Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

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Sports Talk: The Rules ofTennis SimplifiedRule 6. If the ball goes into the net, oroutside the boundaries of the court, theplayer who hit that ball loses the point.If the ball hits the net during the pointand goes into the opponentʼs court, theball is in play. A player loses the point ifhe touches the net, drops his racquetwhile hitting the ball, bounces the ballover the net, hits a part of thesurroundings such as the roof, or a tree,the ball touches him or hispartner, he deliberately tries to distractthe opponent.Rule 7. A let is called during the point ifa ball rolls on the court or there is adistraction from someone besides theplayers on the court.Rule 8. A ball that lands on the line isgood.Rule 9. If players serve out of turn orserve to the wrong person or court, thepoint or game will stand and order willbe resumed following the point or game.Demo Day at <strong>Anglo</strong>Compiled by Angel (P5) with the help ofreporters: Nat (P6) and Linya (P5)Student Demo Day is a day at <strong>Anglo</strong><strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> where allthe parents are invited to come to schooland see the various demonstrations carriedout by the afterschool clubs. Naturally,parents choose to visit the demos beingdone by the CCA that their child/childrenattend.The day went by smoothly, with manydemonstrations being done across theentire campus. All the parents that weinterviewed were pleased with demos andhad a good time.Following are listings of the clubs that ourreporters were able to visit during DemoDay and a brief description ofdemonstration presented.E-<strong>Newsletter</strong> (P5 to P6)During the E-<strong>Newsletter</strong> demonstration,the student leaders (Guy, Yanjie,Sirijung and Gin) gave a presentationabout the procedure used to write thenewsletter and the responsibilitiesinvolved. They stressed that it was a“serious” CCA and more like a real jobthan anything else but that they allenjoyed the challenge. They alsoprojected the latest E-<strong>Newsletter</strong> up ona screen and talked about past featurestories and what they would like to seedone in the future. Parent feedbackwas then requested at the end and allcomments were very positive. A fewparents expressed how much theyenjoy the newsletter and lookedforward to reading it – also saying thatit was a very important part of <strong>Anglo</strong>.Cooking Club (P2 to P6)During this demo, all the studentsworked together and cooperated top r e p a r e v a r i o u s d i s h e s . T h ecooperation was very good, especiallyconsidering that many grades werecombined together. They had a lot ofdelicious food for the parents to taste.Reading Club (K3)The teacher spent time with the kidsteaching them how to read andstudents read aloud to show theirabilities. Also, kids sang and dancedand the parents laughed with thechildren and just had fun. This wasnʼtsuch a ʻseriousʼ demonstration as it wasfor kindergarten students.Chinese Culture ClubThis was a dance routine and was cuteto watch. The children reallyc o o p e r a t e d w e l l d u r i n g t h i sdemonstration and remembered theirsteps and the beat of the music. Theyoften changed roles and afterperforming, the teacher gave themmini-quizzes.Football ClubThe Football Club had a mini-matchwith a few spectators. The team memberscommunicated well together, andalthough they were from differentgrade levels, they did not fight witheach other and rather cheered for eachother - even though they missed agoal.It was an entertaining demonstration. Moreparents should have come to watch.Debate ClubThe secondary students put on a debatedemonstration that seemed a bit confusing tothis reporter but many parents came to see it.The demo was therefore a success and probablythe most popular (in terms of parent numbers)demonstration of the day. I felt that it trulyshowed the debating talents of some studentseven if somewhat confusing to follow at first.Thai Culture ClubWe were not entirely sure what was beingdemonstrated here. The teacher said that thekids were a bit too young and playful. Not manyparents came to watch this demo but thestudents were all well behaved.BasketballThey had a good drill game that was fun to viewbut there were no parents watching the demonstration.What a shame.Scholarʼs CupDuring this presentation, they playededucational trivia games called “Quiz” and“Millionaire”. The host was Jean (Y2) and thewinning team was composed of Jebelle (Y1), YaoYao (Y1) and Ann Ann (P6). This was a very nicedemonstration and quite entertaining. It was oneof the top demonstrations of the day insofaras being well-run and entertaining.“Formal education will make you aliving; creative education will makeyou a fortune .”- Jim Rohn

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