1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

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^-undamentals <strong>of</strong>'Llectrical Concentration <strong>of</strong> MineralsIn principle, tlie electrical concentration <strong>of</strong> mineralsis quite simple. The operation is merely that<strong>of</strong> utilizing' the forces acting on charged or polarizedbodies in an electric field to effect a selective sorting<strong>of</strong> the mineral species introduced into an exteiD.aleieetric field. In actuality, the method <strong>of</strong> effectinga separation is frequently interestingly difficultdue to our lack <strong>of</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> the relativelynew science <strong>of</strong> solid-state physics that is associatedwith the problem. In fact, it can be said that themost important recent contributions to the understanding<strong>of</strong> the "art" <strong>of</strong> the so-called electrostaticprocess <strong>of</strong> concentrating minerals have been thc indirectcontributions by solid-state physicists among•whom may be mentioned Seitz*^', Kittel'^', Mott*-"**,and G-ui-ney'"".Much <strong>of</strong> the notorious confusion and the nonreproducibleresults involved in '' electrostatic' '*separations <strong>of</strong> minerals stem from the inability toisolate all the factors that influence a selective separation.A discussion <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> these factors constitutesthe subject <strong>of</strong> this paper.In an electrical beneficiation process for solidsubstances the major electrification mechanisms are :Contact electrificationElectrification by inductive conductionEleeti-ification by virtue <strong>of</strong> mobile ionsEach <strong>of</strong> the above mechanisms gives rise to asurfa.ce charge density on the solid particles. Ifthe charged particles are in a uniform, external electricfield they will experience an electric force such,thatP=QEP — force in newtonsQ = the total charge on the particle in coulombs(1)E = field strength in -—;—•meterIf a separation is made in air (STP) the maximumvalue <strong>of</strong> the surface charge density is about 3 X ^^'^coulomb/meter^ and the maximum value <strong>of</strong> E is3 XIO*^ -^""^^^ • Thus, a spherical particle <strong>of</strong> radiusmeter* The term electrostatic process is somewhat a misnomerbecause the process usually is time dependent. It is generallyused by metallurgists to describe any mineral beneficiationprocess that utilizes an external electric fieid.20ByJAMES E. LAWVER. '43THEAUTHORDr. Lawver attended the <strong>Colorado</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mines</strong>,receiving his engineering degree in non-ferrous metallurgyin 1943. He obtained his doctorate at <strong>Mines</strong> in 1956 inextractive metallurgy. At this time, he also did some workin the fields <strong>of</strong> mathematical physics and instrumentalanalysis.He has also attettded numerous courses in specializedfields <strong>of</strong> mineral processing such as X-ray diffraction, electrondiffraction, electron microscopy, and operations research.His experience record includes that <strong>of</strong> a mining engineerat the Braden Copper Cojnpany i?t Chile, SouthAmerica, and zuith the Bureau <strong>of</strong> Strategic IVarfare inBrazil. He is a registered engineer in the state <strong>of</strong> Floridawhere he is curretitly employed by the International Mineralsand Chemical Corporation as a research specialist.Dr. Lawver holds 26 domestic and foreign patents.r cm. charged to its maxunum surface charge densitywdl experience an electrical force P in a maximumuniform, electric field E,p = 47r(r X 10-^)^ X 26.6 X IO"*' X 3 X I0»r^ newton~ 10= 1 X lOV dynes = .022 r^ poundsIt is interesting to compare the magnitude <strong>of</strong> thcabove force to the force <strong>of</strong> gravity acting on thespherical pai-ticle with radius r cm. and a specificgravity sP(gravity)=^r3R,X980Whence the ratiowhich is about 4 XP electrical 2.5P gravity B rH r-^ dynesThus a fully charged 28 mesh (.0589 cm.) quartz particlecould experience a maximum electric force <strong>of</strong>2.65X^589 = ^''-^ times its -weightTHE MINES MAGAZINE • JANUARY, 1960In practice the usable maximum electric field isabout 80% <strong>of</strong> theoretical value and the value <strong>of</strong>the surface charge density is about 5% <strong>of</strong> the theoreticalmaximum, thus the above value becomesP electricalP gravity0.1s r (em.)Por completeness it should be noted that in additionto this force, the particles may experience two otherforces in a non-uniform eleeti-ic field, viz., the forcedue to a permanent dipole having a moment perunit volume <strong>of</strong> P(4)where Fp = grad(P-E; (5)and the force that arises from the energy changein- the eieetric field due to the entrance <strong>of</strong> a solidwith a value <strong>of</strong> relative peianittivity different fromthat <strong>of</strong> the medium in which the separation is made,where F

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