Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

Term 3 Newsletter - Anglo Singapore International School

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<strong>Anglo</strong> Expands to New Campus by Nat (P6) & Gin (P6)Many parents and students are asking aboutthe new campus at Sukhumvit 64 and so weat the <strong>Anglo</strong> E-<strong>Newsletter</strong> have decided towrite an update for our readers.During an interview with this reporter, theschool director, Mrs. Julie said that the mainschool building is ready but just waiting foran approval letter from the MOE (Minister ofEducation). The MOE must tour each newschool and approve of it and its facilitiesbefore an educational institution can open.<strong>Anglo</strong>ʼs new campus has many new features.The school has three buildings in total.The first and main school building is fivestories high, the second one is four storieshigh, but the third one has not been confirmedyet as to its size.The entire Sukhumvit 64 campus covers 8rai. The new campus is located directly nextto the Bunam Punnatthi BTS Station, so it isvery convenient to get there via BTS. Yousimply walk out of the southeast exit anddirectly to the sidewalk in front of the schoolcampus.The only thing that would make the campusbetter located is if it were closer to downtown,as some students and teachers willnow have a longer commute to school. But,where would <strong>Anglo</strong> ever find 8 rai of vacantland in lower Sukhumvit? In short, the locationis good and the campus itself evenbetter.Some of the E-<strong>Newsletter</strong>ʼs favorite iPadfeatures are listed below:eBook Reader This feature could beamazing if publishing houses get their actstogether to offer more books. The iPadcould be perfect for educational text booksas well as novels and as mentioned above,the ease of vocabulary learning through thedictionary and thesaurus features isamazing.Web Research Browsing should be asgood as a laptop yet more personal andflexible.Presenting Itʼs great for handheld presentingto a small group of peers.The Sukhumvit 64 campus will sportfour complete science laboratories, anathletic training room, a theatre-likeauditorium for various performances,an indoor gym with basketball courtand a 25 meter swimming pool.Once completed, there will also be avariety of outdoor athletic facilities suchas a running track, badminton courtand tennis court.The new campus will be open forNursery students all the way to JCstudents, so it will be a campus toserve the full range of <strong>Anglo</strong> studentsfrom the very young to those ready tohead to university. The Sukhumvit 31campus will then only include classesfrom Nursery to Primary 4 students(should any wish to stay nearer todowntown).All new school enrollees must pass aseries of entrance exams to enter theschool.Publishing With Pages & iBooks Authoron the Mac and Book Creator & CBB onthe iPad, itʼs easy to create original ePubtitles.Art Work There are some great appsfor drawing & painting for all ages, someof which are quite sophisticated.Note-taking Itʼs an easy, portablemethod for learners to make notes andmind-maps of class and lectureinformation.Digital Storytelling With built-in stilland video cameras plus a decentmicrophone, the iPad is ideal for simpledigital storytelling.Creativity So many apps offer opportunitiesfor learners to create & developoriginal ideas & stories.This is to ensure the high-qualityacademics that <strong>Anglo</strong> has becomefamous for.Mrs. Julie also mentioned thatthere will be new school uniformsfor the Sukhumvit 64 campus; anew campus and a new image for<strong>Anglo</strong>.Everyone is looking forward togoing to the new campus. It surelysounds like a marvelous campusand we at the E-<strong>Newsletter</strong> hopeto see many students at the newcampus!Music There are an increasingnumber of musical apps comingalong which encourage learners tocreate music in new & innovativeways.Video Editing iMovie uses the built-in cameras to take footage & dosome basic video editing. Expectthis app (and others) to becomemore sophisticated with every newrelease.7. Conclusion: When all thepotential functions of the iPad areadded up, its form, the iOS, thecameras, & the apps, it becomesclear that the iPad is a PersonalLearning Studio. It can be a sciencelab, literacy tool, research station,history archive, language lab, artcanvas, music studio, video editingsuite, games console & library. Weat the <strong>Anglo</strong> E-<strong>Newsletter</strong> firmlyrecommend iPads as a learningdevice for all students from aboutP5 upwards.

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