2011 AGM Minutes
2011 AGM Minutes
2011 AGM Minutes
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DRAFT ONLY<strong>Minutes</strong> of the <strong>2011</strong> Annual General Meeting of the Australian and NewZealand Law and History Society.The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held at the Graduate Centre GU Southbank,Brisbane on 13 December <strong>2011</strong>. The president, David Williams, chaired the meeting.Attendees: David Williams, Wendy Robinson, Shaunnagh Dorsett, Wayne Rumbles, LisaFord, Jason Taliodoros, Stefan Petrow, Pamela O’Neill, John V Orth, John Hamilton,Andrew Buck, Diane Kirkby, Jeremy Finn, Mark Lunney, David Wood, Peter Prince, GuyCharlton, Mark Finnane, Chris Brien, David Grinlinton, Barbara Jedlickova, David Plater,Tracey Coleman, Horst Lucke, Jennie Jeppesen, Joseph L. Hyde, Constance Backhouse,Peter Moore, John McLaren, Libby Connors.Apologies: John Weaver, Grant Morris, Geoff Lindsay, Tony Earls, Cathy Coleborne, NancyWright, Bruce Kercher.1. <strong>Minutes</strong> of the last <strong>AGM</strong>. These were disseminated to the committee by email and alsoavailable on the society’s web page. Hard copies were available at the meeting. Acceptancewas moved by the president, seconded Shaunnagh Dorsett. No dissent.2. President’s reportDavid Williams distributed copies of his report which is attached.Business arising.David Williams moved a vote of thanks to Diane Kirkby for her editing of this year’s e-journal. Passed by acclamation.He also moved that the journal editor be recognised as a member of the executive.John Hamilton moved acceptance of the President’s report, seconded Shaunnagh Dorsett. Nodissent.3. Financial reportsAustralian accounts.Diane reported that the Australian funds comprised a healthy $14 500 in a term deposit. Lastyear’s conference made a healthy profit of $6 000 so the on-call account now hasapproximately $14 000 as well. Diane is stepping down as the Australian treasurer aftermany years in the role.New Zealand accounts.Jeremy reported that thanks are due to Grant Morris for the significant $5 000 profit from theWellington 2009 conference which has substantially boosted the NZ finances. Funds to handnow amount to approx. $4 800. Outstanding accounts include payment for the e-journal forthe past year.
John Hamilton moved that the Treasurers’ reports be accepted, seconded Peter Moore. Nodissent.4. Upcoming conferencesShaunnagh is hosting the 2012 conference at UTS in Sydney. It will have the theme ofReceiving Laws, Giving Laws which will enable participants to contribute papers exploringthese ideas across empires, time and genres. The conference website is up and running andthe Call for Papers will be sent out in January. She expects to have conference registrationopen by August 2012.Jeremy Finn informed the conference that Jacinta Ruru has agreed to host the 2013conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. Jeremy made no promises about the weather.Plans for a 2014 mega-law, literature, history, society conference have not eventuated. MarkLunney, now at ANU and past host of the UNE conference, kindly agreed to makeapproaches to staff at ANU about hosting the 2014 conference.5. The international conference in Singapore 2012John McLaren reported on developments for the International Conference on the LegalHistory of the British Empire in Singapore in July 2012. Organisers have accepted more than130 papers and John encouraged everyone to attend what is promising to be a stimulating andproductive conference.6. Agreement between the ASLH & ANZLHS re conference exchangeDavid Williams thanked Cathy Coleborne for her work in developing the exchange duringher presidency. ANZLHS sent three NZ scholars to the conference in Atlanta and againwelcomed the US panel to Brisbane. Constance Backhouse reported that ASLH have askedfor a report to assess the scheme.Motion: That this <strong>AGM</strong> express its gratitude to the ASLH for the arrangement and that welook forward to a continuation of the arrangement in 2012.Moved John Hamilton, seconded John Orth.No dissent.7. E-journalDiane reported on the 2010/11 issue of the journal. Abstracts from last year’s conference andkeynote addresses were published as well as a number of refereed and non-refereed papers.The final issue contains papers by Australian and New Zealand postgraduates as well as byinternational scholars.She asked whether the society wanted to include non-conference papers and it was agreedthat the acceptance of non-conference papers should be left to the editor’s discretion takinginto account their relevance to the conference/journal issue’s theme.David Williams moved several items:That Diane Kirkby be again appointed editor for the e-journal in <strong>2011</strong>-2012;That the numbering of the journal be amended to reflect the year of publication rather thanthe year of conference.
That the following members comprise an editorial board:Mark Finnane, Jeremy Finn, Stefan Petrow, Constance Backhouse, Guy Charlton, John V.Orth, John McLaren and Libby Connors.That we agree to make the e- journal available through Hein-online.Moved David Williams, seconded John Orth. No dissent.8. Election of office-bearers & Committee 2010-11John Hamilton moved that the office bearers be appointed as per the President’s Report. Nodissent.Results:PresidentVice-presidentSecretaryAust TreasurerNZ TreasurerE-journal editorDavid WilliamsShaunnagh DorsettLibby ConnorsStefan PetrowJeremy FinnDiane KirkbyCommittee members Grant Morris, Wayne Rumbles, John Weaver, John McLaren,Lisa Ford, Wendy Robinson, Jacinta Ruru, Guy Charlton, John Orth, Peter Prince, PeterMoore.Action:committee.Diane will ask Janine Rizzetti to consider again being the postgrad rep on the9. Other Business:David moved a vote of thanks to Nancy Wright and Andrew Buck for the success andorganisation of the Brisbane conference. Passed by acclamation.<strong>Minutes</strong> taken by Libby Connors