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<strong>22.</strong> <strong>SANDING</strong> <strong>EQUIPMENT</strong>Abrasive discs ............................................................ 9-10Adhesive sheets..............................................................13Adhesive triangles .........................................................13Bench grinder brushes ................................................. 26Brushes ...........................................................................24Clean and strip discs .......................................................6Cloth sanding rolls, sanding paper rolls .....................15Conical cup wheel ............................................................4Copper grinding wheels ..................................................6Cotton wheels ............................................................... 23Cut-off wheels .............................................................. 3-4Diamond wheels ..............................................................2Discs ........................................................................... 11,17Dispenser for sheets ......................................................14Dust removal hose .........................................................16Emery grinding stones ..................................................27End- cup- and wheel brushes ....................................... 25Endless sanding belts .............................................. 19-21Fiber d iscs .......................................................................12Files ............................................................................29-30Finishing b rushes .......................................................... 22Finishing d iscs .............................................................9,11Flap discs ...................................................................... 5-6Grinding stones ..............................................................31Grinding wheels ...............................................................4Hand grinding stones ................................................... 30Honing tools .................................................................. 33Nonwowens ................................................................. 18bPads .......................................................................17,18,23Polishing pads and bonnets ........................................ 23Rail cutting wheel ............................................................4Rasps ......................................................................... 18,30Reducing sockets ...........................................................27Roll dispensers ...............................................................15Sanding and polishing pads ................................... 14,24Sanding cloth .............................................................. 18bSanding equipment PG-Mini ................................... 31-32Sanding machine ...........................................................16Sanding paper qualities ..................................................7Sanding rolls and bodies ........................................ 22,31Sanding s heets ......................................................... 13-14Sanding strips ................................................................17Sanding supports......................................................16,18Self-adhesive d iscs ...........................................................8Steel b rushes ................................................................. 28Steel w ool ..................................................................... 18bWheel nuts and wrenches ..............................................2- Professional service -
ANGLE GRINDERWHEEL NUTS M14UNIVERSAL WRENCHES FORWHEEL NUTSTPG21800• Ø 22 mm• conical• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017218007TPG21900• Ø 22 mm• flat• packing size: 1/10EAN 801101721900435 mmTPG22800• packing size: 1/10EAN 801101722800620/35 mm, adjustableTPG23000• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017230009DIAMONDWHEELS• universal wheel for stone,reinforced concrete andgarden slabsDIAMONDWHEELS• for dry cutting stoneand concrete• segmentedOrder no. Size ØPack.size EANMIR1265 125 x 22 mm 1/10 6416868962635MIR1264 230 x 22 mm 1/20 6416868962666Order no. Size ØPack.size EANT0893 115 x 22 mm 1 6416868931228T0894 125 x 22 mm 1 6416868929133T0896 180 x 22 mm 1 6416868929140T0895 230 x 22 mm 1 6416868929157DIAMONDWHEELS for tile• for dry cutting tiles, ceramictiles and marbleOrder no. Size ØPack.size EANT0890 110 x 1,6 x 22,2 mm 1/10 6416868931235MIR1416 125 x 1,6 x 22,2 mm 1/10 6416868962604MIR1417 180 x 1,6 x 25,4 mm 1/10 6416868962611DIAMONDWHEELS• for dry cutting stoneand concrete• segmentedOrder no. Size ØPack.size EANT0888 115 x 22 mm 1/10 6418914187443T0887 125 x 22 mm 1/10 6416868928877T0886 230 x 22 mm 1/35 6418914103146MIR1352DIAMONDCUP WHEELS• segmented double orbit• for grinding concrete, natural stone,reinforced concrete, tiles, marble,ceramic tiles and garden slabsMIR1418Order no. Size ØPack.size EANMIR1352 115 x 22 mm 1 6416868923063MIR1418 125 x 22 mm 1/10 6416868939842DIAMONDCUP WHEELS• bumerang orbit• for grinding concrete, naturalstone, reinforced concrete, gardenslabs, tiles, ceramic tiles and marblePack.Order no. Size Øsize EANMIR1419 125 x 22 mm 1/10 6416868900200DIAMOND WHEEL125 mmXWSV024-26• suitable for example forSteeltec saw bladesharpening machine XWS024• packing size: 1EAN 641891472151722/230.03.2010
CUT-OFF WHEELSCUT-OFF WHEELSFOR WOOD• fastening hole Ø 22,2 mm• packing size: 1/5Order no. Size Ø Thickness EANTPG41990 115 mm 2,0 mm 8011017419909M-UNIVERSALCUT-OFF WHEELS• fastening hole Ø 22,2 mm• universal wheel forcutting black andrefined steels• packing size: 1/10Order no. Size Ø Thickness EANMFIX11510 115 mm 1,0 mm 6416868946758MFIX11516 115 mm 1,6 mm 6416868946765MFIX11520 115 mm 2,0 mm 6416868946796MFIX12510 125 mm 1,0 mm 6416868946772MFIX12516 125 mm 1,6 mm 6416868946789MFIX12520 125 mm 2,0 mm 6416868946802MFIX18020 180 mm 2,0 mm 6416868946819MFIX23020 230 mm 2,0 mm 6416868946826M- INOXCUT-OFF WHEELSFOR STAINLESSSTEEL• fastening hole Ø 22,2 mm• for stainless, acid resistant andblack steel• medium hard, iron and sulfur free• packing size: 50 (MCK115A: 1/20)Order no. Size Ø Thickness EANMCK115 115 mm 2,0 mm 6416868929836MCK115A 115 mm, 10+1 pcs 2,0 mm 6416868943146MCK125 125 mm 2,0 mm 6416868929843MCK12516 125 mm 1,6 mm 6416868930160MCK180 180 mm 2,0 mm 6416868929850MCK230 230 mm 2,0 mm 6416868929867M-CUT-OFFWHEELSFOR STEEL• fastening holeØ 22,2 mm• for carbon steel andcast iron• hard, for efficient machines, for professional use• packing size: 50Order no. Size Ø Thickness EANMPK125 125 mm 2,0 mm 6416868930450MPK180 180 mm 2,0 mm 6416868930740MPK230 230 mm 2,0 mm 6416868930221M- INOXCUT-OFFWHEELS FORREFINED STEEL• for stainless- andacid resistant steel• hard, iron- and sulfur free• packing size: 10(MPIK07610-MPIK07616: 50)Order no. Size Ø Thickness FasteningholeEANMPIK07610 76 mm 1,0 mm 10,0 mm 6416868930719MPIK07616 76 mm 1,6 mm 10,0 mm 6416868930702MPIK12510 125 mm 1,0 mm 22,2 mm 6416868930788MPIK12516 125 mm 1,6 mm 22,2 mm 6416868930795MPIK125 125 mm 2,0 mm 22,2 mm 6416868930757MPIK180 180 mm 2,0 mm 22,2 mm 6416868930764MPIK23019 230 mm 1,9 mm 22,2 mm 6416868933390MPIK230 230 mm 2,0 mm 22,2 mm 6416868930771M-CUT-OFF WHEELFOR STEEL• fastening hole Ø 22,2 mm• deepened centre for opening jointin steel• packing size: /50Order no. Size Ø Thickness EANMIR1155 125 mm 3,4 mm 6416868931051M-CUT-OFF WHEELSFOR STONEAND CONCRETE• fastening hole Ø 22,2 mm• packing size: /25Order no. Size Ø Thickness EANSFKK115 Ø 115 mm 2,5 mm 6416868930214SFKK125 Ø 125 mm 2,5 mm 6416868930351SFKK230 Ø 230 mm 2,5 mm 6416868929874M-CUT-OFF WHEELSFOR STONEAND CONCRETE• fastening hole Ø 22,2 mm• packing size: 1/25Order no. Size Ø Thickness EANMFIX11528 115 mm 2,8 mm 6416868960686MFIX12528 125 mm 2,8 mm 6416868960693MFIX23028 230 mm 2,8 mm 641686896071622/331.01.2011
<strong>SANDING</strong> PAPER QUALITIESSuitable forProduct Backing material GrainWoodMetalCompositeLacquerApplications<strong>SANDING</strong> PAPERSAvomax Plus T/F-paper Al.ox. x x For soft wood, antistatic paperCarat D/C/B-paper Al.ox. x x Intermediate sanding of lacquer and paintCoarce Cut Reinforced special paper Al.ox. x x x x Efficient for fillers, wood, metal and plasticsCombi Combi paper Silic.carbide x x Especially for floor sandingEcowet B-special latex paper Silic.carbide x x x Flexible water sanding paperFibre Strong fibre Al.ox. x x E.g. for levelling weld jointsFibre Inox Strong fibre Inox x Special paper for grinding refined steelFineflex A-Latexpaper Silic.carbide x x x For intermediate sandingGold E/D/C-paper Al.ox. x x x Dry sanding paper for paint and fillers,for general useGoldflex A-Latexpaper Al.ox. x x Flexible, for intermediate sandingHiflex C-Latexpaper Al.ox. x x x Flexible, for hand sandingHiomant E-paper Al.ox. x x Dry sanding - hand and machine sandingJepuflex Antistat T/F-paper Al.ox. x x x For hard wood, antistatic paperMirox D/B-paper Al.ox. x x Dry sanding - hand sandingQ Silver C/D-Latexpaper Al.ox. x x x x For exacting grinding, coatings,wood, metalRoyal B-paper Al.ox. x x x For soft coatingsRoyal Micro B-Latexpaper Al.ox. x x Intermediate sanding of coatings (wet, dry)Royal Plus D/C/B-paper Al.ox. x x x x For sanding of coatingsSica Fine F/E-paper Silic.carbide x x x Antistatic paper for intermediate andfinishing sandingSica Fine Stearat F/E-paper Silic.carbide x x xWPFC/B-LatexpaperAl.ox./silic.carbidex x x For wet sandingAntistatic paper for intermediate andfinishing sanding, stearate-coatedABRASIVE CLOTHAlox Flexible J-cloth Al.ox. x Metal sanding cloth for hand sandingHiolit F Stearat Flexible F-cloth Al.ox. x x Elastic sanding cloth for finishing,coatedHiolit J Flexible J-cloth Al.ox. x x Sanding cloth for countour sandingHiolit X Strong X-cloth Al.ox. x xStrong cloth for belt grinding of wood andmetalMirkon Strong polyester cloth Zirkonium x Special product for high-pressure sandingalso for wet sandingMirkon Kroni Strong polyester cloth Zirkonium x For dry sanding of precious metalOraflex Flexible F-cloth Al.ox. x x Special flexible cloth for countour sandingStalitStrong polyester clothSPECIAL BACKING MATERIALSAbralonFoam background, specialknittedAl.ox./silic.carbidex x Special product for metal and wood sandingSilic.carbide x x x x For matt finishing, finishing and roughpolishingAbranet Special knitted Al.ox. x x x Dustfree sanding, paints and fillersMirlon Fibre cloth Al.ox. x x x x For sanding, cleaning, finishingAbranet Soft Foam background grid Al.ox. x x x x For exacting grinding, for wet use22/7
SELF-ADHESIVE DISCSSELF-ADHESIVE DISCS• Gold• classic on car painters• aggressive dry sanding paper for general use• suits fine for sanding wood and lacquer• packed 10 pcs / in hangable package150 mm 10 pcsOrderno.GritPackingsizeEANMIR411 60 1/200 6416868606539MIR412 80 1/200 6416868606560MIR414 120 1/200 6416868606638MIR416 180 1/200 6416868622492MIR418 240 1/200 6416868632682MIR420 320 1/200 6416868645712150 mm 10 pcs, 6-holesOrderno.GritPackingsizeEANMIR375 40 1/10 6416868662054MIR377 80 1/10 6416868697971MIR379 120 1/10 6416868662016MIR381 180 1/10 6416868662023MIR383 240 1/10 6416868662030MIR386 400 1/10 6416868662047SELF-ADHESIVE DISC230 mmMIR045• Jepuflex• for sanding hard wood,metal, plastic lacquer etc.• size Ø 230 mm• grit 100• suits for XW026 sanding machine• packing size: /100EAN 6416868618013SELF-ADHESIVE DISCS 150 mm100 pcs• Gold• 6 holes• for general use, suitable for sanding wood, coating and filler• packing size: 1/10SELF-ADHESIVE DISCS 150 mm• Gold• Ø 150 mm• packed in boxes• packing size: 1/10Order no. Grit EANMIR1103 80 6416868609059MIR1104 100 6416868608960MIR1105 120 6416868608977MIR1107 180 6416868608991MIR1109 240 6416868609011Order no. Grit Pcs./box EANMIR389 40 50 6416868608267MIR391 80 100 6416868608144MIR392 100 100 6416868608052MIR395 180 100 6416868608083MIR397 240 100 6416868608106MIR399 320 100 6416868608120MIR400 400 100 641686860813722/8
Fiber basedADHESIVEFINISHINGDISCS 50 mm• max. 8000 rpm• 100 pcs / packageOrder no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR253 hieno 50 mm 6416868711905DISC GRIPS 125 mm5 pcs• Jepuflex Alox• for hard woods,also for metal• back materialT/F-paper, bindingagent syntheticresin, closed• 8 holes• 5 p cs/package• packing size: 1/40Royal MicroDISC GRIPS77 mm100 pcs• for demanding use• packing size: 1/10Order no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR1163 180 77 mm 6416868212730MIR1164 240 77 mm 6416868640229MIR1165 320 77 mm 6416868615685MIR1166 400 77 mm 6416868615760Order no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR134 180 125 mm 6416868629026MIR135 240 125 mm 6416868655865MIR1433 assortment 5 pcs(40/60/80/120/180)125 mm 6416868260939DISC GRIPS115/125 mm 5 pcs• Coarse Cut Alox• efficient for removing paint, cement etc., excellent also forsanding wood and metal• reinforced back material, binding agent synthetic resin, semi-open• 8 h oles• 5 pcs/package• packing size: 1/10Order no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR121 60 115 mm 6416868612578MIR122 80 115 mm 6416868629040MIR123 120 115 mm 6416868612615MIR130 40 125 mm 6416868612349MIR131 60 125 mm 6416868622881MIR132 80 125 mm 6416868621808MIR132A 100 125 mm 6416868662849MIR133 120 125 mm 6416868621792MIR133A 150 125 mm 6416868662856ADHESIVE DISCSWith holes• 8 holes• 10 pcs/packageWithout holes• 10 pcs/packageOrder no. Grit Size ØPacking sizeEANOrder no. Grit Size ØPackingsizeEANTPG34935 60 115 mm 1/10 8011017349350 TPG34955 40 125 mm 1/10 8011017349558TPG34940 120 115 mm 1/10 8011017349404 TPG34960 120 125 mm 1/10 8011017349602TPG34945 240 115 mm 1/10 8011017349459 TPG34965 240 125 mm 1/10 8011017349657TPG34973 40 125 mm 1/10 8011017349732TPG34975 80 125 mm 1/10 8011017349756TPG34980 120 125 mm 1/10 8011017349800TPG34985 240 125 mm 1/10 801101734985522/931.01.2011
VELCRO DISCS• Hiomant• very high-quality and wide range of use• hard wood, metal, plastics, lacquers, paints• 8 dust removing holes / disc• packing size: 1/10VELCRO DISCS150 mm / 10 pcs• Gold• for general use, for sandingcoatings and fillers• 6 + 1 holes• 10 pcs/packageOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR1383 40 1/10 6416868697469MIR1384 80 1/10 6416868636987MIR1385 120 1/10 6416868693256MIR1386 180 1/10 6416868695823MIR1387 240 1/10 6416868697056Ø 125 mm 20 pcsOrder no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR1358 40 125 mm 6416868623994MIR1359 80 125 mm 6416868618754MIR1360 120 125 mm 6416868610307MIR1361 assortment 125 mm 6416868624083Ø 125 mm 50 pcsOrder no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR210 40 125 mm 6416868612462MIR211 60 125 mm 6416868612479MIR212 80 125 mm 6416868612486MIR213 100 125 mm 6416868612493MIR214 120 125 mm 6416868612516MIR215 150 125 mm 6416868611779MIR216 180 125 mm 6416868615241MIR217 240 125 mm 6416868615258MIR218 320 125 mm 6416868641400MIR219 400 125 mm 6416868510683VELCRO DISCS150 mm100 pcs• Gold• for general use, for sandingcoatings and fillers• 6 + 1 holes• packing size: 1/10Order no. Grit Packing size EANMIR037 80 1/6 6416868253924MIR030 100 1/10 6416868253832MIR031 120 1/10 6416868253849MIR032 150 1/10 6416868253856MIR033 180 1/10 6416868253863MIR034 240 1/10 6416868253887MIR035 320 1/10 6416868253894MIR036 400 1/10 6416868253900VELCRO DISCS150 mm100 pcs• Q-Silver• for demanding sanding, good thermal resistance• composite, metal, woodOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR1121 80 1/6 6416868670691MIR1122 100 1/10 6416868603699MIR1123 120 1/10 6416868618549MIR1124 150 1/10 6416868603347MIR1125 180 1/10 6416868621358MIR1126 240 1/10 6416868670714MIR1127 320 1/10 6416868652079MIR1128 400 1/10 6416868670738VELCRO DISCS150 mm100 pcs• Q-Silver• for demanding sanding, goodthermal resistance• composite, metal, wood• 6 holesOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR1335 80 1/6 6416868665239MIR1339 180 1/10 6416868675733MIR1341 240 1/10 6416868674828MIR1343 320 1/10 6416868603460MIR1344 400 1/10 6416868301694MIR1345 500 1/10 6416868626179VELCRO DISCS200 mm50 pcs• Coarse Cut Gold• for general use,suitable for sanding wood,coating and fillers• 8 holesOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR1091 40 1/10 6416868612585VELCRO DISCS300 mm• Jepuflex• for wood• suitablefor example forWoodtec disc sander XW009Order no. Grit Packing size EANMIR1223 40 1/25 6416868628036MIR1224 60 1/25 6416868629798MIR1225 80 1/25 6416868628043MIR1226 120 1/25 641686864308422/1031.01.2011
Fiber basedQUICK-FINISHINGDISCSWITH ROLOC-FASTENING• quick fix Type R• packing size: 100Order no. GritSize ØRPMmax. EANMIR232 coarse 50 mm 8000 6416868934502MIR233 medium coarse 50 mm 8000 6416868934519MIR234 coarse 75 mm 5500 6416868934533MIR235 medium coarse 75 mm 5500 6416868934526QUICK-FINISHINGDISCSWITHROLOC-FASTENING• Alox• quick fix Type R• packing size: 100Order no. GritSize ØRPMmax.Pack.size EANMIR238 36 50 mm 25000 100 6416868934410MIR239 50 50 mm 25000 100 6416868934427MIR240 80 50 mm 25000 100 6416868934434MIR241 120 50 mm 25000 100 6416868934441ABRASIVE DISCSWITH CENTREHOLE10 pcs• for drilling machine,6 or 8 mm shank• packing size: 1/10FIBER DISCS• Alox• for e.g. grinding welding seams• material: strong fiber, binding agent synthetic resin, closed• 25 pcs / package• packing size: 25/100Order no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR539 40 125 mm 6416868630268MIR540 80 125 mm 6416868630282MIR541 Assortment 125 mm 641686863031210 pcs2 x 40/60/80/100pack. size EANOrder no. Grit Ø mm Pcs/ Pack.MIR580 16 125 25 25/100 6416868920444MIR581 24 125 25 25/100 6416868920093MIR592 36 125 3 1/10 6416868936155MIR582 36 125 25 25/100 6416868920109MIR593 50 125 3 1/10 6416868936162MIR583 50 125 25 25/100 6416868920116MIR584 60 125 25 25/100 6416868920123MIR595 80 125 3 1/10 6416868936179MIR585 80 125 25 25/100 6416868920130MIR586 100 125 25 25/100 6416868920147MIR587 120 125 25 25/100 6416868920154MIR570 16 180 25 25/100 6416868920451MIR571 24 180 25 25/100 6416868920178MIR572 36 180 25 25/100 6416868920192MIR573 50 180 25 25/100 6416868920192MIR574 60 180 25 25/100 6416868920208MIR575 80 180 25 25/100 6416868920215MIR577 120 180 25 25/100 64168689202392-SIDEDABRASIVE DISCS406 x 25 mm• Combi, Jepuflex Plus• for grinding concrete, wood and coatings• packing size: 1/25Order no. Grit EANMIR900 16 6416868650242MIR901 24 6416868628173MIR902 36 6416868610505MIR903 40 6416868613001MIR904 60 6416868613025MIR905 80 6416868613032MIR906 100 6416868612936MIR907 120 6416868612943FIBER DISC• ceramic, self-sharpening grinding grain• for heavy metal grinding• packing size: 1Order no. Grit Size Ø EANMIR1347 60 180 mm 641686892888422/1131.01.2011
ADHESIVETRIANGLES 54 mm10 pcs• for sanding pad TPG33979 e.g.Order no. Grit Packing size EANTPG34825 60 1/5 8011017348254ADHESIVETRIANGLE 90 mm5 pcs• Jepuflex Alox• 6 holes• special paper for hardwoods• material T/F-paper, bindingagent synthetic resin, denseADHESIVETRIANGLES90 mm5 pcs• 6 holesOrder no. Grit Packing size EANTPG34830 40 1/10 8011017348308TPG34840 80 1/10 8011017348407TPG34845 120 1/10 8011017348452TPG34850 240 1/10 8011017348506Order no. GritPack.sizeEANMIR551 40 1/10 6416868619416MIR1434 60 1/10 6416868677256MIR552 80 1/10 6416868624632MIR553 120 1/10 6416868624649MIR554 180 1/10 6416868624663ADHESIVETRIANGLE 90 mm20 pcs• 6 holes• for sanding wood, metalsand fillersOrder no. GritPack.sizeEANMIR1353 40 1/40 6416868260861MIR1354 80 1/40 6416868260878MIR1355 120 1/40 6416868260885MIR1356 180 1/40 6416868260892MIR1357 assortment 20 pcs4x40/80/120/150/1801/40 6416868260908ADHESIVETRIANGLES 105 mm5 pcs• 6 holesOrder no. GritPack.sizeEANMIR1027 40 1/10 6416868673180MIR1028 80 1/10 6416868673197MIR1029 120 1/10 6416868673203MIR1030 180 1/10 6416868673210MIR1404 assortment 5 pcs40/80/2x120/1801/10 6416868693270ADHESIVETRIANGLES 90 mm5 pcs• 6 holes• for sanding wood, metalsand fillersOrder no.MIR1392Gritassortment 5 pcs40/60/80/120/180ADHESIVETRIANGLES 135 mm5 pcs• 4 + 1 holesPackingOrder no. GritsizeEANMIR151 40 1/20 6416868662375MIR152 80 1/20 6416868677294MIR153 120 1/20 6416868662399MIR154 180 1/20 6416868677317MIR155 assortment 5 pcs1x40/80/1202x1801/40 6416868662412ADHESIVETRIANGLES 175 mm5 pcs• 8 + 1 holesPackingsizeEAN1/10 6416868260977Order no. GritPackingsizeEANMIR162 80 1/10 6416868677386MIR163 120 1/10 6416868662313MIR164 180 1/10 641686867740922/1231.01.2011
SELF-ADHESIVE <strong>SANDING</strong>SHEETS 70 x 450 mm• Gold Alox• for general use, suitable for sanding wood, coating and fillersOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR431 60 50/400 6416868532425MIR432 80 50/400 6416868506334MIR433 100 100/400 6416868506341ADHESIVESHEETS81 x 133 mm100 pcs• Q-Silver• for demanding use,the best surface/scratch depth• for wood, coatingsand metal• 8 h olesOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR442 80 1/10 6416868527926MIR444 120 1/5 6416868527940MIR445 150 1/10 6416868527582ADHESIVE SHEETS93 x 185 mm• 8 holes• for intermediate hand sandingof fillers and coatingsOrder no. GritPcs/packagePack.sizeEANMIR1365 40 5 1/10 6416868565225MIR1366 60 5 1/10 6416868593198MIR1367 80 5 1/10 6416868595666MIR1358 120 5 1/10 6416868565768MIR1369 180 5 1/10 6416868503975MIR1409 assortment 5 pcs2x60/2x80/1201/10 6416868503999DRY <strong>SANDING</strong>SHEETS93 x 230 mm• finishing paperfor wood and paint• 10 pcs/package• 8 holesOrder no. GritPackingsizeEANMIR1175 40 1/10 6416868540161MIR1176 60 1/10 6416868540215MIR1177 80 1/10 6416868540178MIR1178 100 1/10 6416868540192MIR1179 150 1/10 6416868540208MIR1180 assortment 10 pcs2 x 40/60/80/100/1501/10 6416868540338DRY <strong>SANDING</strong>SHEETS93 x 230 mm• Alox• for hand sanding andhand sanding machines• for dry sanding of wood,plastic, paint and lacquer• material D/B-paper,binding agent R/G, semi-openOrderno.GritPcs/PackagePackingsizeEANMIR560 40 10 1/10 6416868513943MIR1362 40 20 1/40 6416868535792MIR561 60 10 1/10 6416868532357MIR562 80 10 1/10 6416868513950MIR1363 80 20 1/40 6416868535808MIR563 100 10 1/10 6416868530063MIR564 150 10 1/10 6416868501742MIR544 150 25 1/40 6416868502282MIR565 assortment 10 1/10 64168685323402x40,6080,100,120MIR1364 assortment 20 1/40 6416868508901ADHESIVE SHEETS115 x 230 mm• Royal Plus Alox• dry sanding paper for metal and lacquer, fillers and paints,efficient removing• material D/C-paper, binding agent synthetic resin, semi-open• 10 holesOrder no. GritPcs/packagePackingsizeEANMIR460 40 25 1/10 6416868521047MIR461 60 50 1/10 6416868534276MIR462 80 100 1/10 6416868540048MIR463 100 100 1/10 6416868540055MIR464 120 100 1/10 6416868540062MIR466 180 100 1/10 641686850417022/1331.01.2011
DRY <strong>SANDING</strong>SHEETS115 x 280 mm• Alox• 10 pcs/package• packing size: 1/10Order no. Grit EANMIR661 60 6416868513868MIR662 80 6416868513875MIR664 120 6416868524444MIR666 Assortment2x40,60,80,100,1506416868501360DRY <strong>SANDING</strong>SHEETS230 x 280 mm• Mirox• for hand sanding and handsanding machines• for dry sanding of wood, plastic, paint and lacquer• material D/B-paper, binding agent R/G, semi-openOrderno.GritPcs/packagePackingsizeEANMIR820 40 25 25/250 6416868518597MIR821 60 25 25/250 6416868518580MIR822 80 25 25/250 6416868518573MIR823 100 50 50/500 6416868518566MIR824 120 50 50/500 6416868518559MIR825 150 50 50/500 6416868518542MIR826 180 50 50/500 6416868518535MIR827 240 50 50/500 6416868518528INTERMEDIATE<strong>SANDING</strong>SHEETS230 x 280 mm• Carat Flex• for intermediate• sanding of lacquer etc.• due to Stearat-surface finishing, this sanding paper lasts longer• packing size: 50/500Order no. Grit EANMIR831 100 6416868518511MIR832 120 6416868532647MIR833 150 6416868518504MIR834 180 6416868518498MIR836 240 6416868518481MIR838 320 6416868518474MIR839 400 6416868518467WATERPROOF<strong>SANDING</strong>SHEETS230 x 280 mm• Ecowet• for wet sanding, also for composite materials• material C/B-paper, binding agent synthetic resin, closed• packing size: 50/500Order no. Grit EANMIR804 180 6416868532609MIR806 240 6416868518702MIR808 320 6416868532623MIR810 400 6416868530049MIR812 600 6416868518672MIR813 800 6416868518665MIR814 1000 6416868518630MIR815 1200 6416868518658CLOTH SHEETSfor metal230 x 280 mm• Alox• for hand sanding of metal andwood• material flexible J-cloth,binging agent synthetic resin,closedOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR841 60 25/250 6416868535143MIR843 120 50/500 6416868535068MIR845 180 50/500 6416868594607MIR846 240 50/500 6416868535150DISPENSERFOR SHEETSMIR800• 12 levels• for 230 x 280 sheets• zinc coated• packing size: 1EAN 641686892791722/1430.03.2010
CLOTH <strong>SANDING</strong> ROLLS38 mm x 2,5 m• Alox• for hand sanding of wood andmetal• back material flexible J-cloth,binding agent synthetic resin,• closed • packing size: 1/10Order no. Grit EANMIR771 80 6416868817782MIR773 120 6416868817843MIR775 180 6416868852431MIR776 240 6416868836172CLOTH <strong>SANDING</strong> ROLLS50 mm x 25 m• Hiolit F• flexible back material, for hand and machinesanding of metal and wood• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit EANMIR050 80 6416868843989MIR051 100 6416868843910MIR052 120 6416868843927MIR053 150 6416868843934MIR054 180 6416868843941MIR055 240 6416868843958MIR056 320 6416868843965MIR057 400 6416868843972DRY <strong>SANDING</strong>PAPER ROLLS115 mm x 5 m• very high quality• wide range of use, especially for hard woods• suits also for sanding metal, plastic and lacquered surfaces• packing size: 1/20Orderno. Grit EANMIR640 40 6416868809206MIR641 60 6416868807929MIR642 80 6416868807936MIR643 100 6416868807899MIR644 120 6416868807905MIR645 150 6416868807912MIR646 180 6416868809183MIR647 240 6416868809190<strong>SANDING</strong> PAPER ROLLS115 mm x 25 m• Goldflex Soft• laminated foam plastic back- smooth result• perforated• soft and flexible intermediatesanding paper for dry and wet sandingof coatings and fillers• for hand sanding of profilated andirregular surfaces• packing size: 1Order no. Grit EANMIR1236 400 6416868594577MIR1238 600 6416868527643CLOTH <strong>SANDING</strong> ROLLS50 mm x 50 m• Alox• for hand sanding of wood and metal• back material flexible J-cloth, binding agent synthetic resin, closed• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit EANMIR760 60 6416868840582MIR761 80 6416868840575MIR762 100 6416868831474MIR763 120 6416868840599MIR764 150 6416868831153MIR765 180 6416868837124MIR766 240 6416868841589MIR767 320 6416868831252MIR768 400 6416868827606DRY <strong>SANDING</strong>PAPER ROLLS• Mirox• for hand sanding of wood and metal115 mm x 2,5 mOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR1371 40 1/8 6416868802559MIR1372 60 1/10 6416868807202MIR1373 80 1/10 6416868840063MIR1374 100 1/10 6416868807226MIR1375 120 1/10 6416868807189MIR1376 150 1/10 6416868800982MIR1377 180 1/10 6416868800975MIR1378 240 1/10 6416868800968115 mm x 50 mOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR010 40 1/5 6416868800708MIR011 60 1/5 6416868800715MIR012 80 1/5 6416868800722MIR013 100 1/5 6416868800647MIR014 120 1/5 6416868800654MIR015 150 1/5 6416868800661MIR016 180 1/5 6416868800678MIR017 240 1/5 6416868800685DRY <strong>SANDING</strong> PAPERROLLS 115 x 50 m• Hiomant• thicker base as Mirox, suits better for machine sanding and demandinghand sanding as Mirox, which is same type of sandingpaper• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit EANMIR750 40 6416868806304MIR751 60 6416868806335MIR752 80 6416868806342MIR753 100 6416868806243MIR754 120 6416868806250MIR755 150 6416868806267MIR756 180 6416868806274MIR757 240 6416868806298ZINK COATEDROLL DISPENSERMIR639• for 3 x 10 rolls• packing size: 1EAN 64168691727722/15WOODENROLLDISPENSERMIR009• for four rolls• packing size: 1EAN 641686891734530.03.2010
AbranetDUST-FREE <strong>SANDING</strong><strong>SANDING</strong> JIGGERMIR1258• with dust removal, 53 holes• adhesive• size 70 x 400 mm• packing size: 1EAN 6416868923483DUST REMOVAL HOSEMIR1002• 20 mm x 4 m• antistatic• packing size: 1EAN 6416868936698HAND <strong>SANDING</strong>SUPPORT+ 3 sanding stripsMIR1174• 70 x 198 mm• connection for dust extraction• 3 sanding strips included, grit 120• packing size: /10EAN 6416868960433<strong>SANDING</strong> MACHINE225 mmMiro 955MIR1259• for sanding walls and roof• power 550 W / 230 V• operating speed 650-1600 rpm• sanding base Ø 225 mm• weight 4,7 kg• includes dust removal hose,sanding tool, storage bagand 1 pc Abranet 225 mmsanding disc, grit 120• packing size: 1EAN 6416868963632ELECTRIC ECCENTRIC<strong>SANDING</strong> MACHINES 400 W• compact electric eccentric sanding machine• power 400 W / 230 V• direct current 22 VDC• speed 4000-10 000 rpm• wabbler action 5,0 mmAbranetdiscs andstrips on thefollowingpage• 1 pc Abranet sanding disc 125 mm (grit 120) + 1 pc pad protection discThe use of industrial vacuum cleaner is recommended withMiro 955. When using conventional vacuum cleaner cycloneseparator must be assembled - micronic grinding dust maycause damage in vacuum cleaner motor.Ø 125 mmCEROS-550CVMIR550CV• diameter of the sanding pad 125 mm• product weight 850 g• packing size: 1EAN 6416868721423Suitable Abranet sanding disc:Order no. Grit EANMIR1394 80 6416868693942MIR1395 120 6416868626230MIR1396 180 6416868691405MIR1397 240 6416868695816MIR1398 320 6416868691078Ø 150 mmCEROS-650CVMIR650CV• diameter of the sanding pad 150 mm• product weight 920 g• packing size: 1EAN 6416868721447Suitable Abranet sanding disc:Order no. Grit EANMIR1399 80 6416868610031MIR1400 120 6416868610017MIR1401 180 6416868605990MIR1402 240 6416868644401MIR1403 320 641686863685722/1631.12.2009
AbranetDUST-FREE <strong>SANDING</strong>Abranet<strong>SANDING</strong> DISCS AND STRIPS• patented sanding material Abranet®• revolutionary new technique for dust-free sanding• grain AL.OX., binding agent synthetic resin,back material polyamide net• multifunctional product used both within the automotiveand wood industries as well as on composite materials• efficient, durable and long-lasting product• less c hoking• better painting result and surface• faster working: no covering, no cleaning• healthier working environment• less environmental impactAbranet<strong>SANDING</strong> STRIPS70 x 198 mm• adhesive• for hand sanding support MIR1174Orderno. GritPcs/packagePackingsize EANMIR1280 80 3 kpl 1/10 6416868537864MIR1284 80 10 kpl 1/10 6416868533217MIR1285 120 10 kpl 1/10 6416868516760MIR1286 180 10 kpl 1/10 6416868520859MIR1287 240 10 kpl 1/10 6416868516777MIR1003 80 50 kpl 1/10 6416868540147MIR1004 120 50 kpl 1/10 6416868527797MIR1041 180 50 kpl 1/10 6416868527780MIR1042 240 50 kpl 1/10 6416868527773MIR1043 320 50 kpl 1/10 6416868527766MIR1045 400 50 kpl 1/10 6416868527759Abranet<strong>SANDING</strong>DISCS 225 mm10 pcs• 10 pcs/package• for sanding machine MIR1259• packing size: 1/10Order no. Grit EANMIR1260 80 6416868606362MIR1262 120 6416868606355Abranet<strong>SANDING</strong> STRIPS50 pcs• adhesive• suitable for sanding of fillers, primers, topcoats and clear coats,• also for sanding of composite, soft aluminium, soft wood, gypsumwallboards and MDF boards• suitable for sanding jigger• packing size: 1/10Order no. Size Grit EANMIR1050 70 x 420 mm 80 6416868540154MIR1052 70 x 420 mm 120 6416868527803MIR1054 70 x 420 mm 180 6416868527810MIR1055 70 x 420 mm 240 6416868527834MIR1056 70 x 420 mm 320 6416868527841MIR1058 70 x 420 mm 400 6416868527858MIR1059 70 x 420 mm 500 6416868540482MIR1084 115 x 230 mm 180 6416868535419MIR1085 115 x 230 mm 240 6416868535426Abranet<strong>SANDING</strong>DISCS 150 mm50 pcs• adhesive• suitable for sanding wood,primers, lacquer, plastic andfillers• packing size: 1Order no. Grit EANMIR1247 120 6416868662702MIR1249 180 6416868662719MIR1250 240 6416868662726MIR1251 320 6416868645774MIR1253 400 6416868646368MIR1255 600 6416868662733Abranet<strong>SANDING</strong> DISCS 150 mm10 pcs• for sanding wood, putty, primers,lacquers, composite materials andlarge amount of other materials• 10 pcs Abranet sanding disc/package• 1 pc pad protection disc/package• adhesive• for sanding machine MIR650CV• packing size: 1Order no. Grit EANMIR1399 80 6416868610031MIR1400 120 6416868610017MIR1401 180 6416868605990MIR1402 240 6416868644401MIR1403 320 6416868636857Abranet<strong>SANDING</strong> DISCS 125 mm10 pcs• for sanding wood, putty, primers,lacquers, composite materials andlarge amount of other materials• 10 pcs Abranet sanding disc/package• 1 pc pad protection disc/package• adhesive• for sanding machine MIR550CV• packing size: 1Order no. Grit EANMIR1394 80 6416868693942MIR1395 120 6416868626230MIR1396 180 6416868691405MIR1397 240 6416868695816MIR1398 320 641686869107822/1731.01.2011
MIR185BACKING PADS• packing size: 1MIR183Order no. Size Fixing EANMIR183 125 mm 5/16” for abrasive discs 6416868925043MIR186 125 mm M14 hard, for abrasive discs 6416868928723MIR184 150 mm 5/16” for abrasive discs 6416868914061MIR185 150 mm 5/16” 6 holes, for abrasive discs 6416868914009MIR189 150 mm 5/8” hard, for abrasive discs 6416868934311MIR187 150 mm M14 hard, for abrasive discs 6416868928693MIR188 150 mm M14 soft, for abrasive discs 6416868928709MIR182 150 mm 5/16” 6 holes, for self-adhesive 6416868913996<strong>SANDING</strong> PAD 150 mmFOR ABRASIVE DISCSIKH7080• thread 5/16”x24• Ø 150 mm, 6 holes• max. 10 000 rpm• packing size: 1/100EAN 6418914706187BACKING PAD 150 mmFOR ABRASIVE DISCSMIR1323• thread 5/16”• with pad protection disc• packing size: 1EAN 6416868938661RUBBER PADSFOR FIBER DISCS• packing size: 1Order no. Size Fixing EANMIR598 120 mm M14 6416868913941MIR599 180 mm M14 6416868914092NYLON PADSFOR FIBER DISCS• packing size: 1Order no. Size Fixing EANTPG33820 115 mm M14 8011017338200TPG33822 178 mm M14 8011017338224<strong>SANDING</strong>PAD SETIKH46• quick clamping• for discs Ø 50 mm and Ø 75 mm• shank Ø 6 mm• packing size: 1/100EAN 6418914628526PADS FORFINISHING DISCS• type ROrder no. Size EANMIR248 50x6 mm 6416868927535MIR249 75x6 mm 641686893027622/1831.12.2009
TPG33973HAND <strong>SANDING</strong> PADMIR1424• cork• size 100 x 60 x 40 mm• packing size: 1/4EAN 6416868962680TPG33976TPG33974TPG33979TPG33975HAND <strong>SANDING</strong> PADFI050• size 125 x 70 mm• rubber• packing size: 1/10/50EAN 6418914743427HAND <strong>SANDING</strong> PADS• packing size : 1/5Order no. Size EANTPG33973 125 mm rounded, for convex surfaces 8011017339733TPG33974 125 mm straight 8011017339740TPG33975 125 mm round 8011017339757TPG33976 150 mm sraight 8011017339764TPG33979 47 mm triangle, mini 8011017339795HAND <strong>SANDING</strong> PADMIR499• size 125 x 70 mm• rubber• packing size: 1EAN 6416868914139HAND <strong>SANDING</strong> PADMR122• size 120 x 70 x 30 mm• packing size: 1/10EAN 4007535152002HAND <strong>SANDING</strong> PADIKH7091• size 130 x 70 mm• packing size: 1/12/72EAN 6418914706286<strong>SANDING</strong>SUPPORTMR123• plastic handle, rubber base• wingnut locking• size 240 x 80 mm• packing size: 1EAN 4007535169000GRINDING SUPPORTWITH JOINTFI040• plastic handle• wingnut locking• size 230 x 80 mm• packing size: 1EAN 6418914732797<strong>SANDING</strong> PLANEIKH7008• length 400 mm, width 70 mm• plastic frame, padded base• packing size: 1/36EAN 6418914695849Abrasive sheets (70 x 450 mm)MIR431 G60MIR432 G80MIR433 G100PLANE / RASPMR044• for gypsum board, plastic, wood• blade 250 x 40 mm• packing size: /10EAN 4007535466741SPARE BLADEMR045• packing size: 1EAN 400753546675822/18a31.01.2011
NONWOWENS152 x 229 x 10 mm• Mirlon• three-dimensional, elastic nonwowen fabric for grinding, cleaningand finishing• for all materialsOrder no. Grit Packing size EANMIR221 360 v.f. 20/60 6416868532661MIR222 1500 u.f. 20/60 6416868532678NONWOWENS115 x 23025 kpl• Mirlon Total• three-dimensional,elastic nonwowen fabric for grinding, cleaning and finishing• for all materialsOrder no. GritPackingsizeEANMIR1206 360 v.f. 1 6416868511796<strong>SANDING</strong>CLOTHMR124• size 280 x 93 mm• for handing supports MR122 and MR123• 10 p cs/package• packing size: 1/10EAN 4007535166542STEEL WOOL• 200 g /rollOrder no. GritPack.size EANMIR1421 fine (grade 000) 1/6 4003364191007MIR1422 medium (grade 1) 1/6 4003364194916MIR1423 coarse (grade 3) 1/6 4003364196002STEEL WOOL• 200 g /rollOrder no. GritPack.size EANMR125-000 fine (grade 000) 1/50 4007535160106MR125-00 fine (grade 00) 1/50 4007535160205MR125 fine (grade 0) 1/50 4007535160304MR125-1 medium (grade 1) 1/50 4007535160403MR125-2 coarse (grade 2) 1/50 4007535160502<strong>SANDING</strong> PADASSORTMENT50 pcsMIR1420• grit: medium/fine (60/100)• size 120 x 98 x 13 mm• 50 pcs/package• packing size: 1EAN 6416868936612<strong>SANDING</strong> SPONGETPG33990• grit 100• 2 pcs / package• for fine finishing of metal and plastic, for useon motor repairs and removing of rust and corrosion• easy to clean by washing under water• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017339900<strong>SANDING</strong> PADASSORTMENT40 pcsMIR002• packing size: 1EAN 6416868936599<strong>SANDING</strong> SPONGETPG33980• grit 60/100• for sanding and cleaning ofwood, metal, plastic and wall surfaces• easy to clean by washing under water• packing size: 1/24EAN 801101733980122/18b31.01.2011
ENDLESS <strong>SANDING</strong> BELTSBASIC JOINTSFOR PAPER BELTSA-jointFOR CLOTH BELTB-jointNOTE!All paper belts supplied with A-joint and allcloth belts with B-joint unless changed inthe order.SPECIAL JOINTSFOR PAPER BELTSB-jointFOR CLOTH BELTSA-jointTB-joint, sanded butt jointwith tapeTS-joint, fingerjoint with tapeTT-joint, butt joint, tape onsandsideThe belts suits e.g. for following machines:LENGTH OF BELTMACHINE TYPE10 x 330 Sealy SA 35, Nitto Khoki, Belton, Yama XAT700912 x 533 Beltit13 x 457 Black&Decker13 x 480 ATA15 x 480 ATA19 x 533 Beltit20 x 480 Desoutter, ATA20x 520 Nitto Khoki, Belton 20, Yama XAT701025 x 610 Dynafile, Seco30 x 533 Makita, Metabo30 x 540 Nitto Khoki, Belton 3060 x 400 Bosch63 x 406 Skill65 x 410 Black&Decker, Holzher AEG, Metabo, Kress, Skil, Atlas Copco75 x 457 Peugot, Skil, Wen, Metabo, Stayer, Makita75 x 480 ELU75 x 508 Black&Decker75 x 533 AEG, Hitachi, Makita, Bosch, Metabo, Holzher, Skill, Ryobi,Atlas Copco, B&D, DeWalt, Freud, Peugot, Rockwell, Schlelcher75 x 575 Metabo75 x 610 Makita, Ryobi, Hitachi, Black&Decker75 x 760 Black&Decker100 x 533 Makita100 x 552 Skil, Peugot, Perles100 x 560 AEG, Hitachi, Knapp, Makita, Kango Wolf, Ryobi, Atlas Copco,B&D, Haffner, Loser, Skil100 x 610 Hitachi, Kargo Wolf, Makita, AEG, Atlas, Copco, Flex, Knopp, Ryobi100 x 620 Bosch, Metabo, Hitachi, Holzher, Matika, Scheer105 x 620 Holzher110 x 620 Freud, Hitachi, Macell, Casals, AEG, Schaw, BoschSanding speeds:MATERIALS LOWEST HIGHESTM/SM/STitanium 5 15Hard metals 8 14Stainless steel 20 30Carbon iron 30 38Cast iron 34 36Aluminium 35 45Brass 35 45Copper 35 40Dry hard wood 15 20MDF 15 20Soft resinous wood 12 18Lacquers (soft contact roller) (8) 10 15Composite 8 20Rubber 15 25Leather 10 15Glass 12 18Porcelain 12 20Values are indicative.22/19
ENDLESS <strong>SANDING</strong> BELTSOrder no. Grit Size mm QualityPcs/packagePackingsizeEANMIR091 40 10 x 330 Mirkon 1 bulk /10/100 6416868706994MIR087 60 10 x 330 Mirkon 1 bulk /10/100 6416868539783MIR089 80 10 x 330 Mirkon 1 bulk /10/100 6416868539790MIR090 120 10 x 330 Mirkon 1 bulk /10/100 6416868200454MIR850 40 13 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/10 6416868200669MIR851 60 13 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/10 6416868200676MIR852 80 13 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/10 6416868200683MIR854 100 13 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/10 6416868206067MIR853 120 13 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/10 6416868200690MIR060 Assortment 13 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/10 64168682008053x60,1x80,1x120MIR1393 40 20 x 520 Mirkon 1 bulk /1 6418914740334MIR095 60 20 x 520 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10/100 6416868699210MIR096 80 20 x 520 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10/100 6416868897289MIR097 120 20 x 520 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10/100 6416868752359MIR1288 60 25 x 762 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10/100 6416868366075MIR1289 80 25 x 762 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10/100 6416868248043MIR870 40 40 x 305 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868200980MIR871 60 40 x 305 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868200997MIR872 80 40 x 305 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868301120MIR873 120 40 x 305 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868789034MIR630 40 60 x 400 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713732MIR631 60 60 x 400 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713718MIR632 80 60 x 400 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868712865MIR633 100 60 x 400 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868712858MIR634 120 60 x 400 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713701MIR081 40 65 x 410 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868712827MIR081A 60 65 x 410 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868712834MIR082 80 65 x 410 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868712841MIR082A 100 65 x 410 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713640MIR083 120 65 x 410 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868712810MIR061 40 75 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868348514MIR061A 60 75 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868348521MIR062 80 75 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868348538MIR062A 100 75 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868361278MIR063 120 75 x 457 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868348545MIR067 40 75 x 533 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868707663MIR067A 60 75 x 533 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713244MIR068 80 75 x 533 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868707687MIR068A 100 75 x 533 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713237MIR069 120 75 x 533 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868707649MIR191 36 75 x 2000 Mirkon 1 bulk /10 6416868711905MIR192 40 75 x 2000 Mirkon 1 bulk /10 6416868711912MIR193 60 75 x 2000 Mirkon 1 bulk /10 6416868711936MIR194 80 75 x 2000 Mirkon 1 bulk /10 6416868711943MIR195 120 75 x 2000 Mirkon 1 bulk /10 6416868582871MIR022 40 75 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868560442MIR023 60 75 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868583687MIR024 80 75 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868559327MIR025 100 75 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868582109MIR026 120 75 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868564358MIR028 180 75 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868396591MIR029 240 75 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 641686859345722/2031.12.2009
ENDLESS <strong>SANDING</strong> BELTSOrder no. Grit Size mm QualityPcs/packagePackingsizeEANMIR070 40 100 x 560 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868708073MIR070A 60 100 x 560 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713299MIR071 80 100 x 560 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868708090MIR071A 100 100 x 560 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713282MIR072 120 100 x 560 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868708066MIR881 40 100 x 610 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868708318MIR882 60 100 x 610 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868712773MIR883 80 100 x 610 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868708325MIR884 100 100 x 610 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868713367MIR885 120 100 x 610 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/3 6416868708301MIR1379 40 100 x 915 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/2 6416868709025MIR1380 60 100 x 915 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/2 6416868709032MIR1381 80 100 x 915 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/2 6416868709049MIR1382 120 100 x 915 Hiolit X 3 pcs 1/2 6416868708974MIR077 150 100 x 917 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868708981MIR078 180 100 x 917 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868708998MIR079 240 100 x 917 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868709001MIR1428 36 100 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc /10 6416868220117MIR1429 40 100 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc /10 6416868564969MIR1430 50 100 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc /10 6416868710922MIR1431 60 100 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc /10 6416868550900MIR1432 80 100 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc /15 6416868388466MIR1348 40 150 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc 1/10 6416868710618MIR1349 60 150 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc 1/10 6416868710632MIR1350 80 150 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc 1/10 6416868710649MIR1351 120 150 x 1220 Hiolit X 1 pc 1/10 6416868710571MIR198 60 150 x 2000 Mirkon 1 bulk /10 6416868712117MIR199 80 150 x 2000 Mirkon 1 bulk /10 6416868712124MIR860 40 150 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868210514MIR861 60 150 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868557688MIR862 80 150 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868354003MIR863 100 150 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868394849MIR864 120 150 x 2000 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868200232MIR1217 40 150 x 2010 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868555141MIR1218 60 150 x 2010 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868752472MIR1219 80 150 x 2010 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868706512MIR1220 120 150 x 2010 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868782820MIR1200 60 150 x 2515 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868204285MIR1201 80 150 x 2515 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868204278MIR1203 120 150 x 2515 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868208702MIR1204 180 150 x 2515 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868207224MIR1205 240 150 x 2515 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868208719MIR890 16 200 x 750 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868387247MIR891 24 200 x 750 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868704945MIR892 36 200 x 750 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868781403MIR893 40 200 x 750 Stalit 1 bulk /10 6416868201109MIR894 50 200 x 750 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868751789MIR895 60 200 x 750 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868780437MIR896 80 200 x 750 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868744040MIR897 100 200 x 750 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868744989MIR898 120 200 x 750 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 6416868749274MIR899 150 200 x 750 Hiolit X 1 bulk /10 641686875899322/2131.01.2011
<strong>SANDING</strong> ROLLS• packing size: 1Orderno.GritSpeed rpmmin/maxSizemmEANMIR511 50 20000-30000 15 x 30 641688914276MIR512 80 20000-30000 15 x 30 641688914283BODYFOR <strong>SANDING</strong> ROLLRUBBER• 6 mm shank• packing size: 1Order no. Size mm EANMIR500 15 x 30 6416868925500MIR501 25 x 25 4027497023264MIR502 30 x 30 6416868922875MIR503 45 x 30 6416868922073MIR515 36 16000-22900 25 x 25 641688914351MIR516 50 16000-22900 25 x 25 641688914368MIR517 80 16000-22900 25 x 25 641688914375MIR520 36 14000-19100 30 x 30 641688914412MIR521 50 14000-19100 30 x 30 641688914915MIR522 80 14000-19100 30 x 30 641688914436MIR524 36 9000-12700 45 x 30 641688914559MIR525 50 9000-12700 45 x 30 641688914566MIR526 80 9000-12700 45 x 30 641688914786<strong>SANDING</strong> ROLL SETTPG35798• 3 grit: 40, 80, 150• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017357980TPG35840TPG35850MIR1410MIR1411MIR1412MIR1413MIR1414MIR1415CLEANING BRUSHES• shank Ø 6 mmTPG35960TPG35980Orderno. Size GritPack.size EANMIR1410 30 x 15 mm 80 1/4 6416868935646MIR1411 50 x 20 mm 80 1/4 6416868935653MIR1412 60 x 30 mm 80 1/4 6416868939682MIR1413 80 x 50 mm 80 1/4 6416868935660MIR1414 60 x 30 mm medium 1/4 6416868935677MIR1415 60 x 30 mm fine 1/4 6416868935684TPG35940TPG35942TPG35944FINISHING BRUSHES• shank Ø 6 mmTPG35948TPG35950Orderno. Size GritPack.size EANTPG35840 40 x 20 mm 80 1/10 8011017358406TPG35850 50 x 20 mm 80 1/10 8011017358505TPG35960 60 x 40 mm 80 1/10 8011017358604TPG35980 80 x 30 mm 80 1/10 8011017358802TPG35940 50 x 25 mm 150 1/5 8011017359403TPG35942 75 x 45 mm 150 1/5 8011017359427TPG35944 100 x 50 mm 150 1/5 8011017359441TPG35948 75 x 45 mm 150 1/5 8011017359489TPG35950 100 x 50 mm 150 1/5 801101735950222/2230.03.2010
POLISHING PADSFibre• packing size: 1/4POLISHING PADSFoam plastic• packing size: 1/4Order no. Fixing Size Ø mm EANMIR270 self-adhes. 125 6416868936773MIR272 cord 125 6416868936766MIR271 self-adhes. 150 6416868936797Order no. Fixing Size Ø mm EANMIR274 self-adhes. 125 6416868936483MIR275 self-adhes. 150 6416868936193COTTON WHEELTPG33935• wheel Ø 100 mm• hole 20/13 mm• max. 4000 rpm• drill / grinder• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017339351TPG33940• wheel Ø 120 mm• hole 20/16 mm• max. 4000 rpm• drill / grinder• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017339405TPG33945• wheel Ø 150 mm• hole 20/16 mm• max. 4000 rpm• drill / grinder• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017339450COTTONBUFFING WHEELTPG33930• wheel Ø 80 mm• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 4000 rpm• for drill• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017339306BUFFING BONNETTPG33900• Ø 140 mm• max. 3000 rpm• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017339009WHEEL HOLDERFOR DRILLTPG33500• 10 x 6 mm• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017335001TPG33600• 12,75 x 8 mm• •packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017336008BUFFING BONNETTPG33920• Ø 190 mm• max. 3000 rpm• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017339207ADHESIVE BASES• velcro backing pad forvelcro abrasive discsTPG33880• base Ø 115 mm• M14• shaft Ø 10 mm• packing size: 1EAN 8011017338804TPG33882• base Ø 125 mm• M14• shaft Ø 10 mm• packing size: 1/5EAN 801101733882822/23LAMBSWOOL BONNET• adhesive• max. 2000 rpmOrder no. Size Ø mm Packing size EANTPG33922 115 mm 1/10 8011017339221TPG33923 125 mm 1/10/80 8011017339238TPG33924 160 mm 1/5 801101733924531.12.2009
ADHESIVE POLISHINGCUSHION PADTPG33968• Ø 160 mm• adhesive• can be used with wax andpolishing paste• packing size: 1EAN 8011017339689POLISHINGCUSHION PAD 125 mmTPG33950• Ø 125 mm• 6 mm tap• max. 3000 rpm• for drill• packing size: 1EAN 8011017339504SPARE PADTPG33962POLISHINGCUSHION PADTPG33960•Ø 175 mm•hole 14 mm•max. 2000 rpm•for polisher•packing size: 1EAN 8011017339603SPARE PADTPG33964NylonWHEEL BRUSHES• shank Ø 6 mm• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit Size EANTPG49705 80 75 mm 8011017497051TPG49710 150 75 mm 8011017497105TPG49715 80 100 mm 8011017497150TPG49720 150 100 mm 8011017497204NylonCUP BRUSHES• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 5000 rpm (50 mm)and 6000 rpm (70 mm)• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit Size EANTPG49725 80 50 mm 8011017497259TPG49730 150 50 mm 8011017497303TPG49735 80 70 mm 8011017497358TPG49740 150 70 mm 8011017497402NylonEND BRUSHES• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 10 000 rpm• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit Size EANTPG49745 80 25 mm 8011017497457TPG49750 150 25 mm 8011017497501NylonFLAP BRUSHES• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 4000 rpm• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit Size EANTPG49755 80 100 mm 8011017497556TPG49760 150 100 mm 801101749760022/2431.12.2009
END-, CUP- AND WHEEL BRUSHESEND BRUSHES STEEL• for drills• brass coated, crimped steel wire• max. 4500 rpmOrderno.Ø/shank ØLength ofbrushesPackingsize EANXLX19 12 /6 mm 20 mm 1/270 6418914620155XLX20 17 /6mm 25 mm 1/270 6418914620162XLX21 25 /6 mm 30 mm 1/200 6418914620179XLX22 30 /6 mm 35 mm 1/160 6418914620186CUP BRUSHES STEEL WITH SHAFT• for drill• brass coated steel wire, crimped• max. 4500 rpmOrderno.Ø/shaft shank ØLength ofbrushesPackingsizeEANXLX17 50 /6 mm 16 mm 1/216 6418914620131XLX18 75 /6 mm 20 mm 1/120 6418914620148WHEEL BRUSHES STEEL• for drill• brass coated, crimped steel wire• max. 4500 rpm• shank Ø 6 mmOrderno Ø WidthLength ofbrushesPackingsize EANXLX14 50 mm 7 mm 10 mm 1/270 6418914620100XLX15 75 mm 10 mm 16 mm 1/180 6418914620117XLX16 100mm 12 mm 22 mm 1/120 6418914620124WHEEL BRUSH SET 5-pcsXLX23• brass coated, crimped steel wire• includes:- wheel brushes Ø 50, 63 and 75 mm- 2 pcs of drive arbors• hole Ø 6 mm• max. 4500 rpm• packing size: 1/120EAN 6418914620193CUP- /WHEELBRUSHSET 2-pcsXLX24• brass coated,crimped steel wire• includes:- cup brush Ø 75 mm- wheel brush100 mm• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 4500 rpm• packing size: 1/50EAN 6418914620209WHEELBRUSHNYLONXLX12• for drill• Ø 100 mm• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 4500 rpm• packingsize: 1/120EAN6418914620087CUPBRUSHNYLONXLX13• for drill• Ø 75 mm• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 4500 rpm• packingsize: 1/120EAN 641891462009422/25
END-, CUP- AND WHEEL BRUSHESCUP BRUSHESBRASS• for angle grinders• brass coated, crimped brushesOrderno.D Ø T Thread G Brushes RPM PackingsizeEANXLX04 75 mm 20 mm M14 x 2,00 0,30 mm 12500 1/80 6418914620001XLX05 100 mm 25 mm M14 x 2,00 0,30 mm 8500 1/36 6418914620018CUP BRUSHESSTEEL• for angle grinders• tempered, knotted steel wiresOrder no. D Ø T mm No.ofknotsThread G Brushes RPM PackingsizeEANXLX06 65 mm 19 mm 18 M14 x 2,00 0,35 mm 12500 1/60 6418914620025XLX07 75 mm 22 mm 18 M14 x 2,00 0,35 mm 11000 1/40 6418914620032XLX08 100 mm 24 mm 26 M14 x 2,00 0,50 mm 8500 1/24 6418914620049XLX10XLX11XLX09WHEEL BRUSHESSTEEL• for angle grinders• tempered, knottedsteel wireOrder no. D Ø T No. of knots Thread Arbor hole B Brushes RPMPackingsizeEANXLX09 100 mm 13 mm 22 M14 x 2,00 0,35 mm 12500 1/60 6418914620056XLX10 115 mm 12 mm 23 - 22,2 mm 0,35 mm 12500 1/42 6418914620063XLX11 125 mm 13 28 - 22,2 mm 0,35 mm 10000 1/42 6418914620070BENCH GRINDER BRUSHES• brass coated, crimped steel wire• includes adapters which are suitable for most arbor sizesOrderno.D Ømm A mm T mm B mm R mmBrushesmmRpm Pack.sizeEANXLX01 125 25 27 20 40 0,30 6000 1/42 6418914619975XLX02 150 25 28 32 50,8 0,20 6000 1/32 6418914619982XLX03 200 25 34 32 80 0,20 4500 1/20 641891461999922/26
END-, CUP- AND WHEEL BRUSHESCUP BRUSHES, nylon• for drills• for iron, stainless steel, aluminium,wood, stones, for satining, cleaningweldings, roughing, restoring• grit 120• max. 4500 rpmWHEEL BRUSHES,nylon• for drills• for iron, stainless steel, aluminium,wood, stones, for satining, cleaningweldings, roughing, restoring• karkeus 120• max. 4500 rpmØ/ Length of Pack.Order no. shank Ø brushes size EANSIT008 75 / 6 mm 24 mm 1/6 8006581606169Ø/ Length of Pack.Order no. shank Ø brushes size EANSIT007 100 / 6 mm 24 mm 1/6 8006581606121END BRUSHES, steel• for drills• crimped steel wire• for removing rust and paint• brushes Ø 0,30 mm• SIT011, SIT012 max. 18000 rpm,SIT016 max. 15000 rpmEND BRUSHES, steel• for drills• brass coated, crimped steel wire• for removing rust and paint• brushes Ø 0,30 mm• max. 18000 rpmOrder no.Ø/shank ØLength ofbrushesPack.size EANSIT011 18 / 6 mm 24 mm 1/12 8006581602093SIT012 25 / 6 mm 27 mm 1/12 8006581602109SIT016 35 / 6 mm 30 mm /12 8006581008222Order no.Ø/shank ØLength ofbrushesPack.size EANSIT024 20 / 6 mm 27 mm /48 8006581007959SIT025 25 / 6 mm 27 mm /48 8006581007966END BRUSHES, steel• for drills• tempered, knotted steel wires• for s teel• brushes Ø 0,25 mm• max. 20000 rpmCUP BRUSHES, steel• for drills• brass coated, crimped steel wire• for removing rust and paint• brushes Ø 0,30 mm• max. 4500 rpmØ/ Length of Pack.Order no. shank Ø brushes size EANSIT023 20 / 6 mm 28 mm 1/12 8006581008390Order no.Ø/shank ØLength ofbrushesPack.size EANSIT009 50 / 6 mm 17 mm 1/12 8006581602000SIT010 75 / 6 mm 25 mm 1/12 8006581602024WHEEL BRUSHES, steel• for drills• brass coated, crimped steel wire• for removing rust and paint• brushes Ø 0,30 mm• max. 4500 rpmOrder no.Ø/shank ØLength ofbrushesPack.size EANSIT020 50 / 6 mm 12 mm 1/12 8006581602185SIT021 75 / 6 mm 15 mm 1/12 8006581602161SIT022 100 / 6 mm 25 mm 1/12 8006581602055BRUSH SET100/75/25MM3-pcsSIT013• brass coated,crimped steel wire• for removing rustand paint• Ø 25 mm, Ø 75 mmand Ø 100 mm• shank Ø 6 mm• brushes Ø 0,30 mm• max. 4500 rpm• packing size: 1/6EAN 800658160363222/26a31.01.2011
EMERYGRINDING STONES• for metal, steel• max. peripheral speed 33 m/s• hole Ø 32 mm• colour grey• packing size: 1Order no. Grit Size mm EANMHY1252032-46 46 125x20 6416868905984MHY1252032-60 60 125x20 6416868905793MHY1502032-36 36 150x20 6416868905984MHY1502032-46 46 150x20 6416868905991MHY1502032-60 60 150x20 6416868906011MHY1502532-46 46 150x25 6416868906196MHY2002032-46 46 200x20 6416868906615MHY2002032-60 60 200x20 6416868921243MHY2002532-36 36 200x25 6416868906851MHY2002532-46 46 200x25 6416868906868MHY2002532-60 60 200x25 6416868921403MHY2003232-46 46 200x32 6416868907087MHY2503232-46 46 250x32 6416868907377EMERY GRINDINGSTONESFOR SHARPENING• for sharpening of blades• packing size: 1Order no. Size EANMHS1500632 150x6x32 mm 6416868908787MHS2000632 200x6x32 mm 6416868909036MHS2000832 200x8x32 mm 6416868909692GREEN EMERY GRINDING STONES• for grinding hard metal• packing size: 1WHITE EMERY GRINDING STONES• for tool grinding, for grinding rapid steel and hardened steel• packing size: 1Order no. D x L x H mm EANMHK1252032 125 x 20 x 32 6416868905878MHK1502032 150 x 20 x 32 6416868906127MHK1502532 150 x 25 x 32 6416868906257MHK2002532 200 x 25 x 32 6416868907018Order no. D x L x H mm EANMHP1252032 125 x 20 x 32 6416868905823MHP1502032 150 x 20 x 32 6416868906066MHP1502532 150 x 25 x 32 6416868906233MHP2002032 200 x 20 x 32 6416868906721MHP2002532 200 x 25 x 32 6416868906936MHP2003232 200 x 32 x 32 6416868907148REDUCING SOCKET PAIRS• suitable for all stones with a hole Ø 32 mm• packing size: 1Order no. Inner hole EANMHH3213 12,7 mm 6418914700444MHH3216 16,0 mm 6418914700451MHH3219 19,0 mm 6418914700468MHH3220 20,0 mm 6418914700475MHH3225 25,0 mm 641891470048222/2731.01.2011
STEEL BRUSHES• packing size: /12Order no.Pack.size EANMR102 2-rows /12 4007535156208MR103 3-rows /12 4007535156307MR104 4-rows /12 4007535156406MR105 5-rows /12 4007535156055MR106 6-rows /12 4007535412496STAINLESS STEELBRUSHES• stainless brush• packing size: /12Order no.Pack.size EANMR107 2-rows /12 4007535412502MR108 3-rows /12 4007535412519MR109 4-rows /12 4007535315308STEEL BRUSHGAR016• 4-rows• packing size: 1/40EAN 6418914750715XLX25XLX26STEEL BRUSH,brassedTPG49700• overall length 260 mm• length of brush part 130 mm• length of brushes 30 mm• wire diam. 0,30 mm• crimped, brass coated steel wire• plastic handle• for removing of paint, rustand cleaning metal• packing size: 1/24EAN 8011017497006XLX27XLX28GR477STEEL BRUSHES• brass brushes• plastic bodyGR476Order no.Packing sizeEANGR476 2-rows 1/20 4003242030206GR477 3-rows 1/20 4003242030213STEEL BRUSHES• overall length 265 mm• length of brush part 140 mm• length of brushes 25 mm• wire size 0,30 mm• packing size: /24/144Orderno.EANXLX25 crimped, brass coated steel wire 6418914620216XLX26 crimped, stainless steel wire 6418914620223XLX27 crimped, brass wire 6418914620230XLX28 polypropylene brushes 64189146202473-PCS STEEL BRUSH SETXHA3022• nylon brush for general cleaning• brass brush for cleaning soldered parts• steel brush for cleaning rust• packing size: 1/12/72EAN 641891460354722/283-PCS STEEL BRUSH SETMiniXHA3023• brass, nylon -and steel brushes• cleans grooves, angles and joints• packing size: 1/144EAN 641891460355431.01.2011
FILESMACHINIST’S FILE FLATVA001• cross-cut on three sides• DIN 7261A• 200 x 20 x 5 mm, weight 150 g• 2nd cut• packing size: 1EAN 4019003003297MACHINIST’S FILE FLATVA002• cross-cut on three sides• DIN 7261A• 250 x 25 x 6,3 mm, weight 295 g• 2nd cut• packing size: 1EAN 4019003003303MACHINIST’S FILE FLATVA003• cross-cut on three sides• DIN 7261A• 300 x 30 x 6,7 mm, weight 450 g• 2nd cut• packing size: 1EAN 4019003019670MACHINIST’S FILE TRIANGLEVA007• cross-cut• DIN 7261C• 200 x 14 mm, weight 120 g• 2nd cut• packing size: 1EAN 4019003003563MACHINIST’S FILE SQUAREVA008• cross-cut• DIN 7261D• 200 x 8 mm, weight 93 g• 2nd cut• packing size: 1/6EAN 4019003003631MACHINIST’S FILE HALF ROUNDEDVA005• cross-cut• DIN 7261E• 250 x 25,5 x 7,3 mm, weight 220 g• 2nd cut• packing size: 1/6EAN 4019003003396MACHINIST’S FILE ROUNDEDVA006• cross-cut• DIN 7261F• 200 x 8 mm, weight 82 g• 2nd cut• packing size: 1/6EAN 4019003003501MACHINIST’S FILE FLATVA004• single-cut• DIN 7261H• 250 x 25 x 6,3 mm, weight 295 g• fine cut• packing size: 1EAN 4019003019694SAW FILE FLATVA009• single-cut, other side rounded DIN 7262F• 250 x 25 x 4 mm, weight 186 g• fine cut• packing size: 1/6EAN 4019003019687SAW FILE SWORDVA016• 150 x 20 x 5 mm, weight 64 g• fine cut• packing size: 1/6EAN 4019003019700CHAIN SAW FILES• fine cut• packin size (bulk): /10Order no.single packedOrder no.bulkSize Weight EANVA2303403200A VA2303403200 200 x 4,0 mm 20 g 4019003019427/4019003001910VA2303483200A VA2303483200 200 x 4,8 mm 26 g 4019003019434/4019003001927VA2303553200A VA2303553200 200 x 5,5 mm 37 g 4019003019441/401900300193422/29
FILE HANDLESVC5254B090• length 90 mm• for rounded, square -andtriangular 150 mm files• packing size: 1EAN 4019003191529VC52630100• length 100 mm• for chain saw -and needle files100 - 200 mm• packing size: 1EAN 4019003018758TAPER FILES 2 pcsVC10044150• length 150 mm• 2nd cut• packing size: 1/10EAN 4019003019410RASP HALF ROUNDVA017• DIN 7263C• 2nd cut• 200 x 20 x 5,5 mm, weight 120 g• packing size: 1EAN 4019003004355RASP ROUNDVA018• DIN 7263E• 2nd cut• 200 x 8 mm, weight 85 g• packing size: 1/15EAN 4019003004492HANDGRINDING STONEFI063• aluminum dioxide• size 228 x 35 x 12 mm• packing size: 1/10/100EAN 6418914743656NEEDLE FILE SET 6 pcsVC01491140• length 140 mm• fine• packing size: 1/10EAN 4019003007806HAND RASPS• for wood-working hobbyists• for forming, smoothing, grinding• for smooth and decorative working• Blister-packageXKY110XKY111DIAMONDSHARPENERXK6095• suitable for sharpening knives, scissors, chisels etc.• two sided grain/fine• size of the sharpening area 25 x 80 mm• length 175 mm• plastic handle• packing size: 1/10/50EAN 6418914739765HAND <strong>SANDING</strong>STONES• for dry concrete• size L200 x W100 x H35 mm• packing size: /10XKY110• plane type• rasp part 40 x 250 mm• packing size: 1/12/48EAN 6418914608160CONCRETESTONES• for grinding concrete,remove and repair grinding• size L205 x W105 x H35 mm• packing size: /10XKY111• grap type• rasp part 40 x 135 mm• packing size: 1/24/96EAN 6418914608177MIR1425• grit G16EAN 6416868946741MR200• grit G16EAN 6420613855165MR201• grit G24EAN 6420613855240MIR1426• grit G24EAN 6416868921908MIR1427• grit G36EAN 641686895099122/3031.01.2011
FILE, flat• plastic/rubber handleOrder no. SizePack.size EANXK6106 200 x 22 x 4 mm 1/10/100 6418914739796XK6107 250 x 24 x 5 mm 1/10/50 6418914739802XK6108 300 x 29 x 6 mm 1/10/50 6418914739819FILE, half round• plastic/rubber handlePack.Order no. Sizesize EANXK6109 250 x 24 x 7 mm 1/10/50 6418914739826FILE, square• plastic/rubber handlePack.Order no. Sizesize EANXK6112 250 x 7 mm 1/10/100 6418914739857FILE, triangle• plastic/rubber handlePack.Order no. Sizesize EANXK6111 250 x 13 mm 1/10/100 6418914739840FILE, round• plastic/rubber handlePack.Order no. Sizesize EANXK6110 200 x Ø 11 mm 1/10/100 6418914739833SAW CHAIN FILES• 3 pcs / package• handle not includedOrder no. SizePack.size EANXK6115 245 x Ø 4,0 mm 1/10/250 6418914739888XK6116 245 x Ø 4,8 mm 1/10/250 6418914739895XK6117 245 x Ø 5,5 mm 1/10/250 6418914739901FILE SET FOR METAL 3-pcsXK6114• file set for metal 250 mm• includes flat, half round and round file• plastic/rubber handle• packing size: 1/10/20EAN 6418914739871FILE SET FOR WOOD 3-pcsXK6113• file set for wood 200 mm• includes flat, half round and round file• plastic/rubber handle• packing size: 1/10/40EAN 641891473986422/30a31.01.2011
GRINDING STONE SETTPG39800• 5-pcs• Ø 3 mm• max. 35000 rpm• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017398006GRINDING STONE SETTPG39900• 5 pcs of different kind of stones• shank Ø 6 mm• max. 23000 rpm• packing size: 1/10EAN 8011017399003<strong>SANDING</strong> BELT13 mm• packing size: 1/5Order no. Grit Pcs/package EANGRINDINGSTONES• packing size: 1/5TPG2085TPG2100TPG2410TPG2420TPG2070TPG3620 60 12 8011017090740TPG3630 120 12 8011017090757Orderno. Size ShankPcs/pack. EANTPG2085 3x8 mm, ruby 2,35 mm 2 8011017090412TPG2100 5x10 mm, ruby 2,35 mm 2 8011017090429TPG2410 3x8 mm, silicon carb. 2,35 mm 2 8011017090528TPG2420 5x10 mm, sil. carb. 2,35 mm 2 8011017090535TPG2070 12x15 mm, ruby 3,0 mm 2 8011017090405<strong>SANDING</strong> DRUM MANDREL 13x13 mmTPG3610• shank 3,2 mm• packing size: 1/5EAN 8011017090733CUTTING DISCS• packing size: 1/5Order no. Size Pcs/package EANTPG5030 22 x 0,6 mm 10 pcs 8011017091112TPG5050 40 x 1,0 mm 5 pcs 8011017091136<strong>SANDING</strong> PAD20 mm+ 6 sanding paperTPG3210• shank 3,0 mm• sanding papers3 x 100 ja 3 x 220• packing size: 1/5EAN 8011017090702DIAMOND DISC 22 mmTPG5710• packing size: 1/5EAN 8011017091181CUTTING DISC22 x 0,6 mmTPG5035• 50 pcs• packing size: 1/5EAN 8011017091129SAW BLADE 25 mmTPG5415• for wood, plastic• packing size: 1/5EAN 801101709117422/3131.01.2011
STEEL CUTTERS• packing size: 1/5STEEL ENGRAVING CUTTERS• packing size: 1/5TPG1540TPG1240TPG1080TPG1270TPG1030TPG1100TPG1010TPG1170Order no. Size Shank Pcs/ EANpack.TPG1030 4 mm, ball 2,35 mm 1 pc 8011017090092TPG1540 1,8 mm, cylindr. 2,35 mm 1 pc 8011017090191TPG1100 6 mm, cylindr. 3,0 mm 1 pc 8011017090115TPG1240 6 mm, cone 3,0 mm 1 pc 8011017090146Order Size Shank Pcs/ EANno.pack.TPG1010 1,4 mm, ball 2,35 mm 2 pcs 8011017090009TPG1080 2,3 mm, cylindr. 2,35 mm 2 pcs 8011017090030TPG1170 2,3 mm, flame 2,35 mm 2 pcs 8011017090061TPG1270 2,3 mm, counters. 2,35 mm 2 pcs 8011017090078TPG1905TPG1925TPG1915DIAMOND POINTS• packing size: 1/5TPG1980TPG1970MANDREL 3 mmTPG8100• packing size: 1/5EAN 8011017091358Order Size Shank Pcs/ EANno.pack.TPG1905 1,0 mm, ball 2,35 mm 1 pc 8011017090245TPG1915 1,8 mm, ball 2,35 mm 1 pc 8011017090269TPG1925 1,5 mm, cylindr. 2,35 mm 1 pc 8011017090276TPG1980 5,0 mm 2,35 mm 1 pc 8011017090313TPG1970 2,8 mm, point 3,0 mm 1 pc 8011017090306FLAP GRINDING WHEEL 30x10 mmTPG3030•shank 3,0 mm•grit 80•packing size: 1/5EAN 8011017090696POLISHING KIT 3-pcsTPG4680• incl. 3,0 mm mandrel, felt points Ø 9, 13 and 25 mmand polishing pasteEAN 8011017091013STEEL BRUSH KIT3-pcsTPG4020• incl. brushes 5, 12 and 21 mm• shank 2,35 mm• packing size: 1/5EAN 8011017090795POLISHING PASTES• packing size: 1/5Order no. Colou EANTPG4910 white 8011017091082TPG4915 red 801101709109922/3231.01.2011
HONING TOOLSXWS191• e.g. for grinding brake cylinder walls• 2 feet• length of stone 28 mm• use range: 19 - 60 mm• adjustable grinding force• flexible axle• packing size: 1/10/100EAN 6418914609808XWS195• e.g. for grinding disc brake cylinders• 3 feet• length of stone 28 mm• use range: 32 - 85 mm• adjustable grinding force• flexible axle• packing size: 1/6/72EAN 6418914609815XWS196• e.g. for grinding cylinder walls• 3 feet• length of stone 76 mm• use range: 50 - 175 mm• adjustable grinding force• flexible axle• packing size: 1/6/36EAN 6418914609822SPARE STONES 2 pcsXWS1912• length 28 mm• grit 220SPARE STONES 3 pcsXWS1922• length 28 mm• grit 220SPARE STONES 3 pcsXWS1962• length 76 mm• grit 22022/33