Labour Council and the<br />
Brantford & District Labour Council, is<br />
offering a 240 hour certific<strong>at</strong>e program in<br />
Labour Studies.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the Program<br />
Manager, Don Fraser, <strong>at</strong> 905-692-5189 or<br />
905-318-4295 mailbox #1086 or<br />
email<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2064 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2064 or<br />
email<br />
6 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
This new skills-oriented Labour Studies<br />
Program has 2 components:<br />
The Academic Component is a minimum of 180<br />
hours of courses, seminars and/or research,<br />
approved by the Labour Advisory Committee,<br />
with <strong>at</strong> least 5 courses being a minimum of 20<br />
hours in length. This component includes courses<br />
on computer training, steward training, leadership<br />
skills, collective bargaining, union counselling<br />
and other courses as developed in conjunction<br />
with community partners. This flexible program<br />
allows the participant to specialize in their area of<br />
interest and/or expertise.<br />
The Field Placement is a minimum of 60<br />
hours dedic<strong>at</strong>ed to developing skills and to<br />
applying your knowledge for the benefit of the<br />
labour movement and the general well being<br />
of the community. Participants can be credited<br />
for approved projects and/or roles in the<br />
labour movement, community based activity,<br />
environmental issues or other approved<br />
activities/areas of community concern.<br />
Computer courses will be held <strong>at</strong><br />
412 Rennie Street,<br />
Hamilton<br />
(corner of Parkdale Avenue North).<br />
Course fees include manuals<br />
unless otherwise specified.<br />
ABC’s of Computers-Labour Studies<br />
INFO10011<br />
An introduction to the world of computers<br />
providing a broad base of skills for beginners.<br />
Covers: hardware, software, Windows XP,<br />
using the mouse, keyboarding, word<br />
processing (Word XP) and spreadsheets<br />
(Excel XP). 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12475 OR SU Jan8 9:00-2:30 3 77.08<br />
12476 OR WE Feb8 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
Collective Bargaining I LABRUN014<br />
Learn to prepare for negoti<strong>at</strong>ions. Includes:<br />
the functions of a bargaining committee, it’s<br />
size, how to set goals, and an introduction to<br />
costing items and C.O.L.A. 10 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12456 HD SA/SU Feb18 9:00-2:30 2 54.25<br />
Computers-Email and Its Secrets<br />
INFOUN111<br />
Provides participants with the basic skills in<br />
using email. Learn how to send & receive<br />
messages, cre<strong>at</strong>e folders, sort your email, use<br />
the calendar, cre<strong>at</strong>e distribution lists, cre<strong>at</strong>e &<br />
manage your contacts with the address book.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Previous computer training<br />
and/or experience. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13348 OR TU Feb7 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
Desktop Publishing 1 for Labour<br />
Studies INFOUN112<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e eye-c<strong>at</strong>ching flyers and newsletters<br />
using Microsoft Publisher. Learn the tricks of<br />
the trade in using body and headline type,<br />
graphics, pictures, columns and frames. Basic<br />
editing techniques will also be discussed.<br />
PREREQUISITE: INFO10011. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12485 OR TH Jan5 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
12486 OR SU Feb19 9:00-2:30 3 77.08
Introduction to Media Rel<strong>at</strong>ions for<br />
Workers COMM10067<br />
Give participants the skills to develop str<strong>at</strong>egies for<br />
dealing with the media. Learn how to prepare for<br />
news conferences and events, how to effectively<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>e with the various medias and other<br />
issues as raised by the participants. 15 hrs.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12577 HD TH Feb9 6:30-9:30 5 66.38<br />
Introduction to PowerPoint for Labour<br />
Studies INFOUN098<br />
Combine hands-on experience and discussion<br />
to learn the basics of electronic present<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
using Microsoft PowerPoint. Cre<strong>at</strong>e computer<br />
slide shows, overheads and printed handouts<br />
quickly and easily. PREREQUISITE:<br />
INFO10011. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12483 OR TU Jan3 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
12484 OR SU Mar12 9:00-2:30 3 77.08<br />
Microsoft Excel XP - Labour Studies<br />
INFO10006<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e and edit formulas, form<strong>at</strong> and print<br />
worksheets, link multiple worksheets, cre<strong>at</strong>e<br />
charts, and more. PREREQUISITE:<br />
INFO10011 or basic working knowledge of<br />
spreadsheets. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12467 OR SA Jan7 9:00-2:30 3 77.08<br />
12693 OR TU Mar14 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
Microsoft Internet-Labour Studies<br />
INFO10010<br />
Covers the history of the Internet, how to<br />
navig<strong>at</strong>e, adding & managing<br />
favorites/bookmarks, using search engines<br />
effectively, and basic Internet security. Special<br />
<strong>at</strong>tention will be given to accessing labour sites<br />
as well as other useful sites such as health &<br />
safety, news sources & community activities.<br />
PREREQUISITE: INFO10011 or equivalent<br />
knowledge of computers. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12471 OR WE Jan4 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
12473 OR SA Feb18 9:00-2:30 3 77.08<br />
Microsoft Windows XP - Labour<br />
Studies INFO10007<br />
Gain a more in-depth knowledge of the<br />
Microsoft Windows environment. Learn to:<br />
customize your desktop, background &<br />
screen saver; manage files & directory<br />
structures; delete & restore files; and other<br />
Windows tricks. PREREQUISITE:<br />
INFO10011 or equivalent knowledge of<br />
computers. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12470 OR SA Jan28 9:00-2:30 3 77.08<br />
12694 OR WE Mar15 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
Microsoft Word XP - Labour Studies<br />
INFO10005<br />
Explore columns, text boxes and graphics.<br />
Form<strong>at</strong> and design an eye-c<strong>at</strong>ching document<br />
and learn m<strong>any</strong> shortcuts and tricks.<br />
PREREQUISITE: INFO10011 or basic working<br />
knowledge of Word Processing. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12465 OR SU Jan29 9:00-2:30 3 77.08<br />
12692 OR TH Mar16 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
Stewards Training 1 LABRUN002<br />
Discover the responsibilities of the Union<br />
Steward. Discussion and class exercises will<br />
assist you in handling grievances, knowing your<br />
collective agreement and implementing the<br />
grievance procedure. The steward/membership<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ionship will also be discussed. 10 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12452 BD FR Mar3 6:00-9:00 2 54.25<br />
SA 9:00-5:00<br />
Stewards Training 2 LABRUN003<br />
Learn the grievance procedure, the writing and<br />
investig<strong>at</strong>ion of grievances and prepar<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
for arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion. Case studies will be used.<br />
PREREQUISITE: LABRUN002. 10 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12454 BD FR Mar24 6:00-9:00 2 54.25<br />
SA 9:00-5:00<br />
Union Counsellor-Basic LABRUN009<br />
Designed to train workers to help their coworkers<br />
in need of social and community<br />
services. Gradu<strong>at</strong>e counsellors act as<br />
confidential referral agents dealing with<br />
problems such as alcohol & drugs, family<br />
tensions and stress. 30 hours. Held <strong>at</strong> 1031<br />
Barton Street East, Hamilton.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12455 OR MO Jan23 6:30-9:30 10 132.75<br />
W.S.I.B. Training Level 1-Rights and<br />
Oblig<strong>at</strong>ions LABRUN026<br />
Review the st<strong>at</strong>utory oblig<strong>at</strong>ions of both<br />
workers & employers, and learn wh<strong>at</strong> rights<br />
are mand<strong>at</strong>ed by the Workplace Safety &<br />
Insurance Act. Includes a review of Early &<br />
Safe Return to Work, the re-employment<br />
oblig<strong>at</strong>ion, insight into the oper<strong>at</strong>ions of the<br />
WSIB, and hands on experience interpreting<br />
& completing Board forms. 12 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12457 HD SA Feb25 9:00-4:00 2 79.85<br />
Web Page Design for Workers<br />
INFO10017<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e your own personal web page using the<br />
concepts of HyperText Mark-up Language<br />
(HTML) and the skills to work with type,<br />
alignment, style tags and page set-up.<br />
PREREQUISITE: INFO10011. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12477 OR TH Feb9 6:00-9:00 5 77.08<br />
12478 OR SA Mar11 9:00-2:30 3 77.08<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong>, in partnership with the<br />
Hamilton & District Labour Council and the<br />
Brantford & District Labour Council, is<br />
offering a 180 hour Certific<strong>at</strong>e Program in<br />
Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health and Safety.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Don Fraser <strong>at</strong> 905-692-5189 or<br />
905-318-4295 mailbox #1086 ; or<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2064 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2064 ; or<br />
email<br />
B U S I N E S S<br />
Program of Studies<br />
L A B R E W S 0 1 OH & S Training Level 1 30 hours OR<br />
S A F E 1 0 0 1 1 OH & S Training Level 1 - Part 1<br />
15 hours AND<br />
S A F E 1 0 0 1 2 OH & S Training Level 1 - Part 2<br />
15 hours OR<br />
S A F E E W S 5 7 Introduction to Health & Safety Issues -<br />
Part 1 10 hours AND<br />
S A F E 1 0 0 0 7 Introduction to Health & Safety Issues -<br />
Part 2 10 hours AND<br />
S A F E 1 0 0 0 8 Introduction to Health & Safety Issues -<br />
Part 3 10 hours<br />
L A B R E W S 0 2 OH & S Level 2 Law<br />
(Provincial or Federal) 30 hours<br />
L A B R E W S 0 7 OH & Level 2 Committees<br />
(Provincial or Federal) 30 hours<br />
L A B R E W S 0 8 Stress Awareness 30 hours<br />
A combin<strong>at</strong>ion of short courses 60 hours<br />
NOTE: Prerequisite for all Level 2<br />
modules is OH & S Training Level 1.<br />
Course fees include manuals unless<br />
otherwise specified.<br />
Asbestos:<br />
Issues in the Workplace SAFEEWS51<br />
Explore issues surrounding the use, control<br />
and disposal of asbestos in the workplace, the<br />
potential health effects from exposure to<br />
asbestos, and other issues as decided by the<br />
participants such as potential asbestos<br />
exposure in public buildings. 10 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12448 HD SA/SU Mar25 9:30-3:00 2 59.25<br />
Committees (Provincial) Level 2<br />
LABREWS07<br />
Equips members of Joint Committees to carry<br />
out their responsibilities. Covers the changes<br />
to the OH&S Act including certified<br />
members, the issue of dangerous<br />
circumstances and additional gains for Joint<br />
Committees in areas of testing & inspections.<br />
PREREQUISITE: LABREWS01. 30 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12444 BD SA Feb4 9:00-4:00 5 145.75<br />
12446 HD SU Feb12 9:30-4:30 5 145.75<br />
Introduction to Health and Safety<br />
Str<strong>at</strong>egies for Joint Health and Safety<br />
Committees Part 1 SAFE10014<br />
Identifies the barriers to an effective<br />
committee, how to overcome these barriers,<br />
concepts of planning, and formalizing a plan<br />
for duties on an annual basis. Other needs<br />
may be identified by the participants.<br />
LABREWS02 and LABREWS07. 10 hours.<br />
Course d<strong>at</strong>es: March 6, 20, 27.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12451 HD MO Mar6 6:30-9:30 3 59.25<br />
Introduction to Workplace Thre<strong>at</strong><br />
Management SAFE10019<br />
Gain practical knowledge about, and an<br />
understanding of, disruptive behaviour in the<br />
workplace. Learn to identify disruptive<br />
behaviours and find methods to manage them<br />
within the workplace environment. 15 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12576 HD WE Jan25 6:30-9:30 5 87.78<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 7
B U S I N E S S<br />
OH & S Training - Level 1 LABREWS01<br />
Upd<strong>at</strong>ed! Focus on the rights and<br />
responsibilities of workplace parties and hazard<br />
recognition and control. Covers: introduction to<br />
health and safety, legisl<strong>at</strong>ion, body and the<br />
workplace, cancer, toxic substances, principles<br />
of control, myths of the careless worker, Joint<br />
Health and Safety Committees, and two<br />
optional modules. 30 hours.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12442 BD FR Jan27 6:00-9:00 6 152.25<br />
SA 9:00-4:30<br />
12441 HD FR Jan27 6:00-9:00 6 152.25<br />
SA 9:00-4:30<br />
12443 HD TU/TH Feb7 6:30-9:30 10 152.25<br />
This certific<strong>at</strong>e is offered in partnership with<br />
the Hamilton & District Labour Council and<br />
the Brantford & District Labour Council.<br />
McMaster University offers a number of<br />
scholarships and bursaries to students taking<br />
certific<strong>at</strong>e courses.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Don Fraser <strong>at</strong> 905-692-5189 or<br />
905-318-4295 mailbox #1086 ; or contact<br />
the McMaster Labour Studies Program <strong>at</strong><br />
905-525-9140 ext. 24692 ; or contact<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2064 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2064 ; or<br />
email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
Successful applicants must complete the<br />
following (equal to 200 hours) to qualify for<br />
the certific<strong>at</strong>e:<br />
1. Four required and two elective courses<br />
from McMaster (approx. 72 hours), 90<br />
hours from <strong>Mohawk</strong> and 38 hours from<br />
<strong>any</strong> partner institution. The number of<br />
hours per course will vary between each of<br />
the institutions but will require <strong>at</strong> least 162<br />
hours of instruction <strong>at</strong> the<br />
university/college certific<strong>at</strong>e level.<br />
2. McMaster University courses must include<br />
History of the Labour Movements - Parts I<br />
& II, and Addressing the Challenges<br />
Facing the Labour Movement - Parts I &<br />
II, plus two electives.<br />
3. Additional credit(s) equivalent to 38 hours from<br />
McMaster, <strong>Mohawk</strong> or a partner institution.<br />
4. <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> courses must include one<br />
course from a menu of courses rel<strong>at</strong>ed to<br />
Health and Safety (listed below), and 60<br />
hours from a menu of courses rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the<br />
Labour Movement.<br />
Health and Safety (Minimum of 30 hours)<br />
L A B R E W S 0 1 OH & S Training Level 1<br />
L A B R E W S 0 2OH & S Level 2 Law (Provincial or Federal)<br />
L A B R E W S 0 7 OH & S Level 2 Committees<br />
(Provincial or Federal)<br />
L A B R E W S 0 8 Stress Awareness<br />
L A B R E W S 3 8OH & S P<strong>at</strong>ient Handling<br />
(Health Care Sector)<br />
Find your room before<br />
you come on campus!<br />
c e c a t . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a<br />
Labour Movement (Minimum of 60 hours)<br />
L A B R U N 0 0 1 Assertiveness Training for Workers<br />
L A B R U N 0 0 2 Stewards - Level 1<br />
L A B R U N 0 0 3 Stewards - Level 2<br />
L A B R U N 0 0 4 Steward as an Educ<strong>at</strong>or<br />
L A B R U N 0 0 5 Body Mapping/Hazards Mapping<br />
L A B R U N 0 0 9 Union Counsellor Course<br />
E D U C U N 0 1 0 Instructor Training<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 0 5 Microsoft Word XP - Labour Studies<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 0 6 Microsoft Excel XP - Labour Studies<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 0 7 Microsoft Windows XP - Labour Studies<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 1 0 Microsoft Internet Explorer<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 1 1 ABC’s of Computing<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 1 6 Internet as an organizing tool<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 1 7 Web Page design for workers<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion regarding McMaster<br />
University courses please call Sharon Molnar<br />
<strong>at</strong> 905-525-9140 ext. 24692 or visit<br />
s o c s e r v . m c m a s t e r . c a / l a b o u r s t u d i e s / c e r t i f i c a t e s<br />
Trade Unions and the Law<br />
Introduces students to the basics of Labour<br />
Law and reviews some of the most recent<br />
government changes.<br />
Fee: $100.00 Loc<strong>at</strong>ion: HDLC<br />
D<strong>at</strong>es: Mon., Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6, and 13, 6:30-9:30 p.m.<br />
Pensions for Workers<br />
Examines the Canada Pension Plan,<br />
workplace pension plans and RRSPs. Looks<br />
<strong>at</strong> the development of the pension promise<br />
and fiduciary responsibility and examines<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> might work for, r<strong>at</strong>her than against,<br />
workers’ interests. Pays particular <strong>at</strong>tention to<br />
the role of unions in pensions.<br />
Fee: $100.00 Loc<strong>at</strong>ion: HDLC<br />
D<strong>at</strong>e: S<strong>at</strong>., Feb. 25 & Mar. 4, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<br />
Addressing the Challenges Facing the<br />
Labour Movement - Part 1<br />
Three main topics are addressed: Wh<strong>at</strong> is<br />
happening to the job market? How is<br />
globaliz<strong>at</strong>ion affecting the world of work?<br />
How is our economy being restructured and<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> impact is this having on the workplace?<br />
Fee: $100.00 Loc<strong>at</strong>ion: HDLC<br />
D<strong>at</strong>e: S<strong>at</strong>., April 22 & 29, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.<br />
If you currently handle management<br />
responsibilities, or if you expect to assume a<br />
management role in the near future, you will<br />
find this program beneficial. It has been<br />
specially designed, with a broad focus on<br />
organiz<strong>at</strong>ional goals and str<strong>at</strong>egic planning, to<br />
help you make the transition from your area<br />
of specializ<strong>at</strong>ion to the management role.<br />
You’ll gain organiz<strong>at</strong>ional skills to solve<br />
various management challenges. As a<br />
program gradu<strong>at</strong>e, you’ll be well equipped to<br />
manage now and in the future.<br />
OMDP gradu<strong>at</strong>es who want to continue their<br />
management training are encouraged to enroll<br />
in this excellent program. Because you have<br />
received an Ontario Management Development<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you will be exempted from the<br />
optional courses section of this certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
8 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
For detailed course of program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the Program<br />
Manager, C<strong>at</strong>hie Duncan, <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2192<br />
(press 2) or 519-759-7200 ext. 2192 or<br />
email c<strong>at</strong><br />
For general inquiries please call CE<br />
Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or 519-759-7200<br />
ext. 2358 or email<br /><br />
Program of Studies<br />
To be eligible for the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
complete the six core courses (234 hours) and<br />
a minimum of three optional courses (117<br />
hours) for a total of 351 hours of instruction.<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
MGMTBPC01 Human Resource Management<br />
Studies<br />
MGMTBPC02 Managerial Communic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
MGMTBPC03 Understanding Managerial Skills<br />
MGMTBPC04 Problem Solving - Decision Making<br />
MGMTBPC05 Managerial Analysis<br />
MGMTBPC06 Financial Interpret<strong>at</strong>ion and Analysis<br />
Optional Courses:<br />
BUSN10003 Business Negoti<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
BUSNCB436 Business Law<br />
BUSNPIR13 Grievances, Arbitr<strong>at</strong>ion and Contract<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
BUSNPIR19 Employment Law<br />
COMPCO810 Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Systems 1 or <strong>any</strong> two<br />
Business Applic<strong>at</strong>ions for Windows<br />
computer courses<br />
ECONEB122 Microeconomics<br />
ECONEB222 Macroeconomics<br />
HRESPIR20 Recruitment and Selection<br />
LABRPIR08 Introduction to Industrial Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
MGMT10007 Risk Management<br />
MGMT10016 The Legalities of Hiring and Firing<br />
MGMTBPC16 Effective Project Management<br />
MRKTCB158 Marketing<br />
MRKTMK355 Applied Selling<br />
PSYCSS156 Introductory Psychology<br />
SAFEPIR21 Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health & Safety<br />
SSCISS108 Sociology 1<br />
Business Negoti<strong>at</strong>ions BUSN10003<br />
Explore the tools and techniques used by<br />
successful business negoti<strong>at</strong>ors and be able to<br />
identify opportunities for negoti<strong>at</strong>ion, develop<br />
negoti<strong>at</strong>ion plans, and recognize and use<br />
str<strong>at</strong>egies and tactics. This course is practical<br />
in its approach with a number of in-class and<br />
take home assignments designed to develop<br />
the student’s negoti<strong>at</strong>ing skills.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12552 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Financial Interpret<strong>at</strong>ion and Analysis<br />
MGMTBPC06<br />
In this course you will develop expertise in<br />
verifying accuracy and effectiveness through<br />
audits, in using r<strong>at</strong>ios to observe rel<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
changes in the organiz<strong>at</strong>ion’s performance,<br />
and in analyzing revenue-cost rel<strong>at</strong>ionships.<br />
These analytical techniques will effectively<br />
enhance your review and planning processes.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12553 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 13 203.39<br />
F ree Academic Upgrading<br />
Call 905-575-2029
Human Resource Management<br />
Studies MGMTBPC01<br />
Explore methods for ensuring th<strong>at</strong> the<br />
personnel function is responsive to the needs<br />
of business, employees & society in an<br />
integr<strong>at</strong>ed, str<strong>at</strong>egic way. Special<br />
management challenges rel<strong>at</strong>ed to orient<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
and training, job analysis, appraisal and selfassessment,<br />
compens<strong>at</strong>ion and benefits<br />
receive emphasis.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12575 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Managerial Communic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
MGMTBPC02<br />
Your management role imposes new<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>ion challenges - lengthy reports,<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>ing to persuade, writing for<br />
public<strong>at</strong>ion, conducting seminars. High<br />
impact, high powered communic<strong>at</strong>ion, either<br />
oral or written, demands careful <strong>at</strong>tention <strong>at</strong><br />
various stages - pre-writing, drafting, revising<br />
and polishing. This course offers you the<br />
opportunity to further refine your written and<br />
oral present<strong>at</strong>ion skills to enhance your<br />
credibility as manager.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12554 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 13 203.39<br />
Problem Solving - Decision Making<br />
MGMTBPC04<br />
This course is intended to help you perfect<br />
your problem solving skills, using diagnosis,<br />
analysis and evalu<strong>at</strong>ion as well as reasoning<br />
and verific<strong>at</strong>ion techniques. You will also<br />
learn methods to encourage better thinking<br />
skills in others and to effectively lead groups<br />
in consensus problem solving.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12556 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Risk Management MGMT10007<br />
Learn the basics of risk & oper<strong>at</strong>ional risk<br />
management th<strong>at</strong> can be applied to <strong>any</strong><br />
function & organiz<strong>at</strong>ion. Participants will<br />
be empowered with the importance, tools,<br />
techniques & processes of risk<br />
management. A course in a “hot area” th<strong>at</strong><br />
will allow you to make informed decisions<br />
by continuously assessing wh<strong>at</strong> can go<br />
wrong, the severity of the impact as well as<br />
address uncertain possibilities.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12558 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Understanding Managerial Skills<br />
MGMTBPC03<br />
Coach, leader, deleg<strong>at</strong>or, group<br />
facilit<strong>at</strong>or...your skills as you assume these<br />
roles directly influence how well groups in<br />
your organiz<strong>at</strong>ion interact. This course is<br />
designed to assist you to enhance your<br />
awareness of self and others and develop<br />
specific skills and str<strong>at</strong>egies for managing<br />
people effectively in various organiz<strong>at</strong>ional<br />
situ<strong>at</strong>ions - individually and in groups.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12559 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 203.39<br />
Sign up now!<br />
Registr<strong>at</strong>ion commences on<br />
<strong>at</strong> 8:30 a.m. on November 21<br />
Management and supervisory skills, enhanced<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>ion and present<strong>at</strong>ion skills,<br />
starting and managing a small business ...these<br />
are just some of the management<br />
competencies you can address in this program.<br />
To achieve course credits, you must <strong>at</strong>tend a<br />
minimum of 80% of the course hours.<br />
Attendance only will be assigned a grade of ‘C’.<br />
Attendance and one project or present<strong>at</strong>ion will<br />
be assigned a ‘B’. Attendance and two projects<br />
or present<strong>at</strong>ions will be assigned an ‘A’.<br />
All program requirements must be<br />
for within 10 years of enrolment in OMDP.<br />
Students who are eligible for an OMDP<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e must notify <strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Business, when qualific<strong>at</strong>ion has been<br />
<strong>at</strong>tained (after completion of the sixth<br />
course). It usually takes several months for<br />
the Certific<strong>at</strong>e to arrive from the Ministry.<br />
Please visit for more details.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, C<strong>at</strong>hie Duncan, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2192 (press 2) or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2192 or<br />
email c<strong>at</strong><br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory courses for OMDP certific<strong>at</strong>es<br />
must be completed <strong>at</strong> an Ontario <strong>College</strong> of<br />
Applied Arts and Technology.<br />
PLEASE NOTE: Books for weekend courses<br />
should be purchased <strong>at</strong> the appropri<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Campus Bookstore. Please see the <strong>College</strong><br />
Inform<strong>at</strong>ion section of the c<strong>at</strong>alogue for<br />
Bookstore hours. Textbooks for OMDP<br />
courses are the same titles as the course names.<br />
Students may apply for credit in individual<br />
courses based on learning acquired through<br />
work and other life experiences. For<br />
assessment procedures and fees, contact the<br />
PLA Office <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2395 or 519-759-7200<br />
ext. 2395. Assessments should commence in<br />
the term prior to the start of classes.<br />
This program will appeal to small business<br />
owners, current or aspiring managers who<br />
need practical skills from accounting to<br />
customer service.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
S<strong>at</strong>isfactory completion of two mand<strong>at</strong>ory and<br />
four elective courses is required. Two electives<br />
must be chosen from the list of OMDP<br />
electives. Two additional electives may be<br />
OMDP electives or <strong>any</strong> 2 business rel<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
courses (minimum of 30 hours). Electives not<br />
chosen from the list below must be evalu<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
and approved by the Program Manager.<br />
Electives can be applied to one certific<strong>at</strong>e only.<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
M G M T M D 2 2 1 Effective Supervision-Human Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
M G M T M D 2 2 7 Effective Supervision-Communic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
B U S I N E S S<br />
OMDP Electives:<br />
A C C T M D 1 0 3 Small Business Bookkeeping<br />
M G M T M D 1 1 1 Implementing a Customer Service Plan<br />
M G M T M D 1 1 4 Retail Oper<strong>at</strong>ions Management<br />
M G M T M D 2 8 0 Finance and Budgeting Basics<br />
M R K T M D 2 7 1 Marketing Str<strong>at</strong>egies<br />
S B M G M D 2 4 9 How to Start a Small Business<br />
Non-OMDP Electives:<br />
B U S N B U 1 5 8 WSIB Entitlement Adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
B U S N B U 1 5 9 WSIB Benefits Adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
B U S N B U 4 9 1 Managing Workplace Law<br />
C O N F B U 3 9 7 Dealing & Working with Difficult People<br />
M G M T 1 0 0 1 6 The Legalities of Hiring and Firing<br />
M G M T B U 1 5 3 Dental Office Receptionist<br />
M G M T B U 4 7 1 Managing By Due Diligence<br />
M G M T B U 4 9 7 Employment Standards & Human<br />
Rights Law<br />
S A F E 1 0 0 1 3 Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health & Safety for<br />
S u p e r v i s i o n<br />
Two 18 hour courses from the Business Applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
for Windows or Webmaster Certific<strong>at</strong>e programs count<br />
as 1 elective<br />
Any 30 hour Business rel<strong>at</strong>ed course<br />
This program will appeal to individuals who want<br />
to enhance their leadership skills, and who may be<br />
in a workplace environment where teamwork and<br />
self-management are keys to success.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
S<strong>at</strong>isfactory completion of two mand<strong>at</strong>ory and<br />
four elective courses is required. Two electives<br />
must be chosen from the list of OMDP<br />
electives. Two additional electives may be<br />
OMDP electives or <strong>any</strong> 2 business rel<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
courses (minimum of 30 hours). Electives not<br />
chosen from the list below must be evalu<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
and approved by the Program Manager.<br />
Electives can be applied to one certific<strong>at</strong>e only.<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
M G M T M D 2 2 1 Effective Supervision-Human Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
M G M T M D 2 2 7 Effective Supervision-Communic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
OMDP Electives:<br />
L A B R M D 2 2 6 Effective Labour Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
M G M T 1 0 0 1 7 Effective Supervision-Oper<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
M a n a g e m e n t<br />
M G M T M D 1 1 0 Team Building and Leadership<br />
M G M T M D 1 1 4 Retail Oper<strong>at</strong>ions Management<br />
M G M T M D 2 2 2 Effective Supervision-Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
M G M T M D 2 3 3 Management for Results<br />
M G M T M D 2 7 7 Facilit<strong>at</strong>ing Workplace Training<br />
M G M T M D 2 7 8 Personal Success<br />
Non-OMDP Electives:<br />
B U S N B U 1 5 8 WSIB Entitlement Adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
B U S N B U 1 5 9 WSIB Benefits Adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
B U S N B U 4 9 1 Managing Workplace Law<br />
C O N F B U 3 9 7 Dealing & Working with Difficult People<br />
M G M T 1 0 0 1 6 The Legalities of Hiring and Firing<br />
M G M T B U 1 5 3 Dental Office Receptionist<br />
M G M T B U 4 7 1 Managing by Due Diligence<br />
M G M T B U 4 9 7 Employment Standards & Human<br />
Rights Law<br />
S A F E 1 0 0 1 3 Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health & Safety for<br />
S u p e r v i s i o n<br />
Two 18 hour courses from the Business Applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
for Windows or Webmaster Certific<strong>at</strong>e programs count<br />
as 1 elective<br />
Any 30 hour Business-rel<strong>at</strong>ed course<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 9
B U S I N E S S<br />
Dental Office Receptionist<br />
MGMTBU153<br />
Consider a career as a receptionist in a dental<br />
office/clinic. Practical exercises focus on<br />
appointment scheduling, dental insurance,<br />
and accounts receivable and payable. You<br />
will also gain “must-know” inform<strong>at</strong>ion about<br />
dental an<strong>at</strong>omy, tooth identific<strong>at</strong>ion systems,<br />
dental terminology, ODA fee guide, dental<br />
specialties and the dental health team.<br />
Workbook “Dental Office Receptionist” must<br />
be purchased through the Bookstore prior to<br />
the first class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13167 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
Effective Supervision - Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
MGMTMD222<br />
This course should assist supervisors/<br />
managers in various fields to improve<br />
management skills and use systems,<br />
equipment and personnel more effectively.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12495 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Effective Supervision-<br />
Communic<strong>at</strong>ions MGMTMD227<br />
Develop effective written and oral<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>ion skills including listening<br />
skills in supervisory/management personnel.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12499 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Effective Supervision-Human<br />
Rel<strong>at</strong>ions MGMTMD221<br />
Cover various aspects of effectively<br />
managing personnel, including leadership<br />
training, discipline, performance appraisal,<br />
motiv<strong>at</strong>ion, managing conflict, job<br />
s<strong>at</strong>isfaction and managing change.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12497 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
12498 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
12496 FF SU Jan15 9:00-4:30 4 156.45<br />
Employment Standards and Human<br />
Rights Law MGMTBU497<br />
Gain an understanding of the new<br />
Employment Standards Act and the Human<br />
Rights Code. Covers employer/employee<br />
rights and oblig<strong>at</strong>ions including recruiting,<br />
interviewing and hiring practices, legisl<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
labour standards, conduct issues and<br />
employer/employees rel<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12503 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
12504 FF SU Feb12 9:00-4:30 4 156.45<br />
Facilit<strong>at</strong>ing Workplace Training<br />
MGMTMD277<br />
Attention owner/managers, senior executives,<br />
personnel directors, and supervisory staff.<br />
Here’s your opportunity to explore the full<br />
training cycle. Topics include establishing<br />
and promoting a training culture, needs<br />
assessment, developing a training plan,<br />
conducting appraisal interviews, evalu<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
training, and interpreting future trends. You<br />
will be required to deliver a short lesson to<br />
adult learners, demonstr<strong>at</strong>ing common<br />
instructional technologies.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12506 BF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
How to Start a Small Business<br />
SBMGMD249<br />
Focus on the fundamentals of business<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ion by putting together a business plan<br />
for individuals contempl<strong>at</strong>ing starting their<br />
own business.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12508 FF WE Jan25 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Managing by Due Diligence<br />
MGMTBU471<br />
Due diligence is the primary legal defense<br />
available to companies & individuals charged<br />
under The Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health & Safety Act.<br />
Prudent employers, managers, supervisors &<br />
human resource professionals are using this<br />
defense under OHSA, but realized th<strong>at</strong> due<br />
diligence is also critical in m<strong>any</strong> other aspects<br />
of managing their companies successfully.<br />
This course goes beyond health & safety<br />
where a due diligence approach is of<br />
paramount importance in the event of a<br />
lawsuit or a st<strong>at</strong>utory complaint<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12514 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
12515 FF SA Feb18 9:00-4:30 4 156.45<br />
Managing Workplace LawBUSNBU491<br />
Employers, owners, managers, supervisors<br />
and Human Resource professionals are<br />
making sure they understand & manage their<br />
legal oblig<strong>at</strong>ions to their employees so as to<br />
avoid costly & time-consuming legal<br />
problems. Major government st<strong>at</strong>utes and<br />
other important legal issues affecting m<strong>any</strong><br />
aspects of employment are covered. Guest<br />
speakers will provide a practical perspective<br />
on several issues.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12517 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health and Safety for<br />
Supervision SAFE10013<br />
Supervisors have a direct role in workplace<br />
safety and must be competent and<br />
knowledgeable. Examine important areas of<br />
the O.H.& S. Act and Regul<strong>at</strong>ions. Topics<br />
include due diligence, the role of the joint<br />
health & safety committee, hazard assessment<br />
& control & accident investig<strong>at</strong>ion and safety<br />
audits. Texts required-Management of<br />
Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Health & Safety, 2nd Edition &<br />
O.H.&S. Act & Regul<strong>at</strong>ions can be purchased<br />
in <strong>Mohawk</strong> bookstore.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12521 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Personal Success MGMTMD278<br />
Designed to equip you with the necessary<br />
personal skills to thrive in the workplace and<br />
in a social setting. Emphasis is placed on key<br />
human rel<strong>at</strong>ions skills such as public<br />
speaking, listening skills, self-present<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
techniques for career advancement, alliance<br />
building and positioning, negoti<strong>at</strong>ion skills,<br />
managing office politics, time management<br />
and stress management.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12522 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Visit our web site<br />
c e c a t . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a<br />
10 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
The Legalities of Hiring and Firing<br />
MGMT10016<br />
In today’s business environment, the areas of<br />
hiring & firing have become too laden with<br />
legal rules & problems for <strong>any</strong> management<br />
not to be armed with the l<strong>at</strong>est knowledge,<br />
tools & skills needed to effectively handle<br />
critical responsibilities. This course provides<br />
comprehensive inform<strong>at</strong>ion & educ<strong>at</strong>ion on<br />
may legal issues of hiring & firing. It is not<br />
the intent of this course to render legal<br />
advice, which should be sought from an<br />
employment lawyer or government agency.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12510 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
12511 FF SA Jan14 9:00-4:30 4 156.45<br />
These two courses will provide you with a<br />
comprehensive overview of the adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
process rel<strong>at</strong>ing to Workplace Safety and<br />
Insurance Board (WSIB) claims. They are of<br />
particular interest to employers or worker<br />
advoc<strong>at</strong>es who will obtain sufficient<br />
knowledge to effectively administer and<br />
manage WSIB claims from both an employer<br />
and worker perspective. The interactive<br />
classroom setting includes extensive use of<br />
group discussions and case studies. Each<br />
course can be used as an OMDP elective.<br />
An Acknowledgement of Completion is<br />
available to students who successfully<br />
complete both courses.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Note: Courses are offered in the Fall and<br />
Winter semesters only.<br />
WSIB Benefits Adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
BUSNBU159<br />
Learn the responsibilities of the workplace<br />
parties by developing your skills in effective<br />
caseload management. Covers self-reliance in<br />
promoting an Early & Safe Return to Work,<br />
determining suitability of a Labour Market<br />
Re-Entry Plan, and the other impacts resulting<br />
from current legisl<strong>at</strong>ion. Gain insight on how<br />
employers can monitor their claims to control<br />
premium cost. PREREQUISITE: WSIB<br />
Entitlement Adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion (BUSNBU158) or<br />
permission from instructor.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12934 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:30 10 182.53<br />
12936 FF SU Feb19 8:00-3:00 5 182.53<br />
WSIB Entitlement Adjudic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
BUSNBU158<br />
Develop extensive knowledge of the policies<br />
and procedures for determining initial<br />
entitlement in a Workplace Safety and<br />
Insurance Board (WSIB) claim. Topics<br />
include the rights and oblig<strong>at</strong>ions of workers<br />
under the Act, loss of earnings benefits paid<br />
to workers and effective approaches for<br />
accident investig<strong>at</strong>ion. When/how to object to<br />
a decision and requesting the applic<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
SIEF is discussed.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12939 FF SU Jan15 8:00-3:00 5 182.53
MEDIA<br />
Equivalent to the 3 year Day School Program.<br />
Learn to resolve str<strong>at</strong>egic issues, develop<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ive m<strong>at</strong>erials to meet objectives and<br />
goals, and plan and execute dynamic media<br />
str<strong>at</strong>egies. Discover how to present m<strong>at</strong>erials<br />
in a professional manner.<br />
Understand sales promotion, direct marketing<br />
and public rel<strong>at</strong>ions. Explore web design<br />
concepts and str<strong>at</strong>egies<br />
This program is widely recognized in the<br />
Canadian advertising agency industry as a<br />
reputable source for new hires in the media<br />
planning/buying and account service areas.<br />
Gradu<strong>at</strong>es find employment in the fields of<br />
copywriting, art direction, account<br />
management, media planning and buying.<br />
For a personal interview, detailed course<br />
or program inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please contact<br />
Wayne Aubert, <strong>at</strong> 905-575-1212 ext. 3671<br />
or 519-759-7200 ext. 3671 or<br />
email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
Please visit<br />
calendar/advertisingCommMedia.html<br />
Account Management ADVRAD338<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory course for 2nd year Cre<strong>at</strong>ive track<br />
(not Business track). The “suits” of the<br />
advertising agencies play an important role in<br />
the agency/client rel<strong>at</strong>ionship. We’ll explore<br />
the role of account service, including cre<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
effective contact reports, timesheets, and<br />
briefings, to understanding of client<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ionship challenges, and how to<br />
effectively communic<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13287 FF TU Jan17 7:00-9:00 14 146.02<br />
Advanced Art Direction ADVRAD200<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory course for 2nd year Cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
track. Learn how to brainstorm for cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
solutions to communic<strong>at</strong>ions problems. Focus<br />
on ideas, and developing ideas to rough linear<br />
stage. With an expect<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> the student<br />
has basic Cre<strong>at</strong>ive Suite knowledge, we’ll be<br />
working in the Mac lab utlilizing Illustr<strong>at</strong>or,<br />
Photoshop, Quark and/or InDesign to execute<br />
some of our concepts.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13283 FF TH Jan19 7:00-9:00 14 146.02<br />
Advanced Copywriting ADVRAD201<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory course for 2nd year Cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
track. Learn how to brainstorm for cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
solutions to communic<strong>at</strong>ions problems. Focus<br />
on ideas, and developing ideas to the rough<br />
linear stage. Headlines, long copy, short copy<br />
are all explored in detail.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13282 FF MO Jan16 7:00-9:00 14 146.02<br />
Need Grade<br />
12 equivalency?<br />
Call 905-575-2029<br />
Advertising Portfolio Development<br />
CRED10017<br />
Non-Credit course. Get an edge on the<br />
competition by getting your portfolio in gre<strong>at</strong><br />
shape for interviews. Refine existing work and<br />
work on new projects to round out your book.<br />
Discuss different types of portfolios and their<br />
functions: your main book, your mini-book,<br />
and your digital portfolio. This course will<br />
offer one-on-one critiques and guidance.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13112 FF WE Jan18 6:00-9:30 12 219.03<br />
Career Development Series<br />
CREDAD900<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory 1st year course. A wonderful<br />
opportunity to explore careers in advertising.<br />
Invites in industry professionals from<br />
account service, copywriting, art direction,<br />
media planning/buying, sales, and production<br />
to discuss their roles, educ<strong>at</strong>ional and<br />
professional backgrounds, and conduct<br />
Q&As with participants on the ins and outs<br />
of their profession.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13291 FF SU Feb12 9:00-5:00 2 73.01<br />
Introduction to Direct Marketing<br />
MRKTAD400<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory course for all second year tracks.<br />
Explores direct marketing and building<br />
customer rel<strong>at</strong>ionships. Includes introductory<br />
coverage of research, lists, testing, DM<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ive, telemarketing, DM in space and<br />
print advertising, CDMA code of ethics and<br />
DM’s role in integr<strong>at</strong>ed marketing<br />
communic<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13285 FF WE Jan18 7:00-9:00 11 109.52<br />
Introduction to Macs INFOCM176<br />
Former mand<strong>at</strong>ory 1st year course. New to<br />
the Mac? This is the course for you! Learn<br />
the basics of the oper<strong>at</strong>ing system of a Mac,<br />
and explore Cre<strong>at</strong>ive Suite with in-class<br />
instruction on the basics of Photoshop,<br />
Illustr<strong>at</strong>or, Quark and InDesign.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13293 FF MO Jan16 6:00-9:00 14 219.03<br />
New Business Planning SBMGAD299<br />
Optional 3rd year course. Review how ad<br />
agencies are compens<strong>at</strong>ed, and explore the<br />
types of pitches th<strong>at</strong> are used to gain new<br />
business, including cre<strong>at</strong>ive pitch and<br />
credentials pitch. Students work in small<br />
teams to actually cre<strong>at</strong>e a credentials pitch<br />
th<strong>at</strong> is presented to a real industry<br />
professional for evalu<strong>at</strong>ion. Course d<strong>at</strong>es are<br />
Feb. 5 and Feb. 26.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13290 FF SU Feb5 9:00-5:00 2 73.01<br />
Print Production GRAPAD136<br />
Former mand<strong>at</strong>ory 1st year course. Explores<br />
the history of print production, then reviews<br />
typography and graphic design terminology,<br />
explores pre-press and press and post-press<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ions, and finishing techniques.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13399 FF SU Mar5 9:00-5:00 2 73.01<br />
B U S I N E S S<br />
If you wish to seek employment as a medical<br />
transcriber, in hospital Departments of Health<br />
Records, Diagnostic Imaging, P<strong>at</strong>hology and<br />
in various clinics, or in priv<strong>at</strong>e practice<br />
specialties and other community facilities,<br />
this program provides the knowledge and<br />
skills necessary for success. The transcription<br />
of dict<strong>at</strong>ed medical reports requires a<br />
thorough knowledge of medical terminology,<br />
English language skills, excellent<br />
keyboarding speed, and proficiency with<br />
word processing software. Demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
competence in these areas is a prerequisite.<br />
This program combines the theoretical and<br />
practical applic<strong>at</strong>ions required in this<br />
specialized field. You will be required to<br />
apply theoretical knowledge to the accur<strong>at</strong>e<br />
transcription, within a specified time limit, of<br />
complex medical reports and correspondence<br />
gener<strong>at</strong>ed by the m<strong>any</strong> specialties.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, He<strong>at</strong>her Armstrong, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2192 (press 3) or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2192 or email<br />
he<strong>at</strong><br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
It is expected th<strong>at</strong> you will have successfully<br />
completed the appropri<strong>at</strong>e courses or PLA<br />
Challenge Exams before pursuing the<br />
necessary four levels of transcription.<br />
Students in Office Administr<strong>at</strong>ion - Medical<br />
diploma program will have completed all<br />
courses except Medical Transcribing 3 and 4<br />
and are encouraged to complete these to<br />
obtain this additional credential.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To obtain the Medical Transcription<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e, students must have successfully<br />
completed the prerequisite courses and/or<br />
Challenge Exams and the four levels of<br />
Medical Transcribing. All medical courses<br />
must be taken in the appropri<strong>at</strong>e sequence as<br />
each level builds on the previous level.<br />
KEYBOA225 Keyboarding for Speed & Accuracy<br />
INFOBW031 Windows XP<br />
INFOBW110 MS Word for Windows - Level 1<br />
OADMOA261 Microtranscription<br />
OADMOA323 Medical Terminology 1<br />
OADMOA324 Medical Terminology 2<br />
OADMOA352 Medical Transcribing 1<br />
OADMOA452 Medical Transcribing 2<br />
OADMOA552 Medical Transcribing 3<br />
OADMOA652 Medical Transcribing 4<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ch for our<br />
Spring 2006 c<strong>at</strong>alogue<br />
Available in print on<br />
M a rch 6<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 11
B U S I N E S S<br />
Medical Terminology 1 OADMOA323<br />
Demonstr<strong>at</strong>e an understanding of terms and<br />
concepts rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the essentials of disease &<br />
diagnosis, be able to build medical terms by<br />
defining word roots, combining forms,<br />
suffixes and prefixes, correctly spell,<br />
pronounce and define medical terms rel<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
to the an<strong>at</strong>omy, physiology & p<strong>at</strong>hology of<br />
the body. Analyze case studies pertaining to<br />
each body system and submit a research<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12991 FF SA Jan7 9:00-12:00 13 203.39<br />
12987 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
12990 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Medical Terminology 2 OADMOA324<br />
This course is a continu<strong>at</strong>ion of Medical<br />
Terminology I. Learn to build medical terms<br />
by defining word roots, combining forms,<br />
suffixes & prefixes. The student will correctly<br />
spell, pronounce & define medical terms<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the an<strong>at</strong>omy, physiology &<br />
p<strong>at</strong>hology of the body as well as terms rel<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
to oncology & psychi<strong>at</strong>ry. Analyze case<br />
studies pertaining to each body system and<br />
submit a research report. PREREQUISITE:<br />
OADMOA323<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12986 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
12988 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Medical Transcribing 1 OADMOA352<br />
Medical language skills and style<br />
requirements are emphasized in this<br />
introductory course and students will<br />
accur<strong>at</strong>ely transcribe basic medical dict<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
based on these standards. PREREQUISITE:<br />
KEYBOA225, OADMOA261, INFOBW031<br />
and INFOBW110.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12992 FF MO Jan9 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Medical Transcribing 2 OADMOA452<br />
Medical language skills and style<br />
requirements continue to be studied in this<br />
course in order to assist students to transcribe<br />
more complex and specialized medical<br />
dict<strong>at</strong>ion. PREREQUISITES: OADMOA352,<br />
OADMOA323<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12994 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Medical Transcribing 3 OADMOA552<br />
Students will achieve the ability to work<br />
independently, utilizing professional resource<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erials, in order to transcribe documents<br />
with varied and complex medical language<br />
within a specified time limit.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12995 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Medical Transcribing 4 OADMOA652<br />
Students will consolid<strong>at</strong>e the knowledge and<br />
skill established in Transcribing 1, 2, and 3,<br />
in order to achieve a transcription production<br />
r<strong>at</strong>e comp<strong>at</strong>ible with an entry-level<br />
professional position. PREREQUISITE:<br />
OADMOA552<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12996 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
(Autom<strong>at</strong>ed Office Skills)<br />
Are you looking to upgrade your office skills,<br />
find new employment, re-enter the workforce<br />
or get a Certific<strong>at</strong>e for the skills you already<br />
have? Then, this program is for you. Classes<br />
will be scheduled full-time days or part time<br />
in the evening to meet students’ needs.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the Program<br />
Manager, Diane White, <strong>at</strong> 905-575-1212<br />
ext. 3070 or 519-759-7200 ext. 3070 or<br />
email<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
C O M M L L 1 2 6 Communic<strong>at</strong>ions for Office Administr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
(equiv. COMMLL041-for OA students only)<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 2 3 Spreadsheet Concepts<br />
(equiv. INFOBW161, INFOBW261 & INFOBW361 -<br />
Excel Levels 1,2 & 3)<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 2 4 Word Processing Concepts<br />
(equiv. INFOBW110, INFOBW210 & INFOBW310 -<br />
Word Levels 1, 2 & 3)<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 2 5 Working with Internet & Web Page Design<br />
(equiv. INFOBIN01 - Internet, INFOBIN30 - Web Page<br />
Design 1, INFOBIN21 - Dreamweaver)<br />
K E Y B 1 0 0 0 2 Keyboarding & Speed Development 1<br />
(equiv. KEYBOA115)<br />
O A D M 1 0 0 0 0 Professionalism in the Work<br />
Environment 1<br />
(equiv. OA229)<br />
O A D M 1 0 0 0 5 Administr<strong>at</strong>ive Skills<br />
O A D M O A 1 1 6 Document Processing<br />
A C C T O A 2 3 1 Recordkeeping for Business<br />
(equiv. ACCTBZ018 & ACCTBZ019)<br />
C O M M L L 0 3 9 Advanced Communic<strong>at</strong>ions (LANGS)<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 0 3 Software Applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
(equiv. INFOBW105 & INFOBW205 - Access,<br />
INFOBW003 - PowerPoint & INFOBIN56 - Outlook)<br />
K E Y B 1 0 0 0 3 Keyboarding & Speed Development 2<br />
(equiv. KEYBOA225)<br />
O A D M 1 0 0 0 6 Professionalism & Portfolio Development<br />
(equiv. OADM10001)<br />
O A D M O A 2 3 2 Office Applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
(equiv. OADMOA228)<br />
O A D M O A 2 6 1 M i c r o t r a n s c r i p t i o n<br />
W O R K O A 9 9 1 Work Experience<br />
Students completing the program through<br />
<strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion must take this<br />
Program of Study (not First Year Common).<br />
Because of the n<strong>at</strong>ure of this Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
program (computer programs), students must<br />
complete this Certific<strong>at</strong>e within a reasonable<br />
amount of time or additional courses may be<br />
required for current certific<strong>at</strong>e. Please check<br />
with the Program Coordin<strong>at</strong>or.<br />
12 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ive Procedures 1<br />
OADMOA151<br />
This course is designed to give the student<br />
skills fundamental to the pursuit of an office<br />
career. Specific topics covered include filing,<br />
career planning, Internet and telephone/<br />
reception skills. PREREQUISITE: Ability to<br />
keyboard and basic Word (INFOBW110) or<br />
WordPerfect (INFOBW113). THIS IS THE<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12973 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ive Procedures 2<br />
OADMOA251<br />
Building on the learning activities of<br />
Administr<strong>at</strong>ive Procedures 1, students will apply<br />
research, time management, planning, critical<br />
thinking, notetaking, word processing and basic<br />
m<strong>at</strong>h skills to a variety of simul<strong>at</strong>ed office<br />
situ<strong>at</strong>ions. PREREQUISITE: OADMOA151,<br />
Ability to keyboard and Word Level 1<br />
(INFOBW110) or WordPerfect Level 1<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12974 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Document Processing and Simul<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
OADMOA228<br />
A continu<strong>at</strong>ion of Document Processing 1,<br />
you will have the opportunity to use initi<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
& judgment to produce documents of a more<br />
complex n<strong>at</strong>ure such as two-page letters, mail<br />
merge, outline fe<strong>at</strong>ure, graphics, macros and<br />
reports using WordPerfect 11. (Course<br />
content to change effective January 2006.)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12983 FF TH Jan12 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Keyboarding - Beginners KEYBSEZ30<br />
This course, for students with no limited<br />
keyboarding skills, focuses on mastery of the<br />
keyboard with emphasis on speed and<br />
accuracy development. NOTE: 9-pin serial or<br />
USB mouse, 3.5” High Density disk or<br />
memory stick, and “<strong>College</strong> Keyboarding”<br />
(1-60) by Van Huss required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12967 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 12 207.74<br />
Keyboarding and Speed Development 1<br />
KEYB10002<br />
Students will learn proper keyboarding<br />
technique, achieving a speed of approxim<strong>at</strong>ely<br />
30 net words per minute on 5 minute timings.<br />
Accuracy will be stressed and measured.<br />
NOTE: 9-pin serial or USB mouse, 3.5” High<br />
Density disk or memory stick, and “<strong>College</strong><br />
Keyboarding” (1-60) by Van Huss required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12968 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 12 207.74<br />
Keyboarding for Speed and Accuracy<br />
KEYBOA225<br />
This course is intended for students with<br />
keyboarding skills who want to improve their<br />
proficiency and achieve a speed of<br />
approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 40 net words per minute. A<br />
Speed Certific<strong>at</strong>e is issued on completion.<br />
NOTE: 9-pin serial or USB mouse, 3.5” High<br />
Density Disk or memory stick, and TEXT<br />
“Typewriting Drills for Speed & Accuracy”<br />
required for first class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12971 FF TU Jan10 6:00-8:30 12 176.45
Microtranscription OADMOA261<br />
Students will be trained in the efficient<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ion of transcribing equipment and use<br />
of a computer to acquire the skills necessary<br />
to produce first-time mailable transcription of<br />
business-rel<strong>at</strong>ed m<strong>at</strong>erial. In addition,<br />
specialized vocabulary will be introduced<br />
throughout the course.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12977 FF WE Jan11 6:00-9:00 13 223.39<br />
Professionalism and Portfolio<br />
Development OADM10006<br />
Students will continue to learn the<br />
appropri<strong>at</strong>e professional behaviour<br />
expect<strong>at</strong>ions in the work environment. An<br />
employment portfolio will be prepared.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12980 FF WE Mar1 6:00-8:00 7 73.01<br />
Professionalism in the Work<br />
Environment 1 OADM10000<br />
This course will provide students with the<br />
appropri<strong>at</strong>e tools to understand professional<br />
behaviour in the business environment.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12978 FF WE Jan11 6:00-8:00 7 73.01<br />
Two certific<strong>at</strong>es (Business Applic<strong>at</strong>ions for<br />
Windows and Webmaster) and several<br />
acknowledgements are offered under the<br />
Business Computers umbrella.<br />
For detailed course or program<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Peggy Daniel, <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2256 (press 2) or<br />
519-75-7200 ext. 2256 or<br />
email<br />
For general inquiries please call<br />
CE Business <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2358 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2358 or<br />
email<br />
All courses are 18 hour modules which include<br />
a test during the final class. Students should be<br />
prepared to spend two hours of independent<br />
study for each hour of class instruction.<br />
Do you have computer skills, but lack a<br />
certific<strong>at</strong>e? The Prior Learning Assessment<br />
process can help you earn a certific<strong>at</strong>e faster.<br />
Call the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)<br />
Office <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2395 or 519-759-7200<br />
ext. 2395 to arrange a challenge exam for<br />
<strong>any</strong> of the Business Computer courses. A<br />
minimum of two weeks notice is required.<br />
Challenge exam fee: $49.90 per course.<br />
Please note th<strong>at</strong> all exams are completed in<br />
the XP environment and all theory-based<br />
questions must be answered using the XP<br />
version. Students who are not familiar<br />
with the XP environment and still wish to<br />
write challenge exams will not be given a<br />
refund or retest should they encounter<br />
difficulty with specific XP fe<strong>at</strong>ures.<br />
NOTES: Printing costs will be charged to<br />
all printers. Printer access cards are<br />
available in Open Access.<br />
Free Internet access is available in all<br />
microcomputer labs.<br />
Windows is a software pl<strong>at</strong>form th<strong>at</strong> delivers<br />
improved productivity and high-performance<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ions for today’s business environments.<br />
Windows simplifies the process of acquiring<br />
sophistic<strong>at</strong>ed computing skills by sharing common<br />
commands and d<strong>at</strong>a between software packages.<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Courses are open to ALL students but it is<br />
assumed th<strong>at</strong> participants in each course will<br />
have some understanding of the Windows<br />
environment. You are strongly urged to complete<br />
if you have no computer experience.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To qualify for an “Business Applic<strong>at</strong>ions for<br />
Windows Acknowledgement of Completion”, you<br />
must complete the FOUR (4) Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses.<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
INFOBW031 Windows XP<br />
INFOBW161 MS Excel - Basic<br />
INFOBW105 MS Access - User Level 1<br />
INFOBW110 MS Word - Level 1<br />
To obtain the Business Applic<strong>at</strong>ions for<br />
Windows Certific<strong>at</strong>e, students must<br />
complete an additional SEVEN (7) courses<br />
chosen from the list below:<br />
ACCPAC-GL, AR, AP, Payroll, Order Entry Level 1, 2<br />
Adobe Photoshop Elements<br />
MS Access-Level 2, 3<br />
MS Excel-Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e, Advanced<br />
MS PowerPoint-Level 1,2<br />
MS Project<br />
MS Publisher - Level 1<br />
MS Word-Level 2,3,4<br />
INFOBIN56 MS Outlook<br />
Simply Accounting-Level 1,2<br />
NOTE: INFOBIN56 is the ONLY course<br />
from the Webmaster Certific<strong>at</strong>e which can be<br />
applied to the BAW certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
ALL MS OFFICE (Word, Excel,<br />
PowerPoint and Access) AND WINDOWS<br />
Students achieving a minimum of an 80%<br />
average are eligible for a specialist<br />
acknowledgement in the following areas:<br />
Word Specialist<br />
Completion of four course credits from MS<br />
Word (INFOBW110, INFOBW210,<br />
INFOBW310, INFOBW410).<br />
Excel Specialist<br />
Completion of three levels of Excel<br />
(INFOBW161, INFOBW261, INFOBW361)<br />
Access Specialist<br />
Completion of three levels of Access<br />
(INFOBW105, INFOBW205, INFOBW305)<br />
Accounting Specialist<br />
Completion of five course credits: AccPac -<br />
General Ledger (INFOBW190), AccPac -<br />
Accounts Receivable (INFOBW290), AccPac<br />
- Accounts Payable (INFOBW390), Simply<br />
Accounting - Level 1 (INFOBW150) and<br />
Simply Accounting - Level 2 (INFOBW250).<br />
9-pin serial or USB mouse<br />
required for all computer courses<br />
PowerPoint/Graphics Specialist<br />
Completion of four course credits -<br />
PowerPoint Level 1 (INFOBW003),<br />
PowerPoint Level 2 (INFOBW203), Adobe<br />
Photoshop Elements (INFOBW114) and MS<br />
Publisher (INFOBW115).<br />
USB or 9-pin serial mouse, 3.5” disks and<br />
course text are required for all courses<br />
unless otherwise st<strong>at</strong>ed. Instructors will not<br />
have spare mice, disks or manuals available<br />
in the labs!<br />
Workshop for Windows INFOBW001<br />
This non-credit course is ideal for the novice<br />
computer user! Be introduced to the<br />
Windows XP environment, Word XP, Excel<br />
XP, PowerPoint XP & Internet. Topics<br />
include basic mouse skills, managing the<br />
desktop, saving & deleting files, Paint,<br />
WordPad and other Windows XP accessories.<br />
PREREQUISITE: None. NOTE: This course<br />
will be taught in XP environment ONLY<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13059 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13067 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
13068 BF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13069 FF SU Jan15 9:00-12:00 6 111.87<br />
13070 FF MO Feb27 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13071 FF TU Feb28 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
13072 BF WE Mar1 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
AccPac - Accounts Payable<br />
INFOBW390<br />
Covers ledger set up, adding vendor accounts,<br />
daily transaction processing, reports and<br />
periodic processing using Version 5.2 AccPac<br />
Advantage Series-Corpor<strong>at</strong>e Edition.<br />
PREREQUISITE: INFOBW190 or equivalent<br />
experience plus familiarity with basic<br />
accounting concepts.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12935 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12937 BF SA Mar4 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
AccPac - Accounts Receivable<br />
INFOBW290<br />
Using version 5.2 (Advantage Series-<br />
Corpor<strong>at</strong>e Edition) this course covers the<br />
ledger setup, adding customer accounts, daily<br />
transaction processing, reports and periodic<br />
processing. PREREQUISITE: INFOBW190<br />
or equivalent experience plus familiarity with<br />
basic accounting concepts.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12941 FF TU Feb28 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
AccPac - General Ledger INFOBW190<br />
Using AccPac Version 5.2 (AccPac<br />
Advantage Series-Corpor<strong>at</strong>e Edition), this<br />
course focuses on the cre<strong>at</strong>ion of a comp<strong>any</strong><br />
and a chart of accounts, entering transactions,<br />
and producing financial reports.<br />
familiarity with basic accounting.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12942 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12945 BF SA Jan14 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 13
AccPac - Payroll INFOBW590<br />
Consists of preparing payroll d<strong>at</strong>a, learning the<br />
functions of Canadian payroll & the steps<br />
involved in processing payroll transactions<br />
using Version 5.1. PREREQUISITES:<br />
INFOBW190, INFOBW290 and INFOBW390.<br />
This course should be taken last, after<br />
completing the other three AccPac courses.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12948 FF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
AccPac Order Entry - Level 1 I N F O B W 4 9 0<br />
Using AccPac 5.2 Advantage Series, learn<br />
proper techniques to set up Inventory Control,<br />
Purchase Orders & Order Entry modules.<br />
Inventory items, requisitions, purchase<br />
orders, receipts & invoices will be discussed<br />
separ<strong>at</strong>ely. PREREQUISITE: INFOBW190,<br />
INFOBW290 and INFOBW390.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12956 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
AccPac Order Entry - Level 2 I N F O B W 4 9 2<br />
Using AccPac Advantage Series Corpor<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Edition, Version 5.2, this course uses the<br />
Inventory Control, Purchase Orders & Order<br />
Entry modules, to instruct students on the proper<br />
procedures for entering and working with<br />
Quot<strong>at</strong>ions, Orders and Invoices, Requisitions,<br />
P.O.’s, Receipts, Inventory, Shipments and<br />
Adjustments. PREREQUISITE: INFOBW490.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12962 FF WE Mar1 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Adobe Photoshop Elements I N F O B W 1 1 4<br />
Using version 2 learn how to use the required<br />
tools to insert photographic pictures into your PC,<br />
how to cre<strong>at</strong>e & publish photographic posters,<br />
family photo albums, & how to apply different<br />
special effects to your work. Learn to fix, restore<br />
& enhance new & old photos. Colour & print<br />
management will be covered. PREREQUISITES:<br />
Windows XP (INFOBW031). NOT<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12964 FF TU Feb28 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
MS Access - User Level 1 INFOBW105<br />
Using Access 2002, this course provides a<br />
practical introduction to Access terminology and<br />
its environment. Topics of investig<strong>at</strong>ion include:<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing d<strong>at</strong>abases & working with tables,<br />
inserting, deleting & changing d<strong>at</strong>a, enhancing<br />
d<strong>at</strong>a fields, finding & replacing d<strong>at</strong>a, working with<br />
indexes, using Help with the Access environment.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP (INFOBW031).<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12966 BF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12969 FF WE Jan11 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
12970 FF TU Feb28 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
MS Access - User Level 2 INFOBW205<br />
Using Access 2002 you will expand your<br />
knowledge beyond the table into forms &<br />
reports. Topics include: cre<strong>at</strong>ing forms with &<br />
without form wizards, learning about controls to<br />
enhance form usability, d<strong>at</strong>a selection &<br />
filtering, query design & modific<strong>at</strong>ions, action<br />
queries, working with multiple tables & cre<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
& modific<strong>at</strong>ions of reports. PREREQUISITE:<br />
(INFOBW105) Access Level 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12972 FF TU Jan10 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
12975 BF TU Feb28 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12976 FF WE Mar1 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
MS Access - User Level 3 INFOBW305<br />
Building on the knowledge obtained in Level<br />
2, using Access 2002, you will learn to work<br />
with pivot tables & charts, importing &<br />
exporting d<strong>at</strong>a to Excel, working with table<br />
analyzer & junction tables & using macros.<br />
Level 2)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12979 FF TU Feb28 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
MS Excel Basic INFOBW161<br />
Learn basic fe<strong>at</strong>ures, command structure &<br />
basic terminology of Excel 2002 (XP),<br />
including: entering, editing, saving, printing,<br />
form<strong>at</strong>ting & enhancing worksheets, cre<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
simple formulas, built-in functions,<br />
absolute/rel<strong>at</strong>ive cell references, multiple<br />
worksheets, working with large worksheets &<br />
introducing charts. PREREQUISITE:<br />
Windows XP (INFOBW031) REQUIRED<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12985 BF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 6 111.87<br />
12989 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12993 FF TH Jan12 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
12997 FF TU Feb28 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
12998 BF TH Mar2 6:30-9:30 6 111.87<br />
MS Excel Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e INFOBW261<br />
You will expand your knowledge of Excel<br />
2002 (XP). Topics include: custom form<strong>at</strong>s,<br />
form<strong>at</strong> painter, conditional form<strong>at</strong>ting, form<strong>at</strong><br />
styles, custom views, using name ranges &<br />
advanced Excel functions, cre<strong>at</strong>ing d<strong>at</strong>abases<br />
& using d<strong>at</strong>abase functions-such as sorting,<br />
filtering, outlining & summarizing. Use of<br />
drawing tools, clipart, wordart & customizing<br />
charts. PREREQUISITE: Excel Level 1<br />
(INFOBW161)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13000 FF WE Jan11 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
13001 BF MO Feb27 6:30-9:30 6 111.87<br />
13002 FF TU Feb28 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
MS Excel Advanced INFOBW361<br />
Advanced fe<strong>at</strong>ures include: cre<strong>at</strong>ing & using<br />
templ<strong>at</strong>es, customizing toolbars, d<strong>at</strong>a<br />
valid<strong>at</strong>ion, pick lists, use of analysis toolsgoal<br />
seek, solver, d<strong>at</strong>a tables, trendlines, pivot<br />
tables, scenarios; linking workbooks,<br />
consolid<strong>at</strong>ing d<strong>at</strong>a from multiple worksheets,<br />
merging workbooks; cre<strong>at</strong>ing, editing &<br />
using macros; cre<strong>at</strong>ing & using forms with<br />
controls. PREREQUISITE: Excel Level 2<br />
(INFOBW261)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12981 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 6 111.87<br />
12982 FF TH Mar2 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
MS PowerPoint - Level 1 INFOBW003<br />
Using PowerPoint 2002, you are introduced<br />
to basic commands & functions enabling you<br />
to cre<strong>at</strong>e effective present<strong>at</strong>ions. Topics<br />
include cre<strong>at</strong>ing, editing, & previewing<br />
slides, changing text <strong>at</strong>tributes, working with<br />
graphics, tables, setting transitions &<br />
anim<strong>at</strong>ion, cre<strong>at</strong>ing speaker notes, printing,<br />
viewing & delivering present<strong>at</strong>ions, along<br />
with the Pack & Go fe<strong>at</strong>ure.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13003 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13004 BF WE Mar1 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
14 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
MS PowerPoint - Level 2 INFOBW203<br />
Expand your knowledge using the advanced<br />
functions of PowerPoint 2002. Topics include<br />
working with vector & bitmap images, bezier<br />
curves, cre<strong>at</strong>ing d<strong>at</strong>a & organiz<strong>at</strong>ional charts,<br />
adding multimedia effects & working with<br />
interactive present<strong>at</strong>ions. You will learn how<br />
to cre<strong>at</strong>e & edit macros, customize the toolbar<br />
& menus, work with slide finder & cre<strong>at</strong>e<br />
action buttons. PREREQUISITE: PowerPoint<br />
Level 1 (BW003)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13006 FF TU Feb28 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
MS Project INFO10000<br />
Using version 2002, learn how to plan, cre<strong>at</strong>e,<br />
develop & manage a project, cre<strong>at</strong>e the Work<br />
Breakdown structure, enter costs, dur<strong>at</strong>ions,<br />
resources, constraints, link tasks, cre<strong>at</strong>e<br />
filters, reports & set the baseline.<br />
Management topics include tracking,<br />
upd<strong>at</strong>ing, consolid<strong>at</strong>ing, importing, exporting<br />
& other fe<strong>at</strong>ures. PREREQUISITE: Windows<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13007 FF SA Jan21 9:00-12:00 8 145.16<br />
MS Publisher - Level 1 INFOBW115<br />
Discover Microsoft Publisher 2002 (XP)-an<br />
easy-to-use, but powerful desktop program<br />
offering various options & cre<strong>at</strong>ive freedom<br />
in document design. Learn to design and<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e eye-c<strong>at</strong>ching and effective newsletters,<br />
booklets, brochures, flyers, etc., using Page<br />
Wizards, Templ<strong>at</strong>es, borders, imported<br />
graphics, etc. PREREQUISITE:<br />
(INFOBW110) Word Level 1<br />
or(INFOBW113) WordPerfect Level 1. Not<br />
Available in Open Access.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13008 FF WE Mar1 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
MS Word for Windows - Level 1<br />
INFOBW110<br />
Here’s your opportunity to learn basic word<br />
processing concepts using Word 2002(XP).<br />
This course will introduce the basic fe<strong>at</strong>ures<br />
required in cre<strong>at</strong>ing, editing, form<strong>at</strong>ting,<br />
printing & saving documents. Various proofing<br />
tools and file management will also be covered.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP<br />
(INFOBW031). NOTE: 9-pin serial or USB<br />
mouse, 3.5” disk and TEXT “Word 2002-Basic<br />
Functions” by Logitell Publishing required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13009 FF MO Jan9 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
13012 BF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13013 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13015 FF WE Mar1 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13016 FF SA Mar4 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
MS Word for Windows - Level 2<br />
INFOBW210<br />
Using Word 2002, this course examines the<br />
intermedi<strong>at</strong>e capabilities such as working with<br />
columns & tables, software customiz<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
performing table calcul<strong>at</strong>ions, using styles &<br />
templ<strong>at</strong>es, cre<strong>at</strong>ing headers and footers, using<br />
the mail merge fe<strong>at</strong>ure to cre<strong>at</strong>e letters, labels<br />
and envelopes. PREREQUISITE<br />
:INFOBW110 - Word Level 1<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13017 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13018 FF MO Feb27 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
13020 BF MO Feb27 7:00-10:00 6 111.87
MS Word for Windows - Level 3<br />
INFOBW310<br />
Topics will include advanced mail merge<br />
fe<strong>at</strong>ures, working with forms, sorting d<strong>at</strong>a,<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing document outlines & outlined<br />
numbered lists, master documents, table of<br />
contents, indexes, table of figures, working with<br />
several documents & using AutoText entries &<br />
macros to autom<strong>at</strong>e work. Also an introduction<br />
to graphics. PREREQUISITE:(INFOBW210)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13022 FF MO Feb27 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
Ms Word for Windows - Level 4<br />
INFOBW410<br />
This advanced course is designed for students<br />
already competent with the use of Word 2002 &<br />
interested in expanding their horizons into the<br />
wonders of Word & Desktop Publishing. You will<br />
become familiar with typography, organiz<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
tools & various art tools used to cre<strong>at</strong>e<br />
professional looking document<strong>at</strong>ion. Cre<strong>at</strong>ing &<br />
form<strong>at</strong>ting organiz<strong>at</strong>ional charts also covered.<br />
PREREQUISITE: BW210-Word Level 2<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13023 FF MO Jan9 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
Simply Accounting - Level 1<br />
INFOBW150<br />
Using Simply Accounting 2004, this credit<br />
course examines the setup of General Ledger,<br />
Accounts Receivable & Payable modules.<br />
Entering a new comp<strong>any</strong>’s inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
detailed daily transactions in each module,<br />
adjusting & reversing entries, credits, prepays,<br />
discounts, orders & GST remittance. Backup<br />
& restore procedures, prepare financial<br />
st<strong>at</strong>ements & reports. PREREQUISITE:<br />
Knowledge of basic Accounting + Windows.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13024 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13026 BF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13025 FF SU Jan15 9:00-12:00 6 111.87<br />
Simply Accounting - Level 2I N F O B W 2 5 0<br />
This credit course examines the setup of the<br />
Payroll, Inventory, Service Items & Project<br />
Modules. Enter detailed daily transactions<br />
in each module, adjusting & reversing<br />
entries, integr<strong>at</strong>ion with inventory control,<br />
month-end and year-end entries, bank<br />
reconcili<strong>at</strong>ion and report functions.<br />
PREREQUISITE: (INFOBW150) Simply<br />
Level 1 or equivalent experience.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13027 FF WE Mar1 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13028 BF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Windows XP INFOBW031<br />
This credit course is designed for<br />
WINDOWS XP USERS ONLY. This course<br />
covers navig<strong>at</strong>ing in Windows XP, savings<br />
files, using Help, managing files and folders,<br />
and personalizing Windows XP.<br />
Workshop for Windows (INFOBW001)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13029 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13036 BF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13042 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13044 BF TU Feb28 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13049 FF TU Feb28 6:00-9:00 6 111.87<br />
13052 FF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
13055 FF SU Mar5 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>ion, organiz<strong>at</strong>ion and maintenance of<br />
today’s sophistic<strong>at</strong>ed Web pages requires<br />
knowledge of general design principles,<br />
image editing, and server-side programming<br />
techniques. Students may choose to specialize<br />
in Web Graphics concentr<strong>at</strong>ing more on<br />
design fe<strong>at</strong>ures, or specialize in Web<br />
Scripting, concentr<strong>at</strong>ing more on Web<br />
programming techniques.<br />
For detailed inform<strong>at</strong>ion about the<br />
Webmaster Certific<strong>at</strong>e, please visit<br /><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Courses are open to ALL students. Each<br />
course requires some understanding of the<br />
Windows environment, and a working<br />
knowledge of Internet resources. If you are<br />
unfamiliar with computers or the Internet it is<br />
recommended you complete some or all of<br />
the following courses: WORKSHOP FOR<br />
POINT (INFOBIN01).<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To qualify for an “Webmaster<br />
Acknowledgement of Completion” you must<br />
complete the THREE (3) mand<strong>at</strong>ory courses.<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
I N F O B I N 3 0 Web Page Design - Level 1<br />
I N F O B I N 3 1 Web Page Design - Level 2<br />
I N F O B I N 5 4 Digital Imaging for the Web OR<br />
I N F O B I N 2 2 F i r e w o r k s<br />
To obtain the Webmaster Certific<strong>at</strong>e,<br />
students must complete an additional EIGHT<br />
(8) courses selected from the following list:<br />
I N F O B I N 2 1 D r e a m w e a v e r<br />
I N F O B I N 2 2 F i r e w o r k s<br />
I N F O B I N 2 4 F l a s h<br />
I N F O B I N 3 9 Introduction to Web Scripting<br />
I N F O B I N 5 4 Digital Imaging for the Web<br />
I N F O B I N 5 7 Digital Imaging for the Web - Level 2<br />
I N F O B I N 5 6 MS Outlook<br />
I N F O B I N 6 1 MS FrontPage - Level 1<br />
I N F O B I N 6 4 Active Server Pages - Level 1<br />
I N F O B I N 6 5 Active Server Pages - Level 2<br />
I N F O B I N 6 7 X M L<br />
I N F O B I N 7 0 XML - Level 2<br />
I N F O B I N 6 8 P H P<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 0 2 Elements of Design<br />
C O M P 1 0 0 1 5 Computer Game Design & Cre<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 1 8 Searching The Internet Effectively<br />
I N F O 1 0 0 3 4 Web Page Design Level 3<br />
C O M P C O 9 1 0 Introduction to Networking<br />
(counts as 2 options)<br />
C O M P C O 9 1 1Introduction to UNIX (counts as 2 options)<br />
C O M P C O 7 2 0Web Site Pl<strong>at</strong>forms 1 (counts as 2 options)<br />
C O M P C O 7 2 2Web Site Pl<strong>at</strong>forms 2 (counts as 2 options)<br />
Students achieving a minimum of an 80%<br />
average are eligible for a specialist<br />
acknowledgement in the following areas:<br />
9-pin serial or USB mouse<br />
required for all computer courses<br />
Web Scripting Specialist<br />
Completion of Web Page Design Level 1<br />
(INFOBIN30, Web Page Design Level 2<br />
(INFOBIN31) and FOUR of the following:<br />
INFOBIN 36 JavaScript - Level 1<br />
INFOBIN39 Introduction to Web Scripting<br />
INFOBIN61 MS FrontPage - Level 1 OR<br />
INFOBIN21 Dreamweaver (but not both)<br />
INFOBIN62 CGI/PERL Scripting<br />
INFOBIN64 Active Server Pages - Level 1<br />
INFOBIN65 Active Server Pages - Level 2<br />
INFOBIN70 XML - Level 2<br />
INFO10034 Web Page Design - Level 2<br />
Web Graphics Specialist<br />
Completion of FOUR of the following courses:<br />
INFOBIN30 Web Page Design - Level 1<br />
INFOBIN31 Web Page Design - Level 2<br />
INFOBIN22 Fireworks<br />
INFOBIN24 Flash<br />
INFOBIN54 Digital Imaging for the Web<br />
INFOBIN57 Digital Imaging for the Web -<br />
Level 2<br />
You must provide your own USB or 9-pin<br />
serial mouse, 3.5” disk, recordable CD or<br />
USB memory stick, and text unless st<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
otherwise. Mice can be rented <strong>at</strong> Fennell<br />
Campus, Open Access. Instructors are<br />
unable to provide mice, disks, manuals and<br />
headphones. If you wish to hear audio<br />
output you must provide your own standard<br />
headphones with mini<strong>at</strong>ure plug.<br />
Active Server Pages - Level 1<br />
INFOBIN64<br />
Active Server Pages is a fundamental<br />
technology for building a Web-based<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ion widely used in Ecommerce.<br />
Topics covered include: running an ASP<br />
script, variables, iter<strong>at</strong>ion & branching<br />
control structures & d<strong>at</strong>a valid<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
techniques. PREREQUISITE: INF0BIN39 or<br />
prior programming experience.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12849 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Active Server Pages - Level 2<br />
INFOBIN65<br />
The power of ASP technology is in the ability<br />
to connect to a d<strong>at</strong>abase. Cre<strong>at</strong>e applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
which will mine a d<strong>at</strong>abase for inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
upd<strong>at</strong>e, and add records to a d<strong>at</strong>abase and<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e dynamic Web Pages.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12851 FF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Computer Game Design & Cre<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
COMP10015<br />
Learn about computer game design, cre<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
& publishing. Use your web rel<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
programming & graphic skills to cre<strong>at</strong>e<br />
interactive games. Topics include: game<br />
genres, resources, level design, sprites, tiles,<br />
anim<strong>at</strong>ion, programming & independent<br />
publishing & marketing<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12852 FF MO Feb27 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 15
Digital Imaging for the Web INFOBIN54<br />
Using Adobe Photoshop Elements (version 2),<br />
you will learn techniques for preparing &<br />
optimizing photographs & other images for the<br />
Web. Topics include obtaining images from<br />
scanners & digital cameras, photo manipul<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
working with layers & applying a variety of<br />
special effects. PREREQUISITE: INFOBIN31.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12853 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Digital Imaging for the Web - Level 2<br />
INFOBIN57<br />
Using Adobe Photoshop Elements (version<br />
2), you will build upon the image<br />
manipul<strong>at</strong>ion techniques learned in Level 1.<br />
Topics include: advanced selection skills,<br />
GIF anim<strong>at</strong>ion, cre<strong>at</strong>ing panorama images,<br />
colour theory and more web graphic cre<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
techniques. PREREQUISITE: INFOBIN54.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12854 FF WE Mar1 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Dreamweaver INFOBIN21<br />
Dreamweaver MX is a popular package for<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing & maintaining Web pages &<br />
managing Web sites of <strong>any</strong> size. Cre<strong>at</strong>e sites<br />
incorpor<strong>at</strong>ing tables, frames, & templ<strong>at</strong>e<br />
design methods. Other topics include image<br />
maps, navig<strong>at</strong>ion & site management.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12855 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12856 FF SA Jan14 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
12858 FF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Elements of Design INFO10002<br />
Building upon skills learned in the Web &<br />
Graphic design classes, this project-based<br />
course will teach you design elements &<br />
techniques for cre<strong>at</strong>ing more effective websites<br />
through class present<strong>at</strong>ions & peer review.<br />
Covers: storyboarding, web usability, webpage<br />
layouts, site navig<strong>at</strong>ion, marketing, search<br />
engines & more. PREREQUISITE:<br />
INFOBIN31 and INFOBIN 54 or INFOBIN22.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12862 FF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Fireworks INFOBIN22<br />
Macromedia Fireworks MX is the web graphic<br />
component of Macromedia Studio MX Suite of<br />
web design software. Topics include: Fireworks<br />
MX interface, cre<strong>at</strong>ing vector graphics,<br />
applying image effects, editing bitmap images,<br />
working with graphic text, cre<strong>at</strong>ing slices,<br />
rollovers and more. PREREQUISITES:<br />
INFOBIN31 and INFOBIN21<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12864 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Flash INFOBIN24<br />
An introduction to the Macromedia Flash MX<br />
environment & the use of various drawing tools<br />
& editing techniques. Master the use of Motion<br />
Tweening & Frame by Frame techniques to<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e simple dynamic movie files. Publish files<br />
using Flash & Dreamweaver. Import sounds<br />
(wave files) into your movies & add action to<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12867 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12870 FF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Internet Starting Point INFOBIN01<br />
Ideal for students who are comfortable in a<br />
Windows environment but have no prior<br />
knowledge of the Internet. Netscape<br />
Communic<strong>at</strong>or & Internet Explorer will be used.<br />
Covers: searching for an Internet Service<br />
Provider, using WWW, sending & receiving<br />
email, working with file <strong>at</strong>tachments, email<br />
discussion lists & newsletters. PREREQUISITE:<br />
INFOBW001 or familiarity with Windows<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12871 FF MO Feb27 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
MS FrontPage - Level 1 INFOBIN61<br />
Discover FrontPage, an exciting new program<br />
for designing and managing your Internet Web<br />
site. You will explore the fe<strong>at</strong>ures of FrontPage<br />
for web page design, and the software’s<br />
capability for managing a personal or corpor<strong>at</strong>e<br />
web site. PREREQUISITE:(INFOBIN 31)<br />
Web Page Level 2<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12873 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Server-side scripting technologies are the<br />
found<strong>at</strong>ion for Web applic<strong>at</strong>ion development.<br />
PHP is a popular open source altern<strong>at</strong>ive to ASP.<br />
You will be introduced to running a simple PHP<br />
script, control structures, and dynamically<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing Web Pages. PREREQUISITE:<br />
INFOBIN39 or programming experience.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12874 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Searching the Internet Effectively<br />
INFO10018<br />
Using the Internet to find inform<strong>at</strong>ion can be<br />
a frustr<strong>at</strong>ing experience, and when you find<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion how can you be sure it is<br />
accur<strong>at</strong>e? This course will explore search<br />
engines, directories and other web resources<br />
and how to use them more effectively. In<br />
addition, we will look <strong>at</strong> how to judge the<br />
accuracy & reliability of inform<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12875 FF TU Feb28 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Web Page Design - Level 1 INFOBIN30<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e a series of web pages using HTML<br />
(Hyper Text Markup Language) in a Windows<br />
environment. Topics include: effective page<br />
structure, images, basic HTML tags, font styles,<br />
basic Cascading Style Sheets & HTML tables.<br />
Notepad & a web browser will be used to cre<strong>at</strong>e,<br />
view & maintain web pages & learn how to place<br />
web pages on a web server. PREREQUISITE:<br />
INFOBIN01 or familiarity with Internet.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12887 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12889 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12893 FF SA Jan14 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
12897 FF TH Mar2 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12895 FF SA Mar4 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
Web Page Design - Level 2 INFOBIN31<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e Web pages suitable for personal or<br />
business use. More advanced HTML topics<br />
include: additional table fe<strong>at</strong>ures, Email &<br />
Bookmark links, Image maps, Meta tag,<br />
Embedding Multimedia in web pages, more<br />
Cascading Style Sheet fe<strong>at</strong>ures & forms.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12905 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12908 FF WE Mar1 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
12914 FF SA Mar4 9:00-12:30 5 111.87<br />
16 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
9-pin serial or USB mouse<br />
required for all computer courses<br />
Web Page Design - Level 3 INFO10034<br />
Expand on the knowledge gained in Level 2<br />
to cre<strong>at</strong>e Web pages suitable for personal or<br />
business use. HTML topics include: advanced<br />
tables, form & cascading style sheet fe<strong>at</strong>ures,<br />
email links with query strings & cre<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
page layouts using frames & inline frames.<br />
Learn how to publish a web site on search<br />
engines & select a web host.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12886 FF TU Feb28 7:00-10:00 6 111.87<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/OntarioLearn Exams<br />
View your exam schedule <strong>at</strong><br /><br />
This certific<strong>at</strong>e is designed for individuals<br />
intending to pursue a career within the<br />
growing field of aesthetics. This is an intense<br />
program of study, utilizing both theory and<br />
practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion with emphasis on<br />
student involvement for experience and<br />
training. Some areas of study will include<br />
skin care and tre<strong>at</strong>ments, product knowledge,<br />
waxing, manicuring, salon management and<br />
customer rel<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Jakki Polyoka, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-1212 ext. 3489 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 3489 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Successful completion of Senior Secondary<br />
School English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To be awarded the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete thirteen courses;<br />
twelve compulsory courses plus one elective.<br />
A S T H A E S 0 2Aesthetics: Skin Care I<br />
A S T H A E S 0 3Aesthetics: Skin Care II<br />
A S T H A E S 0 4Aesthetics: Skin Care III<br />
A S T H A E S 0 5Body Massage & Tre<strong>at</strong>ments<br />
F A S H W S 0 1 3Colour Theory for Make Up & Fashion<br />
C o - o r d i n a t i o n * *<br />
M R K T W S 1 3 6Business & Marketing-For the Cosmetics<br />
I n d u s t r y * *<br />
M R K T W S 1 4 3Professional Selling<br />
A S T H W S 1 4 4Make up Artistry I**<br />
A S T H W S 3 0 5Manicure, Pedicure; Care and<br />
T e c h n i q u e s * * * *<br />
A S T H W S 3 0 6Waxing - Introduction to Hair Removal<br />
B I O L H Z A 3 4 Biology Prepar<strong>at</strong>ory*<br />
W O R K W S 0 3 Work 4 Experience Option*****
A S T H W S 2 4 4Make up Artistry II**<br />
A S T H W S 0 3 1Make up; Paramedical & Camouflage<br />
T h e r a p y * * *<br />
A S T H W S 4 0 5Manicure, Pedicure; Specialized<br />
A p p l i c a t i o n s * * * * *<br />
P E R S W S 4 4 4Make up; Bridal, Glamour, Runway***<br />
A S T H W S 9 0 5Manicure; Fibreglass & Acrylic<br />
A p p l i c a t i o n s * * * *<br />
Not all courses are offered each semester.<br />
*refer to the HEALTH SCIENCES section<br />
**refer to Applied Cosmetics Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
***refer to Make up Artistry Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
****Please refer to the Nail Technician<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
*****refer to Cosmetics - Other<br />
Daytime Program<br />
The Aesthetics and Nail Technician<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>es are offered as Day-time<br />
programs. It will run for three semesters<br />
and upon successful completion you will<br />
receive both certific<strong>at</strong>es. Special Approval<br />
from the Program Manager is required<br />
before registering for day time courses.<br />
Placement limited.<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion, applic<strong>at</strong>ion or an<br />
appointment please call<br />
905-575-1212 ext. 3489 or email<br /><br />
Aesthetics: Body Massage &<br />
Tre<strong>at</strong>ments ASTHAES05<br />
A continu<strong>at</strong>ion of Skin Care III with focus on<br />
body massage and care. Topics to be discussed<br />
or demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed include lymph<strong>at</strong>ic and hot<br />
stone massage, body wraps, exfoli<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
hydrotherapy tre<strong>at</strong>ments. Prerequisite; AES04 -<br />
Skin Care III or equivalent. Manual included.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13308 WW MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 13 303.39<br />
Aesthetics: Skin Care I ASTHAES02<br />
Through lecture and demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion, the student<br />
will advance their knowledge of the skin, its<br />
structure, skin types and disorders. They will<br />
continue to study product formul<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
determine product choices based on in-depth<br />
skin analysis. Students will be responsible for<br />
models to work with on practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
sessions. Manual included in course fee.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13288 WW WE Jan4 6:30-9:30 13 248.39<br />
Aesthetics: Skin Care II ASTHAES03<br />
Through lecture and demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion this course<br />
will further advance the students understanding of<br />
product knowledge, bacteriology, sanit<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
hygiene. Utilizing practical applic<strong>at</strong>ions the<br />
student will start to develop skills in skin<br />
cleansing massage and mask tre<strong>at</strong>ments. Students<br />
will be responsible for models to work with on<br />
practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion sessions. Manual and<br />
supplies included in course fee. PREREQUISITE:<br />
AES02-Aesthetics; Skin Care I<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13300 WW WE Jan4 9:30-12:30 13 393.39<br />
13292 WW TH Jan5 6:30-9:30 13 393.39<br />
Waxing - Introduction to Hair Removal<br />
ASTHWS306<br />
Waxing and Sugaring are popular forms of<br />
hair removal. This course covers applic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
types and procedures including hair structure,<br />
growth, disorders, sanit<strong>at</strong>ion and business<br />
requirements, lash tinting is also covered.<br />
Both theory and practical demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion is<br />
utilized. Students are responsible for models<br />
to work with on practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion sessions.<br />
Manual and supplies included in course fee.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13305 WW TU Jan3 6:30-9:30 13 423.39<br />
This program is designed for individuals<br />
wishing to work in one of the fastest growing<br />
areas of the Beauty Industry. Through theory<br />
and practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion you will advance<br />
your knowledge and experience, as<br />
prepar<strong>at</strong>ion for employment or starting your<br />
own business. Some areas of study include<br />
sanit<strong>at</strong>ion and hygiene, diseases and disorders,<br />
massage techniques, artificial applic<strong>at</strong>ions,<br />
nail art, client care and business procedures.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Jakki Polyoka, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-1212 ext. 3489 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 3489 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Successful completion of Senior Secondary<br />
School English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To be awarded the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete six compulsory courses.<br />
A S T H W S 1 0 1Cosmetology - Introduction to Skin Care<br />
or ASTHAES02 Skin Care I*<br />
M R K T W S 1 3 6Business & Marketing - For the<br />
Cosmetics Industry**<br />
A S T H W S 3 0 5Manicure, Pedicure; Care and Techniques<br />
A S T H W S 4 0 5Manicure, Pedicure; Specialized<br />
A p p l i c a t i o n s<br />
A S T H W S 9 0 5Manicure; Fibreglass & Acrylic Applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
A S T H W S 9 0 6Manicure; Nail Art<br />
Not all courses are offered each semester<br />
*refer to Applied Cosmetics Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
**refer to Aesthetics Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Manicure, Pedicure - Care and<br />
Techniques ASTHWS305<br />
Through lecture and demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion learn to<br />
recognize healthy nails; understand their<br />
growth, diseases and care. Both manicure and<br />
pedicure techniques, equipment and their uses<br />
will be covered and demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed. Students<br />
will be responsible for models to work with<br />
on practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion sessions. Textbook<br />
and supplies included in course fee.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13311 WW MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 13 383.39<br />
Manicure, Pedicure - Specialized<br />
Applic<strong>at</strong>ions ASTHWS405<br />
Emphasis on nail extensions using silk or<br />
fiberglass tips, nail wraps, mending as well as nail<br />
art. Topics also will include massage techniques<br />
and business procedures. Students will be<br />
responsible for models to work with on practical<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ion sessions. Supplies included in course<br />
fee. PREREQUISITE: WS305 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13494 WW TU Jan3 6:30-9:30 10 356.45<br />
13495 WW MO Jan9 9:30-4:00 10 356.45<br />
Manicure: Fibreglass and Acrylic<br />
Applic<strong>at</strong>ions ASTHWS905<br />
This course will focus on familiarizing the<br />
student with Acrylic and Fiberglass<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ions for artificial nails. Through<br />
theory and practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion; the student<br />
will cover prepar<strong>at</strong>ion, safety, sanit<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
hygiene, procedure and client management.<br />
Students will be responsible for models in<br />
practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion sessions. Supplies<br />
included in course fees. PREREQUISITE;<br />
WS405 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13493 WW MO Feb13 9:30-4:00 13 463.39<br />
This program offers professional training for<br />
individuals currently working or those<br />
seeking work within the field of make-up<br />
artistry or other rel<strong>at</strong>ed service areas.<br />
Aestheticians, hairdressers, cosmetic retailers<br />
will enhance their services to customers with<br />
training from this program. Gradu<strong>at</strong>es will<br />
gain knowledge in a variety of areas<br />
involving make up techniques for the<strong>at</strong>re,<br />
photography, paramedical, film, television<br />
and fashion applic<strong>at</strong>ions. Theory and<br />
practical experience are integr<strong>at</strong>ed and<br />
delivered by instructors chosen for their<br />
workplace expertise.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Jakki Polyoka, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-1212 ext. 3489 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 3489 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Successful completion of Senior Secondary<br />
School English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To be eligible for the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete nine courses: seven<br />
compulsory courses plus two electives.<br />
ASTHWS101 Cosmetology - Introduction to Skin<br />
Care or ASTHAES02 Skin Care I*<br />
ASTHWS144 Make Up Artistry I*<br />
ASTHWS244 Make Up Artistry II*<br />
ASTHWS029 Make Up: The<strong>at</strong>rical and Special<br />
Effects I****<br />
ASTHWS031 Make Up: Paramedical and<br />
Camouflage Therapy<br />
MRKTWS136 Business & Marketing-For the<br />
Cosmetics Industry**<br />
FASHWS013 Colour Theory for Make Up and<br />
Fashion Co-ordin<strong>at</strong>ion* OR<br />
ARTTPG101 Basic Design and Colour I***<br />
ASTHWS032 Make Up: The<strong>at</strong>rical and Special<br />
Effects II<br />
WORKWS034 Work Experience Option*****<br />
ASTHWS344 Make Up: Portfolio Development<br />
ARTTPD221 Life Drawing I***<br />
PERSWS444 Make Up- Bridal, Glamour, Runway<br />
Not all courses are offered each semester.<br />
*refer to Applied Cosmetics Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
**refer to Aesthetics Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
***refer to Visual Arts Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
****This course will be scheduled for Spring<br />
only due to the availability of the instructor.<br />
*****refer to Cosmetics - Other<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 17
Make-Up - The<strong>at</strong>rical & Special Effects<br />
ASTHWS029<br />
Develop your skills in make up artistry<br />
through lecture and practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion in<br />
the field of the<strong>at</strong>rical and special effects make<br />
up, including basic stage make up techniques,<br />
product knowledge, wounds, burns, fantasy<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ion and an introduction to prosthetics.<br />
Supplies included in course fee.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13497 FF TH Jan19 7:00-10:00 10 221.45<br />
Are you interested in a career in retail<br />
cosmetics, or looking for personal<br />
development? This well-designed curriculum<br />
provides a solid knowledge base with emphasis<br />
on practical training and experience. Topics<br />
include skin analysis and care, colour theory,<br />
make up applic<strong>at</strong>ions and theory, including<br />
corrective techniques, merchandising and sales.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Jakki Polyoka, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-1212 ext. 3489 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 3489 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Successful Completion of Senior Secondary<br />
School English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To be awarded the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete six courses; five<br />
compulsory courses plus one elective.<br />
ASTHWS101 Cosmetology - Introduction to Skin<br />
Care or<br />
ASTHAES02Skin Care I<br />
FASHWS013 Colour Theory for Make up &<br />
Fashion Co-ordin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
ASTHWS144 Make up Artistry I<br />
ASTHWS244 Make up Artistry II<br />
MRKTWS143 Professional Selling in Cosmetics<br />
WORKWS034 Work Experience Option<br />
MRKTWS136 Business and Marketing - For the<br />
Cosmetics Industry<br />
ASTHWS305 Manicure, Pedicure; Care and<br />
Techniques<br />
ASTHWS306 Waxing - Introduction to Hair<br />
Removal<br />
ASTHWS344 Make up; Portfolio Development<br />
PERSWS444 Make up; Bridal, Glamour, Runway<br />
or <strong>any</strong> business elective subject to approval by the<br />
Program Manager.<br />
Not all courses are offered each semester<br />
Colour Theory for Fashion and Make-<br />
Up Co-Ordin<strong>at</strong>ion FASHWS013<br />
Participants will study colour, colour theory,<br />
colour combin<strong>at</strong>ions, style analysis, figure<br />
analysis, image profile for use in developing<br />
a well accessorized wardrobe with coordin<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
makeup shades. At the conclusion<br />
of the course, students should be able to<br />
identify their own colour choices. Supplies<br />
included in course fee.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13316 FF WE Jan18 7:00-10:00 11 222.10<br />
Cosmetology 1 ASTHWS101<br />
Through lectures and demonstr<strong>at</strong>ions,<br />
participants will study skin structure, analysis<br />
of skin types, skin care product knowledge,<br />
properties and uses of facials and masques,<br />
hygiene, nutrition, hand and foot care,<br />
perfume, scents and hair care.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13317 FF WE Jan4 6:30-9:30 13 203.39<br />
Make-Up Artistry ASTHWS144<br />
This course covers the history and<br />
psychology of cosmetics, the fundamentals<br />
and theory of makeup for applic<strong>at</strong>ion in a<br />
variety of methods. Corrections and fashion<br />
trends. Emphasis is on practical<br />
demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion and experience. Supplies<br />
included in daytime course only. Supplies<br />
costs extra for evening class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13320 FF MO Jan16 6:30-9:30 11 172.10<br />
Make-Up Artistry II ASTHWS244<br />
Emphasis on practical make-up applic<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
for Black and White and Colour photography,<br />
television, video, bridal and specialized looks<br />
for daytime and evening. PREREQUISITE:<br />
WS144 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13498 WW TU Jan3 9:30-12:30 11 192.10<br />
13322 FF TU Jan17 6:30-9:30 11 182.10<br />
Professional Selling in Cosmetics<br />
MRKTWS143<br />
This course is designed to assist students in<br />
developing selling skills, as well as<br />
techniques for sales improvement. Topics<br />
include professional appearance, the role of<br />
the cosmetics salespersons, and salesmanship<br />
in the field of cosmetics.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13499 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 11 172.10<br />
Other Courses<br />
Work Experience Option WORKWS034<br />
This course involves students, supervisors<br />
and <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> in a unique opportunity<br />
th<strong>at</strong> integr<strong>at</strong>es classroom theory and learning<br />
with pertinent practical hands-on experience<br />
in a work place. You are responsible for<br />
arranging your own work place loc<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
supervisor. You MUST receive approval<br />
from the Program Manager of the Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
you plan to use this within BEFORE<br />
registering in this course.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13496 OR MO-FR Jan3 9:00-5:00 10 156.45<br />
Hair Cutting Techniques I ASTHWS035<br />
For the individual th<strong>at</strong> would like to learn to<br />
style their own hair or the hair of friends and<br />
family. This is a hands-on class th<strong>at</strong> will<br />
cover the basic techniques of hair cutting and<br />
styling. Students will be working on a<br />
mannequin. Supplies will cost approx. $75.00<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13500 FF MO Jan16 7:00-10:00 7 186.90<br />
18 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Hair Styling Advanced ASTHWS037<br />
An advanced styling course including all the<br />
needed inform<strong>at</strong>ion for the finished look.<br />
Refine your techniques and learn the correct<br />
methods of hair coloring and perming.<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>ing updos and braided effects for those<br />
special events will be covered. Students will<br />
be responsible for models or mannequins to<br />
work with for practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13501 FF WE Feb15 7:00-10:00 7 186.90<br />
Professional fit and appearance are the<br />
hallmarks of dressmaking skill. The focus<br />
will be on basic sewing skills and<br />
dressmaking principles to enable you to<br />
achieve a professional standard, develop<br />
expertise with different fabrics and textures<br />
and construct garments with cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
expression. Each course skillfully combines<br />
technique and ‘hands-on’ practice.<br />
Completion of samples for future reference<br />
will be emphasized.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please contact<br />
Bonnie P<strong>at</strong>aran, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2307 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307 or<br />
email bonnie.p<strong>at</strong><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Secondary School English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must complete<br />
the following 8 courses:<br />
FASHDM110Dressmaking 1 Level 1<br />
FASHDM115Dressmaking 1 Level 2<br />
FASHDM120Dressmaking 2 Level 1<br />
FASHDM125Dressmaking 2 Level 2<br />
FASHDM130Dressmaking 3 Level 1<br />
FASHDM135Dressmaking 3 Level 2<br />
FASHDM140Tailoring 1 Level 1<br />
FASHDM145Tailoring 1 Level 2<br />
PLEASE NOTE: For the “Day Program”<br />
CRN 13426 & CRN 13243, the first week<br />
will be a 1/2 day session 9:30 a.m. - 12:00<br />
Dressmaking 1-Level 1 FASHDM110<br />
Concentr<strong>at</strong>ion on the essentials of<br />
dressmaking, including the basic sewing<br />
skills, selection of a p<strong>at</strong>tern and m<strong>at</strong>erials,<br />
taking measurements and the steps involved<br />
in constructing a simple skirt will be the main<br />
focus. Construction techniques for other skirt<br />
sty lings are also covered. M<strong>at</strong>erials needed<br />
will be discussed <strong>at</strong> the first class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13240 FF TU Jan17 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13426 FF MO Feb6 9:30-3:00 7 156.45
Dressmaking 1-Level 2 FASHDM115<br />
You will learn to make a basic blouse with set<br />
in sleeves. Professional techniques for<br />
constructing simple collars, short sleeve<br />
styling plus making buttonholes and more<br />
will be covered. PREREQUISITE:<br />
FASHDM110 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13241 FF WE Jan18 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Dressmaking 2-Level 2 FASHDM125<br />
Workmanship is again emphasized in this<br />
course. You will pay particular <strong>at</strong>tention to<br />
achieving professional fit and finishing details<br />
for pants. Course projects include pants fitted<br />
in muslin and your choice of pant styling.<br />
PREREQUISITE: FASHDM120 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13242 FF MO Jan16 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Dressmaking 3-Level1 FASHDM130<br />
Learn the secrets of the professionals with<br />
emphasis on proper fitting techniques,<br />
interfacings, special trimmings and linings.<br />
You will complete a dressmaker lined jacket<br />
as your course project. PREREQUISITE:<br />
FASHDM125 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13243 FF FR Jan20 9:30-3:00 7 156.45<br />
Tailoring 1-Level 2 FASHDM145<br />
The focus will be on men’s clothing with<br />
emphasis on good tailoring and fitting points.<br />
Learn professional tailoring tips for jackets,<br />
trousers, and vests. The course project<br />
involves choice of a man’s or boy’s garment.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>erials extra. PREREQUISITE:<br />
FASHDM140 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13244 FF TU Jan17 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
Intended for experienced dressmakers, fashion<br />
teachers and others interested in fashion and<br />
design, which can lead to a challenging career<br />
opportunity or for personal enrichment. The<br />
program skillfully combines two separ<strong>at</strong>e but<br />
complementary components - technical skills<br />
in p<strong>at</strong>tern design and drafting, allowing you to<br />
move beyond dependence on commercial<br />
p<strong>at</strong>terns and the cre<strong>at</strong>ion of individualized<br />
designs. This is coupled with other fashion<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ed areas including drawing, colour and<br />
figure theory, textile and costume awareness.<br />
This broad-based knowledge encourages<br />
participants to appreci<strong>at</strong>e the potential for<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ive expression and individuality inherent<br />
in fashion.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Bonnie P<strong>at</strong>aran, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2307 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307 or<br />
email bonnie.p<strong>at</strong><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Secondary School English or equivalent. A<br />
sound knowledge of dressmaking skills is a<br />
prerequisite for the p<strong>at</strong>tern making courses in<br />
this program.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete 7 mand<strong>at</strong>ory courses<br />
and 1option. The first 5 courses must be taken<br />
in the following order:<br />
FASHFA200 P<strong>at</strong>tern Design and Drafting - Basic<br />
FASHFA210 P<strong>at</strong>tern Design and Drafting -<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e<br />
TEXTFA220 Dress Design - Advanced<br />
FASHFA230 Fitting Analysis Workshop<br />
FASHFA235 Designing Workshop<br />
The other 2 mand<strong>at</strong>ory courses can be<br />
taken <strong>any</strong>time during the program<br />
FASHFA201 Fashion Drawing<br />
FASHFA202 Colour Study for Fashion<br />
FASHFA240 Costume Influencing<br />
TEXTFA910 Fabric Awareness<br />
S B M G M D 2 4 9How to Start a Small Business<br />
refer to the Business Section<br />
TEXTPX211 Fabric Design (Textile Art) 1<br />
refer to the Visual Arts Certific<strong>at</strong>e - Fibre Art<br />
Applicants may also choose other Business &<br />
Community Studies or Cre<strong>at</strong>ive & Applied<br />
Arts courses as an option in consult<strong>at</strong>ion with<br />
the Program Manager Cre<strong>at</strong>ive & Applied<br />
Arts Department.<br />
P<strong>at</strong>tern Design and Drafting-Basic<br />
FASHFA200<br />
An introduction to the fl<strong>at</strong> p<strong>at</strong>tern method<br />
will provide you with the basic drafting skills<br />
used in designing. Emphasis is placed on<br />
drafting accuracy, development of various<br />
skirt designs, and working with standard and<br />
personal measurements. Students will design<br />
a skirt in fabric and colour of their choice.<br />
Sewing skills are essential.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13245 FF TU Jan17 7:00-10:00 11 172.10<br />
P<strong>at</strong>tern Design and Drafting -<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e FASHFA210<br />
Continue to develop your skills in p<strong>at</strong>tern<br />
design with <strong>at</strong>tention to drafting and<br />
designing the bodice and hip length block<br />
working with standard and personal<br />
measurements. Development of various<br />
bodices, collars, and neck line designs is the<br />
main focus. Designing a dress/blouse will be<br />
required. PREREQUISITE: FASHFA200.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13246 FF TH Jan19 7:00-10:00 11 172.10<br />
Costume Influencing FASHFA240<br />
In this fascin<strong>at</strong>ing study, students will explore<br />
the development of costumes from ancient<br />
times to present day. Students will also<br />
develop a skill for recognizing how<br />
styles/trends from the past recur throughout<br />
history and influence modern designers in<br />
their cre<strong>at</strong>ion of today’s “new” looks.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13248 FF MO Jan16 7:00-10:00 11 172.10<br />
F ree Academic Upgrading<br />
Call 905-575-2029<br />
Fabric Awareness TEXTFA910<br />
Participants who have a keen interest in<br />
dressmaking/designing for themselves and<br />
others or who inform the public about fabrics<br />
will find this course beneficial. The course will<br />
cover basic inform<strong>at</strong>ion about fibres (n<strong>at</strong>ural<br />
and man-made), yarns, fabric construction and<br />
finishes, allowing the individual to become<br />
knowledgeable about the selection and care of<br />
fabrics available on the market.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13247 FF WE Jan18 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
You may register, apply for a refund or<br />
transfer in the Cre<strong>at</strong>ive Sewing day or<br />
weekend courses up to 3 days before the<br />
start d<strong>at</strong>e. After th<strong>at</strong> d<strong>at</strong>e permission of<br />
the Program Manager is required. Call<br />
905-575-2307 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307.<br />
Please try to register <strong>at</strong> least 2 weeks in<br />
advance of the course start d<strong>at</strong>e. Upon<br />
adequ<strong>at</strong>e registr<strong>at</strong>ion, a list of supplies will<br />
be mailed <strong>at</strong> least 1 week prior to the<br />
course starts. If you do not receive a list,<br />
please contact:<br />
Bonnie P<strong>at</strong>aran,<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2307 or<br />
(519)759-7200 ext. 2307 or<br />
email<br />
bonnie.p<strong>at</strong><br />
Sewing - Introduction TEXTHC027<br />
Ideal for the person with little or no<br />
experience. Course will cover the basic<br />
sewing skills and how to oper<strong>at</strong>e a sewing<br />
machine. A simple project will be tackled.<br />
This is a good stepping stone if you are<br />
considering particip<strong>at</strong>ing in the<br />
dressmaking/cre<strong>at</strong>ive sewing areas. Course<br />
takes place Jan 27 & 28 and March 24&25.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13452 FF FR Jan27 7:00-9:00 2 89.63<br />
SA 9:00-4:30<br />
13453 FF FR Mar24 7:00-9:00 2 89.63<br />
SA 9:00-4:30<br />
Basic Sewing 1 TEXTHC177<br />
Build on the basic sewing skills learned from<br />
“Sewing Introduction” or from your own<br />
experience by making a pair of easy styled<br />
elasticized shorts or pants. You will further build<br />
your sewing know-how - reading the p<strong>at</strong>tern,<br />
preparing the fabric, measuring, marking,<br />
pressing, stitch choices and machine sewing.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13455 FF SA Feb11 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 19
Basic Sewing 2 TEXTHC203<br />
Further develop your sewing skills learned<br />
previously by constructing a simple collarless<br />
shirt or top. New skills th<strong>at</strong> will be covered<br />
include measuring, easy set-in sleeve,<br />
facings, interfacing and finishing details.<br />
P<strong>at</strong>terns will be suggested.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13456 FF SA Feb25 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Basic Sewing 3 TEXTHC322<br />
Apply the skills learned from previous classes<br />
or on your own, by completing a one piece<br />
garment. In this class, construction of a<br />
sleeveless or a semi-fitted dress with set in<br />
dress sleeve will be covered. New skills<br />
include inserting a zipper, easy fitting and<br />
hem and neck finishing. P<strong>at</strong>terns will be<br />
suggested. Course takes place Mar 17&18.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13457 FF FR Mar17 7:00-9:00 2 89.63<br />
SA 9:00-4:30<br />
Easy Swe<strong>at</strong>shirt TEXTHC029<br />
Using the basic sewing skills, master good<br />
fitting necklines in various styles and the proper<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ion of ribbings to the neck, sleeve and<br />
hem areas of a basic swe<strong>at</strong>shirt p<strong>at</strong>tern. This is a<br />
good opportunity to work with a heavier fabric.<br />
P<strong>at</strong>terns will be suggested.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13458 FF SA Jan28 9:00-5:00 1 75.48<br />
Sew Easy Skirts TEXTHC011<br />
Here’s a quick way to upd<strong>at</strong>e your wardrobe<br />
with minimal cost. Our instructor, will show<br />
you how 3 figure-fl<strong>at</strong>tering, no-p<strong>at</strong>tern skirts<br />
are a cinch to sew working with comfortable<br />
silky or knit fabrics. Learn a fast ne<strong>at</strong> way of<br />
applying an elasticized waistband plus m<strong>any</strong><br />
more useful tips. Basic sewing knowledge is<br />
required. Course takes place Feb 3 & 4.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13454 FF FR Feb3 7:00-9:00 2 89.63<br />
SA 9:00-4:30<br />
Co<strong>at</strong> in a Day CREA10010<br />
This very vers<strong>at</strong>ile one piece co<strong>at</strong> or jacket<br />
fe<strong>at</strong>ures no side seams, shoulder or centre<br />
back seams. It is fun, inexpensive and very<br />
practical and can be done in so m<strong>any</strong> different<br />
ways to suit your taste and style. Bring a<br />
favourite piece of fabric, and our instructor<br />
will show a variety of ways to finish edges,<br />
embellishing ideas and adding different<br />
closure methods. You can even give it an<br />
oriental flair. Some supplies will be available<br />
through the instructor. Sewing skills essential.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13443 FF SA Feb18 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Sew the New Knits TEXT10005<br />
There’s a variety of knits th<strong>at</strong> are available on<br />
the sewing market today. Learn how to handle<br />
all the new knit fabrics using either your serger<br />
or sewing machine. Get to know the best seam<br />
finishes, needle types, sizes, the correct stitch<br />
length to use. Topics covered will be when to<br />
stabilize or not, neckline and hem finishes.<br />
Samples will be completed for future reference<br />
for your home use. A kit will be available <strong>at</strong> an<br />
additional cost. Basic sewing skills required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13505 FF SA Feb25 9:00-4:30 1 61.33<br />
Swimwear Sewing TEXTHC333<br />
Have fun sewing a comfortable swimsuit as<br />
our instructor guides you through the easy<br />
process of assembling the suit. Learn to<br />
transl<strong>at</strong>e your body measurements for a gre<strong>at</strong><br />
fit. Easy techniques for cutting, handling and<br />
sewing stretch fabric, fast elastic applic<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
and how to insert bra cups with professional<br />
results will be covered. Sewing skills required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13445 FF TH Mar2 6:00-10:00 2 75.48<br />
Upholstery-Introductory CREAHC113<br />
A master craftsman will discuss and<br />
demonstr<strong>at</strong>e the basic steps of re-upholstering<br />
furniture, introducing you to the tools/<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erials, supplies required plus giving tips on<br />
refurbishing your own furniture. For a better<br />
understanding, a small hands-on project will be<br />
completed in class. A kit will be available from<br />
the instructor (approx. 36.00). It is highly<br />
recommended taking this course before tackling<br />
a project of your own or CREAHC114.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13446 WW SA Jan28 9:30-4:00 2 113.22<br />
An Additional Advanced 24 hour course<br />
will be cre<strong>at</strong>ed, providing adequ<strong>at</strong>e<br />
registr<strong>at</strong>ion is met from the<br />
Introductory course. Previous students,<br />
please contact B. P<strong>at</strong>aran.<br />
Ottoman Coffee Table CREAHC432<br />
Make you own coffee table sized ottoman (30”<br />
x30”). This upholstered fl<strong>at</strong> top ottoman will<br />
be a very useful item in your family room.<br />
You will learn staining techniques and actually<br />
stain the decor<strong>at</strong>ive turned legs with your<br />
chosen stain colours. This ottoman is then<br />
upholstered and finished elegantly by a row of<br />
decor<strong>at</strong>ive tacks along the bottom edge. The<br />
instructor will supply a kit . ($88.00). You will<br />
be required to purchase 2 1/2 meters of fabric.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13448 WW SA Mar4 9:00-5:00 1 75.48<br />
Upholstering a Headboard<br />
CREAHC435<br />
Upholstered headboards are all the rage today!<br />
Learn how to design and upholster your very<br />
own wall mounted headboard (instructions to<br />
make a stand-alone will be discussed). In class,<br />
completion of two sample size headboards<br />
gives you a chance to learn to upholster two<br />
different styles. You are only limited by your<br />
imagin<strong>at</strong>ion. M<strong>at</strong>erials fee will be $20.00<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13447 WW SA Feb18 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Essential Elements of P<strong>at</strong>tern<br />
Alter<strong>at</strong>ions TEXT10032<br />
Disappointed in fit again? Commercial p<strong>at</strong>terns<br />
don’t fit? Come learn the proper measuring,<br />
comparing p<strong>at</strong>tern to body measurements,<br />
knowing the correct ease allowances and<br />
understanding alter<strong>at</strong>ion techniques for the<br />
most common trouble spots in skirts, bodices<br />
and dresses without sewing a trial garment. For<br />
future reference 1/2 scale p<strong>at</strong>terns will be<br />
completed. Sewing skills essential.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13436 FF SA Feb11 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
20 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Essential P<strong>at</strong>tern Alter<strong>at</strong>ions -<br />
Advanced TEXT10033<br />
The focus here is p<strong>at</strong>tern adjustments for<br />
skirts, blouses and dresses for a more<br />
personalized fitting garment. Have your<br />
muslin shells fitted, then transfer the p<strong>at</strong>tern<br />
adjustments to the tissue p<strong>at</strong>tern pieces.<br />
Knowing these alter<strong>at</strong>ions it will enable you<br />
to resolve fit and elimin<strong>at</strong>e altering while<br />
sewing future garments from a commercial<br />
p<strong>at</strong>tern. Sewing skills essential. Taking<br />
course TEXT10032 is beneficial.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13437 FF FR Mar3 7:00-9:00 2 84.92<br />
SA 9:30-4:30<br />
Beadwork by Hand TEXTHC285<br />
Turn a simple garment into a very unique item<br />
by mastering various beading techniques.<br />
Three different types of beading techniques<br />
will be shown using a variety of beads and<br />
fabrics - on lace, printed tapestry fabric, and<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e freehand-embroidered motifs on a plain<br />
silk fabric. M<strong>any</strong> ideas on how to embellish,<br />
plus cre<strong>at</strong>ing interesting borders and edgings<br />
will be covered. Sewing skills essential. Kit<br />
available <strong>at</strong> an additional cost.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13438 FF SA Feb4 9:30-4:30 1 66.05<br />
Designer Details TEXTHC199<br />
Transform your sewing projects into designer<br />
items by perfecting these techniques. Your<br />
sewing skills will grow leaps and bounds in<br />
this class. Hand picked zipper by machine,<br />
Hong Kong finish, upside down Hong Kong<br />
finish, decor<strong>at</strong>ed buttonholes, invisibly<br />
stitched p<strong>at</strong>ch pocket, shaped welt pocket,<br />
bound buttonholes, collars without centre<br />
front seams, perfect hemming for bias cut<br />
skirts and much more. Pre-cut kit available<br />
from the instructor.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13442 FF SA Feb18 9:30-4:30 1 66.05<br />
Garment Making Tips CREA10027<br />
Timesaving sewing tips and tricks will be<br />
demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed to make your sewing easier and<br />
more enjoyable; while others will help you<br />
achieve professional looking results. You will<br />
explore techniques for darts, sewing curves,<br />
topstitching methods, easy mitering, quick<br />
spaghetti straps, p<strong>at</strong>ch pocket without<br />
topstitching, hem finishes , just to name a few<br />
th<strong>at</strong> will be covered. Precut kit will be<br />
available. Sewing skills required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13476 FF TH Feb2 6:30-10:00 2 70.76<br />
Hand Finishing TEXT10013<br />
Good hand finishing skills can elev<strong>at</strong>e an<br />
ordinary garment into something special. Hand<br />
sewing techniques are an important part of<br />
sewing, from marking the p<strong>at</strong>tern to finishing<br />
the hem. Learn how to make each stitch and<br />
use it when sewing on regular and special<br />
fabrics or when a nicer finish is desired than<br />
can be accomplished on a sewing machine.<br />
You will complete samples of <strong>at</strong> least 15 hand<br />
stitches th<strong>at</strong> can be used for future reference.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13441 FF TH Feb16 6:30-10:00 2 66.05
Smocked Bridal Garter TEXT10028<br />
Personalize a wedding accessory and learn the<br />
basic smocking stitches all <strong>at</strong> the same time.<br />
Using specialty threads and embellishing with<br />
pearls, you will cre<strong>at</strong>e this lovely lacy garter<br />
for someone very special. Kit ($15) will be<br />
available from the instructor.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13470 FF MO Jan30 6:30-9:30 2 56.61<br />
Thread & Bead Embellishing<br />
TEXTHC367<br />
Under expert guidance, cre<strong>at</strong>e a fabric “print”<br />
on plain silk dupioni or other smooth fabric<br />
by using various stitches on your sewing<br />
machine and/or use beads, cord or thicker<br />
thread for a very unique tre<strong>at</strong>ment. There are<br />
m<strong>any</strong> gre<strong>at</strong> ideas and vari<strong>at</strong>ions on this<br />
method will be covered. Sewing skills<br />
essential. Kit available from the instructor.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13439 FF SA Mar4 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
All About Sergers TEXTHC034<br />
Want to gain a better understanding of your<br />
serger? Get hands-on practice while learning<br />
threading, tension adjustments, changing stitch<br />
length and width, trouble shooting, fl<strong>at</strong>locking<br />
basics, and rolled edges. Our expert instructor<br />
will show you some basic decor<strong>at</strong>ive serging<br />
techniques and show you how to achieve a<br />
professional look. You must supply the serger.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13449 FF SA Feb11 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Serging - “Easy Outerwear”<br />
TEXTHC237<br />
For gre<strong>at</strong> results, look to your serger to make this<br />
vers<strong>at</strong>ile polar fleece jacket fe<strong>at</strong>uring a shawl<br />
collar th<strong>at</strong> becomes a pocket <strong>at</strong> the lower hem<br />
edge with cuffed sleeves. You will be shown<br />
easy method to serge the jacket together, then<br />
use serging techniques and decor<strong>at</strong>ive threads to<br />
add interest to the collar lapels. Serger<br />
knowledge required. You must supply the serger.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13451 FF SA Feb25 9:00-4:30 1 56.61<br />
Serging Beyond the Basics<br />
TEXTHC106<br />
Venture beyond the serger basics! Our instructor<br />
will show you decor<strong>at</strong>ive serging techniques,<br />
seaming and surface texture ideas experimenting<br />
with a variety of decor<strong>at</strong>ive threads and<br />
specialty feet. Integr<strong>at</strong>e these design ideas by<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing a polar fleece jacket. Serger knowledge<br />
required. Must supply your own serger.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13450 FF SA Mar25 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Quilting - Basic Introduction<br />
TEXTHC319<br />
Quilting can be easy! Expert assistance will be<br />
given to the novice or <strong>any</strong>one wanting to brush<br />
up on their machine quilting skills. In this<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion-packed session, learn fabric and<br />
colour selection, rotary cutting basics, b<strong>at</strong>tings<br />
and finishing tips. To assist in completing<br />
samples, a kit will be available <strong>at</strong> a fee of<br />
$9.50. Basic sewing knowledge required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13459 FF SA Feb4 9:30-4:30 1 66.05<br />
Scrap Quilt TEXTHC341<br />
Raid you fabric boxes, fabric store remnant<br />
bins, or swap with other quilters to cre<strong>at</strong>e this<br />
terrific scrap quilt in just one day! Discover<br />
how easy it is to make the curved log cabin<br />
with inform<strong>at</strong>ive guidance and cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
techniques. To complete the quilt top, you<br />
will need rotary cutting equipment and have<br />
some quilting experience.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13461 FF MO Feb13 6:30-10:00 2 66.05<br />
Finishing Techniques-Tips, Tricks &<br />
Secrets TEXTHC307<br />
This inform<strong>at</strong>ion packed workshop is<br />
guaranteed to assist you to properly and<br />
professionally finish your quilts. Topics<br />
include mitered borders, layering the quilt<br />
sandwich, marking the quilt, the hand quilting<br />
stitch, straight grain mitered bindings and<br />
casings. Bring one of your current quilting<br />
projects for some expert advice and help.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13463 FF MO Mar20 6:30-10:00 2 66.05<br />
Quilting - Binding Options TEXT10021<br />
Binding a quilt edge can be accomplished<br />
using several different techniques. When<br />
deciding how to finish the edges, binding can<br />
be a single or double layer and can be cut on<br />
the fabric straight grain or bias. Come make<br />
samples for future reference on the various<br />
techniques such as double fold French<br />
binding, accent piping, inserted edge, prairie<br />
point edging, curved edges and much more.<br />
Basic quilt and sewing knowledge required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13462 FF MO Feb27 6:30-10:00 2 66.05<br />
Hand Quilting Essentials CREA10039<br />
From time to time, even the most dedic<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
machine enthusiasts enjoy the s<strong>at</strong>isfaction of<br />
hand quilting. It’s portable, it’s silent and it’s<br />
very tactile. Learn the basics of choosing<br />
appropri<strong>at</strong>e designs, adjusting them to fit your<br />
project and which tools work best. Then take<br />
needle in hand and begin refining your<br />
stitches find you place in traditional quilting.<br />
For practice, a small project will be tackled.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13460 FF SA Feb18 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Applique Quilting TEXT10027<br />
How do you appliquÈ? It is one of the easiest<br />
and most vers<strong>at</strong>ile techniques to learn. Come<br />
and cre<strong>at</strong>e 9 different machine and hand<br />
techniques. For practice, you will construct a<br />
beautiful 14” pillow. Kit will be provided<br />
($20) or your choice of supplies. Basic<br />
sewing required. This will be outlined in a<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erial list. P<strong>at</strong>terns provided.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13464 FF SA Mar4 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Elements of Gre<strong>at</strong> Window Tre<strong>at</strong>ments<br />
CREAHC363<br />
Tired of paying a fortune for custom-made<br />
draperies? This course is for you! Discover the<br />
countless shortcuts and industrial techniques<br />
required for designing and making your own<br />
custom-fit window tre<strong>at</strong>ments. Topics covered<br />
- choosing the right hardware, measuring<br />
techniques, calcul<strong>at</strong>ing yardage requirements<br />
using p<strong>at</strong>tern repe<strong>at</strong>s, how “pull-up” affects fit,<br />
correct hardware install<strong>at</strong>ion and understanding<br />
scale and m<strong>any</strong> other basic design rules.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13465 FF SA Jan28 9:00-4:30 1 66.05<br />
Elements of Gre<strong>at</strong> Window Tre<strong>at</strong>ments<br />
- Part 2 CREAHC502<br />
Apply your knowledge to cre<strong>at</strong>e an inverted<br />
box-ple<strong>at</strong>ed valance which complements <strong>any</strong><br />
window in your home. For practice, you will<br />
use a sample size window ( 2 to 2 1/2 feet in<br />
size) or bring your own accur<strong>at</strong>e window<br />
measurements to complete this tre<strong>at</strong>ment. You<br />
will need to purchase the top fabric, lining and<br />
weights required. Basic sewing skills required.<br />
PREREQUISITE: CREAHC363 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13466 FF SA Feb11 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Elements of Gre<strong>at</strong> Window Tre<strong>at</strong>ments<br />
- Part 3 CREAHC503<br />
Under expert guidance, you will go thru steps<br />
to cre<strong>at</strong>e a Roman Shade is tre<strong>at</strong>ment which<br />
will complement <strong>any</strong> window in your home.<br />
For practice, you will use a sample size<br />
window (2 to 2 1/2 feet in size) or bring your<br />
own accur<strong>at</strong>e window measurements to<br />
complete this project. You will need to<br />
purchase the top fabric, lining and weights<br />
required. PREREQUISITE: HC363 or<br />
equivalent. Basic sewing skills needed.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13467 FF SA Feb25 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Elements of Gre<strong>at</strong> Window Tre<strong>at</strong>ments<br />
- Part 4 CREAHC505<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e a Pinch Ple<strong>at</strong>ed Valance under the<br />
guidance of a knowledgeable instructor. The<br />
techniques used can also be applied to full length<br />
or wide width tre<strong>at</strong>ments. Learn when to railroad<br />
fabrics, apply the lining, calcul<strong>at</strong>ing pull-up and<br />
why hems are done first. You will use a sample<br />
size window (2 to 2 1/2 feet in size) or bring you<br />
own accur<strong>at</strong>e window measurements to complete<br />
this project. You will need to purchase m<strong>at</strong>erials<br />
required. Sewing skills needed.<br />
PREREQUISITE: HC363 or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13468 FF SA Mar11 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Home Decor - Trims, Edges and<br />
Corners CREA10040<br />
Learn professional methods as you produce a<br />
notebook of samples including sewing on<br />
purchased trims, making your own trims, biascut<br />
fabrics and ruching. Learn to add mitered<br />
banding and get your cushion corners into shape<br />
with samples of knife-edged and mitered<br />
corners. Your home dÈcor projects will stand out<br />
when you cre<strong>at</strong>e them with flawless confidence.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13469 FF SA Mar18 9:00-4:30 1 70.76<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 21
Corset Building - Basics FASH10000<br />
Corsets are on the fashion scene, but you must<br />
familiarize yourself on how to cre<strong>at</strong>e the<br />
necessary support for these special garments.<br />
The Instructor will show you 3 basic techniques<br />
of corset building, discuss the m<strong>at</strong>erials used<br />
plastic vs. steel boning, fabric and other unique<br />
products. Have a hands-on opportunity to try<br />
various corsets on to compare the support<br />
provided by differing m<strong>at</strong>erials and explore<br />
corsets from the inside out. Wear a snug t-shirt<br />
if you plan to try the corsets on.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13471 FF SA Feb4 10:00-1:00 1 32.59<br />
Corset Making FASH10003<br />
Here’s your opportunity to have a hands-on<br />
experience of building a double layer classic<br />
white Victorian corset - the basis for<br />
contemporary eveningwear corsets as seen on<br />
m<strong>any</strong> of the fashion runways. Depending on<br />
sewing ability, you will leave with a<br />
completed corset. M<strong>at</strong>erials, techniques &<br />
fitting tips will be covered. Kit Fee $60<br />
includes all m<strong>at</strong>erials except thread. Sewing<br />
skills required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13472 FF SA Mar4 10:00-4:00 2 113.22<br />
SU 10:00-4:00<br />
Perfect Bra Fitting TEXTHC208<br />
Learn wh<strong>at</strong> makes a bra fit properly under the<br />
w<strong>at</strong>chful eye of a qualified instructor. The first<br />
class you will be guided through the steps of<br />
fitting and making a basic white underwire bra<br />
and fine tune the fit ending up with your own<br />
fitting p<strong>at</strong>tern. Complete kit will be available.<br />
M<strong>any</strong> different techniques will be shown to<br />
add designer details. The next day make a<br />
second bra using these techniques from basic<br />
bra p<strong>at</strong>tern. Strong sewing skills essential. 2nd<br />
course-Feb 23/24. 1104 Fennell Ave. E., Ham.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13474 OR SA Jan28 9:30-4:30 2 132.63<br />
SU 9:30-4:30<br />
13475 OR TH Feb 23 9:30-4:30 2 132.63<br />
FR 9:30-4:30<br />
Secrets to Bra Fitting TEXTHC229<br />
A properly fitting bra...the secret to looking<br />
your best. Are you one of the 7 out of 10<br />
women wearing the wrong size bra? Let an<br />
expert guide you to the ins and outs of proper<br />
bra fitting, how to measure properly, different<br />
styles available and learn how ready-to-wear<br />
differs from p<strong>at</strong>tern sizing. A gre<strong>at</strong><br />
opportunity for your questions to be answered<br />
by the “expert” and give you the insight on<br />
how to make your own bras!<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13473 FF TH Jan26 6:30-9:30 1 32.59<br />
Gift Certific<strong>at</strong>es<br />
a v a i l a b l e !<br />
<strong>Inquire</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>any</strong> <strong>Continuing</strong><br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Registr<strong>at</strong>ion Off i c e<br />
Developed for you to gain practical skills and<br />
knowledge required to particip<strong>at</strong>e in the<br />
upholstery industry. Employment opportunities<br />
maybe found with manufacturers, department<br />
stores, furniture refinishing firms or for your<br />
own personal enrichment which can lead to<br />
starting your own business. Introduction to the<br />
proper handling of equipment, fabrics, trims,<br />
other m<strong>at</strong>erials, hardware and safety practices<br />
utilized in the upholstery industry will be<br />
covered extensively. Both theory and practical<br />
assignments will be covered in all courses. You<br />
will demonstr<strong>at</strong>e your abilities by completing 6<br />
projects, 4 new and 2 re-upholstery.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please contact<br />
Bonnie P<strong>at</strong>aran, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2307 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307 or<br />
email bonnie.p<strong>at</strong><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Secondary School English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must complete<br />
the following 6 courses:<br />
CREAUPH01 Upholstery 1 Level 1<br />
CREAUPH02 Upholstery 1 Level 2<br />
CREA10020 Upholstery 1 Level 3 Part 1<br />
CREA10021 Upholstery 1 Level 3 Part 2<br />
CREA10013 Upholstery 1 Level 4<br />
CREA10014 Upholstery 1 Level 5<br />
CREA10015 Upholstery 1 Level 6<br />
Upholstery 1 - Level 1 CREAUPH01<br />
Learn upholstery terminology, tools, safety<br />
factors, and how to use an industrial sewing<br />
machine. Topics include fabric selection,<br />
estim<strong>at</strong>ing, layout and cutting fabrics,<br />
working with padding, various foams and<br />
different hardware. You will complete a<br />
footstool as a course project. A project kit<br />
will be provided <strong>at</strong> an additional cost. You<br />
will be expected to purchase tools.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13427 WW TU Jan17 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
Upholstery 1 - Level 2 CREAUPH02<br />
Further develop knowledge and skills in<br />
measuring, layout, sewing machines and<br />
marking. You will focus on pricing and<br />
estim<strong>at</strong>ing, padding terminology, webbing,<br />
springs and other fabric-rel<strong>at</strong>ed skills. You<br />
will upholster a Slipper Chair as a course<br />
project. PREREQUISITE: CREAUPH01.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13224 WW TH Jan19 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13428 WW TU Feb21 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
Upholstery 1 - Level 3 - Part 1 C R E A 1 0 0 2 0<br />
Additional theory and practice in measuring,<br />
layout, sewing applic<strong>at</strong>ion, marking and<br />
estim<strong>at</strong>ing. You will be introduced to install<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
techniques for no sag springs and padding. For<br />
practice, you will begin constructing a full size<br />
Wing Chair. A kit will be provided <strong>at</strong> an additional<br />
cost. PREREQUISITES: First 2 courses.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13225 WW FR Jan20 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
22 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Upholstery 1 - Level 3 - Part 2<br />
CREA10021<br />
Continue work on the wing Chair project<br />
begun in Part 1. Correct install<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
springs, proper padding and finishing<br />
techniques are key topics. PREREQUISITES:<br />
First 3 courses.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13226 WW FR Feb24 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
Upholstery 1 - Level 4 CREA10013<br />
Learn basic tufting methods and procedures,<br />
including layout and applic<strong>at</strong>ion for fabric and foam,<br />
covering and installing buttons and wood finishing<br />
techniques. Fabric selection, estim<strong>at</strong>ing and sewing<br />
applic<strong>at</strong>ions receiver further emphasis. Projects<br />
include a “Tufting Project” and a Semi-<strong>at</strong>tached<br />
Footstool cushion. A kit will be provided <strong>at</strong> an<br />
additional cost. PREREQUISITES: First 4 courses.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13227 WW WE Jan18 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
(formerly Home Interiors Certific<strong>at</strong>e)<br />
Here’s a gre<strong>at</strong> opportunity for individuals<br />
interested in or currently employed in the<br />
residential decor<strong>at</strong>ing field. Our professional<br />
consultants will develop your cre<strong>at</strong>ive skills and<br />
cover various practical aspects of interior design.<br />
In Fall 2005, we introduced a redesigned program<br />
to meet the needs of this up and coming area.<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please call 905-575-2025<br />
or 519-759-7200 ext. 2025 or email<br /><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Successful completion of senior secondary<br />
school English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must successfully<br />
complete 11 mand<strong>at</strong>ory and 2 electives.<br />
The first 4 courses must be taken in the order<br />
listed below:<br />
The * courses can be taken <strong>any</strong>time during<br />
the program<br />
The ** courses can be taken when the<br />
prerequisites have been met. Refer to the<br />
course description<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Courses:<br />
CREAHF215Colour Principles<br />
CREAHF205Design Principles<br />
TDRWHF203Basic Drafting**<br />
METRHF230Estim<strong>at</strong>ing**<br />
TEXT10029 Fabrics for Interiors*<br />
CREA10029 Residential Lighting*<br />
CREA10034 Understanding Floors & Furniture*<br />
C R E A 1 0 0 3 0 Soft Furnishings & Window Tre<strong>at</strong>ments**<br />
CREA10031 Accessorizing the Home**<br />
CREA10033 Cre<strong>at</strong>ive Design Present<strong>at</strong>ions**<br />
CREAHC240*Interior Design Studio<br />
all prerequisites must be taken first<br />
The electives are:<br />
CREA10036 Cre<strong>at</strong>ive Paint Techniques*<br />
CADM100143-D Computer Drafting**<br />
CREA10035 Kitchen & B<strong>at</strong>hroom Concepts**<br />
SBMG10001Business Str<strong>at</strong>egies for Interior<br />
Decor<strong>at</strong>ors**<br />
Are you nearly finished the program?<br />
Courses from the existing Home Interiors<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e will be accepted as credits until<br />
the end of Spring 2006.<br />
For clarific<strong>at</strong>ion, please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Wendy Hodgkins <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-1212 - 1- * - 1736 or email<br /><br />
Colour Principles CREAHF215<br />
Explore the theory, psychology and<br />
coordin<strong>at</strong>ion of colour through practical<br />
exercises and applic<strong>at</strong>ion in residential interiors.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13328 FF MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13329 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Design Principles CREAHF205<br />
The perfect room requires skillful planning,<br />
careful composition and the right accessories<br />
and lighting. Learn professional str<strong>at</strong>egies for<br />
selecting and placing furniture and transforming<br />
decor<strong>at</strong>ing dreams into stunning interiors.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13325 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13326 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Basic Drafting TDRWHF203<br />
A good floor plan is a design essential. Learn<br />
basic drafting techniques to cre<strong>at</strong>e floor plans,<br />
working drawings and elev<strong>at</strong>ions. Students<br />
are responsible for purchase of supplies (<br />
approx. $70). PREREQUISITES:<br />
CREAHF215, CREAHF205.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13321 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Estim<strong>at</strong>ing METRHF230<br />
Learn to estim<strong>at</strong>e and measure for flooring,<br />
fabrics and finishes used in today’s interiors.<br />
Prerequistes: CREAHF215, CREAHF205,<br />
TDRWHF203.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13324 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Residential Lighting CREA10029<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> special ambiance with carefully<br />
selected lighting! Learn to use incandescent,<br />
fluorescent and halogen lights, decor<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
fixtures and accent lighting to beautify<br />
residential interiors.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13323 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>ive Paint Techniques CREA10036<br />
In this ‘hands-on’ course, learn the l<strong>at</strong>est faux<br />
finishing techniques to beautifully transform<br />
plain interiors. Painting supply costs of $55<br />
must be paid to the instructor <strong>at</strong> the first class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13327 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Accessorizing the Home CREA10031<br />
Learn to enhance indoor and outdoor spaces<br />
with just the right accessories to convey a<br />
theme. Topics include selecting and placing<br />
pictures and objects d’art, and decor<strong>at</strong>ing for<br />
special occasions. PREREQUISITES:<br />
CREAHF215,CREAHF205,TDRWHF203.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13330 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13331 BF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
If you are interested in working in the retail<br />
floral industry, this program is for you. A<br />
skillful combin<strong>at</strong>ion of illustr<strong>at</strong>ed lectures and<br />
practical, hands-on training introduces<br />
students to the principles and practices of<br />
floral design including form, technique,<br />
composition, colour, plant identific<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
care and handling. You will develop the<br />
ability to cre<strong>at</strong>e floral arrangements for <strong>any</strong><br />
occasion with cre<strong>at</strong>ive expression and<br />
originality using a variety of m<strong>at</strong>erials.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion contact<br />
Bonnie P<strong>at</strong>aran, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2307 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307 or<br />
email bonnie.p<strong>at</strong><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Secondary School English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the Basic Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
complete the following 6 courses. It is<br />
strongly recommended th<strong>at</strong> courses be<br />
completed in the sequence listed.<br />
FLORFC001 Basic Techniques and Colour Harmonies<br />
FLORFC004 M<strong>at</strong>erials for Design<br />
FLORFC005 Designing with Exotics<br />
FLORFC002 Wedding Work and Special Occasions<br />
FLORFC003 Special Floral Tributes<br />
FLORFC006 Special Design Workshop<br />
NOTE:<br />
Basic Techniques & Colour Harmonies<br />
& Special Floral Tributes are offered <strong>at</strong><br />
Techniques and Color Harmonies -<br />
Basic FLORFC001<br />
In this introductory course, you’ll study the proper<br />
care and handling of flowers, elements and<br />
principles of design, and colour harmonies.<br />
Different styles of flower arrangements in fresh<br />
and artificial m<strong>at</strong>erial will be completed for<br />
practice and assessment. Supplies required will be<br />
discussed <strong>at</strong> the first class. A kit which includes<br />
equipment, supplies, colour wheel and textbook<br />
will be available for purchase (approx. $70).<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13228 FF MO Jan16 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13230 BF TU Jan17 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13229 FF WE Jan18 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
M<strong>at</strong>erials for Designs FLORFC004<br />
An endless selection of m<strong>at</strong>erials such as<br />
plant, drieds, fresh greens, flowers and n<strong>at</strong>ural<br />
can be used effectively in cre<strong>at</strong>ing floral<br />
arrangements. Different holding mediums will<br />
be covered to cre<strong>at</strong>e designs th<strong>at</strong> rel<strong>at</strong>e to past<br />
eras such as Colonial, French, Georgian and<br />
Victorian. Also included is cre<strong>at</strong>ing a fresh<br />
garland, mini<strong>at</strong>ures, wre<strong>at</strong>h making and an<br />
introduction to display work. Kit available.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13231 FF TU Jan17 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13232 FF WE Feb22 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
Designing with Exotics FLORFC005<br />
Here’s your opportunity to explore a new area of<br />
floral design working with a variety of exotic<br />
flowers, greens and artificial floral m<strong>at</strong>erial.<br />
Various arrangements will be cre<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> are<br />
unique, bold, dram<strong>at</strong>ic and contemporary looking<br />
in style. The care and handling of exotic flowers<br />
will be covered in detail with an introduction to<br />
corsage work. Kit available. PREREQUISITE:<br />
FLORFC001 & FLORFC004.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13235 FF TU Jan17 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
13233 FF WE Jan18 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13234 FF WE Jan18 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Wedding Work and Special Occasion<br />
FLORFC002<br />
Beautiful floral arrangements enhance wedding<br />
celebr<strong>at</strong>ions or <strong>any</strong> special occasion. Learn to<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e bridal bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres,<br />
church and reception pieces for either<br />
weddings, special birthdays, anniversaries and<br />
gradu<strong>at</strong>ions. Fresh and artificial floral m<strong>at</strong>erial<br />
will be used. Kit available. PREREQUISITES:<br />
FLORFC001 &FLORFC004.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13236 FF TU Feb21 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
Special Floral Tributes FLORFC003<br />
Floral tributes traditionally are used to make a<br />
comforting and elegant expression in a time of<br />
sorrow. You will learn to design various<br />
arrangements on a larger scale as floral<br />
tributes for the bereaved. Mossing and<br />
wrapping a wre<strong>at</strong>h, inserts, fireside basket and<br />
wire service arrangements will be covered.<br />
Fresh and artificial floral m<strong>at</strong>erials will be<br />
used. Kit available. PREREQUISITES:<br />
FLORFC001 & FLORFC004.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13237 BF TH Jan19 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Developed for individuals with floral<br />
experience, a higher level of professionalism,<br />
proficiency and practical experience will be<br />
delivered. Through illustr<strong>at</strong>ed lectures and<br />
hands-on training, further explore areas of<br />
design principles, elements and techniques<br />
including terracing, grouping, parallelism,<br />
w<strong>at</strong>erfall, veget<strong>at</strong>ive, and new convention.<br />
Using various and unique m<strong>at</strong>erials, you will<br />
achieve a higher degree of cre<strong>at</strong>ive expression<br />
for cre<strong>at</strong>ing “high style” and contemporary<br />
arrangements for <strong>any</strong> type of occasion.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion contact<br />
Bonnie P<strong>at</strong>aran, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2307 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307 or<br />
email bonnie.p<strong>at</strong><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Secondary School English or equivalent and<br />
you must have successfully completed the<br />
Floral Techniques Certific<strong>at</strong>e - Basic or be<br />
able to provide document<strong>at</strong>ion of one year<br />
employment in the florist industry.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete 5 mand<strong>at</strong>ory courses<br />
plus 1 additional course from the elective list.<br />
FLORFC201 Modern Flair for Wedding Designs<br />
FLORFC203 New Trends in Floral Design<br />
FLORFC202 Contemporary Tributes<br />
FLORFC205 Style Trends In Design<br />
FLORFC206 Specialized Floral Workshop<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 23
The elective may be chosen from the<br />
following courses<br />
SBMGMD249 How to Start A Small Business<br />
WORKFC210 Work Experience<br />
HORTHOR01 Fundamentals of Horticulture<br />
HORTHOR06 Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs<br />
HORTLA010 General Plant Identific<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Contemporary Tributes FLORFC202<br />
This course covers contemporary techniques<br />
and styles for designing a variety of floral<br />
tributes to convey expressions of symp<strong>at</strong>hy <strong>at</strong><br />
the funeral, <strong>at</strong> home and cemetery. Other<br />
focuses will be learning different cultural<br />
traditions and customs, and emphasis on<br />
using various “high style” techniques for<br />
designing these arrangements. M<strong>at</strong>erials and<br />
supplies extra. PREREQUISITE: FC006.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13238 FF TH Jan19 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
Style Trends in Design FLORFC205<br />
Take your floral skills to another level by<br />
exploring the l<strong>at</strong>est and newest directions in<br />
floral arranging - individualism, n<strong>at</strong>uralism and<br />
minimalism. In this hands on class, up to the<br />
minute techniques will be demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed. Show<br />
your cre<strong>at</strong>ive edge by making innov<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
designs using unique holding mediums,<br />
foliage, fruit, flowers and supplies. Emphasis<br />
on upd<strong>at</strong>ing combin<strong>at</strong>ions of line, form, texture<br />
and colour will be covered. PREREQUISITES:<br />
FLOR -FC006, FC202, FC203,<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13239 FF TH Feb23 9:30-4:00 5 156.45<br />
You may register, apply for a refund or<br />
transfer in the following courses up to 3<br />
days before the start d<strong>at</strong>e. After th<strong>at</strong><br />
d<strong>at</strong>e, permission of the Program<br />
Manager is required. Call 905-575-2307<br />
or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307. This applies<br />
to the General Interest Floral Area.<br />
reduce your costs, some supplies or kits<br />
will be available to purchase. These will be<br />
outlined in the m<strong>at</strong>erials list.<br />
Please try to register <strong>at</strong> least 2 weeks in<br />
advance of the course start d<strong>at</strong>e. Upon<br />
adequ<strong>at</strong>e registr<strong>at</strong>ion, a list of supplies will be<br />
mailed <strong>at</strong> least 1 week prior to the start d<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
If you do not receive a list, please contact<br />
Bonnie P<strong>at</strong>aran, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2307 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2307<br />
or email<br />
bonnie.p<strong>at</strong><br />
Easy Flower Arranging FLORGI601<br />
A gre<strong>at</strong> way to familiarize yourself with flower<br />
arranging! Learn to arrange a simple vase of<br />
fresh flowers <strong>at</strong>tractively, an easy to make<br />
centerpiece arrangement, and a wre<strong>at</strong>h design.<br />
See simple but innov<strong>at</strong>ive ideas to cre<strong>at</strong>e<br />
arrangements using a variety of inexpensive<br />
containers, simple accents and accessories. Get<br />
tips and tricks in care and handling of fresh<br />
flowers, greens and silk foliage. Leave with<br />
gre<strong>at</strong> projects th<strong>at</strong> will impress everyone. Kit<br />
available for purchase or your own choice.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13429 FF SA Feb25 9:30-2:30 1 47.18<br />
Salal Wre<strong>at</strong>h FLOR10004<br />
When decor<strong>at</strong>ing for a certain season or room<br />
scheme, add a lovely wre<strong>at</strong>h accent. Longlasting<br />
beauty can be achieved by using<br />
everlasting foliage for the base and preserved<br />
flowers for embellishing. Fresh salal is an ideal<br />
choice for the base as the leaves dry and curl,<br />
resulting in a beautiful display of medium to pale<br />
green foliage. Kit available or your own choice.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13431 FF SA Feb4 9:30-12:30 1 28.31<br />
Table Centrepiece Arrangement<br />
FLORGI686<br />
For a fresh look for your entertaining, cre<strong>at</strong>e a<br />
colourful and decor<strong>at</strong>ive arrangement suitable<br />
for a coffee, dining room or side table. Easy<br />
to follow directions will be given to put<br />
together a stunning arrangement using a<br />
variety of fresh colourful flowers. You will<br />
complete a horizontal style arrangement with<br />
or without candles as an accent. Kit available<br />
or you purchase your own.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13435 BF SA Feb18 9:30-12:30 1 28.31<br />
13432 FF SA Mar25 9:30-12:30 1 28.31<br />
Topiary Tree CREAGI538<br />
This popular accessory is highlighting this<br />
season’s home dÈcor. Demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion will be<br />
given on how to assemble and decor<strong>at</strong>e with a<br />
colorful variety of either fresh, n<strong>at</strong>ural<br />
looking or silk flowers accompanied by<br />
beautiful greenery and special touches to<br />
make them very unique and personal. Choice<br />
of 3 styles of topiaries to make will be<br />
outlined in the m<strong>at</strong>erials list. Remade kit<br />
available to purchase or bring your own.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13430 FF SA Jan28 9:30-12:30 1 28.31<br />
Valentine Floral Workshop FLORGI617<br />
Try your hand <strong>at</strong> flower arranging using fresh<br />
flowers and greens. Cre<strong>at</strong>e an eye-c<strong>at</strong>ching<br />
oasis ring which will look spectacular on your<br />
dinner table for this special occasion. Add<br />
candles, for a more romantic touch. Kit<br />
available for purchase.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13434 FF SA Feb11 9:30-12:30 1 28.31<br />
Vers<strong>at</strong>ile Garland FLOR10005<br />
For a different decor<strong>at</strong>ing appeal, cre<strong>at</strong>e a<br />
lovely piece using stems of fresh salal and<br />
seeded eucalyptus. When dried it turns to a<br />
medium to pale green foliage, cre<strong>at</strong>ing a<br />
pleasing backdrop for an array of decor<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
for a different seasonal look. Kit available for<br />
purchase or your own choice.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13433 FF SA Mar11 9:30-12:30 1 28.31<br />
24 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Developed to meet needs of the Horticulture<br />
Industry and individuals seeking a career<br />
change, or with an interest in plant m<strong>at</strong>erials<br />
used in the nursery, commercial, and<br />
residential landscape. Through the use of<br />
lectures, slides, field trips, and specimen study,<br />
you will study the morphological fe<strong>at</strong>ures (e.g.<br />
leaf, bud, needle) and cultural requirements of<br />
a broad range of plant m<strong>at</strong>erials.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please call the<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong> 905-318-4295 (voice<br />
mailbox *1795). For general inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
call 905-575-2025 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2025.<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Successful completion of senior secondary<br />
school English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete all 6 courses. It is<br />
highly recommended th<strong>at</strong> Fundamentals of<br />
Horticulture (HORTHOR01) be completed<br />
first. The remaining 5 courses can be<br />
completed on an individual basis.<br />
H O R T H O R 0 1 Fundamentals of Horticulture<br />
H O R T H O R 0 2 Deciduous Trees<br />
H O R T H O R 0 3 Conifers (Evergreens)<br />
H O R T H O R 0 4 Deciduous Shrubs<br />
H O R T H O R 0 5 Broadleaf Evergreens, Climbers, Vines<br />
H O R T H O R 0 6 Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs<br />
Conifers (Evergreens) HORTHOR03<br />
Introduction to a broad range of conifers, both<br />
n<strong>at</strong>ive and introduced forms will be the main<br />
emphasis. Morphological fe<strong>at</strong>ures, cultural<br />
requirements and uses will be discussed. At<br />
least three field trips will be included.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12453 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
Fundamentals of Horticulture<br />
HORTHOR01<br />
Horticulture is a complex field which<br />
encompasses the cultiv<strong>at</strong>ion of flowers and<br />
ornamental shrubs and trees, plus fruits and<br />
vegetables. A practical overview tying<br />
together the various horticulture fields by<br />
illustr<strong>at</strong>ing common background, principles<br />
and nomencl<strong>at</strong>ure will be the main focus.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12436 WW WE Jan11 9:00-12:00 12 187.74<br />
12438 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
12437 BF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
Bonsai: A Growing Art HORT10002<br />
Bonsai, which means tray planting or potted<br />
tree, combines horticultural knowledge with<br />
centuries-old horticultural art of pruning plants<br />
to maintain a dwarf growth habit and an<br />
aesthetic shape. No longer confined to the<br />
Japanese traditions, modern bonsai <strong>at</strong>tracts<br />
those who appreci<strong>at</strong>e growing things, sculpture,<br />
painting and other visual arts. Students may<br />
bring their own selection or purchase from<br />
Nursery stock. $20.00 to $80.00.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12464 FF WE Mar15 7:00-10:00 3 84.92
Perennial Gardening HORTHOR44<br />
Discover how to have impact in your<br />
perennial garden throughout the season! Learn<br />
about exciting new varieties of perennials th<strong>at</strong><br />
have gre<strong>at</strong> foliage colour, texture and how<br />
plants can be combined to enhance their<br />
fe<strong>at</strong>ures. Cre<strong>at</strong>e shady retre<strong>at</strong>s with plants th<strong>at</strong><br />
look lush and exotic. Deal with drought<br />
conditions by using plants th<strong>at</strong> can cope with<br />
low levels of moisture. The hot trend in<br />
container gardening...with perennials will also<br />
be explored. Handouts will be available.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12461 FF WE Feb8 6:30-9:30 1 28.31<br />
12462 BF WE Feb15 6:30-9:30 1 28.31<br />
W<strong>at</strong>er Gardening HORTHOR55<br />
Spending an afternoon sitting beside a lake,<br />
w<strong>at</strong>ching the fish swimming or listening to<br />
the sound of w<strong>at</strong>er of a beautiful w<strong>at</strong>erfall is<br />
very relaxing. These are a few of the simple<br />
pleasures of life th<strong>at</strong> you can cre<strong>at</strong>e in your<br />
own backyard! Whether you are in the<br />
landscape field or not this course is designed<br />
to understand how to be cre<strong>at</strong>ive, build and<br />
maintain a beautiful w<strong>at</strong>er fe<strong>at</strong>ure. Learn how<br />
n<strong>at</strong>ure works to keep a clean and n<strong>at</strong>ural<br />
environment in your pond.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12460 FF TH Feb23 7:00-10:00 1 28.31<br />
Here’s an opportunity for individuals<br />
interested in pursuing a career in this field or<br />
is currently employed and wish to upgrade<br />
and enhance their career potential. It will also<br />
appeal to home owners interested in<br />
enhancing their residential property with<br />
carefully planned landscaping.<br />
The field of study offers an excellent<br />
opportunity for combining cre<strong>at</strong>ive flair with<br />
scientific study and drafting and design skills.<br />
Theory and practice are skillfully combined,<br />
and interesting field trips and site visits<br />
supplement classroom activity, instructed by<br />
skilled professionals.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please call the<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong> 905-318-4295 mailbox<br />
*1795 or for general inform<strong>at</strong>ion call<br />
905-575-2025 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2025.<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Successful completion of senior secondary<br />
school English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete the 6 compulsory<br />
courses plus one elective.<br />
HORTHOR01 Fundamentals of Horticulture<br />
HORTLA010General Plant Identific<strong>at</strong>ion OR<br />
Horticulture Plant Identific<strong>at</strong>ion Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
HORTLA009Bot<strong>any</strong>/Taxonomy<br />
HORTLA001Landscape Design I<br />
HORTLA007Landscape Design II<br />
HORTLA008Landscape Design III<br />
Need Grade<br />
12 equivalency?<br />
Call 905-575-2029<br />
CADMCAD06 Introduction to AutoCAD<br />
(refer to Engineering Technology)<br />
HORTGI359 Pest Control Technology<br />
HORTHOR07 Tree Care Basics (Arboriculture I)<br />
HORTHOR02 Deciduous Trees<br />
HORTHOR03 Conifers (Evergreens)<br />
HORTHOR04 Deciduous Shrubs<br />
HORTHOR05 Broadleaf Evergreens, Climbers<br />
and Vines<br />
HORTHOR06 Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs<br />
HORTHOR01-<br />
Fundamentals of Horticulture<br />
Refer to Horticulture Plant Identific<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Bot<strong>any</strong> for Horticulture HORTLA009<br />
Through lecture and demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion, the<br />
student should have a basic understanding of<br />
plant structures and their functions, plant<br />
growth and reproduction, the plant<br />
classific<strong>at</strong>ion system and the rel<strong>at</strong>ionship<br />
between plants and the environment. Class<br />
sessions will include the use of overheads, inclass<br />
demonstr<strong>at</strong>ions and labs, videos and<br />
examin<strong>at</strong>ion of plant m<strong>at</strong>erials. There will be<br />
<strong>at</strong> least one field trip.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12439 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 12 187.74<br />
12440 WW WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 12 187.74<br />
Landscape Design 1 HORTLA001<br />
Effective landscaping not only enhances the<br />
aesthetic appeal of a property, it can also<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e very definite environmental benefits.<br />
You will focus on the basics of professional<br />
landscape design and construction, plus the<br />
proper selection, care and maintenance of<br />
plant m<strong>at</strong>erials.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12445 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
12447 BF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
Landscape Design II HORTLA007<br />
Continue your study of professional landscape<br />
design. A more comprehensive understanding<br />
of working drawings and grading, including<br />
drainage principles and techniques will be<br />
emphasized. Paving m<strong>at</strong>erials, retaining wall<br />
systems, the use of walls, fencing, screens,<br />
n<strong>at</strong>ural rockery, w<strong>at</strong>er fe<strong>at</strong>ures and wood<br />
structures in landscaping are also discussed.<br />
PREREQUISITE: LA001 Landscape Design I<br />
or equivalent. Drafting supplies extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12449 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
Sign up now!<br />
Registr<strong>at</strong>ion commences on<br />
<strong>at</strong> 8:30 a.m. on November 21<br />
Landscape Design III HORTLA008<br />
Lighting and irrig<strong>at</strong>ion systems are becoming<br />
very popular in both commercial and residential<br />
landscaping. A focus on the use of these systems<br />
as part of the landscaping package and covers<br />
other areas th<strong>at</strong> are essential for professionals in<br />
this field. Topics include site analysis, client<br />
interviews, scheduling, completed drawings, final<br />
present<strong>at</strong>ions and marketing. PREREQUISITES:<br />
LA001 & LA007 Landscape Design I and II.<br />
Drafting supplies extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12450 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
Arboriculture I- An Introduction To<br />
Tree Care HORTHOR07<br />
Arboriculture is the cultiv<strong>at</strong>ion and care of<br />
trees and shrubs for use and ornament<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
The experienced professional or the new<br />
arborist will be introduced to indoor/outdoor<br />
basics from tree biology to tree care<br />
techniques for pruning, fertilizing, cabling,<br />
bracing, insect and disease diagnosis.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12458 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Pest Control Technology HORTGI359<br />
Participants who wish to obtain the<br />
Landscape class extermin<strong>at</strong>ors license;<br />
(previously Land class I and III) and those<br />
planning or developing a career in<br />
Horticulture. Proper use of pesticides,<br />
regul<strong>at</strong>ions for applic<strong>at</strong>ion, safety, storage,<br />
transport<strong>at</strong>ion and altern<strong>at</strong>ive methods of pest<br />
control are discussed. There will be a $150<br />
Ministry certific<strong>at</strong>ion fee, which includes<br />
study m<strong>at</strong>erials and exam fee.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12459 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 12 187.74<br />
LANDSCAPE - Other Courses<br />
Plant Propag<strong>at</strong>ion HORT10003<br />
If you love to make more plants, start making<br />
room in your garden now! Learn how best to<br />
propag<strong>at</strong>e annuals, perennials, shrubs and<br />
vines. Discussion will include seeds, cuttings,<br />
root division and more. Registered plant<br />
p<strong>at</strong>ents will also be talked about.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12479 FF WE Feb22 6:30-9:30 1 28.31<br />
12482 BF WE Mar1 6:30-9:30 1 28.31<br />
MUSIC<br />
Attention, adult learners - why not develop<br />
existing musical skills or begin a new and<br />
interesting study? You will explore new musical<br />
horizons through a basic study of music and<br />
develop a sound found<strong>at</strong>ion, which will enable<br />
you to branch out to more advanced studies such<br />
as arranging, composition, computer music, etc.<br />
On successful completion of the program, you<br />
will have developed your musical ability to the<br />
entrance level of the three-year Applied Music<br />
Program <strong>at</strong> <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion call<br />
Bill Wright <strong>at</strong> 905-575-1212 ext. 3152 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 3152 or email<br /><br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 25
Admission Requirements<br />
The program is open to absolute beginners, or<br />
individuals <strong>at</strong> <strong>any</strong> stage. You may qualify for<br />
credit for previous musical experience.<br />
Level 1 instruments and vocals require no<br />
previous experience. You must supply your<br />
own instruments where applicable and pay<br />
for texts.<br />
Successful completion of senior secondary<br />
school English or Equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
MUSIC CERTIFICATE To receive the<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e you must successfully complete<br />
courses chosen from the selection below for a<br />
total of 180 hours of instruction.<br />
Mand<strong>at</strong>ory Subjects:<br />
MUSCMU020 Theory - Preliminary<br />
MUSCMU123 Theory 1<br />
MUSCMU223 Theory 2<br />
MU014/024 Basic Ear Training Lab 1 & 2<br />
MUSCMU140 Ear Training 1 (Solfege)<br />
Options:<br />
Ear Training 2 (Solfege)<br />
Jazz Harmony Level 1 & 2<br />
Guitar - Levels 1, 2 & 3<br />
Piano - Introductory and Levels 2, 3, 4<br />
Vocal - Levels 1 & Advanced<br />
Music History 1 & 2<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> Singers<br />
Jazz Improvis<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Harmony-Conserv<strong>at</strong>ory Prepar<strong>at</strong>ion - Levels 1 & 2**<br />
Ear Training Lab - Levels 2, 3, 4<br />
Fun with Opera*<br />
Total must add up to 180 hours of instruction.<br />
NOTE: Courses in the Music Certific<strong>at</strong>e can<br />
be used as a general elective when the<br />
number of levels taken in one subject total 28<br />
hours minimum (E).*not offered every<br />
semester.**offered in altern<strong>at</strong>e years.<br />
Basic Ear Training Lab 1 MUSCMU014<br />
This independent study program allows you to<br />
work <strong>at</strong> your own pace with C.D. players to<br />
transcribe various musical aspects. M<strong>at</strong>erial<br />
will focus on intervals, triads, inversions, four<br />
note chords, two-part counterpoint, four-part<br />
chorale, di<strong>at</strong>onic melodies and rhythms.<br />
Prerequisite: Theory 1 including a good<br />
knowledge of all major key sign<strong>at</strong>ures. Credit<br />
in the Applied Music program.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12513 FF MO Jan9 6:00-8:00 13 135.59<br />
Basic Ear Training Lab 2 MUSCMU024<br />
PREREQUISITE: MU014 MU014 & MU024<br />
are equivalent to MU141. CREDIT IN THE<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12526 FF MO Jan9 6:00-8:00 13 135.59<br />
Ear Training 1 (Solfege) MUSCMU140<br />
In this course the student will learn to<br />
recognize and sing all simple intervals and<br />
rhythms, aurally and visually, using the tonic<br />
sol-fa system with conducting p<strong>at</strong>terns in<br />
simple time. PREREQUISITE: MU123 or an<br />
ability to recognize notes in treble and bass<br />
clef in the key sign<strong>at</strong>ures of C, G, D, F, B fl<strong>at</strong><br />
major. Credit in the Applied Music program.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12550 FF TH Jan12 6:00-7:30 13 101.69<br />
Ear Training Lab 1 MUSCMU141<br />
Cassettes and tape decks are used in a lab<br />
setting, in which each student transcribes the<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erial on the tapes. The tapes consist of<br />
intervals, triads, inversions, four note chords,<br />
tensions, four-part chorales, two-part<br />
counterpoint, di<strong>at</strong>onic and non-di<strong>at</strong>onic<br />
melodies, rhythms and twelve tone rows.<br />
Credit in the Applied Music Program.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Basic Theory including a<br />
good knowledge of all major key sign<strong>at</strong>ures.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12527 FF MO Jan9 6:00-8:00 13 135.59<br />
Ear Training Lab 2 MUSCMU241<br />
PREREQUISITE: MU141 or MU014 &<br />
MU024. Credit in the Applied Music program.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12528 FF MO Jan9 6:00-8:00 13 135.59<br />
Ear Training Lab 3 MUSCMU341<br />
PREREQUISITE: (MU241) Credit in the<br />
Applied Music program.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12529 FF MO Jan9 6:00-8:00 13 135.59<br />
Ear Training Lab 4 MUSCMU441<br />
PREREQUISITE: (MU341) Credit in the<br />
Applied Music program.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12548 FF MO Jan9 6:00-8:00 13 135.59<br />
Guitar - Adult Class 1 MUSCPA107<br />
This introductory course is designed for the<br />
adult beginner who will quickly progress<br />
through the basic skills involved in playing<br />
the guitar. Participants will learn simple<br />
melodies by means of tabl<strong>at</strong>ure and open<br />
position chords for chordal accompaniment.<br />
The focus is on learning a variety of<br />
traditional and contemporary songs which<br />
will develop left and right hand co-ordin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
as well as general musicianship.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12578 FF TU Jan10 6:30-8:00 10 78.23<br />
12579 FF WE Jan11 6:30-8:00 10 78.23<br />
Guitar - Adult Class 2 MUSCPA207<br />
In this course the student concentr<strong>at</strong>es on<br />
learning to read music as rel<strong>at</strong>ed to guitar,<br />
incorpor<strong>at</strong>ing popular tunes and melodies. The<br />
student should have some proficiency with<br />
chords. PREREQUISITE: (PA107) or equivalent.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12580 FF TU Jan10 8:30-10:00 10 78.23<br />
Piano Adult Class 1 MUSCMU100<br />
This course covers elementary playing<br />
techniques and basic theoretical principles<br />
including not<strong>at</strong>ion, tones, semitones, rhythm, and<br />
major scales. Access to practice piano required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12582 FF TH Jan12 7:00-8:30 10 78.23<br />
Piano Adult Class 2 MUSCMU200<br />
Students will be introduced to additional<br />
playing techniques as well as intervals, minor<br />
scales, and minor triads. Some popular tunes<br />
and duets may also be played.<br />
PREREQUISITE: (MU100) or MU010 OR 1<br />
yr. playing experience. Textbook required.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12581 FF TH Jan12 8:30-10:00 10 78.23<br />
26 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Piano-Adult Class 3 MUSCMU300<br />
This course introduces major and minor scales,<br />
arpeggios, and dominant 7ths. This m<strong>at</strong>erial<br />
will be used in keyboard harmoniz<strong>at</strong>ions of<br />
traditional and popular tunes. Participants may<br />
also study piano duets. PREREQUISITE:<br />
(MU200) or 2yrs. playing experience.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12583 FF WE Jan11 8:30-10:00 10 78.23<br />
Piano-Adult Class 4 MUSCMU400<br />
Emphasis is placed on keyboard harmony as<br />
applied in classical and popular music.<br />
PREREQUISITE: (MU300) or 2 years<br />
playing experience. Credit in the Applied<br />
Music Certific<strong>at</strong>e Program.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12584 FF WE Jan11 8:30-10:00 10 78.23<br />
Theory 1 MUSCMU123<br />
Not<strong>at</strong>ions, scales, intervals, chords — if<br />
you’re looking for an understanding of these<br />
and other rudiments of Music, this credit<br />
course should interest you. The emphasis is on<br />
writing skills with weekly assignments. This<br />
course coincides with the Royal Conserv<strong>at</strong>ory<br />
Theory examin<strong>at</strong>ion, written May or<br />
December. Theory 1 and 2 are prerequisite<br />
courses for the Applied Music Program.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12585 FF MO Jan9 8:00-10:00 13 135.59<br />
Vocal-Adult Class 1 MUSCPA160<br />
A class for people who want to improve their<br />
singing skills - whether it’s in a choir, as a soloist<br />
with a band, or in the shower! Topics addressed<br />
will include bre<strong>at</strong>h control, voice production,<br />
stage deportment and inton<strong>at</strong>ion - all done in an<br />
enjoyable, informal <strong>at</strong>mosphere. There is no<br />
prerequisite - except a love of singing.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12586 FF TU Jan10 6:00-7:00 10 52.15<br />
12587 FF TU Jan10 7:00-8:00 10 52.15<br />
Vocal-Advanced Adult MUSCPA360<br />
This course is for singers who enjoy solo<br />
performing, and want to increase their<br />
performance skills. Participants will get help<br />
with voice production, musicianship and<br />
interpret<strong>at</strong>ion. The course will be taught in<br />
master class style. PREREQUISITE:<br />
(PA160), or equivalent experience.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12588 FF TU Jan10 8:00-9:30 10 78.23<br />
Musical Performing Ensembles require an<br />
interview, please call Bill Wright <strong>at</strong> 905-575-<br />
1212 ext. 3152 or 519-759-7200 ext. 3152.<br />
Jazz Improvis<strong>at</strong>ion MUSCMU909<br />
This credit course provides an introduction to<br />
the concepts and techniques of jazz<br />
improvis<strong>at</strong>ion in an ensemble setting (rhythm<br />
section and various woodwinds, brass, strings,<br />
vocals). Previous experience in “playing jazz”<br />
is not necessary. Some basic understanding of<br />
chords and scales is required. The ability to<br />
“read” not<strong>at</strong>ed music is a definite asset. An<br />
audition is NOT required. For further<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion please call instructor <strong>at</strong> (519) 756-<br />
0397 evenings 6 - 9 only.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12589 BF WE Jan11 7:30-9:30 10 104.30
<strong>Mohawk</strong> Singers MUSCMU124<br />
The <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> Singers is a choral society<br />
performing masterpieces of the choral repertoire.<br />
The Singers perform a December and April<br />
concert. A basic knowledge of music is essential,<br />
previous choral experience an asset. Entrance is<br />
by audition. Please call 905-575-2044.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12590 FF WE Jan11 7:30-10:00 13 0.00<br />
- APPLIED & ART<br />
Develop and enhance your professional skills<br />
and photographic techniques in the areas of<br />
Art and/or Applied Photography in a<br />
convenient part time schedule. This program<br />
combines illustr<strong>at</strong>ed lecture, field trips, and<br />
relevant, practical ‘hands-on’ learning while<br />
you become familiar with a wide range of<br />
photographic equipment, business and design<br />
practices, and studio work.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion about<br />
photography programs contact<br />
Anne King, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2312 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2312 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
O.S.S.D., M<strong>at</strong>ure Student St<strong>at</strong>us or<br />
equivalent, or m<strong>at</strong>ure student st<strong>at</strong>us.<br />
Secondary school English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
P H T O P Y 2 0 0 Photography 1 (F) or PHTOPY101<br />
Digital Photography 1 (D)<br />
P H T O P Y 2 1 0 Darkroom Techniques 1 (F) OR<br />
PHTOPY110 Intro. To Digital Imaging (D,F)<br />
P H T O P Y 3 0 0 Photography 2 (D,F)<br />
P H T O P Y 1 0 9 History of Photography FALL, SPRING<br />
P H T O P Y 2 2 5 Studio Lighting (D,F)<br />
CERTIFICATE (031)- CHOOSE 3:<br />
P H T O P Y 4 0 2 Portraiture (D,F)<br />
P H T O P Y 5 0 2 Advance Portraiture (D,F) S P R I N G<br />
P H T O P Y 2 1 1 Darkroom Techniques 2 ( F )<br />
P H T O P Y 1 0 5 Media Photography (D,F) S P R I N G<br />
P H T O P Y 1 0 4 Video - Introduction (D) F A L L<br />
P H T O P Y 1 1 0 Intro to Digital Imaging/Photo (D,F)<br />
P H T O P Y 1 2 0 Advanced Digital Imaging (D,F)<br />
P H T O P Y 2 3 0 Photo Illustr<strong>at</strong>ion (D,F) F A L L<br />
W O R K P W 9 0 0Work Experience<br />
see Visual Arts<br />
B U S N P Y 1 1 2 The Business of Photography W I N T E R<br />
(032) - CHOOSE 3:<br />
P H T O P Y 2 1 1 Darkroom Techniques 2 (F)<br />
P H T O P Y 1 0 6 N<strong>at</strong>ure Photography (F) S P R I N G<br />
P H T O P Y 5 0 0 Innov<strong>at</strong>ive Images (F)<br />
P H T O P Y 8 0 0 Landscape Photography (F) F A L L<br />
P H T O P Y 1 1 0 Intro Digital Imaging/Photo (D,F)<br />
P H T O P Y 1 1 1 Doc.Photo/Urban Landscape (D,F) F A L L<br />
P H T O P Y 1 2 0 Advanced Digital Imaging (D,F)<br />
W O R K P W 9 0 0Work Experience Option<br />
see Visual Arts<br />
Or other courses as approved by Program Manager<br />
Cameras<br />
If you intend to complete the Photography<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e, camera equipment, must comply<br />
with the following: SLR (single lens reflex),<br />
manual control of shutter speed and aperture,<br />
and interchangeable lens capability...<br />
minimum 4 megapixels for digital. LEGEND<br />
D=digital equipment can be used<br />
F=35mm film equipment can be used<br />
D,F=digital and/or film equipment can be used.<br />
Completion of Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
It is your responsibility to monitor your<br />
progress through the program and to apply in<br />
writing to the department, Cre<strong>at</strong>ive and<br />
Applied Arts, to receive your Certific<strong>at</strong>e. To<br />
qualify for both certific<strong>at</strong>es, you must<br />
complete 5 core courses and an additional 3<br />
courses specific to the appropri<strong>at</strong>e certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
Option credits cannot be used twice.<br />
Prior Learning Assessment<br />
You may apply for credit in individual<br />
courses based on learning acquired through<br />
work and other life experiences. Contact the<br />
Prior Learning Office.<br />
Advanced Digital Imaging PHTOPY120<br />
You will be introduced to advanced techniques<br />
of digital imaging using the specific fe<strong>at</strong>ures of<br />
Adobe Photoshop th<strong>at</strong> encourage cre<strong>at</strong>ive<br />
freedom. You provide photographs and<br />
computer storage media. Brantford students<br />
bring own nine-pin serial or USB mouse for<br />
use in PC lab. Fennell students work on<br />
MacIntosh computers. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PY110 (Intro. to Digital Imaging)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12888 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Darkroom Techniques 1 PHTOPY210<br />
Recognizing and achieving excellence in design<br />
and quality in finished prints are emphasized<br />
through hands-on projects in the darkroom. You<br />
provide film for processing and 8” x 10” resinco<strong>at</strong>ed,<br />
multigrade paper for printing. Bring<br />
neg<strong>at</strong>ives you currently have for printing.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PY200 Photography 1<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12890 FF SA Jan14 9:00-1:00 8 184.45<br />
Darkroom Techniques 2 PHTOPY211<br />
You will focus on improving technical and<br />
critical skills, while mastering advanced<br />
darkroom methods, to produce quality<br />
photographs. You must bring to first class<br />
black and white neg<strong>at</strong>ives, and 8”x10”, resinco<strong>at</strong>ed,<br />
multigrade paper. Film processing is<br />
available during class. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PY210 Darkroom Tech. 1<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12891 FF SA Jan14 9:00-1:00 8 184.45<br />
Digital Photography PHTOPY101<br />
Achieve better results for your images and a<br />
clearer understanding of camera oper<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
Course covers fe<strong>at</strong>ures specific to your camera,<br />
basic concepts of photography, introduction to<br />
darkroom. You must have your own camera<br />
and the ability to provide images from floppy,<br />
ZIP or CD-ROM. Computer experience<br />
beneficial. Recommend th<strong>at</strong> you have software,<br />
Adobe Photoshop Elements, on your own<br />
computer. Fennell - Mac Lab. Brantford - PC<br />
Lab. Course may include field trips.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12892 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
12894 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
12896 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
12898 BF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Introduction to Digital<br />
Imaging/Photoshop PHTOPY110<br />
Using Adobe Photoshop and your own<br />
photographs, you will be introduced to<br />
fundamentals of digital imagery. You supply<br />
photographs and CDR for file storage. Brantford<br />
students also bring own 9-pin serial or USB<br />
mouse for use in PC lab. Fennell students will<br />
be working on Macintosh Computers.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13502 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
12899 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Photography 1 PHTOPY200<br />
Welcome to the exciting world of photography.<br />
This course introduces you to your camera,<br />
picture taking and basic darkroom procedures.<br />
You provide 35mm SLR camera (with manual<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ion), electronic flash, film (approx. 4),<br />
paper. Required text tba. Bring ONLY your<br />
camera to the first class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12903 BF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 178.45<br />
12901 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 178.45<br />
12902 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 178.45<br />
Photography 2 PHTOPY300<br />
Experiment with new and advanced<br />
techniques from a broad range of<br />
photographic areas, comp<strong>at</strong>ible with bptj film<br />
and digital photography. Some of the topics<br />
include: filters, macro, infrared, advanced<br />
flash, advanced metering (incident and<br />
ambient). Prerequisite: Photography 1<br />
(PY200) or Digital Photography 1 (PY101)<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12904 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Portraiture PHTOPY402<br />
Develop skill in portraiture by using effective<br />
light control, cre<strong>at</strong>ive composition and posing<br />
techniques in various loc<strong>at</strong>ions and studio<br />
situ<strong>at</strong>ions. You supply camera, film (approx.<br />
4) and have film processed between classes.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PY200 Photography 1or<br />
PY101 Digital Photography 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12906 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 164.45<br />
Studio Lighting PHTOPY225<br />
Exciting results are possible with portraits<br />
and still life when you know how to<br />
manipul<strong>at</strong>e n<strong>at</strong>ural and artificial light, flash,<br />
reflectors, posing and backgrounds. You<br />
require camera, tripod, flash, film (approx. 3)<br />
and to have film processed between classes.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PY200 Photography 1or<br />
PY101 Digital Photography 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12907 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 164.45<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 27
The Business of Photography<br />
BUSNPY112<br />
This course goes beyond basic “How to start..”<br />
and presents complete and specific coverage of<br />
the unique procedure, practices, and legal<br />
aspects of running a professional photography<br />
business. Topics such as fiscal organiz<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
marketing and promotion, copyright, licensing,<br />
written contracts, employee rel<strong>at</strong>ions, legal<br />
issues and professional networking, will be<br />
covered in depth. This course takes place on<br />
February 11, 12, 25, 26.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13253 FF SA/SU Feb11 9:00-5:00 4 156.45<br />
PHOTOGRAPHY - Non Cre d i t<br />
Digital Cameras-How to Use yours<br />
Effectively PHTOCR527<br />
This workshop introduces you to the basics of<br />
digital photography. Through hands-on<br />
experiment<strong>at</strong>ion, discussion, and<br />
demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion you will cover camera<br />
controls, resolution, exposure, autom<strong>at</strong>ic<br />
flash, cre<strong>at</strong>ivity and composition. You supply<br />
your own digital camera.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13091 FF SA Jan28 9:30-4:30 1 65.17<br />
13092 FF SA Feb25 9:30-4:30 1 65.17<br />
Photoshop - Basics PHTO10001<br />
An introduction for photographers th<strong>at</strong> covers the<br />
basic tools found in to deal with<br />
red-eye, blemishes and how to sweeten your<br />
images for both printing and web applic<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
Bring your own images on CD ROM.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13093 FF SA Mar18 9:30-4:30 1 65.17<br />
The practical value of an arts educ<strong>at</strong>ion is<br />
realized daily in advertising, commercial and<br />
industrial design, textiles, teaching, recre<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
gallery work or self-employment as a painter,<br />
potter, jeweller. These programs provide a<br />
solid base of theory and practice which, with<br />
additional training and experience, could lead<br />
you to such occup<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion contact Anne King,<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2312 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2312 or email<br /><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
O.S.S.D. m<strong>at</strong>ure student st<strong>at</strong>us or equivalent.<br />
Secondary school English or equivalent.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
You are responsible for monitoring your own<br />
progress through the program and applying in<br />
writing to the Chair, Cre<strong>at</strong>ive & Applied Arts,<br />
<strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion, to receive the Certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
You may apply for credit in individual<br />
courses based on learning acquired through<br />
work and other life experiences.<br />
For assessment procedures contact the<br />
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Office <strong>at</strong><br />
905-575-2395 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2395.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
7 courses plus 1 seminar<br />
ARTTPG101 Design and Colour 1<br />
ARTTPD201 Drawing 1<br />
HISTPD024 History of Crafts WINTER<br />
SAFECR442 Seminar: Safety in the Arts SPRING<br />
Plus <strong>any</strong> other 4 introductory or basic level studio/handson<br />
courses from Visual Arts Certific<strong>at</strong>e courses or<br />
Photography Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
courses, from 4 DIFFERENT disciplines.<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Found<strong>at</strong>ion Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Program of Studies<br />
7 courses<br />
ARTTPG201 Design and Colour 2<br />
ARTTPD301 Drawing 2<br />
ARTTLL700 Art of the Western World<br />
(see Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion)<br />
ARTTAS202 Art through the Ages (or equivalent)<br />
contact the dept. for inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
PHTOPY109 History of Photography<br />
SSCIPT001 Philosophy of Art<br />
(See Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion)<br />
Plus 4 other studio/hands-on courses, prerequisites<br />
must be met, from Visual Arts Certific<strong>at</strong>e courses or<br />
Photography Certific<strong>at</strong>e courses.<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Program of Studies<br />
7 courses<br />
ARTTPG301 Design and Colour - Advanced<br />
PSYCPT100 Introduction to Art Therapy<br />
SBMGMD249How to Start a Small Business<br />
EDUCTAL03 Adult Learning<br />
(See Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion)<br />
PSYCSS156 Introductory Psychology<br />
PHTOPY200 Photography 1 *<br />
(If not used in Found<strong>at</strong>ion Certific<strong>at</strong>e) or<br />
PHTOPY101 Digital Photography 1<br />
WORKPW900 Work Experience<br />
or equivalent courses as approved by Program Manager<br />
Plus 4 other studio/hands-on courses from Visual<br />
Arts Certific<strong>at</strong>e courses or Photography Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
courses (prerequisites must be met),<br />
VISUAL ARTS - Other Courses<br />
Art Through the Ages...provides an<br />
overview of the History of Western Art<br />
and an introduction to appreci<strong>at</strong>ing and<br />
understanding artistic elements th<strong>at</strong><br />
make up the visual arts.<br />
This course can be applied as credit in the<br />
Visual Arts Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e Certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
Offered <strong>at</strong> Fennell Campus<br />
For details call 905-575-2312 or email<br /><br />
28 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
History of Crafts HISTPD024<br />
Handcrafted items reveal much about the customs,<br />
beliefs and lifestyle of ancient and contemporary<br />
societies. By examining the evolution of diverse<br />
approaches to crafts in wood, metal, clay and other<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erials, you will understand the enduring<br />
connection between mankind and Arts and Crafts.<br />
Guest lecturers, field trips and slides.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13050 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 158.45<br />
Work Experience Option WORKPW900<br />
This program involves students, supervisors and<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> in a unique opportunity th<strong>at</strong><br />
integr<strong>at</strong>es classroom theory and learning with<br />
pertinent practical hands-on experience in a work<br />
place. You are responsible for arranging your own<br />
work place loc<strong>at</strong>ion and supervisor. You MUST<br />
receive approval from the Program Manager<br />
Visual Arts/Photography for your chosen work<br />
place BEFORE registering in this course.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13051 OR MO-FR Jan9 9:00-5:00 10 156.45<br />
DESIGN<br />
Basic Design & Colour 1 ARTTPG101<br />
Through slides, lectures, and projects you are<br />
introduced to the elements and principles of<br />
design including line, colour, texture and<br />
space. Course may include field trip.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12925 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 158.45<br />
Basic Design & Colour 2 ARTTPG201<br />
Through self-directed learning, in<br />
consult<strong>at</strong>ion with instructor, you continue to<br />
experiment with the principles and elements<br />
of design. PREREQUISITE: PG101 Basic<br />
Design and Colour 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12926 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 158.45<br />
Advanced Design & Colour 3 A R T T P G 3 0 1<br />
Through self-directed learning, with guidance<br />
from instructor, you experiment with principles<br />
and elements of design and colour with emphasis<br />
on personal expression. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PG201 Basic Design and Colour 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12924 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 158.45<br />
Visit<br />
w w w . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a / d e p t / c a r t s / g a l l e r y . h t m l<br />
to see pictures of projects produced by<br />
pottery students.<br />
Some pottery courses have field trips.<br />
Ceramics - Found<strong>at</strong>ion 1 CERAPC201<br />
An introduction to practical work which includes<br />
preparing clay; forming coil, pinch and slab pots;<br />
throwing cylinder forms on the wheel; glazing<br />
finished work. M<strong>at</strong>erials and supplies extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12597 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12609 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12668 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12680 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12621 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12637 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12695 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12707 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12653 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12719 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12720 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45
Ceramics - Found<strong>at</strong>ion 2 CERAPC202<br />
Course covers the construction of hard-edged<br />
slab pots; throwing bowl forms on the wheel and<br />
slip decor<strong>at</strong>ion techniques. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PC201 Ceramics Found<strong>at</strong>ion 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12598 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12610 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12669 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12681 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12622 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12638 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12696 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12708 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12655 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12721 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12722 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Found<strong>at</strong>ion 3 CERAPC203<br />
Combine slab and coil methods; throw cylinder<br />
and bowl forms with ease and consistency;<br />
finishing techniques. PREREQUISITE: PC202<br />
Ceramics Found<strong>at</strong>ion 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12599 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12611 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12670 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12682 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12623 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12639 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12697 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12715 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12656 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12723 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12724 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Found<strong>at</strong>ion 4 CERAPC204<br />
Refine your technical and design skills.<br />
Construct handles, sets of wheel-thrown mugs,<br />
jugs and clay objects by combining handbuilding<br />
and throwing techniques. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PC203 Ceramics Found<strong>at</strong>ion 3.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12600 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12612 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12671 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12683 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12624 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12651 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12698 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12709 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12657 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12725 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12726 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 1 CERAPC301<br />
Bottle forms in a variety of shapes will be thrown<br />
and the use of slips, oxides, glazing and texturing<br />
techniques will be covered. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PC204 Ceramics Found<strong>at</strong>ion 4.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12601 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12613 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12672 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12684 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12625 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12641 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12699 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12710 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12658 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12727 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12728 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 2 CERAPC302<br />
Design and construct covered jars with<br />
vari<strong>at</strong>ions in shapes, types of lids. Design and<br />
throw a canister set with consistency in lids<br />
and lid fittings. PREREQUISITE: PC301<br />
Ceramics Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12602 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12614 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12673 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12685 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12626 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12642 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12700 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12716 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12660 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12729 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12730 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 3 CERAPC303<br />
Developing designs and technical skills to<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>e teapots and casseroles in series with<br />
careful <strong>at</strong>tention to body forms, handles, lid<br />
fit. Handbuild wall tiles, plaques and murals.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC302 Ceramics<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12603 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12615 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12674 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12686 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12627 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12644 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12701 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12711 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12661 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12731 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12732 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 4 CERAPC304<br />
Design and construct four individual place<br />
settings of dinnerware.. thrown or handbuilt.<br />
Consistent design and decor<strong>at</strong>ion will be<br />
emphasized. PREREQUISITE: PC303<br />
Ceramics Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 3.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12604 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12616 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12675 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12687 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12628 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12645 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12702 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12712 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12662 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12733 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12734 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Handbuilt Ceramics CERA10000<br />
Cre<strong>at</strong>e a wide variety of functional and<br />
decor<strong>at</strong>ive work while exploring, in depth,<br />
the m<strong>any</strong> handbuilding techniques associ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
with clay. You experiment with surface<br />
tre<strong>at</strong>ments of texture, colour, and imagery.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13487 BF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Advanced 1 CERAPC401<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC304 Ceramics<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 4 and PC311 Glaze Theory.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12605 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12617 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12676 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12688 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12629 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12646 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12703 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12717 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12663 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12735 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12736 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Advanced 2 CERAPC402<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC401 Ceramics<br />
Advanced 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12606 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12618 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12677 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12689 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12631 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12647 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12704 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12718 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12664 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12737 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12738 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Advanced 3 CERAPC403<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC402 Ceramics<br />
Advanced 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12607 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12619 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12678 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12690 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12632 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12648 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12705 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12713 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12665 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12739 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12740 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Ceramics - Advanced 4 CERAPC404<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC403 Ceramics<br />
Advanced 3.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12608 SC MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12620 SC TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12679 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12691 BF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12633 SC WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12649 SC WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12706 BF WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12714 BF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12667 SC TH Jan12 1:00-4:00 10 186.45<br />
12741 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
12742 SC TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 186.45<br />
Peer tutoring available<br />
Call 905-575-2176 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext.2176<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 29
Fabric Design 1 TEXTPX211<br />
Print and dye your own fabrics for quilts,<br />
clothing, decor<strong>at</strong>ive furnishings. B<strong>at</strong>ik on<br />
silk, silkscreen print for repe<strong>at</strong> imagery on<br />
cotton, and paint on silk for detailed<br />
graphics or w<strong>at</strong>ercolour effects. Fibre<br />
identific<strong>at</strong>ion, dye chemistry and finishing<br />
techniques explored. Fabric costs extra.<br />
Some supplies included.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12909 WW WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 184.45<br />
Fabric Design 2 TEXTPX311<br />
Design and execute larger fabric projects<br />
(kimono, clothing, wallhanging, quilt). Dye<br />
chemistry is expanded upon and designs for<br />
finishing receive more emphasis. Tie-dyeing<br />
on silk and silkscreen printing, for repetitive<br />
designs, in pigments or gutta resist will be<br />
explored. PREREQUISITE: PX211 Fabric<br />
Design 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12910 WW WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 184.45<br />
Fabric Design 3 TEXTPX411<br />
Multi-colour silkscreen prints, photographic<br />
stencils, marbleizing, dye painting and<br />
printing and dyeing on a variety of fabrics<br />
explored. Appreci<strong>at</strong>ion of the history of<br />
textiles and its uses in other cultures.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PX311 Fabric Design 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12911 WW WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 184.45<br />
Chinese Brush Painting ARTTPD101<br />
Become familiar with styles, supplies and<br />
equipment used in Chinese brush<br />
painting...proper way of holding, loading<br />
and using brushes to produce basic and<br />
simple strokes.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12949 FF SA Jan14 9:30-12:30 10 156.45<br />
Chinese Brush Painting 2 ARTTPD102<br />
Focus on traditional techniques used in<br />
painting flowers and birds...emphasis on<br />
classical fine line drawings using colour.<br />
Prerequisite: PD101<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12950 FF SA Jan14 9:30-12:30 10 156.45<br />
Chinese Brush Painting 3 ARTTPD103<br />
Practice basic classical techniques used in<br />
painting landscapes. Prerequisite: PD102<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12951 FF SA Jan14 9:30-12:30 10 156.45<br />
Chinese Brush Painting 4 ARTTPD104<br />
Experiment with Chinese painting techniques<br />
used to render fish and animals in classical<br />
and contemporary styles. Prerequisite: PD103<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12952 FF SA Jan14 9:30-12:30 10 156.45<br />
Chinese Brush Painting 5 ARTTPD105<br />
Paint people of different ages and different<br />
actions. Study proportion and an<strong>at</strong>omy through<br />
various exercises. Prerequisite: PD104<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12953 FF SA Jan14 9:30-12:30 10 156.45<br />
Chinese Brush Painting 6 ARTTPD106<br />
Work on subjects of your choice while<br />
applying relevant knowledge and painting<br />
techniques. You will be encouraged to try a<br />
variety of compositions, m<strong>at</strong>erials and<br />
methods. Prerequisite: PD105<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12954 FF SA Jan14 9:30-12:30 10 156.45<br />
Painting 1 ARTTPD211<br />
For the beginner...painting basics, use of<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erials, oil and acrylic paints, composition,<br />
colour. Lectures, demonstr<strong>at</strong>ions and films<br />
enhance the programme. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12955 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Painting 2 ARTTPD311<br />
You are encouraged to experiment with a<br />
variety of media and techniques and are<br />
introduced to historical developments in art<br />
and painting. Prerequisite: PD211 Painting 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12957 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Painting 3 ARTTPD411<br />
You have the opportunity to develop a<br />
personal style using techniques and<br />
approaches from previous courses.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PD311 Painting 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12958 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Painting 4 ARTTPD511<br />
You become aware of, and incorpor<strong>at</strong>e, the<br />
colour temper<strong>at</strong>ure of a painting..from warm<br />
and friendly to exciting or even jarring.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PD411 Painting 3.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12959 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Painting 5 ARTTPD611<br />
Study styles of painting techniques from the<br />
alla prima style of the Group of Seven to the<br />
broken colour of the Impressionists to the<br />
smooth, brushless quality of trompe l’oeil.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PD511 Painting 4.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12960 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Painting 6 ARTTPD711<br />
Explore personal imagery and possible<br />
commercial applic<strong>at</strong>ions. Discuss compil<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
of portfolio. Prerequisite: PD611.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12961 FF TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 1 ARTTPD231<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour for beginners. You will work<br />
from sketches done of n<strong>at</strong>ure or simple objects<br />
to produce a finished painting th<strong>at</strong> shows<br />
movement and perspective. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13005 FF TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13010 BF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
30 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 2 ARTTPD331<br />
Using a variety of techniques you work to<br />
complete pieces th<strong>at</strong> show landscapes or a<br />
subject of your choice. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PD231 W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13011 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13043 BF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 16 156.45<br />
13031 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 3 ARTTPD431<br />
You develop your own objectives in<br />
consult<strong>at</strong>ion with your instructor. Technical<br />
proficiency and composition will be<br />
emphasized. PREREQUISITE: PD331<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13038 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13045 BF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 16 156.45<br />
13032 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 4 ARTTPD531<br />
Strengthen your understanding of<br />
composition: unity, dominance, repetition and<br />
balance..while working from still life.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PD431 W<strong>at</strong>ercolour<br />
Painting 3.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13039 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13046 BF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 16 156.45<br />
13033 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 5 ARTTPD631<br />
Experiment with colour and colour<br />
temper<strong>at</strong>ure to produce four finished pieces<br />
th<strong>at</strong> demonstr<strong>at</strong>e a knowledge of<br />
complimentary colour and triads.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PD531 W<strong>at</strong>ercolour<br />
Painting 4.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13040 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13047 BF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 16 156.45<br />
13034 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ercolour Painting 6 ARTTPD731<br />
You study a Master w<strong>at</strong>ercolourist of your<br />
choice and replic<strong>at</strong>e their style of painting.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PD631 W<strong>at</strong>ercolour<br />
Painting 5.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13041 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
13048 BF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 16 156.45<br />
13035 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Cartooning-Basic CREAPD500<br />
You will be introduced to the fundamentals of<br />
cartooning including character design,<br />
expression, backgrounds, etc. Development<br />
of individual drawing styles will be<br />
encouraged. Bring pens, pencils, notebook,<br />
drawing pad, to first class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12913 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Cartooning - Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e CREAPD504<br />
Hone your cartooning skills while developing<br />
your own personal style. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PD500 Cartooning 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12912 FF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45
Drawing 1 ARTTPD201<br />
Make detailed studies and quick sketches to<br />
increase your ability to observe and record.<br />
Form, space, line, texture, composition, and<br />
gesture are explored through a variety of<br />
media (charcoal, pencil, conte crayon).<br />
Realistic rendering is based on observ<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
actual objects.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12928 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Drawing 2 ARTTPD301<br />
Emphasis on accuracy and the rel<strong>at</strong>ionship of<br />
drawing skills to painting and printmaking<br />
(silkscreen, etching, w<strong>at</strong>ercolour, oils, etc.)<br />
for individual expression. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PD201 Drawing 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12929 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Drawing 3 ARTTPD401<br />
Explor<strong>at</strong>ion using a variety of styles,<br />
techniques and m<strong>at</strong>erials. Consider<strong>at</strong>ion will<br />
be given to those interested in mixed media<br />
and rel<strong>at</strong>ed art fields. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PD301 Drawing 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12930 FF TH Jan12 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain<br />
ARTTPD501<br />
This innov<strong>at</strong>ive approach to drawing aims to<br />
release artistic potential through the<br />
techniques of right brain drawing and is<br />
ideally suited to those who feel th<strong>at</strong> they are<br />
beginners or cannot draw <strong>at</strong> all. Bring coil<br />
bound sketchbook (11”x14”) & 2b, 4b pencils<br />
to first class.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12943 FF MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 156.45<br />
Life Drawing 1 ARTTPD221<br />
Develop an awareness of the masses,<br />
proportions and unity of the human body and<br />
learn to interpret these aspects on paper using<br />
varied m<strong>at</strong>erials and methods. Nude models<br />
are used in this course. Previous drawing<br />
experience is of benefit.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12933 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 196.45<br />
Life Drawing 2 ARTTPD321<br />
Capture the essence and feeling of different<br />
poses and body types. You experiment with<br />
dry and wet washes, pen line, charcoal<br />
smudging, memory drawing. Basic an<strong>at</strong>omy<br />
is introduced. Nude models are used in this<br />
course. Prerequisite: PD221 Life Drawing 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12931 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 196.45<br />
Life Drawing - Advanced ARTTPD421<br />
Continue the approaches of Life Drawing II.<br />
Nude models are used. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PD321 Life Drawing 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12932 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 196.45<br />
Jewellery and Silversmithing - Basic/1<br />
CREAPJ201<br />
An introduction to the basics of jewellery<br />
making including historical overview, tools,<br />
wax carving, lost wax casting, soldering and<br />
fabric<strong>at</strong>ion. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13484 FF TU Jan10 6:45-9:45 10 179.45<br />
13364 WW WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 179.45<br />
Jewellery and Silversmithing - Basic/2<br />
CREAPJ202<br />
Add to previously learned techniques with<br />
additional casting and fabric<strong>at</strong>ion skills.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PJ201 Jewellery 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13485 FF TU Jan10 6:45-9:45 10 179.45<br />
13365 WW WE Jan11 1:00-4:00 10 179.45<br />
Jewellery and Silversmithing -<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e/1 CREAPJ301<br />
An introduction to different methods of<br />
texturing metal. You design your own pieces<br />
and can expect to complete a brooch or pendant.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>erials extra. PREREQUISITES: PJ202<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13362 WW MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 179.45<br />
13363 WW SA Jan28 9:30-4:30 5 179.45<br />
Jewellery and Silversmithing -<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e/2 CREAPJ302<br />
You do wire work, twisting, shaping,<br /> produce chain. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PJ301. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13254 WW MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 179.45<br />
13256 WW SA Jan28 9:30-4:30 5 179.45<br />
Jewellery & Silversmithing Adv/1<br />
CREAPJ401<br />
You develop your own programme and<br />
projects in consult<strong>at</strong>ion with the instructor.<br />
Casting will not be part of this course.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PJ302. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13216 WW MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 179.45<br />
13255 WW SA Jan28 9:30-4:30 5 179.45<br />
JEWELLERY - Non Credit<br />
Jewellery-Bead Stringing CREACR483<br />
Susan Bowinkelmann introduces you to the<br />
tools, stringing m<strong>at</strong>erials and supplies used<br />
for bead stringing plain and hand knotted<br />
strands. Finishing techniques are covered.<br />
Supply list will be sent prior to workshop.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13083 FF SA Feb4 10:00-12:00 1 33.85<br />
Jewellery-Beginners Wirework<br />
CREA10037<br />
Make custom jewellery by cre<strong>at</strong>ing your own<br />
eyelets, clasps, s-hooks, jumprings, beadlinks,<br />
wrapped beads, wirework. Various tools and<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erials specific to this craft are examined.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>erial fee $20.00.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13360 FF SA Mar25 9:30-12:30 1 35.80<br />
Please note - for safety reasons<br />
and because of use of sharp tools<br />
in this course, some manual dexterity<br />
is required.<br />
Carving and Sculpture in Wood -<br />
Basic/1 CREAPS231<br />
An introduction to carving in the round<br />
including characteristics of wood, basic tools<br />
for carving and principles of threedimensional<br />
design. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12917 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 159.45<br />
Carving and Sculpture in Wood -<br />
Basic/2 CREAPS232<br />
Further explore and practice carving in the<br />
round and relief carving. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PS231 Carving and<br />
Sculpture in Wood 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12918 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 159.45<br />
Carving and Sculpture in Wood -<br />
Inter/1 CREAPS331<br />
You will study the techniques used for<br />
handling more difficult m<strong>at</strong>erials including<br />
decor<strong>at</strong>ive chip and gouge carving as it<br />
applies to decor<strong>at</strong>ive and functional objects.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PS232 Carving and<br />
Sculpture in Wood 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12919 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 159.45<br />
Carving and Sculpture in Wood -<br />
Inter/2 CREAPS332<br />
Explore large sculptures, pierced carving<br />
(open or relief sculpture). PREREQUISITE:<br />
PS331 Carving and Sculpture in Wood<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12920 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 159.45<br />
Carving and Sculpture in Wood -<br />
Advanced/1 CREAPS431<br />
Design and construct relief sculpture with<br />
the use of power tools. Finishing techniques<br />
will be explored. PREREQUISITE: PS332<br />
Carving and Sculpture in Wood<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 2.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12915 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 159.45<br />
Carving and Sculpture in Wood -<br />
Advanced/2 CREAPS432<br />
You explore lamin<strong>at</strong>ing techniques while<br />
working on large pieces. PREREQUISITE:<br />
PS431 Carving and Sculpture in Wood<br />
Advanced 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12916 FF WE Jan11 7:00-10:00 10 159.45<br />
Gift Certific<strong>at</strong>es<br />
a v a i l a b l e !<br />
<strong>Inquire</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>any</strong> <strong>Continuing</strong><br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Registr<strong>at</strong>ion Off i c e<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 31
Stained Glass Found<strong>at</strong>ion 1<br />
CREAPF101<br />
You will be introduced to design and<br />
techniques applied to leaded glass, including<br />
glass cutting, p<strong>at</strong>tern development and lead<br />
construction. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra..list provided in<br />
first class. “OR” loc<strong>at</strong>ion - 82 Dalhousie St.,<br />
Brantford<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12944 WW MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 162.45<br />
12947 OR TU Jan10 7:00-10:00 10 162.45<br />
Stained Glass Found<strong>at</strong>ion 2<br />
CREAPF102<br />
You consider aesthetic and structural<br />
demands of glass with emphasis on quality<br />
design and craftsmanship. M<strong>at</strong>erials extra.<br />
Prerequisite: CREAPF101 Stained Glass 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12946 WW MO Jan9 7:00-10:00 10 162.45<br />
Airbrushing Techniques - Basic<br />
CREAPD012<br />
Become familiar with equipment, techniques<br />
and mediums and grounds, particular to the<br />
art of airbrushing. You supply airbrush, air<br />
supply, m<strong>at</strong>erials as required. Instructor will<br />
advise <strong>at</strong> first class. M<strong>at</strong>erials/equipment<br />
costs: $400.00 and up.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12923 WW MO Jan9 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Airbrushing Techniques 2 ARTTPD013<br />
You expand on knowledge gained in level 1<br />
and work on a variety of complex designs.<br />
M<strong>at</strong>erials extra. PREREQUISITE: PD012<br />
Airbrush Techniques - Basic.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12922 WW TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Airbrush Techniques 3 ARTT10000<br />
Develop course content with input and<br />
approval of faculty th<strong>at</strong> rel<strong>at</strong>es to your own<br />
field of interest. Combine, hone and apply<br />
techniques learned in previous courses.<br />
Geared to those who wish to pursue a<br />
career/business in custom airbrushing.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
12921 WW TU Jan10 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Paper Tole-Basic 1 CREAPC126<br />
Terminology; the concept of p<strong>at</strong>tern planning;<br />
basic skills in the uses and control of the<br />
cutting knife - edging, sizing, wiring, shaping<br />
and building; m<strong>at</strong>ting and framing are<br />
covered. M<strong>at</strong>erials will cost approxim<strong>at</strong>ely<br />
$45.00.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13053 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 156.45<br />
13058 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13063 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Paper Tole-Basic 2 CREAPC127<br />
Sculptural techniques for fine detail<br />
introduced. PREREQUISITE: PC126 - Paper<br />
Tole - Basic 1.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13054 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 156.45<br />
13060 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13064 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Paper Tole-Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 1CREAPC128<br />
Cutting for fe<strong>at</strong>hers or fur, bark sculpturing<br />
and an introduction to ice and snow.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC127 - Paper Tole-Basic<br />
2. Students are responsible for m<strong>at</strong>erials.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13056 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 156.45<br />
13061 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13065 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Paper Tole-Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 2CREAPC129<br />
Sculpting for larger and more open pieces.<br />
Students will select buildings or people as<br />
subjects. PREREQUISITE: PC128 - Paper<br />
Tole-Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 1. M<strong>at</strong>erial costs are the<br />
students responsibility.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13057 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 156.45<br />
13062 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13066 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Paper Tole-Advanced 1 CREAPC130<br />
Sculpturing and moulding with emphasis on<br />
shape and structures. Subject choices will be<br />
from ships, w<strong>at</strong>er birds or fish.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC129 Paper Tole -<br />
Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e 2 M<strong>at</strong>erial Fee: $45.00.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13073 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 156.45<br />
13076 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13080 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Paper Tole-Advanced 2 CREAPC131<br />
Profiles of animals, as well as, the human<br />
form with emphasis on the concept of<br />
planning to cre<strong>at</strong>e perspective.<br />
PREREQUISITE: PC130 Paper Tole -<br />
Advanced 1. Students are responsible for<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erial costs.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13074 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 156.45<br />
13077 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13081 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Paper Tole-Advanced 3 CREAPC132<br />
Concept of movement (planes, trains, ships)<br />
with special <strong>at</strong>tention to mounting and<br />
m<strong>at</strong>ting for effect. PREREQUISITE: PC131<br />
Paper Tole - Advanced 2. NOTE: M<strong>at</strong>erials<br />
are the students responsibility.<br />
CRN Loc Day(s) Start Time Sess Fee<br />
13075 BF TU Jan10 1:00-4:00 10 156.45<br />
13079 FF WE Jan11 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
13082 BF TH Jan12 6:30-9:30 10 156.45<br />
Oops! We didn't know you<br />
wanted it, so we cancelled it<br />
Register Early!<br />
We need a minimum of 10<br />
students to run our classes<br />
32 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion allows you the<br />
opportunity to earn college credits by<br />
studying independently.<br />
How Do I Register?<br />
See the “5 Ways to Register” page on the<br />
inside front cover of this c<strong>at</strong>alogue to read<br />
about the various ways you can register.<br />
Instructors<br />
Instructors are available by phone and/or by<br />
email for all courses to provide individual<br />
<strong>at</strong>tention when needed.<br />
Textbooks<br />
Textbooks are not included in course fees<br />
unless otherwise st<strong>at</strong>ed. Textbook order<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion will be included in your package<br />
or order on-line <strong>at</strong><br />
using your course code.<br />
Please Note:<br />
1. If purchasing a textbook in person,<br />
please identify yourself as a distance<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion student.<br />
2. Textbooks ordered on-line will be<br />
processed and shipped within 48 hours<br />
from <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Please allow<br />
additional time for the courier to deliver.<br />
3. Please provide the Campus Store with<br />
course code and textbook name(s).<br />
Registr<strong>at</strong>ion Deadline<br />
You can register for a Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
course up to six calendar days after the<br />
official start d<strong>at</strong>e unless otherwise st<strong>at</strong>ed.<br />
Package Inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Once enrolled in a distance educ<strong>at</strong>ion course<br />
students will receive by mail, course<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion and instructions on how to<br />
purchase required texts.<br />
Refunds<br />
Student-initi<strong>at</strong>ed refund requests will only be<br />
accepted 6 calendar days after the course start<br />
d<strong>at</strong>e. A $20. <strong>College</strong> administr<strong>at</strong>ive fee is<br />
non-refundable.<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/<br />
O n t a r i o L e a rn EXAMS<br />
View your exam schedule <strong>at</strong><br />
d i s t e d . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
905-575-2703<br /><br />
NOTE: When you see this symbol<br />
you will require the following: Pentiumclass<br />
computer with Windows 95 or better,<br />
and a modem with Internet connection.<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion courses have<br />
scheduled start and end d<strong>at</strong>es.<br />
Students must complete course<br />
requirements and exams (if applicable)<br />
on the scheduled exam d<strong>at</strong>es.
A S S O C I ATED<br />
(PROPOSED)<br />
Condominium management is a growth<br />
industry throughout the province. This<br />
program is designed for individuals currently<br />
working in condominium management and<br />
those new to the field. You will learn to deal<br />
with people, buildings and record-keeping.<br />
Theory and practical applic<strong>at</strong>ion are<br />
incorpor<strong>at</strong>ed into all courses providing<br />
opportunities for participants to develop skills<br />
in managing condominiums effectively.<br />
Textbooks are included in the course packages.<br />
All courses have final exams. View the exam<br />
schedule <strong>at</strong><br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion on ACMO<br />
membership and the RCM exam, please<br />
call the ACMO office <strong>at</strong> 905-826-6890 or<br />
1-800-265-3263. For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
about the program, please contact Michael<br />
Lindsay, Program Manager<br />
educ<strong>at</strong><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Upon completion of the four compulsory<br />
courses, you can write the comprehensive<br />
Registered Condominium Manager (RCM)<br />
examin<strong>at</strong>ion set by the the Associ<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
Condominium Managers of Ontario to<br />
receive this professional design<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive a college certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete the four compulsory<br />
courses and one of the elective courses<br />
listed below.<br />
Compulsory courses:<br />
LAWSCDM01 Introduction to Condominium Law<br />
MGMTCDM02 Physical Building Management<br />
FINCCDM03 Financial Planning for<br />
Condominium Managers<br />
MGMTCDM04 Condominium Administr<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
Human Rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
ELECTIVE: Choose one course<br />
MGMTMD278 Personal Success<br />
SSCISS026 Issues in Diversity<br />
Introduction to Condominium Law<br />
LAWSCDM01<br />
All aspects of the law and documents th<strong>at</strong><br />
govern condominiums are addressed in this<br />
on-line course. Emphasis is placed on the<br />
New Condominium Act to be passed in the<br />
Ontario Legisl<strong>at</strong>ure in 2000. In addition,<br />
rel<strong>at</strong>ed governance which includes<br />
Declar<strong>at</strong>ions, By-laws and Rules will be<br />
covered. You will learn how to discuss and<br />
explain document<strong>at</strong>ion and find inform<strong>at</strong>ion;<br />
for example, how to pass by-laws and rules.<br />
Other legisl<strong>at</strong>ion affecting condominiums<br />
will also be discussed. Final exam. 42 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11898 DE Jan9 533.95<br />
Need upgrading in<br />
M<strong>at</strong>h & English?<br />
Call 905-575-2029<br />
Physical Building Management<br />
MGMTCDM02<br />
Learn about the physical aspects of the total site<br />
and how to get the most economical life out of<br />
the common elements, through good<br />
maintenance practices. This in-depth on-line<br />
course focuses on high rise condominiums and<br />
outlines all components required to undertake<br />
physical building management. You will learn<br />
the importance of maintaining and interpreting<br />
drawings, maintenance manuals and<br />
specific<strong>at</strong>ions as well as how to use them in<br />
maintaining your building. Final exam. 42 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11969 DE Jan9 533.95<br />
Financial Planning for Condominium<br />
Managers FINCCDM03<br />
Learn how to oper<strong>at</strong>e a condominium<br />
according to sound fiscal policies and<br />
procedures to assure a condominium’s long<br />
term economic success in this on-line course.<br />
Topics covered include: budget; collection;<br />
expenses; reserve fund; investments;<br />
accounting methods; financial st<strong>at</strong>ements;<br />
cash-flow planning; audit; borrowing; and<br />
treasurers and auditors. Final exam. 42 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11922 DE Jan9 533.95<br />
Condominium Administr<strong>at</strong>ion &<br />
Human Rel<strong>at</strong>ions MGMTCDM04<br />
This on-line course is designed to provide the<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion, knowledge and skills required for<br />
effective day-to-day condominium<br />
management. Topics include: staff<br />
management, communic<strong>at</strong>ion, conducting<br />
board meetings, contract management,<br />
organizing paper and time, and professionalism.<br />
Also included is the applic<strong>at</strong>ion of the<br />
Condominium Act and other legisl<strong>at</strong>ion in dayto-day<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ions. Final exam. 42 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11923 DE Jan9 533.95<br />
Virtually nothing moves, turns, rolls, or flies<br />
without the benefit of cast metal products so<br />
the metal casting industry plays a key role in<br />
all the major sectors of our economy. There<br />
are castings in locomotives, cars, trucks,<br />
aircraft, office buildings, factories, schools<br />
and homes. <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> in partnership<br />
with the Canadian Foundry Associ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
(CFA) has designed this certific<strong>at</strong>e for those<br />
who are currently employed in the foundry,<br />
metal casting and rel<strong>at</strong>ed industries to provide<br />
them with opportunities to upgrade their<br />
skills. It will also provide an opportunity for<br />
people employed in other fields to explore<br />
metal casting. The program has been<br />
designed to provide the theoretical and<br />
practical knowledge of metal castings and<br />
quality control concepts th<strong>at</strong> are currently<br />
needed in the Metal Casting Industry.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion on this program<br />
contact Brad Bowman, Program Manager<br />
<strong>at</strong> 905-575-1212 ext. 3130 or email<br /><br />
Program of Studies<br />
MATHMA002 Prepar<strong>at</strong>ory<br />
M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics(Technology) 72 hours<br />
MATLMTB70 Introduction to Metal Casting<br />
42 hours<br />
MATLMTB71 Introduction to Metallurgy 70 hours<br />
MATLMTB72 Sand and Molding Technology<br />
84 hours<br />
MATLMTB73 Melting and He<strong>at</strong>ing of Castings<br />
70 hours<br />
QUALQC101 Quality Concepts, Techniques,&<br />
Motiv<strong>at</strong>ion 39 hours<br />
Intern<strong>at</strong>ional students must contact the<br />
American Foundry Society <strong>at</strong> 1-800-537-<br />
4237 ext. 244 or 1-847-824-0181 ext. 244 or<br />
email<br />
NOTE:<br />
The Modern Foundry Technologies Institute<br />
will award their Certific<strong>at</strong>e for completing<br />
MTB70 and QC101. To receive the CFA<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e, applicants must contact Judith<br />
Clark in <strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion, Engineering<br />
Technology <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2139.<br />
Refer to M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics in the distance<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion section of the c<strong>at</strong>alogue<br />
Refer to Quality Assurance Certific<strong>at</strong>e -<br />
Level 1 in the Engineering Technology<br />
section of the c<strong>at</strong>alogue.<br />
Pentium 3 computer with a web browser<br />
and Windows media are required for the<br />
following courses.<br />
Final Exam: May 27, 2006.<br />
Textbooks not included.<br />
Introduction to Metal Casting<br />
MATLMTB70<br />
You will gain a basic understanding of<br />
foundry practices and processes by being<br />
introduced to the major concepts associ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
with metal casting. 42 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11972 DE Feb28 239.03<br />
Introduction to Metallurgy<br />
MATLMTB71<br />
You will be introduced to the basic<br />
components of Metallurgy. Topics: basic<br />
<strong>at</strong>omic structure, key metallic crystalline<br />
structures, effect on structure on mechanical<br />
properties, binary phase diagrams, he<strong>at</strong><br />
tre<strong>at</strong>ment of common ferrous, aluminum<br />
alloys. On-line labor<strong>at</strong>ories will reinforce<br />
topics covered in the course.<br />
PREREQUISITE: MATLMTB70. 70 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11979 DE Feb14 365.31<br />
W<strong>at</strong>ch for our<br />
Spring 2006 c<strong>at</strong>alogue<br />
Available in print on<br />
M a rch 6<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 33
Sand and Molding Technology<br />
MATLMTB72<br />
Gain a thorough understanding of the types of<br />
sand used in foundry oper<strong>at</strong>ions and the<br />
procedures for mixing and molding sands.<br />
Green sand, shell sand, and chemical methods<br />
for producing moulds and cores are<br />
examined. You will know how to select<br />
suitable methods for producing and testing<br />
cores and will gain experience using<br />
permanent molding equipment.<br />
PREREQUISITE: MATLMTB70. 84 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11974 DE Jan31 427.26<br />
Melting and He<strong>at</strong>ing of Castings<br />
MATLMTB73<br />
This course will discuss melting and he<strong>at</strong><br />
tre<strong>at</strong>ing practices for non-ferrous and ferrous<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erials. The alloy systems discussed will be<br />
aluminium, copper, magnesium, steel and<br />
iron. 70 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13388 DE Feb14 365.31<br />
General Inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements<br />
please refer to the Business Computer<br />
section. An instructor will work with you to<br />
offer guidance and grade your assignments.<br />
He/she will also be available by phone and/or<br />
by email for problem solving.<br />
Wh<strong>at</strong> you need...<br />
Access to a computer with appropri<strong>at</strong>e<br />
software or you may also use the <strong>College</strong>’s<br />
Open Access Microcomputer labs available <strong>at</strong><br />
most campuses during specified hours.<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> is oper<strong>at</strong>ing under<br />
Windows XP and all MS OFFICE (Word,<br />
Excel, PowerPoint & Access) courses will<br />
be delivered under the XP pl<strong>at</strong>form.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please call<br />
905-575-2703 or email<br /><br />
Textbooks are not included in course fees.<br />
Textbook order inform<strong>at</strong>ion will be<br />
included in your package or order on-line<br />
<strong>at</strong><br />
AccPac - General Ledger INFOBW190<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 5.2 AccPac Corpor<strong>at</strong>e<br />
Edition (formerly Windows Small Business<br />
Series). PREREQUISITE: Windows XP<br />
(INFOBW031) plus familiarity with basic<br />
accounting. Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11749 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
AccPac - Accounts Receivable<br />
INFOBW290<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 5.2 ACCPAC Advantage<br />
Series - Corpor<strong>at</strong>e Edition. PREREQUISITE:<br />
AccPac - General Ledger (INFOBW190).<br />
Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11756 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
AccPac - Accounts Payable<br />
INFOBW390<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 5.2 AccPac Advantage<br />
Series - Corpor<strong>at</strong>e Edition. PREREQUISITE:<br />
AccPac - General Ledger (INFOBW190) and<br />
familiarity with basic accounting concepts.<br />
Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11761 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Access - User Level 1 INFOBW105<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP<br />
(INFOBW031). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11744 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Access - User Level 2 INFOBW205<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Access - Level 1<br />
(INFOBW105). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11751 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Access - User Level 3 INFOBW305<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Access - Level 2<br />
(INFOBW205). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11757 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Excel Basic INFOBW161<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP<br />
(INFOBW031). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11747 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Excel Intermedi<strong>at</strong>e INFOBW261<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Excel - Level 1<br />
(INFOBW161). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11754 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Excel Advanced INFOBW361<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Excel Level 2<br />
(INFOBW261). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11759 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
34 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
MS PowerPoint - Level 1 INFOBW003<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP<br />
(INFOBW031). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11742 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS PowerPoint - Level 2 INFOBW203<br />
See the Business Computers section for<br />
course description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: PowerPoint - Level 1<br />
(INFOBW003). Software not included.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11750 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Word for Windows - Level 1<br />
INFOBW110<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP<br />
(INFOBW031). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11745 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Word for Windows - Level 2<br />
INFOBW210<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Word - Level 1<br />
(INFOBW110). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11752 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS Word for Windows - Level 3<br />
INFOBW310<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP).<br />
PREREQUISITE: Word - Level 2<br />
(INFOBW210). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11758 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Ms Word for Windows - Level 4<br />
INFOBW410<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version 2002 (XP)<br />
PREREQUISITE: Word Lv. 2 (INFOBW210).<br />
Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11762 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Simply Accounting - Level 1<br />
INFOBW150<br />
See the Business Computers section for<br />
course description. Version Simply 2004.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Windows XP plus<br />
familiarity with basic accounting. Software<br />
not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11746 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Simply Accounting - Level 2<br />
INFOBW250<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. Version Simply 2004.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Simply Accounting - Level 1<br />
(INFOBW150). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11753 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Windows XP INFOBW031<br />
See the Business Computers section for course<br />
description. This course is for Windows XP<br />
users only. RECOMMENDED<br />
PREREQUISITE: Workshop for Windows<br />
(INFOBW001). Software not included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11743 DE Jan23 93.87
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
requirements, please see the Business<br />
Computer section of the c<strong>at</strong>alogue.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
please call 905-575-2703 or<br />
email<br />
Students enrolled in <strong>any</strong> Internet courses will<br />
require an Internet connection with an Internet<br />
Service Provider. The instructor will assist the<br />
students regarding course content but cannot<br />
provide technical support for other Internet<br />
areas including communic<strong>at</strong>ions software,<br />
connection, and configur<strong>at</strong>ion. It is the<br />
responsibility of the Internet Service Provider<br />
to provide such support. Students enrolled in<br />
the Web Page Design courses will be provided<br />
with a Web account to enable them to upload<br />
pages to a <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> Web Server.<br />
Software is not included in course fees,<br />
and it is your responsibility to have the<br />
correct software.<br />
Students enrolled in Internet courses may<br />
submit assignments and questions to their<br />
instructor via Internet email, in addition to<br />
conventional means. Course m<strong>at</strong>erial for some<br />
courses also includes a resource Web page.<br />
Students will be provided with the instructor’s<br />
email address and appropri<strong>at</strong>e Web page<br />
addresses, if applicable, in their course package.<br />
Digital Imaging for the Web INFOBIN54<br />
See the Business Computer section for course<br />
description. Adobe Photoshop Elements<br />
(version 2) required. Software not included.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Web Page Design Level 2<br />
(INFOBIN31). 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11732 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Digital Imaging for the Web - Level 2<br />
INFOBIN57<br />
See the Business Computer section for course<br />
description. Software not included. Adobe<br />
Photoshop Elements (version 2) required.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Digital Imaging for the<br />
Web Lv. 1 (INFOBIN54). 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11734 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Dreamweaver INFOBIN21<br />
See the Business Computer section for course<br />
description. Software not included.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Web Page Design Lv. 2<br />
(INFOBIN31). 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11727 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/<br />
O n t a r i o L e a rn EXAMS<br />
View your exam schedule <strong>at</strong><br />
d i s t e d . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a<br />
Fireworks INFOBIN22<br />
See the Business Computer section for course<br />
description. Software not included.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Web Page Design Lv. 2<br />
(INFOBIN31) and Dreamweaver<br />
(INFOBIN21). 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11728 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
Flash INFOBIN24<br />
See the Business Computer section for course<br />
description. Software not included.<br />
PREREQUISITE: Dreamweaver<br />
(INFOBIN21). 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11928 DE Jan23 93.87<br />
MS FrontPage - Level 1 INFOBIN61<br />
See the Business Computer section for course<br />
description. PREREQUISITE: Web Page<br />
Design - Level 2 (INFOBIN31). Final Exam:<br />
arrange with instructor. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11735 DE Jan23 103.87<br />
MS Outlook INFOBIN56<br />
Learn to manage your e-mail, organize contacts<br />
& priorities, schedule appointments & manage<br />
personal computer files. Explore how to use<br />
Outlook & the Internet as an effective personal<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion manager & organiz<strong>at</strong>ional tool. This<br />
course is NOT Outlook Express. Can be used as a<br />
credit in the BAW Certific<strong>at</strong>e. PREREQUISITE:<br />
Internet Starting Point (INFOBIN01). Final<br />
Exam: arrange with instructor. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11733 DE Jan23 103.87<br />
Web Page Design - Level 1 INFOBIN30<br />
See the Business Computers section for<br />
course description. PREREQUISITE: Internet<br />
Starting Point (INFOBIN01). Final Exam:<br />
arrange with instructor. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11729 DE Jan23 103.87<br />
Web Page Design - Level 2 INFOBIN31<br />
See the Business Computers section for<br />
course description. PREREQUISITE: Web<br />
Page Design - Level 1 (INFOBIN30). Final<br />
Exam: arrange with instructor. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11730 DE Jan23 103.87<br />
Web Page Design - Level 3 INFO10034<br />
See the Business Computers section for<br />
course description. PREREQUISITE: Web<br />
Page Design - Level 2 (INFOBIN31). Final<br />
Exam: arrange with instructor. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11970 DE Jan23 103.87<br />
Why not develop your business skills through<br />
distance educ<strong>at</strong>ion? You will have 12 weeks to<br />
complete <strong>any</strong> of these courses. Upon<br />
completion of all 3 levels, students are eligible<br />
for an Applied Accounting Bookkeeping<br />
Acknowledgement. Remember th<strong>at</strong> help from<br />
your instructor is only a phone call away!<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion please call<br />
905-575-2703 or<br />
email<br />
Applied Accounting-Bookkeeping 1<br />
ACCTBZ018<br />
See the Business Section for course<br />
description. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11763 DE Jan11 187.74<br />
Applied Accounting-Bookkeeping 2<br />
ACCTBZ019<br />
See the Business section for course description.<br />
PREREQUISITE: ACCTBZ018. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11764 DE Jan11 187.74<br />
Applied Accounting-Bookkeeping 3<br />
ACCTBZ020<br />
See the Business Section for course description.<br />
PREREQUISITE: ACCTBZ019. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11765 DE Jan11 187.74<br />
Here’s your opportunity to study introductory<br />
business subjects in a distance learning form<strong>at</strong>.<br />
Upon successful completion of eight core<br />
courses, you will receive a Business Certific<strong>at</strong>e.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
The following courses are required:<br />
ACCTCB101Accounting 1<br />
BUSNBU195Business Environment<br />
MRKTCB158Marketing 1 or<br />
MRKTBU196<br />
ECONBU224Introduction to Economics<br />
INFOBW031 Windows XP or<br />
INFOBW199Using Windows - Level 1<br />
INFOBW110 Word - Level 1 or<br />
INFOBW113WordPerfect - Level 1<br />
INFOBW161 MS Excel Basic<br />
INFOBW105 MS Access - User Level 1<br />
Please Note: This is the last time these<br />
courses will be offered. Refer to the<br />
Business Studies Certific<strong>at</strong>e offered<br />
through<br />
Accounting 1 ACCTCB101<br />
Students examine the role of accounting as an<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion system for planning and<br />
controlling business oper<strong>at</strong>ion. NOTE: For<br />
CGA credit, students require both<br />
ACCTCB101 and ACCTAC201 with a<br />
minimum grade of B- and a grade of B is<br />
required to take ACCTAC201. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11766 DE Jan9 203.39<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 35
Accounting 2 ACCTAC201<br />
Students will continue the study of<br />
accounting initi<strong>at</strong>ed in Accounting 1<br />
(ACCTCB101) which is a prerequisite. A<br />
grade of B or better is required in Accounting<br />
1 (ACCTCB101) in order to enroll in<br />
ACCTAC201. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11726 DE Jan9 203.39<br />
Business Environment BUSNBU195<br />
You will gain a perspective of business firms<br />
as integr<strong>at</strong>ed organiz<strong>at</strong>ions composed of a<br />
number of specialized functions. Topics<br />
include marketing, production, finance,<br />
human rel<strong>at</strong>ions and labour rel<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
Concepts studied include forms of<br />
organiz<strong>at</strong>ion, management, small business,<br />
intern<strong>at</strong>ional business, the banking system,<br />
and other important issues rel<strong>at</strong>ed to business.<br />
39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11737 DE Jan9 224.79<br />
Introduction to Economics<br />
ECONBU224<br />
You will study micro-economic theory<br />
including the laws of supply & demand, the<br />
costs of production & profit determin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
under various market conditions. The<br />
m<strong>at</strong>erial will demonstr<strong>at</strong>e how these<br />
principles apply to current Canadian<br />
economic conditions & economic analysis.<br />
The final result will be to give you a better<br />
understanding of how the Canadian economy<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>es. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11738 DE Jan9 203.39<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements please<br />
refer to the Business section of the c<strong>at</strong>alogue.<br />
CHRP-Professional Practice<br />
Assessment (PPA) HRES10003<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> in partnership with<br />
CON*NECT is offering a 10 week distance<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion course to prepare you to write the<br />
PPA exam. This course focuses on the<br />
Critical Incident (CI) method of testing and<br />
develops evalu<strong>at</strong>ion methodologies for<br />
analyzing and selecting the best answers<br />
among the choices. This course is approved<br />
by HRPAO.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12872 DE Feb20 645.00<br />
N<strong>at</strong>ional Knowledge Exam (NKE)<br />
HRES10002<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> in connection with<br />
CON*NECT is offering a 12 week distance<br />
educ<strong>at</strong>ion course. This course provides you<br />
with an overview of the 8 functional areas<br />
and 103 required professional capabilities<br />
(RPCs) th<strong>at</strong> you will be tested on. This course<br />
is approved by HRPAO.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12876 DE Feb6 695.00<br />
If you are employed or seeking employment as<br />
a CAD Draftsperson in an industrial setting or<br />
consulting engineering office, this program is<br />
for you. It focuses on the production of precise<br />
Mechanical drawings using AutoCAD. It is<br />
expected th<strong>at</strong> three hours outside of class work<br />
will be required each week to complete<br />
drawing and sketching assignments.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion on this program<br />
contact Henry Brink, Program Manager,<br />
<strong>at</strong> 905-575-1212 ext. 5054 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
It is recommended th<strong>at</strong> applicants have a<br />
general level Grade 12 High School Diploma<br />
which includes senior level m<strong>at</strong>h and science.<br />
In addition, an introductory course in AutoCAD<br />
(see CAD06 - Microcomputer Aided Design<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e) or equivalent is required.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must successfully<br />
complete the following five required courses<br />
and one optional course and apply in writing to<br />
the Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Office.<br />
Required Courses:<br />
CADMDR050 Mechanical 1 36 hrs<br />
CADMDR051 Mechanical 2 36 hrs<br />
CADMDR052 Common Drive Components 36 hrs<br />
CADMDR053 Mechanical Assembly 36 hrs<br />
WELDDR054 Weldments and Structural 36 hrs<br />
Optional Courses: (select one)<br />
CADMDR055 Project in Mechanical Design36 hrs<br />
MACHRE253 Introduction to Die Design 30 hrs<br />
CADMRE066 Solid Works 45 hrs<br />
MACHRE253 -<br />
Refer to Die Design Certific<strong>at</strong>e in the<br />
Engineering Technology section.<br />
Mechanical Assembly CADMDR053<br />
You will sketch and produce mechanical<br />
assembly and detail drawings complete with<br />
parts list. These drawings are to be plotted.<br />
PREREQUISITE: CADMDR052. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11964 DE Jan16 207.74<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please contact<br />
Glenda Davis, Program Manager, <strong>at</strong> 905-<br />
575-1212 ext. 2140 or 519-759-7200 ext. 2140<br />
or email<br />
Generic Computer Training C O M P C O 0 0 1<br />
Designed to provide you with an overview of the<br />
Windows oper<strong>at</strong>ing system, Microsoft Word and<br />
Microsoft Excel. Topics include managing files<br />
and folders, form<strong>at</strong>ting a Word document and<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing and manipul<strong>at</strong>ing d<strong>at</strong>a, formulas and<br />
charts in Excel. You will require a 9 pin serial or<br />
USB mouse for the exam. The <strong>College</strong> oper<strong>at</strong>es<br />
under Windows XP and all MS Office. This course<br />
will be delivered under the XP pl<strong>at</strong>form. 28 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11962 DE Jan11 146.02<br />
36 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Computer Skills for <strong>College</strong><br />
COMPCO002<br />
This course provides you with an overview of<br />
the Windows oper<strong>at</strong>ing system, Microsoft<br />
Word, Excel and Access. Topics include<br />
managing files and folders, form<strong>at</strong>ting a<br />
Word document, cre<strong>at</strong>ing and manipul<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
d<strong>at</strong>a, formulas and charts in Excel and an<br />
introduction to d<strong>at</strong>abases. You will require a<br />
9 pin serial or USB mouse for the exam. The<br />
<strong>College</strong> oper<strong>at</strong>es under Windows XP and all<br />
MS Office. This course will be delivered<br />
under the XP pl<strong>at</strong>form. 42 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11963 DE Jan11 219.03<br />
Essential Computer Skills COMP10034<br />
This course is designed to provide the student<br />
with an overview of Microsoft Word,<br />
Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access.<br />
Topics include form<strong>at</strong>ting a Word document,<br />
cre<strong>at</strong>ing and manipul<strong>at</strong>ing d<strong>at</strong>a, formulas and<br />
charts in Excel and an introduction to<br />
d<strong>at</strong>abases. You will require a 9 pin serial or<br />
USB mouse for the final exam. <strong>Mohawk</strong><br />
<strong>College</strong> is oper<strong>at</strong>ing under Window XP and<br />
all MS OFFICE. This course will be<br />
delivered under the XP pl<strong>at</strong>form. 28 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12999 DE Jan11 146.02<br />
required for all clinical/field placement<br />
courses and courses with a clinical<br />
component. The Communicable Disease<br />
Screening form is available <strong>at</strong> the<br />
following web site:<br />
w w w . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a / d e p t / c e h s / n u r s i n g . h t m l<br />
This form must be submitted to the<br />
ROOM 303 accompanied by a one time<br />
processing fee of $115.00. Cheques should<br />
be made payable to <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />
Health Services with the student’s I.D. #<br />
clearly written on the front of the cheque<br />
(cash will be accepted if dropped off in<br />
person to Room 303).<br />
CONTACT: Health Services <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26750 or email<br /><br />
This program is run in conjunction with the<br />
Michener Institute in Toronto. The theory<br />
will be given by distance educ<strong>at</strong>ion through<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Clinical experience will be<br />
provided by affili<strong>at</strong>ed hospitals, priv<strong>at</strong>e<br />
labor<strong>at</strong>ories and clinics. Upon completion of<br />
this program of studies, students will be<br />
eligible to write the Ontario Society of<br />
Medical Technologists certific<strong>at</strong>ion exam.<br />
For further Program inform<strong>at</strong>ion please<br />
contact Mary Golba-Bylhouwer,<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26706 or email<br />
Program of Studies<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> Courses<br />
MLSCMLA50 Med Lab Assistant Module 1<br />
Introduction 24 hours<br />
MLSCMLA51 MLAR Mod 2 - Labor<strong>at</strong>ory Basics<br />
21 hours<br />
BIOLMLA52 MLAR Mod 3 - Human Biology 39 hours<br />
MLSCMLA53 MLAR Mod 4 - Basic Techniques in<br />
Haem<strong>at</strong>ology 27 hours<br />
CHEMMLA54MLAR Mod 5 - Bas Tech CHEM<br />
27 hours<br />
MLSCMLA55 MLAR Mod 6 - Bas Tech Micro 24 hours<br />
MLSCMLA56 MLAR Mod 7 - Histo/Cyto 24 hours<br />
MLSCMLA61 Introduction to Transfusion Medicine<br />
24 hours<br />
CLINMLA43 Clinical Placement<br />
Michener Institute Courses:<br />
MLA42 Clinical Behavioural Sciences<br />
*(PD807)<br />
MLSCMLA58 Clinical Skills *(CLLT140)<br />
* Please quote these numbers when contacting the<br />
Michener Institute for registr<strong>at</strong>ion of these courses.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion regarding the next<br />
clinical skills course, please contact<br />
Ann Rumbolt <strong>at</strong> 416-596-3101 ext. 3172 or<br />
email<br />
Now Available - “Basic Labor<strong>at</strong>ory<br />
Techniques” CD-ROM. This CD is intended to<br />
enhance your understanding of basic lab<br />
techniques. It provides a visual aid to techniques<br />
described in the course m<strong>at</strong>erials. Inform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
on the CD is pertinent to courses MLA51,<br />
MLA53, MLA54, MLA55 and MLA61. Can be<br />
purchased online <strong>at</strong><br />
Non-refundable; non-returnable.<br />
BOOKS<br />
Manuals for each course are not included<br />
in the course fees and can be purchased<br />
from the Campus Store <strong>at</strong><br /><br />
I wish to apply for the part-time Medical<br />
Labor<strong>at</strong>ory Assistant/Technician Certific<strong>at</strong>e<br />
[ ] I have grade 12 English, M<strong>at</strong>h &<br />
grade 11 Chemistry<br />
[ ] I am applying as a m<strong>at</strong>ure student<br />
Please send this applic<strong>at</strong>ion to:<br />
Mary Golba-Bylhouwer,<br />
MLT Program Manager<br />
<strong>Continuing</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ion,<br />
Institute for Applied Health Sciences<br />
<strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>College</strong> of Applied Arts<br />
& Technology<br />
P.O. Box 2034 Hamilton ON L8N 3T2<br />
Name:_____________________________<br />
Address:___________________________<br />
City:______________________________<br />
Postal Code:________________________<br />
Home Tel.:_________________________<br />
Work Tel.:_________________________<br />
Exam d<strong>at</strong>e: Thursday, April 6th, 6:30 p.m.,<br />
Fennell Campus.<br />
Med Lab Assistant Module 1<br />
Introduction MLSCMLA50<br />
This is an introductory unit which provides an<br />
overview of the program. The course will<br />
focus on ethics, standards of practice, p<strong>at</strong>ient<br />
rights and safety. Specimen collection,<br />
handling, reception, processing and associ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
clerical duties are also covered. 24 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11839 DE Jan5 125.16<br />
MLAR Mod 2 - Labor<strong>at</strong>ory Basics<br />
MLSCMLA51<br />
Basic medical labor<strong>at</strong>ory m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics,<br />
chemistry, applicable physics and labor<strong>at</strong>ory<br />
terminology will be reviewed. The care and<br />
use of basic labor<strong>at</strong>ory instruments, as well as<br />
the care, uses, standards and properties of<br />
glass and plasticware will be studied. How to<br />
prepare simple reagents and solutions using<br />
the proper glassware/plasticware will be<br />
presented. 21 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11840 DE Jan5 109.52<br />
MLAR Mod 3 - Human Biology<br />
BIOLMLA52<br />
Upon successful completion of this module,<br />
the student will have demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed knowledge<br />
of the various systems, organs, tissues and<br />
cells th<strong>at</strong> make up the human body. In<br />
addition, diseases and disorders th<strong>at</strong> affect<br />
humans as well as the body’s response to these<br />
st<strong>at</strong>es will be studied. Wherever possible,<br />
appropri<strong>at</strong>e labor<strong>at</strong>ory tests th<strong>at</strong> are used in the<br />
diagnosis, tre<strong>at</strong>ment, assessment and prognosis<br />
for these illnesses will be reviewed. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11841 DE Jan5 203.39<br />
MLAR Mod 4 - Basic Techniques in<br />
Haem<strong>at</strong>ology MLSCMLA53<br />
At the lab assistant level, collection and<br />
handling of routine haem<strong>at</strong>ological specimens,<br />
prepar<strong>at</strong>ion and staining of blood films,<br />
setting up for processing (using autom<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
equipment) of haemoglobins, and blood cell<br />
counts will be studied. Methodology involved<br />
for microhaem<strong>at</strong>ocrits, erythrocyte<br />
sediment<strong>at</strong>ion r<strong>at</strong>es and basic coagul<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
studies will be examined, as well as associ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
clerical duties. 27 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11842 DE Jan5 140.81<br />
MLAR Mod 5 - Basics Techniques in<br />
Chemistry CHEMMLA54<br />
At the lab assistant level, procedures used in the<br />
collection, handling, processing and examining of<br />
specimens for chemical analysis will be studied.<br />
Urinalysis, blood glucose, and fecal occult blood<br />
testing techniques will be examined as well as<br />
<strong>any</strong> relevant autom<strong>at</strong>ion and maintenance.<br />
Clerical duties will be reviewed. 27 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11843 DE Jan5 140.81<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/<br />
O n t a r i o L e a rn EXAMS<br />
View your exam schedule <strong>at</strong><br />
d i s t e d . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a<br />
MLAR Mod 6 - Basic Techniques in<br />
Microbiology MLSCMLA55<br />
At the lab assistant level, basic procedures used<br />
in the microbiology lab such as specimen<br />
collection and handling, pl<strong>at</strong>ing, media<br />
prepar<strong>at</strong>ion and routine staining will be reviewed.<br />
Prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of stains and reagents will be studied<br />
as well as pertinent clerical duties. 24 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11844 DE Jan5 125.16<br />
MLAR Mod 7 Histology/Cytology<br />
MLSCMLA56<br />
Collection, handling, processing and<br />
prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of histological and cytological<br />
specimens <strong>at</strong> the lab assistant level will be<br />
studied. The care, organiz<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
maintenance of equipment, prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
simple solutions and reagents, routine staining<br />
of sections and smears as well as appropri<strong>at</strong>e<br />
clerical duties will be reviewed. 24 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11845 DE Jan5 125.16<br />
Introduction to Transfusion Medicine<br />
MLSCMLA61<br />
This course will provide you with a basic<br />
knowledge of blood groups and blood<br />
products. Storage requirements and the<br />
effects of storage will be examined in rel<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
to blood and blood products. The course will<br />
also examine the tests routinely performed in<br />
transfusion medicine. 24 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11846 DE Jan5 125.16<br />
Other Courses<br />
Hemostasis MLSCMLEC5<br />
Hemostasis for the crosstrainer. A review of<br />
coagul<strong>at</strong>ion using a unique approach, intrinsic,<br />
extrinsic and fibrinolytic p<strong>at</strong>hways. A look <strong>at</strong><br />
the various thrombolytic therapies, pl<strong>at</strong>elets<br />
and their role, quality assurance, commonly<br />
used technologies and case studies. This<br />
course will consist of 5 assignments and a<br />
final exam which will be arranged with<br />
instructor. Manual included. 18 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11847 DE Jan16 115.27<br />
Biology Prepar<strong>at</strong>ory BIOLHZA34<br />
This course is intended for m<strong>at</strong>ure students<br />
wishing to enter Practical Nursing or other Health<br />
Sciences/Health Care programs. Student will<br />
become familiar with the an<strong>at</strong>omy and<br />
physiology of the human body. No longer<br />
acceptable as a science to enter Nursing <strong>at</strong> the<br />
B.Sc.N. level. Midterm and final exams. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11796 DE Jan4 203.39<br />
Arrythmia Interpret<strong>at</strong>ion HSCIHZ143<br />
This course focuses on the system<strong>at</strong>ic analysis<br />
and interpret<strong>at</strong>ion of cardiac arrhythmias.<br />
Topics include cardiac electrophysiology, basic<br />
principles of cardiac monitoring, calcul<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />
r<strong>at</strong>es and intervals, and interpret<strong>at</strong>ion of sinus,<br />
<strong>at</strong>rial, and ventricular arrhythmias, heart blocks<br />
and pacemaker rhythms. Implic<strong>at</strong>ions for<br />
monitoring and management will be discussed.<br />
Final exam. 24 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13181 DE Jan16 125.16<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 37
This program is intended for health<br />
professionals and others who educ<strong>at</strong>e and<br />
support breastfeeding mothers. Participants<br />
gain up-to-d<strong>at</strong>e knowledge and skills in<br />
breastfeeding support and awareness of<br />
current issues in lact<strong>at</strong>ion. The program will<br />
provide continuing educ<strong>at</strong>ion credits<br />
(CERPS) from the IBLCE and help prepare<br />
students for the IBLCE certific<strong>at</strong>ion exam.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Petra Brown, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26703 or email<br /><br />
Program of Studies<br />
To obtain the “Acknowledgement of<br />
Completion”, students must complete all<br />
three courses.<br />
NRSG10024 Introduction to Breastfeeding 32 hours<br />
NRSG10026 Breastfeeding Challenges 32 hours<br />
CLIN10026 Breastfeeding Clinical Experience 24 hours<br />
Students with educ<strong>at</strong>ional background and<br />
clinical experience may write a challenge<br />
exam in lieu of taking the first course.<br />
Please contact the Prior Learning Office<br />
(PLA) <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2395 for assessment fee<br />
and challenge exam inform<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
Please see box <strong>at</strong> beginning of<br />
DE Health Sciences section regarding<br />
Medical Clearance.<br />
Introduction to Breastfeeding<br />
NRSG10024<br />
This course introduces the basic principles of<br />
breastfeeding. It is designed to enhance the<br />
student’s knowledge regarding lact<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
to develop skills in promoting and supporting<br />
successful breastfeeding. Content includes<br />
an<strong>at</strong>omy and physiology, nutrition, l<strong>at</strong>ch,<br />
infant growth and development, common<br />
problems and their solutions. 32 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12021 DE Jan16 166.88<br />
Breastfeeding Challenges NRSG10026<br />
This course examines problem<strong>at</strong>ic and more<br />
complex breastfeeding issues including: failure to<br />
thrive, m<strong>at</strong>ernal and newborn medical problems,<br />
preterm infants, multiple births and cultural<br />
differences. Breastfeeding research utiliz<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
also included. Fee includes $50 refundable video<br />
deposit. PREREQUISITE: Introduction to<br />
Breastfeeding (NRSG10024) 32 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12022 DE Jan16 216.88<br />
Breastfeeding Clinical Experience<br />
CLIN10026<br />
This clinical experience will provide the<br />
learner with an opportunity to integr<strong>at</strong>e<br />
breastfeeding knowledge and skills in both<br />
hospital and community based settings.<br />
PREREQUISITES: Intro to Breastfeeding<br />
(NRSG10024) and Breastfeeding Challenges<br />
(NRSG10026) 24 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12859 DE Jan16 125.16<br />
Study cardiovascular nursing in depth and <strong>at</strong><br />
an advanced level. RNs will be able to utilize<br />
this study as prepar<strong>at</strong>ion for the CNA<br />
certific<strong>at</strong>ion exam in cardiovascular nursing.<br />
Students currently progressing through the<br />
program, please contact the Program<br />
Manager for exemptions and inform<strong>at</strong>ion on<br />
the new clinical module.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion, please contact<br />
Nancy Sinclair, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26704 or email<br /><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e of Registr<strong>at</strong>ion with the <strong>College</strong> of<br />
Nurses of Ontario as a Registered Nurse.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
To receive the Certific<strong>at</strong>e, you must<br />
successfully complete the theory modules as<br />
well as the clinical module.<br />
NRSG10021 Module 1: Intro to Advanced Cardiac<br />
Care 36 hours<br />
NRSG10022 Module 2: The P<strong>at</strong>ient with Coronary<br />
Artery Disease 66 hours<br />
NRSG10023 Module 3: The P<strong>at</strong>ient with Ventricular<br />
Dysfunction 66 hours<br />
NRSGNSC49Module 4: Advanced Concepts in<br />
Cardiac Nursing 30 hours<br />
CLIN10015 Module 5: Clinical Experience 72 hours<br />
NOTE: This program focuses on advanced<br />
content. Nurses interested in advancing their<br />
knowledge in a less complex manner should<br />
consider the cardiovascular module of the<br />
Critical Care program.<br />
The Challenge Exam for Module I Advanced<br />
Cardiac Care can be written on the first Friday<br />
of each month during the academic year.<br />
Please see box <strong>at</strong> beginning of<br />
DE Health Sciences section regarding<br />
Medical Clearance.<br />
ATTENTION RNs and RPNs!<br />
You could be eligible for tuition<br />
reimbursement through the Nursing<br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion Initi<strong>at</strong>ive Fund! Up to $1500. per<br />
nurse in each funding cycle is available.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion and applic<strong>at</strong>ion forms<br />
go to the RNAO website or<br />
the RPNAO website<br />
Module 1 - Introduction to Advanced<br />
Cardiac Care NRSG10021<br />
You will be introduced to knowledge and<br />
skills required to care for cardiac p<strong>at</strong>ients <strong>at</strong><br />
an advanced level. You will study the<br />
an<strong>at</strong>omy and physiology of the cardiovascular<br />
system in depth. You will learn to identify<br />
common cardiac dysrhythmias and the<br />
resulting nursing and medical implic<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
You will apply this knowledge in your study<br />
of physical assessment of the cardiac p<strong>at</strong>ient.<br />
36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12031 DE Jan9 187.74<br />
38 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
Module 2: The P<strong>at</strong>ient with Coronary<br />
Artery Disease NRSG10022<br />
You will cover the spectrum of cardiac illness<br />
from the critically ill to the rehabilit<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
cardiac program. P<strong>at</strong>hophysiology of vascular<br />
disease and coronary artery disease,<br />
diagnostic testing, and surgical management<br />
will be part of your learning. Prerequisite:<br />
NRSG10021. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12032 DE Jan9 187.74<br />
Module 3: The P<strong>at</strong>ient with Ventricular<br />
Dysfunction NRSG10023<br />
Caring for the p<strong>at</strong>ients with left ventricular<br />
dysfunction requires specialized knowledge<br />
and skills. You will study different<br />
ventricular p<strong>at</strong>hologies. Learn more about<br />
hemodynamic monitoring, mechanical<br />
ventil<strong>at</strong>ion, and the pharmacological<br />
management of cardiogenic shock. You will<br />
discuss the moral and legal issues involved<br />
with caring for a cardiac p<strong>at</strong>ient. Prerequisite:<br />
NRSG10022. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12033 DE Jan9 187.74<br />
Cardiac Care RN Advanced: Module 4<br />
NRSGNSC49<br />
This module provides you with the opportunity<br />
to study a topic in cardiac care <strong>at</strong> an advanced<br />
level. You will be required to complete six<br />
assignments in a specific time frame.<br />
PREREQUISITE: NRSG10023. 30 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12034 DE Jan9 156.45<br />
Module 5: Clinical Experience<br />
CLIN10015<br />
In this student-driven experience you will<br />
apply your knowledge of advanced cardiac<br />
care nursing to a clinical environment of your<br />
choice. You will have the opportunity to<br />
integr<strong>at</strong>e your knowledge and skills in a<br />
cardiac care setting. Prerequisite:<br />
NRSG10023. 72 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12035 DE Jan9 354.16<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements<br />
please refer to the Health Sciences section.<br />
Completion of the program also includes 4<br />
clinical placements - Respir<strong>at</strong>ory,<br />
Cardiovascular, Neurosciences and GI/GU which<br />
are advertised in the Health Science section.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Amy Boyer, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26708 or<br />
email<br />
N O T E<br />
Students who were previously registered in<br />
NSC14, NSC17, NSC18 OR NSC13 and<br />
require the clinical placement component<br />
of the course, or who require an exemption,<br />
please contact the Program Manager.
Critical Care Certific<strong>at</strong>e Module I<br />
Introduction NRSGNSC15<br />
This module deals with some of the elements<br />
essential to critical care nursing. Topics such<br />
as p<strong>at</strong>ient and family centered care,<br />
multidisciplinary collabor<strong>at</strong>ion, the critical<br />
care environment and critical thinking will be<br />
discussed. This is a prerequisite or corequisite<br />
for other modules in the critical care program.<br />
30 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11862 DE Jan5 156.45<br />
Critical Care Module 2 - Respir<strong>at</strong>ory<br />
NRSG10001<br />
The emphasis in this module is on assessing,<br />
planning, implementing and evalu<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
nursing care for p<strong>at</strong>ients in critical care<br />
settings with respir<strong>at</strong>ory difficulty utilizing<br />
increased knowledge of p<strong>at</strong>hopsychological<br />
processes. Prerequisite/Corequisite: Module I<br />
- NRSGNSC15. 33 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11908 DE Jan5 172.10<br />
Critical Care Module 3 Cardiovascular<br />
Nursing NRSG10002<br />
In this module, you will have the opportunity<br />
to learn specialized knowledge and skill as the<br />
basis for implementing the nursing process for<br />
p<strong>at</strong>ients with cardiovascular problems in a<br />
critical care setting. It is recommended th<strong>at</strong> if<br />
you are unfamiliar with the complexity of<br />
ECG Interpret<strong>at</strong>ion, please register in the<br />
classroom course (see Health Sciences<br />
section). Prerequisite/Corequisite: Introductory<br />
Module I - NRSGNSC15.45 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11909 DE Jan5 234.68<br />
Critical Care Certific<strong>at</strong>e Module IV-<br />
Psycho-Social NRSGNSC19<br />
This module deals with implementing the<br />
nursing process for critical care p<strong>at</strong>ients who<br />
have psychosocial problems. Topics<br />
discussed will include drug dependency,<br />
abusiveness, suicide, and acute psychosis.<br />
There is no clinical requirement for this<br />
module. Prerequisite/Corequisite:<br />
NRSGNSC15. 30 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
12037 DE Jan5 156.45<br />
Critical Care Module 5 Neurosciences<br />
NRSG10003<br />
By proceeding from normal to abnormal, the<br />
major neuromuscular problems resulting in<br />
admission to a critical care setting will be<br />
studied in this course, together with<br />
implement<strong>at</strong>ion of the nursing process for<br />
them. Prerequisite/Corequisite: NRSGNSC15.<br />
Midterm and final exams. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11907 DE Jan5 187.74<br />
Critical Care 6 Gastrointestinal and<br />
Genitourine NRSG10004<br />
This module focuses on p<strong>at</strong>ients with<br />
gastrointestinal and urinary problems requiring<br />
critical care nursing including fluid and<br />
electrolyte balance. Prerequisite/ Corequisite:<br />
Module I - NRSGNSC15. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11910 DE Jan5 203.39<br />
NURSES<br />
With increased demand for Mental Health<br />
services and shrinking financial resources, the<br />
role of the Registered Nurse and Registered<br />
Practical Nurse working in Mental Health<br />
settings has been expanded . Offered in a<br />
distance educ<strong>at</strong>ion form<strong>at</strong>, this program<br />
provides the opportunity to develop knowledge<br />
and clinical skills in Mental Health nursing.<br />
The first level of the program provides the RN<br />
and RPN with an understanding of the basic<br />
concepts of Mental Health nursing. Theory<br />
and clinical practice will enable students to<br />
develop the skills required to function as a<br />
member of the Mental Health team within an<br />
institution or community setting. The second<br />
level of the program will provide an<br />
opportunity for Registered Nurses to develop<br />
research skills through particip<strong>at</strong>ion in a<br />
research project rel<strong>at</strong>ed to Mental Health. The<br />
final clinical experience facilit<strong>at</strong>es actual<br />
particip<strong>at</strong>ion in a research project and<br />
develops clinical skills required for a<br />
leadership role in the Mental Health team.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Nancy Sinclair, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26704 or<br />
email<br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e of Registr<strong>at</strong>ion from the <strong>College</strong> of<br />
Nurses of Ontario. Evidence of Registr<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
with <strong>College</strong> of Nurses to be submitted to the<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong> the beginning of each<br />
course. Fax to 905-528-7706 Attention Nancy<br />
Sinclair. Completion of an Immuniz<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
Record prior to beginning clinical courses.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
Level 1<br />
NRSGMHN21 Concepts Basic to Mental Health<br />
Nursing 45 hours<br />
NRSGMHN22 Nursing Interventions in Mental<br />
Health 45 hours<br />
SENSMHN23 Interventions Supporting Change<br />
45 hours<br />
NRSGMHN24 Nursing Interventions in Severe<br />
Mental Illness 45 hours<br />
CONFMHN25 Interventions with Special<br />
Popul<strong>at</strong>ions 45 hours<br />
NRSGMHN26 Integr<strong>at</strong>ion of Mental Health<br />
Principles 140 hours<br />
Level 2<br />
NRSGMHN27 Research Methods and Mental<br />
Health Nursing 45 hours<br />
NRSGMHN30 Integr<strong>at</strong>ion of Mental Health Theory<br />
with Practice 70 hours<br />
Please see box <strong>at</strong> beginning of DE Health<br />
Sciences section regarding Medical Clearance.<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/<br />
O n t a r i o L e a rn EXAMS<br />
View your exam schedule <strong>at</strong><br />
d i s t e d . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a<br />
Concepts Basic to Mental Health<br />
Nursing NRSGMHN21<br />
You will cover a basic understanding of the<br />
development of the Mental Health system in<br />
Ontario, the impact of current legisl<strong>at</strong>ion on<br />
Mental Health Nursing, and the helping role<br />
of the nurse. You will also become familiar<br />
with the accepted diagnostic criteria in mental<br />
health as well as begin to develop<br />
Interviewing Skills. Fee includes videotape<br />
deposit of $50. 45 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11831 DE Jan10 284.68<br />
Nursing Interventions in Mental Health<br />
NRSGMHN22<br />
You will focuses on the role of the nurse in<br />
working with individuals, families, and other<br />
groups in promoting mental health. A variety of<br />
skills and therapies will be introduced along with<br />
criteria to assess their effectiveness. 45 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11832 DE Jan10 234.68<br />
Interventions Supporting Change<br />
SENSMHN23<br />
This course will introduce you to change<br />
theory as a basis for promoting client<br />
adapt<strong>at</strong>ion. Principles of teaching/learning<br />
will provide a basis for understanding crisis<br />
theory, and for assisting clients to find<br />
appropri<strong>at</strong>e community supports and to<br />
develop assertiveness skills as they cope with<br />
mental illness. 45 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11833 DE Jan10 234.68<br />
Nursing Interventions in Severe Mental<br />
Illness NRSGMHN24<br />
The focus of this course is to assist the most<br />
severely mentally ill to function <strong>at</strong> his/her<br />
optimum level. The assessment of client<br />
behaviours and the use of appropri<strong>at</strong>e support<br />
services both within institutions and the<br />
community will be investig<strong>at</strong>ed. The role of<br />
families and consumer/survivor groups will be<br />
an integral component of the content. 45 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11834 DE Jan10 234.68<br />
Interventions with Special Popul<strong>at</strong>ions<br />
CONFMHN25<br />
The unique interventions used to assist those<br />
with specialized mental health concerns will<br />
be studied. The special needs of children,<br />
adolescents, the elderly and other cognitively<br />
impaired individuals are included.<br />
Interventions for individuals experiencing<br />
disorders rel<strong>at</strong>ed to substance abuse along<br />
with a variety of anxiety disorders are<br />
presented. The unique needs of survivors of<br />
abuse and violence are studied. 45 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11835 DE Jan10 234.68<br />
Integr<strong>at</strong>ion of Mental Health Principles<br />
NRSGMHN26<br />
This clinical module will provide you with an<br />
opportunity to integr<strong>at</strong>e the principles of mental<br />
health nursing in a clinical setting. Placements<br />
will be arranged in both institutional and<br />
community settings to allow students to gain an<br />
appreci<strong>at</strong>ion of the broad scope of interventions<br />
used in mental health. 140 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11836 DE Jan10 323.26<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 39
Research Methods and Mental Health<br />
Nursing NRSGMHN27<br />
The role of a research base for nursing<br />
practice will be introduced. You will design a<br />
research project to facilit<strong>at</strong>e the in-depth<br />
study of a contemporary issue in mental<br />
health nursing. The findings of each student’s<br />
research will be presented, using a variety of<br />
present<strong>at</strong>ion styles. 45 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11837 DE Jan10 234.68<br />
Integr<strong>at</strong>ion of Mental Health Theory<br />
with Practice NRSGMHN30<br />
This clinical module will provide you with the<br />
opportunity to identify issues affecting the<br />
practice of nursing in mental health and to utilize<br />
a research-based practice model to assist clients<br />
to achieve an optimum level of functioning.<br />
PREREQUISITE: NRSGMHN21. 70 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11838 DE Jan10 179.41<br />
RNs and RPNs will gain advanced<br />
knowledge and nursing skills so th<strong>at</strong> they can<br />
provide safe, effective care to p<strong>at</strong>ients and<br />
families living with cancer. RNs can use this<br />
program of study as prepar<strong>at</strong>ion for the CNA<br />
oncology certific<strong>at</strong>ion exam.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Nancy Sinclair, Program Manager <strong>at</strong> 905-<br />
540-4247 ext. 26704 or email<br /><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Certific<strong>at</strong>e of Registr<strong>at</strong>ion from the <strong>College</strong><br />
of Nurses of Ontario.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
NRSGNSCC1 Introduction to Oncology Nursing<br />
30 hours<br />
HSCINSCC2 Communic<strong>at</strong>ion and Psychosocial<br />
Issues in Oncology Nursing 36 hours<br />
HSCINSCC3 Major Malignancies I 39 hours<br />
HSCINSCC4 Major Malignancies II 39 hours<br />
HSCINSCC5 Symptom Control and Management<br />
39 hours<br />
CLINNSCC6 Oncology Clinical Experience45 hours<br />
NRSGHZ215 Nursing Assessment Skills 36 hours<br />
Note: You may take the assessment skills course<br />
concurrently with the Oncology courses;<br />
however, it must be completed before enrolment<br />
in the Oncology Clinical Experience course and<br />
within 5 years of beginning the program.<br />
Please see box <strong>at</strong> beginning of Distance<br />
Educ<strong>at</strong>ion - Health Sciences section<br />
regarding Medical Clearance.<br />
Introduction to Oncology Nursing<br />
This course is designed to introduce the<br />
student to Oncology Nursing. Topics include:<br />
p<strong>at</strong>ho physiology, epidemiology, prevention,<br />
screening and detection, tre<strong>at</strong>ment modalities<br />
and clinical trials. 30 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11864 DE Jan12 156.45<br />
Communic<strong>at</strong>ions and Psychosocial<br />
Issues in Oncology HSCINSCC2<br />
You will focus on communic<strong>at</strong>ion and the<br />
psychosocial issues faced by p<strong>at</strong>ients and<br />
families living with Cancer. The nurse will be<br />
introduced to communic<strong>at</strong>ion skills,<br />
developmental issues, impact of Cancer on<br />
p<strong>at</strong>ients and families, grief and bereavement<br />
and survivorship issues. 36 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11865 DE Jan12 187.74<br />
Major Malignancies I HSCINSCC3<br />
You will examine the disease processes of<br />
breast cancer, gynecological cancers (ovarian,<br />
vulvar, cervical, uterine and endometrial),<br />
stomach, liver, and pancre<strong>at</strong>ic cancers,<br />
colorectal cancers, cancers of the bladder and<br />
prost<strong>at</strong>e and testicular cancer. The role of the<br />
nurse will be discussed in rel<strong>at</strong>ion to<br />
tre<strong>at</strong>ment, prevention and detection of these<br />
cancers. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11866 DE Jan12 203.39<br />
Major Malignancies II HSCINSCC4<br />
You will examine the disease processes of<br />
cancers of the head & neck, the brain & the<br />
central nervous system. Skin cancer and<br />
Melanomas, multiple myelomas, adult<br />
leukemia and Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin<br />
lymphomas will also be discussed. The role<br />
of the nurse in rel<strong>at</strong>ion to tre<strong>at</strong>ment,<br />
prevention and detection of these cancers will<br />
be reviewed. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11867 DE Jan12 203.39<br />
Symptom Control and Management<br />
You will focus on symptom control and<br />
management issues encountered in oncology<br />
nursing. Some topics to be addressed are<br />
f<strong>at</strong>igue, pain control and nutrition. Oncology<br />
emergencies and the use of<br />
altern<strong>at</strong>ive/complimentary techniques will be<br />
discussed. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11868 DE Jan12 203.39<br />
Oncology Clinical Experience<br />
This clinical experience module will provide<br />
you with the opportunity to integr<strong>at</strong>e the<br />
knowledge and skills learned in the previous<br />
theory modules in a clinical setting. This<br />
clinical experience is 48 hours in length.<br />
Hospital and/or community settings may be<br />
selected. D<strong>at</strong>e, time and clinical site(s) must<br />
be arranged with the Program Manager.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11981 DE Jan12 234.83<br />
Distance Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/<br />
O n t a r i o L e a rn EXAMS<br />
View your exam schedule <strong>at</strong><br />
d i s t e d . m o h a w k c o l l e g e . c a<br />
40 Register Early...Avoid Disappointment<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements<br />
please refer to the Health Sciences section.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Susan Carver, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905- 540-4247 ext. 26742 or email<br /><br />
Oper<strong>at</strong>ing Room Principles &<br />
Practices 1 & 2 Theory NRSG10011<br />
This course addresses surgical terminology<br />
and rel<strong>at</strong>ed an<strong>at</strong>omy with emphasis on the<br />
procedure and specialty equipment for the<br />
surgical specialties of General Surgery,<br />
Obstetrics/Gynecology and Genitourinary.<br />
Attendance <strong>at</strong> the lab sessions are mand<strong>at</strong>ory.<br />
D<strong>at</strong>es for S<strong>at</strong>urday classes are: January 28th<br />
and February 4th, 2006. 52 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13030 DE Jan25 265.66<br />
O.R. Clinical CLINNSC88<br />
This course is intended to provide the<br />
opportunity to apply the perioper<strong>at</strong>ive theory<br />
learned and skills acquired in a full-time<br />
preceptored oper<strong>at</strong>ing room setting. D<strong>at</strong>e,<br />
time, and clinical site(s) must be arranged<br />
with the Program Manager. This module<br />
consists of 150 hours of clinical placement.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13037 DE Jan9 318.90<br />
Oper<strong>at</strong>ing Room Nursing Clinical 2<br />
CLIN10020<br />
This clinical course provides the opportunity<br />
to apply perioper<strong>at</strong>ive nursing theory in an<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ing room setting. 67.5 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13182 DE Jan9 236.59<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements<br />
please refer to the Health Sciences section.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Susan Carver, Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26742 or email<br /><br />
Registered Practical Nursing<br />
Oper<strong>at</strong>ing Room Principles & Practice<br />
NRSG10014<br />
This course addresses surgical terminology,<br />
specialty equipment and rel<strong>at</strong>ed an<strong>at</strong>omy for<br />
the surgical specialties of General Surgery,<br />
Obstetrics/Gynecology and Genitourinary.<br />
Students gain practice in prepar<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />
handling of instruments for a surgical<br />
procedure. Attendance <strong>at</strong> the lab sessions are<br />
mand<strong>at</strong>ory. D<strong>at</strong>es for S<strong>at</strong>urday classes are<br />
January 28th and February 4th, 2006. 52 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13021 DE Jan25 265.66
RPN-Oper<strong>at</strong>ing Room Clinical<br />
Experience CLINNSCE6<br />
This course provides the opportunity to apply<br />
perioper<strong>at</strong>ive nursing theory in a full-time<br />
preceptored experience in an oper<strong>at</strong>ing room<br />
setting. 150 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13257 DE Jan9 318.90<br />
Registered Practical Nurse Oper<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
Room Clinical Experience 2 CLIN10021<br />
This clinical course provides the opportunity<br />
to apply perioper<strong>at</strong>ive nursing theory in an<br />
oper<strong>at</strong>ing room setting. 67.5 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
13264 DE Jan9 236.59<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements<br />
please refer to the Health Sciences section.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Petra Brown <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26703 or email<br /><br />
Please see box <strong>at</strong> beginning of<br />
DE Health Sciences section regarding<br />
Medical Clearance.<br />
Perin<strong>at</strong>al Educ<strong>at</strong>ion 1 EDUCNSCA8<br />
This course is intended to enhance the<br />
knowledge and skills of nurses rel<strong>at</strong>ed to care of<br />
healthy antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum<br />
women. Course content includes: physiological<br />
& psychological adapt<strong>at</strong>ions to pregnancy,<br />
pren<strong>at</strong>al educ<strong>at</strong>ion & health educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
principles, pregnancy risk assessment, labour &<br />
birth, normal postpartum. This 44 hour course<br />
includes 12 hours of clinical.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11892 DE Jan16 229.46<br />
Perin<strong>at</strong>al Educ<strong>at</strong>ion 2 EDUCNSCA9<br />
This course is intended to enhance the knowledge<br />
and skills of nurses rel<strong>at</strong>ed to care of the health<br />
fetus and newborn. Course includes: fertiliz<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
& fetal development, thermoregul<strong>at</strong>ion, newborn<br />
transition, newborn assessment, common<br />
newborn problems, newborn care & feeding<br />
options, health teaching for new parents. Fee<br />
includes refundable $100 deposit for videotape.<br />
This 44 hour course includes 12 hours of clinical.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11893 DE Jan16 329.46<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements<br />
please refer to the Health Sciences section.<br />
Perin<strong>at</strong>al Educ<strong>at</strong>ion 1 and Perin<strong>at</strong>al Educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
2 are credits in this certific<strong>at</strong>e and are<br />
available by distance educ<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact the<br />
Program Manager, Petra Brown <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26703 or email<br /><br />
Perin<strong>at</strong>al RPN M<strong>at</strong>ernal Care<br />
This course builds on the knowledge and<br />
skills of Perin<strong>at</strong>al Educ<strong>at</strong>ion 1 & 2, focusing<br />
on the care of women experiencing healthy<br />
and <strong>at</strong> risk childbearing. Course content<br />
includes: RPN role & scope of practice in<br />
obstetrics, fetal assessment, antepartum<br />
women with concerns, birth process, perin<strong>at</strong>al<br />
bereavement, postpartum assessment &<br />
postpartum complic<strong>at</strong>ions.<br />
EDUCNSCA9. This 60 hour course includes<br />
28 hours of clinical.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11863 DE Jan16 301.06<br />
Perin<strong>at</strong>al Newborn and Family Care<br />
This module explores newborn and family<br />
assessment and problem recognition,<br />
newborn complic<strong>at</strong>ions, and issues rel<strong>at</strong>ed to<br />
changes in m<strong>at</strong>ernal newborn care.<br />
EDUCNSCA9 & NRSGNSCA1. This 64<br />
hour course includes 30 hours of clinical.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11894 DE Jan16 318.76<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on the Phytotherapy program<br />
please refer to the Health Sciences section.<br />
For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion please contact<br />
Mary Golba-Bylhouwer,<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong><br />
905-540-4247 ext. 26706 or email<br /><br />
Embryology & Histology HSCIHMP60<br />
This course will focus on the changes th<strong>at</strong><br />
occur during embryological development,<br />
which in turn helps to differenti<strong>at</strong>e the<br />
general an<strong>at</strong>omical structure of the adult<br />
body. The ultrastructure of skeletal muscle,<br />
the heart, the stomach, pancreas, liver and the<br />
intestines will also be examined.<br />
PREREQUISITE: HMP13 or by permission<br />
of the Program Manager. You must have<br />
access to computer with CD-ROM. CD-ROM<br />
can be purchased online <strong>at</strong><br /> 42 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11794 DE Jan16 219.03<br />
These courses are offered via print & CDs.<br />
For inform<strong>at</strong>ion on certific<strong>at</strong>e requirements<br />
please refer to the Languages &<br />
Communic<strong>at</strong>ions section. Final Exam: April<br />
6/06, 6:30 p.m., Fennell Campus.<br />
La Pr<strong>at</strong>ique du Francais 1 LANGFR003<br />
See the Language section for course<br />
description. Fee includes $50 refundable CD<br />
deposit. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11772 DE Jan5 253.39<br />
La Pr<strong>at</strong>ique du Francais 2 LANGFR004<br />
See the Language section for course description.<br />
Fee includes $50 refundable CD deposit.<br />
PREREQUISITE: LANGFR003. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11773 DE Jan5 253.39<br />
La Pr<strong>at</strong>ique du Francais 3 LANGFR005<br />
See the Language section for course description.<br />
Fee includes $50 refundable CD deposit.<br />
PREREQUISITE: LANGFR004. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11774 DE Jan5 253.39<br />
La Pr<strong>at</strong>ique du Francais 4 LANGFR006<br />
See the Language section for course description.<br />
Fee includes $50 refundable CD deposit.<br />
PREREQUISITE: LANGFR005. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11775 DE Jan5 253.39<br />
La Pr<strong>at</strong>ique du Francais 5 LANGFR007<br />
See the Language section for course description.<br />
Fee includes $50 refundable CD deposit.<br />
PREREQUISITE: LANGFR006. 39 hours<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11776 DE Jan5 253.39<br />
The Art of the Western World - (E) Video<br />
Correspondence<br />
“Art of the Western World” is available in a video<br />
correspondence form<strong>at</strong>. The course fee includes a<br />
$75 refundable deposit for the use of videotapes.<br />
Deposits will be refunded when the videotapes<br />
are returned. Mid-term and final exam. This 36<br />
hour course is a credit in the Visual Arts program.<br />
The Art of the Western World<br />
ARTTLL700 (E)<br />
Study the gre<strong>at</strong> artistic achievements of<br />
Western Civiliz<strong>at</strong>ion. Vividly photographed<br />
programs touch on a range of paintings,<br />
architecture, and sculpture with an in-depth<br />
study of a few seminal works th<strong>at</strong> serve as<br />
paradigms for the art of their time and<br />
provide an historical perspective for viewers -<br />
Classical Period; Romanesque & Gothic;<br />
Early Renaissance; High Renaissance;<br />
Images of Authority in 17th Century Art; Age<br />
of Revolution, Realism, Impressionism &<br />
Post-Impressionism; 20th Century Art.<br />
CRN Loc Start Fee<br />
11799 DE Jan10 262.74<br />
Register on-line <strong>at</strong> cec<strong>at</strong> 41
The Library and Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Technician<br />
program is designed to prepare participants to<br />
become skilled workers in academic, public,<br />
school and special libraries and other<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion service settings. Through a<br />
carefully designed course of study th<strong>at</strong><br />
combines theory and hands-on practice,<br />
participants learn to acquire, organize,<br />
retrieve, produce, and dissemin<strong>at</strong>e<br />
inform<strong>at</strong>ion in print and electronic form<strong>at</strong>s.<br />
For more inform<strong>at</strong>ion please visit<br /><strong>at</strong>/library.html<br />
or contact Dolores Harms Penner,<br />
Program Manager <strong>at</strong> 905-575-2309 or<br />
519-759-7200 ext. 2309 or email<br /><br />
Admission Requirements<br />
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD),<br />
general or advanced level, or equivalent, or<br />
m<strong>at</strong>ure student st<strong>at</strong>us; and a pass standing in<br />
grade 12 English <strong>at</strong> the general level, or<br />
equivalent. Library or rel<strong>at</strong>ed experience is<br />
strongly recommended.<br />
Program of Studies<br />
The hours given for each course are equivalent<br />
classroom hours. The student workload for each<br />
course is 10-15 hours per week. Courses in the range<br />
of 10-21 total course hours earn 1 credit. Courses in<br />
the range of 36-49 total course hours earn 3 credits.<br />
Required courses<br />
L I B R L T 1 1 0 Intro to Libraries & the Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Industry<br />
39 hours<br />
I N F O L T 3 9 0 Personal Computer Support For Library<br />
T e c h n i c i a n s 39 hours<br />
I N F O L T 4 0 2 Electronic Publishing 36 hours<br />
L I B R L T 2 2 0 Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Work I 39 hours<br />
L I B R L T 4 2 0 Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Work II 39 hours<br />
L I B R L T 4 2 5 Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Work III 39 hours<br />