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Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 38 (2008) 31–44 31<br />

IOS Press<br />

Contrast harmonic ultrasound and<br />

indocyanine-green fluorescence video<br />

angiography for evaluation of dermal and<br />

subdermal microcirculation in free<br />

parascapular flaps<br />

L. Prantl a,∗ , St. Schmitt a ,S.Gais a ,T.Y.Tsui a ,P.Lamby a , P. Babilas a , M. Nerlich a ,<br />

R. Kubale c ,N.Zorger b ,T.Herold b , S. Feuerbach b and E.M. Jung b<br />

a Institute of Trauma, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany<br />

b Institute of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany<br />

c Institute of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Sonography, Hospital Pirmasens, Germany<br />

Abstract. Purpose: Contrast harmonic ultrasound (CHI) with a linear transducer is a new diagnostic approach that allows dynamic<br />

and quantitative flow detection of tissue perfusion in microsurgery. The aim of the study was the evaluation of perfusion of<br />

the dermal and subdermal layers of microvascular tissue transplants with CHI in comparison to ICG-fluorescence angiography.<br />

Material and method: In a prospective clinical study indocyanine-green fluorescence video angiography and contrast enhanced<br />

high resolution ultrasound (5–10 MHz; linear transducer; Logiq 9; GE) were used for evaluation of the microcirculation in 10<br />

transplanted free parascapular flaps. Two regions were analysed, the centre of the flap and the region of the anastomosis. The<br />

perfusion patterns of both methods were compared. Results: The perfusion indexes measured by ICG-fluorescence angiography<br />

correlated very precisely in all patients with the quantitative perfusion curves of contrast-enhanced US with CHI. Two flaps<br />

with slow filling and low dye intensity showed low contrast enhancement in CHI with modified perfusion curves with slow<br />

increase. In two cases a reduced perfusion and filling were found. There were no statistical differences between the two diagnostic<br />

methods (p >0.01). Conclusion: CHI improves US detections of dermal and subdermal microcirculation in comparison<br />

to ICG fluorescence angiography. CHI is a new diagnostic method for postoperative monitoring of free flaps.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

With the development of high-resolution digital ultrasound technology with contrast-enhanced harmonic<br />

imaging (CHI) the evaluation of tissue perfusion improves [1,2]. Especially with low MI technique<br />

with pulse inversion harmonic imaging a dynamic evaluation of tumor vascularisation and perfusion<br />

of liver tumors is possible [3,4]. Thus tumorcharacterisation has become much more precise. With<br />

increasing availability of ultrasound contrast-enhanced harmonic imaging (CHI) application and comparison<br />

amplifies. Therefore the importance of tissue perfusion for evaluation of other organ and soft<br />

* Corresponding author: Dr. Lukas Prantl, MD, Department of Plastic Surgery, Regensburg University, Franz-Josef-Strauss-<br />

Allee 11, 93053 Regensburg, Germany. Tel.: +49 941 944 6947; Fax: +49 941 944 6806; E-mail: lukas.prantl@klinik.uniregensburg.de.<br />

1386-0291/08/$17.00 © 2008 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

32 L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation<br />

tissue tumors and control of therapy increases [5,6]. Application includes also the evaluation of tissue<br />

perfusion through the skull.<br />

The evaluation of microcirculation of soft tissue, especially of the cutaneous and subcutaneous layers<br />

bears the challenge for high resolution dynamic speckle reduction imaging (SRI) [7–9].<br />

A combination of contrast-enhanced harmonic imaging with the possibility of differentiated tissue<br />

imaging in B scan modus and the evaluation of perfusion by microbubbles in low MI technique imaging<br />

is needed. A parallel imaging of dynamic B scan modus and contrast-enhanced speckle reduction<br />

imaging (SRI) is of special importance. These techniques can than be used for comparison of soft tissue<br />

perfusion with ICG-fluorescence angiography [4,10–19].<br />

An early detection of insufficiently perfused skin that will undergo necrosis is highly desirable since<br />

it may lead to surgical decisions such as immediate flap revision to restore the blood flow or early<br />

resection of the necrosis. It is proved, that a reliable method to quantify perfusion and predict flap<br />

necrosis improves quality of treatment, shows lower morbidity and reduces costs and hospital length of<br />

stay [17]. Clinical tests of flap temperature, turgor and color, capillary refill, bleeding time are frequently<br />

used [20]. However, these clinical tests are not reliable for monitoring buried, nonvisible flaps and muscle<br />

flaps. Furthermore judgement depends on experience of the investigator. Mostly these signs appear to<br />

late, so revision of the free flap can be already too late at that time.<br />

Other monitoring techniques include Doppler ultrasound, electrical impedance plethysmography,<br />

99 mTc sestamibiscintigraphy, fluorescein angiography, laser Doppler, photoplethysmography, pulse<br />

oximetry, temperature monitoring, tissue pH, transcutaneous oxygen monitoring, implantable Doppler<br />

monitoring and muscle contractility tests. None of these techniques have become generally accepted as<br />

standard method for monitoring free flaps [1,20–27].<br />

The aim of this study was to evaluate dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging of true agent<br />

detection, a new method of pulse inversion harmonic imaging (PIHI) to detect perfusion of dermal and<br />

subdermal layers of microvascular grafts. The results were compared to perfusion patterns of laserinduced<br />

indocyanine-green fluorescence video angiography (ICG-FA).<br />

2. Patients and methods<br />

2.1. Methods<br />

Ten patients (male : female = 8 : 2, mean age of 43 ± 17 years, average BMI of 26 ± 3) with free<br />

parascapular flaps to cover tissue defects of the lower limb were examined after tissue transfer. Pregnant<br />

women, patients with liver failure and patients with history of allergic reactions to ICG or iodide were<br />

excluded from the study. All free tissue transfers were performed by one experienced attending surgeon.<br />

The size of the soft-tissue defects before flap coverage ranged from 7 × 3cmto30× 12 cm (mean:<br />

17.8 ± 6.6 cm × 7.3 ± 2.5 cm) and flap size ranged from 8 × 4cmto30× 13 cm (20.4 ± 6.6 cm ×<br />

8.9 ± 2.6 cm). The microvascular anastomoses were performed using high-power magnifying glasses.<br />

Flaps were connected to the posterior tibial artery by end-to-end anastomosis in seven patients and<br />

by end-to-side anastomosis in one patient. Two flaps were connected to the dorsalis pedis artery by<br />

end-to-end anastomosis. Two veins were anastomosed in all patients.<br />

The perfusion of the flap was examined by dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging and by<br />

laser-induced indocyanine green (ICG)-fluorescence angiography. Sensitivity and prognostic value of

L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation 33<br />

dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging was compared with laser-induced fluorescence angiography<br />

with indocyanine-green (ICG-FA) and with clinical parameters (turgor, temperature, reperfusion<br />

time). The approval of the <strong>Medical</strong> Ethics Committee was obtained prior to the study.<br />

Indocyanine green is a water-soluble tricarbocyanine dye (775 g/mol) that was first approved for clinical<br />

use in humans in 1956 [28,29]. After intravenous injection ICG, is bound to plasma proteins and in<br />

80% to globulins, mainly α-lipoproteins (MW 200 kDa). Thus, it is confined to the intravascular space<br />

with minimal leakage from abnormal or fenestrated vessels. Under physiological conditions ICG is eliminated<br />

from the blood exclusively via the liver and excreted chemically unchanged into the bile. Half life<br />

is approximately 3 min and there is no entero-hepatic circulation. Due to its fast pharmacokinetics, ICG<br />

allows administration and light irradiation in one session. Owing these characteristics, ICG is clinically<br />

approved for determination of liver function [30], plasma volume [31] and cardiac output [32].<br />

In human plasma, the absorption spectrum exhibits a strong band between 600 and 900 nm which<br />

is far beyond the absorption maximum of hemoglobin and melanin and which is coincident with the<br />

emission wavelength of a near infrared laser (780 nm) providing a maximal penetration of light into<br />

tissue (approx. 3 mm). Thus ICG localized in the microvasculature can be used as parameter for the<br />

microcirculation [17–19].<br />

ICG (Pulsion <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> AG, Munich, Germany) was dissolved in an aqueous solvent (pH<br />

7.4) at a concentration of 0.75 mg/ml and immediately applied intravenously as bolus (0.5 mg kg −1<br />

b.w.). Immediately after administration the chromophore was activated using a near-infrared-laser device<br />

(λem = 780 nm, fluence dose: 0.16 W) that is part of the IC-<strong>View</strong> ® -System (Pulsion <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>,<br />

Munich, Germany). The fluorescence was detected in real time with the aid of a camcorder and the<br />

appropriate filter set (IC-<strong>View</strong> ® -System, Pulsion <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>, Munich, Germany). Measurements<br />

were made at a distance of 30–100 cm from the tissue of interest. This form of laser exposure does not<br />

damage local tissue, since the energy absorbed is far below damage threshold of the skin.<br />

A fluorescence standard was added in each measurement. The experiments were performed in darkness.<br />

The analysis of the data was performed with the aid of the IC-Calc ® -Software. For each patient<br />

different regions of interest were defined: the area of the anastomosis (ROI1) and the center of the flap<br />

(ROI2). Both were compared to normally perfused surrounding tissue (ROI3) as reference and adjusted<br />

to a constant. The maximum fluorescence intensity as well as the relative perfusion index was calculated.<br />

The increase (or decrease) of intensity was plotted as a graph. The slope of the graph can be correlated<br />

with the perfusion index and is therefore a parameter for the arterial perfusion.<br />

The evaluation of hemodynamic flow parameters of transanastomotic blood circulation of microvascular<br />

flap grafts was made with color coded Doppler sonography (CCDS) in comparison to the blood<br />

circulation of the communal femoral artery, the superficial femoral artery, the polpiteal artery and the<br />

tibial artery, which was used for the anastomosis, the posterior tibial artery in 8 cases, the anterior tibial<br />

artery in 2 cases.<br />

Patients where examined in resting position after a minimum of 20 min of recovery under control of<br />

temperature. All ultrasound investigations were performed by an examiner experienced in ultrasound<br />

diagnostics with a multi-frequency linear transducer (5–10 MHz, Logiq 9, GE). Flow evaluation was<br />

angle-optimized using digital image technology in the DICOM format with the CCDS and automatic<br />

spectral analysis with measurement of the maximum systolic and diastolic flow velocities, the resistance<br />

index (RI), the pulsatility index (PI), as well as the vessel diameter (D) and blood flow volume.<br />

Measured data were averaged over at least 3 flow-spectra. In view of the smaller distal vessel diameter,<br />

hemodynamic flow detection was performed depending of reduced flow velocity with adapted low pulse<br />

repetition velocity (PRF) and wall filter (WF) and increased color and Doppler gain.

34 L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation<br />

To determine perfusion, a contrast-enhanced investigation with Contrast Harmonic Imaging (CHI) was<br />

performed in pulse inversion mode (PIHI). Written patient consent and the permission of the ethic commission<br />

of the hospital had been given. Allergic diathesis, incompatibility reactions to contrast medium,<br />

a severe hart disease and the restriction of kidney function were considered as exclusion criteria for a<br />

maximum bolus injection of 5 ml ultrasound contrast agent (Sonovue ® , Bracco). Through a peripheral<br />

cubital cannula, a first bolus injection was made of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® with subsequent injection of 10 ml<br />

NaCl to evaluate the perfusion near the anastomosis and the microcirculation in a strictly defined skin<br />

area, which was situated over temperature sensors. With a further bolus injection of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® ,<br />

the perfusion and microcirculation were evaluated in a defined area in the flap center. The perfusion was<br />

recorded in each case in dynamic digital image sequences over 30 s in each case. Grey scale parameters,<br />

penetration depth and focus zones remained unchanged.<br />

In a special double image investigation mode, the fundamental B scan morphology of the microvascular<br />

flap could be appraised at the same time and the most intense dynamic flap perfusion was<br />

established in the subtraction mode of the PIHI (true agent detection mode, Logiq 9, GE). Based on<br />

these digital dynamic graphic data, the perfusion curves were then evaluated retrospectively. It was<br />

possible to determine maximum contrast enhancement, inflow time, time of the maximum signal rise<br />

and the area of the entire perfusion curve (area under the curve) using automatic analysis tools. Three<br />

defined circular measurement zones were positioned in the free flap up to 1 cm starting from the cutis.<br />

The perfusion over real time detected by means of low MI technology, with a mechanical index (MI) of<br />

0.15 with representation in curve form due to the averaged individual measurements was then recorded<br />

automatically via the integrated workstation (Logiq Works, Logic 9, GE).<br />

All statistical tests were performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Chicago,<br />

IL, USA). Analysis of correlation between the different hemodynamic flow parameters was performed<br />

using the McNemar Test. In this process digital raw data comprehend Grey scale parameters up to 500<br />

single data, consisting of detection of three defined perfusion areal.<br />

3. Results<br />

Hemodynamic flow parameters of the thigh, the micro-vascular flap applied to the lower leg artery<br />

and the location of the anastomosis were determined successfully by CCDS in all 10/10 cases. Clear<br />

effects on blood circulation in the region of anastomosis of maximum systolic and end-diastolic flow<br />

velocity of the common femoral artery and the popliteal artery, as well as in particular the flow velocities<br />

of the appropriate lower leg arteries were visible. The volumetric flow rate of the anastomosis was<br />

affected by circulation parameters and vessel diameter. Under reduced flow with a maximum systolic<br />

velocity < 30 cm/s and end-diastolic velocity < 10 cm/s of the lower leg arteries, there was a reduction<br />

of the volumetric flow rate in the anastomosis of up to 8.9 ml/min.<br />

After obtaining written consent and considering possible contraindications, contrast-enhanced US diagnostics<br />

for measuring perfusion could be evaluated in 10 cases. A successful dynamic evaluation of<br />

flap perfusion was possible with a bolus injection of 2.5 ml ultrasound contrast agent (Sonovue ® ). No<br />

side effects attributable to a contrast medium allergy where found.<br />

Pulse Inversion Imaging (PIHI) with the special modality of True Agent Detection Imaging showed<br />

the dynamic flap perfusion from the superficial dermal and subdermal layer in all 10/10 cases examined<br />

with the high solution linear scan without advanced distance. The dynamic double image representation<br />

of B scan images and the subtracted contrast-enhanced PIHI (true agent detection modality) sequences

L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation 35<br />

facilitated dynamic analysis of the microcirculation in all 10/10 cases. With quantitative computerized<br />

perfusion analysis it was possible to represent the deep-dependent tissue perfusion as a curve. In addition<br />

it was possible to plot the microcirculation as curve by using the perfusion data resulting from the noted<br />

digital image sequences.<br />

Immediately after the bolus injection of ultrasound contrast medium, a clear perfusion could already<br />

be recognized in the dermal, subdermal and subcutaneous layers of all 10 cases examined. A reduced<br />

maximum velocity (2/10 cases) or clearly reduced volume flow in the area of the anastomosis (2/10<br />

cases) corresponded to a reduced tissue perfusion in accord with diminished rise in the curve of the<br />

dermal and subdermal perfusion. Comparable tissue perfusions were seen both within the area of the<br />

anastomosis and within the area of the marking of the center of the flap.<br />

Analysis of Grey scale digital raw data showed alteration after bolus injection of ultrasound contrast<br />

medium between 4 dB up to 10 dB, with an average of 3.5 dB over the first 30 s. Under clearly reduced<br />

flow there was a clearly prolongated rise of the perfusion curve of the digital raw data in all of the three<br />

continuous measured data, who showed signal changes of a maximum of 1.5 dB, in average 0.75 dB.<br />

In case of reduced tissue perfusion an early plateau in curve analysis with signal changes up to 2.5 dB<br />

with an average of 1.25 dB occurred. Additional analysis of tissue perfusion with corresponding curve<br />

analysis showed in 4 cases with reduced or clearly reduced tissue perfusion corresponding to the raw<br />

data a tissue perfusion after only 30–60 s, with an average of 45 sec. A strong perfusion of the dermal<br />

and subdermal layers showed signal changes after bolus injection which continued up to 2 min, with an<br />

average of 170 s.<br />

Based on digital dynamic graphic data of PIHI in all of 10 cases, it was possible to show dynamic flap<br />

perfusion and microcirculation of the flap with capillary perfusion. Using basic ultrasound procedures,<br />

this was not possible without contrast harmonic enhancement.<br />

Eight of the flaps showed clinically normal parameters (turgor, temperature, reperfusion time). The<br />

evaluation of the ICG-fluorescence angiography showed a mean perfusion index of 90 ± 7% in the two<br />

ROIs compared to reference skin. The perfusion index represents the speed of dye accumulation and is<br />

a measure of the quality of the arterial blood supply in that region. The average fluorescence maximum<br />

amounted to 92 ± 8% (Fig. 1).<br />

In our experiments the perfusion index correlated in eight patients almost precisely with the curve<br />

courses ascertained from the ultrasound data in the two well-chosen ROIs, in the centre of the flap<br />

and over the anastomosis. The quantitative evaluation of two patients showed slow filling and low dye<br />

intensity (Fig. 2).<br />

Table 1 shows the results of flap perfusion of the dermal and subdermal flap by CHI and ICGfluorescence<br />

angiography in comparison. No significant differences (p >0.01) were found between<br />

the two diagnostic methods in all 10/10 cases for characterization the perfusion of the anastomotic and<br />

central region of the free flaps (Figs 3–7).<br />

4. Discussion<br />

An early detection of flap failure caused by blood flow abnormalities (vascular thrombosis, compression,<br />

twisting) and an immediate reoperation to restore blood flow may prevent free flap failure. Recent<br />

advances in technology and improvements in surgical technique have led to reported success rates for<br />

flap salvage through early intervention in 33–57% of cases [1,17,18,20,22]. An ideal monitoring method<br />

should appraise the patency of microvascular anastomoses as well as the perfusion and microcirculation<br />

of flap tissue.

36 L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation<br />

Fig. 1. Evaluation of the perfusion of the ICG-fluorescence angiography: (a) the free flap with the two ROIs (red: center of<br />

the flap, green: area of the anastomotic region); (b) perfusion in false-colours (red and yellow: high perfusion, green: medium,<br />

blue: low perfusion); (c) representation of the perfusion for the time: quick increase of the fluorescence and high fluorescence<br />

intensity.<br />

Fig. 2. Evaluation of the perfusion in a critical perfused free flap: (a) the free flaps with the two ROI’s (red: center of the<br />

flap, green: area of the anastomotic region); (b) perfusion in false-colours (green: medium perfusion, blue: low perfusion);<br />

(c) representation of the perfusion for the time: slow increase of the fluorescence and low fluorescence intensity.

L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation 37<br />

Table 1<br />

Analysis of contrast enhanced perfusion with harmonic ultrasound imaging (CHI) and fluoroscopie (Flu) in 10 cases of free<br />

scapular flaps. A: anastomotic region, M: middle of the flap; (+) less enhancement and low perfusion; (++) good visualization<br />

of perfusion; (+++) early and high enhancement in dynamic sequences<br />

Anastomotic region of the flap Middle of the flap Diagnostic modalities<br />

Patient 1 +++ +++ CHI<br />

[KI] +++ +++ Flu<br />

Patient 2 +++ +++ CHI<br />

[CI] +++ +++ Flu<br />

Patient 3 +++ +++ CHI<br />

[DÖ] ++ ++ Flu<br />

Patient 4 +++ +++ CHI<br />

[0T] ++ ++ Flu<br />

Patient 5 ++ ++ CHI<br />

[Schn] ++ ++ Flu<br />

Patient 6 + + CHI<br />

[Schm] + + Flu<br />

Patient 7 + + CHI<br />

[Ge] + + Flu<br />

Patient 8 ++ ++ CHI<br />

[Schu] ++ ++ Flu<br />

Patient 9 +++ +++ CHI<br />

[De] +++ +++ Flu<br />

Patient 10 +++ +++ CHI<br />

[Ta] +++ +++ Flu<br />

Since ultrasound with CCDS has good general availability, it has become very important for evaluation<br />

of blood circulation in the lower leg and to measure the hemodynamic flow parameters of the anastomosis<br />

of a transplanted free flap. Using angle-optimized flow detection the evaluation of maximum systolic<br />

and diastolic flow velocities, the resistance index (PI), as well as the vessel diameter (D) and blood<br />

flow volume is possible. Angle-dependent flow representation with CCDS and examiner dependence is<br />

particular disadvantageous.<br />

Digital dynamic imaging technologies in combination with special subtraction techniques with contrast<br />

harmonic imaging (CHI) enables an evaluation of capillary perfusion. With the technology of pulse<br />

inversion harmonic imaging (PIHI) a maximum reinforcement of the harmonic imaging with microbubbles<br />

is attained after intravenous injection from ultrasonic contrast medium. Only the residual harmonic<br />

frequencies after subtraction of the echoes by pulses with inverse polarity are used. The evaluation of<br />

the flap perfusion is already possible with a bolus injection of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® . The new technology<br />

of true detection harmonic imaging visualizes the blood circulation within the epidermal, subcutaneous<br />

and epifascial layer. With simultaneous imaging of the dynamic gray scale images it is possible to assess<br />

the tissue architecture at any time. Evaluation of the flap margins and more precisely anastomosis is<br />

facilitated.<br />

The maximum contrast-enhancement, the steepness of slope and the area under the curve can enable<br />

an evaluation of the perfusion at different locations of a flap transplant.<br />

The ICG has been investigated in several studies and represents a sensitive diagnostic tool for detecting<br />

compromised tissue perfusion [17–19,30–33]. According to the study of Giunta et al. [17] the perfusion

38 L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation<br />

Fig. 3. Perfusion of the flap with contrast enhancement detected by CHI after bolus injection of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® .InTIC<br />

analysis and by gray scale analysis changes of the echo signal were detected with a peak of the perfusion curve after 10–15 s.

L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation 39<br />

Fig. 4. Perfusion of the flap with contrast enhancement detected by CHI after bolus injection of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® .TheTIC<br />

analysis and gray scale analysis show a early and strongly enhancement of the free flap in the anastomatic part.

40 L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation<br />

Fig. 5. TIC-analysis: wash-in-curve. B: Baseline parameter. It should represent the data value at the time-of-arrival. A: The<br />

amplitude scale factor, it describes the peak at time t = infinity for wash in (that is were exp(−kt). If the curve is still rising<br />

at the end of the fit, the A value will be higher than the peak at the last frame. If the data has flattened out, the data amplitude<br />

at the user selected last frame will be approximately the same as the data amplitude at t = infinity, so the A value in the fit<br />

will accurate reflect the peak seen in the data. k: The exponential decay factor; k just tells it how fast that will happen. So a<br />

wash in curve uses 1 − exp(−kt), this expression starts at 0, and ends at 1 (times the scale factor A). M<strong>SE</strong>: The mean standard<br />

error, how much the real data at each time t is different from the value of the fit, F (t), at the same time t. M<strong>SE</strong> is equal to the<br />

standard deviation of the data set relative to the fit data values divided by the square root of the number of data points.<br />

index represents the most important parameter for flap viability. An index of less than 25% results in<br />

flap necrosis. According to the data of their study an index of 25% is both 100% sensitive and specific<br />

and is a reliable cut-off value. Indexes below should recommend surgical decision to either improve flap<br />

perfusion or resect the critical parts of the flap. The high accordance of the ICW data with the ultrasonic<br />

data in our study confirms the high value of this method for the evaluation of tissue perfusion.<br />

In order to prevent early destruction of the microbubbles, imaging with Sonovue ® takes place with a<br />

mechanical index from 0.1–0.15. Harmonic imaging based on the analysis of nonlinear tissue acoustic<br />

signals can also be implemented in the higher-frequency range. Detection of microvascular perfusion in<br />

high local resolution by means of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in nonlinear low MI technology becomes<br />

possible [28–30].<br />

Special importance should be given the monitoring of arterial perfusion after bolus injection directly<br />

post-surgery. The development of new high resolution perfusion ultrasound-techniques enables to reduce<br />

the amount of contrast agent and therefore also a more effective and less expensive evaluation

L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation 41<br />

Fig. 6. Reduced perfusion of the flap with slow enhancement detected by CHI after bolus injection of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® .InTIC<br />

analysis and by gray scale analysis less changes of the echo signal were detected with a slow peak of the perfusion curve.

42 L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation<br />

Fig. 7. Perfusion of the free flap with contrast enhancement detected by CHI after bolus injection of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® .TIC<br />

analysis and gray scale analysis show a continuous signal rise during the first 25 s.<br />

method with the new technique of contrast harmonic imaging (CHI). Continuous collection of data over<br />

a minimum of 2 minutes needs a corresponding amount of memory, as well as perfusion analysis needs<br />

postprocessing of digital raw data. The essential limitation of ultrasound perfusion analysis is the shortness<br />

of operational availability at the moment. However presented results can be compared to other<br />

studies with perfusion analysis by other technologies.<br />

The are limitations of the study. Contrast harmonic imaging with a linear transducer is a new ultrasound<br />

technology and not available in all US departments and depends on the experience of the examiner.

L. Prantl et al. / Video angiography for evaluation of dermal and subdermal microcirculation 43<br />

For both methods injection of contrast agents with known risks are necessary. The ICG-fluorescence angiography<br />

is not established for free flap monitoring. No standard diagnostic reference method is defined.<br />

However in our study we could show a good correlation between the two methods.<br />

For evaluation of further flap areas a renewed injection of Sonovue ® is necessary, as there is a temporally<br />

restricted echo signal reinforcement after a bolus injection of 2.5 ml Sonovue ® . Besides the<br />

contraindications in relation to ultrasonic contrast agent, the need for repeated bolus injection is a limitation<br />

of the ultrasound contrast technology. However, in an early evaluation of a reduced perfusion of<br />

a free-flap transplant CHI improves detection of dermal and subdermal microcirculation in comparison<br />

with ICG-fluorescence angiography and detection of the capillary perfusion in relation to the MRA or<br />

intra-arterial DSA results.<br />

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