Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

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<strong>Anglo</strong> Scores Big in Asian Maths Challenge By Ann Ann and Prab (P6)<strong>Anglo</strong> is once again best in Thailand and allof Asia for Primary <strong>School</strong> and Secondary 1Classes! Individual recognition for <strong>Anglo</strong>Mathematicians for scoring in the Top 10 inAsia for Secondary goes to: Farruh, Jebelle,Joel, and Yao. Great job!World Education Games recently had a hugecompetition with schools and studentscompeting all across Asia and Europe. TheMaths Challenge was conducted on the 2 ndand 3 rd of May 2012. This activity was notcompulsory but students from Primary 6 toSecondary 1 were free to join. This competitionwas divided into two parts: Asia andEurope, with <strong>Anglo</strong> of course joining theAsia Maths Challenge.Of all the participating schools, <strong>Anglo</strong><strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> took firstplace for all Asian schools with 12, 475points! The runner up school was from Indonesia;Sman 1 Way Jepara. <strong>Anglo</strong>ʼs Secondary1 class finished as the fifth rankedclass in all of Asia with 147, 383 points!<strong>Anglo</strong>ʼs Primary 6 class ranked seventhplace with 104, 083 points!In this challenge, there were two sections tobe completed over a two day period.The first part was for the students to do all “I'm ready to beat them!" said Farruh, whothe activities about math equations and ended up 5th place in the overallsolutions via the website. There was notime limit for this section but it includedcompetition. Besides the Top 10 rankings,<strong>Anglo</strong> students also scored the 19 th , 20 th ,and 21 st places, with twelve <strong>Anglo</strong>numerous topics such as Algebra,<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> students infractions, decimals and more.The second section was an activity wherethe Top 100 for all of Asia!"I felt really excited when I heard about thestudents competed head-to-head with challenge!" said Miya, from <strong>Anglo</strong>ʼs Year 1other children of all ages from all across class. All of our competitors feel excitedAsia to test mental calculating speed and every time we join some importanthow you could properly solve the problems competition.” For overall prizes and morewhile competing against the clock.information, please check http://www.mathschallenge.asia/.After interviewing our competitors, most ofthem seemed to be really excited aboutthis Asian Maths Challenge.Individual Secondary Prizes:1 st place = Theresia Veronika R. (19,914) Team <strong>Singapore</strong>2 nd place = Chae Hyun K. (18,640) Kellett <strong>School</strong>3 rd place = Asadullah I. (18, 561) <strong>Singapore</strong> Homeschool Group4 th place = Randmar David B. (18,334) <strong>International</strong> British Academy5 th place = Farruh M. (18,148) <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>6 th place = Jebelle S. (17,781) <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>7 th place = Joel Y. (17, 676) <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>8 th place = Yao Y. (17,637) <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>9 th place = Sivananthan A. (17, 532) Team <strong>Singapore</strong>10 th place = Mao N. (17,110) Bunda Mulia <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>Glee Club Comes to <strong>Anglo</strong>By Sirijung (P6)By Guy (P6)Almost every upper-primary or secondarystudent has watched the American televisionshow “Glee” and many themselves long to bea part of such a club; often picturingthemselves as one of the main characters inthe show.Well, now <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong><strong>School</strong> students will soon have the benefit ofhaving a real Glee Club starting next year!The Sukhumvit 64 campus, with its largenewly built auditorium, will be starting theGlee Club when the school opens in August.Many students are very excited about thepossibilities that this will bring to <strong>Anglo</strong> in thearea of singing and live performances.Auditions will be starting soon, so get intouch with the main office to get involved in<strong>Anglo</strong>ʼs very first Glee Club.The oldest of boats: Rock drawings from the Red Sea site of Wadi Hammamat, datedto around 4000 BC, show that ancient Egyptian boats were made from papyrus andreeds. Yet the worldʼs earliest known plank-built ship, dated to 2600 BC, wasdiscovered next to the Great Pyramid in 1952. Made from cedar and sycamorewood, it was in almost perfect state of preservation, stored dismantled into 1,224parts. Reconstructed, the vessel was 142 feet (43 metres) long and 19 feet (5,8metres) wide, displacing some 40 tons.The worldʼs oldest surviving boat is a simple 10feet (3 metre) long dugout (logboat) dated to7400 BC. It was discovered in Pesse, Holland inthe Netherlands. In 2002, an almost similarlyaged 6.5 ft (2 m) dugout was also unearthed atthe Kuahuqiao ruins in Xiaoshan City, ZhejiangProvince, China.In 2300 BC, the Egyptians created the worldʼs first organized navy. Oar-poweredships were developed by the Sumerians in 3500 BC. Sails were first used by thePhoenicians around 2000 BC.

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